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Scary Letter From Fidel Castro In Regards To Iran War

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posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 05:46 AM

Originally posted by Izarith

45 days? the horror!

Dude your talking to a Mexican, I started working at the age of 13 so I could God Damn Eat and go to school! and you obviously don't understand what child labor is...

Originally posted by Izarith
And in the USA children are taken away from their parents if they catch them giving them a spanking, let alone catch them trying to instill some work ethics in their kids. In the US a kid and sell papers or cookies or any other corporate crap their schools make them sell that's about it. But children are taken from their parents in the USA over nothing all the time.

Thank Liberals/Socialists for that....

Originally posted by Izarith
Well the fact that you used the terrible grammar on a board where the majority of people are educated in the USA as a slanderous comparison of the educational standards of those in Cuba just shows how bad your own critical thinking skills are.

Wrong, I have seen a lot of members from all over the world, including from Britain not knowing the difference between "there" and "their" or between "your" and "you're or you are" just to name some examples.

The education the world over is becoming worse, it is not happening just in the U.S.

Originally posted by Izarith

You can't insult grammar taught in America and use it as a means to insult that of Cuba's in an attempt to demonstrate the terrible standards of socialist education. That makes no sense.

Most of my family only speak and write in Spanish, not English, but their Spanish grammar is really bad. I didn't say they wrote in English, I was making a comparison with people who write in bad English grammar. There is a difference.

Originally posted by Izarith
Well I can only Hope you did not have to whore your body out to pay for that education like many people in the USA do every day. Hey but at least the don't have to work for 45 days as a child.

So... you obviously think that child hard labor is ok...

Perhaps you should do some real research instead of talking about something you have no idea about...

BTW.. i wasn't given anything in the U.S.... I had to earn it the hard way.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 05:48 AM
I posted this in another thread but I think it will make sense here too;

"Good ole sanctions can't beat them for softening up a target. This will obviously end in disaster.

Russian's have complained to the UN today about German intervention on board a Russian vessel headed for Iran. The ship in question was delivering computer equipment for Iran's Bushehr nuclear plant the legality of which was never in question.

You can easily see something going wrong, even a simple miscommunication or someone using heavy handed tactics while on board inspecting cargo, could lead to all out war."

Castro has nothing to gain by lying.

[edit on 29-6-2010 by Big Raging Loner]

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 05:49 AM

Originally posted by Scope and a Beam
A lot of people ridicule Castro but I have for many years now thought that he is actually very much in the know. He is portrayed a lot of the time as a lunatic and I feel they do this because he is actually hitting the proverbial nail on the head when it comes to exposing the real truth.

Castro is trying to tell us something I think.

Castro is trying to Tell Americans to get their asses to Mexico before they finally realise that the southern boarder is not meant to keep Mexicans out but rather to keep Americans IN!

Just look around you...look at where you get your food, your water, your electricity...where your kids go to school.....what you use to's all dependant on Money and when that money stops and your country goes 3rd world you will not have the 3rd world infrastructure to go with the flow....

America is a Zoo, a Disney Land, and if that Zoo goes bankrupt...the rides stop in mid air and your left hanging in the dark.

But hey if people want to wait until it's too late, what can one do

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 06:00 AM
reply to post by Bugman82

Yes I was born and lived part of my life in Cuba. As for my grammar, I use "..." to make a point, not because my grammar is bad, but rather because of the things the member I am responding to has posted and claims which are not only wrong, but show how skew is the moral compass of such person.

Can you believe that some people laugh at the mention of child hard labor?...

[edit on 29-6-2010 by ElectricUniverse]

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 06:12 AM
I don't think iran would do anything. They know that the USA are bound to collapse, it's just a matter of years. If they can hold 1 or 2 years without being invaded they "win". So they won't care if they are striked by israel or controlled by the us.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 06:13 AM
can I make a THREAD predicting that no REAL war will happen?

lets be real ... why would the US attack Iran, and why would Iran attack US

the only way for that to happen is if US uses some false flag or attacks Iran first

and really: Iran doesnt have the firepower or nuclear weapon to get to the US

so, if a war happens, its going to be another massacre,they will just destroy Iran, and you guys will be in your computers happy eating cheeseburgers

I respect Castro opinion, but my brain cant process a two sided war , the only way for something like that to happen is if China or Israel support Iran, but that wont happen as we all know

so, stop trying to find madness and death everywhere, theres enough already!

[edit on 29/6/10 by Faiol]

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 06:17 AM

Originally posted by Big Raging Loner
I posted this in another thread but I think it will make sense here too;

"Good ole sanctions can't beat them for softening up a target. This will obviously end in disaster.

Russian's have complained to the UN today about German intervention on board a Russian vessel headed for Iran. The ship in question was delivering computer equipment for Iran's Bushehr nuclear plant the legality of which was never in question.

You can easily see something going wrong, even a simple miscommunication or someone using heavy handed tactics while on board inspecting cargo, could lead to all out war."

Castro has nothing to gain by lying.

[edit on 29-6-2010 by Big Raging Loner]

"It may be allowed under Security Council resolutions, but it's not allowed under EU rules," a European diplomat told Reuters. "Perhaps Russia wasn't aware of it."

WTF is that ? Since when the EU dictate it's authority like the USA ? Oh my god the EU are becoming assholes.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 06:33 AM
I have a feeling he is speaking the truth,he is one of last leaders to not be a shill,I heard all the ships sent to gulf are all armed with nucleur rockets,sounds very feasible to me,just because he is old doesn't mean his words should be dismissed

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 06:49 AM
Hi - interesting indeed... for fun I am going to have a go at connecting some dots..

John Hussman: It's Official, The Data Says Another Recession Is Coming
Read more:

RBS warns of global financial ‘cliff-edge’

Obama 'Internet kill switch' plan approved by US Senate panel

Saudi Arabia gives Israel clear skies to attack Iranian nuclear sites

Prince warns S. Arabia of apocalypse

Of course, FBI allegations against 'Russian spies' in US

POLISH PLANE CRASH - Survivors Murdered! NEW Evidence! (one of the many threads)

Too numerous to choose threads from Israel

Army Intelligence Analyst Bradley Manning : "We're All Doomed ..."

I'm sure there are a ton more, such as the missing nukes thread, the dozen soldiers who went awol and on and on..

so what's the thoughts?

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 06:54 AM

Originally posted by Oldtimer2
I have a feeling he is speaking the truth,he is one of last leaders to not be a shill,I heard all the ships sent to gulf are all armed with nucleur rockets,sounds very feasible to me,just because he is old doesn't mean his words should be dismissed

He is a shill for the Socialist/Communist propaganda...

BTW, just because "your heard" something it doesn't make it true more so because it is probably a rumor.

BTW, some other members and I have been trying to point out for years that for example the Iranian president was claiming before the economic crisis that the U.S., Israel and allies would not too far in the future collapse.

The economic crisis, and other crisis has been made up for the sole purpose of making people accept a One World Socialist Government.

The Iranian president was probably told, by either Chinese, Russian or some other Socialist elitist party what would happen not many years in the future with the economy, and how these elitists sought to destroy the U.S. and other western countries meanwhile making us accept their One World Socialist Government.

[edit on 29-6-2010 by ElectricUniverse]

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 06:59 AM
Fidel Castro is a politician and he might be equally corrupt, if not more, than the leaders of "democratic" countries. However, the fact is that he has survived at the top of Cuba's power structure for more than 50 years. His country was directly involved in one of the worst political crisis that mankind has ever seen and a crisis which could have led to a nuclear Armageddon between USA and erstwhile USSR. This man knows how the "Great Game" is played and even today, a great game is underway. Instead of USA and Soviet Union being the two principal adversaries, there are sublime coalitions of nations.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 07:39 AM
I'm going to throw this out there. This company was in the news recently about being the first Iranian company to open in Cuba. They have been doing business w/Cuba for 7 years now. What if, and I mean what if this company was controlled by the Iran government and has been working with Cuba the last 7 years.

That means if Iran has nukes then Cuba could have them also. Is it possible that this company could fly from Iran to Cuba and transport weapons without anyone knowing. The possibilities are endless and scary. But like I said this is a "What If" situation.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 07:39 AM
From little I know, did all world war started with a volontery accident ? I remember something about WW2 starting with a ship full of civillions(german or not) being destroyed "by accident".

One again, sorry for my english.

[edit on 29-6-2010 by truthy-bird]

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 07:56 AM
Here's the news article.

What's so weird is the article says it is an irrigation company but if you go to the website it says it is a transportation company

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 07:56 AM
Fidel is one of the last cold warriors. Still living in the past also with his ramblings.

Listen to him, yes. He's still coherent. Believe in him and his wisdom, no way.

He is/was a ruthless dictator looking death in the face and now realizing he's an old man with a lot of baggage.

Fidel, it's too late to reform yourself and your bad behavior.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 08:05 AM
Even an otherwise tame and complacent animal, when cornered, will strike.

TPTB know their powers are slowly being stripped by the immediacy of the internet, independent (out of the BBurg control) news companies and sites like ATS. There is no longer any way to contain the BS. As a result, it seems to me TPTB and the BBurgs are striking out in their desperation, doing whatever their warped minds believe will help them retain power and control.

IMHO, recent events are preparing us for something. Individually, they can seem minor. Collectively, they become painfully obvious.

Wouldn't hurt to all of us to have some batteries, dry food, canned food and bottled water in the house. Don't forget TP. Also, buy a manual can opener for $2.00 if you don't already have one. And if nothing happens, great. No harm done.

Call me paranoid if you must. Just don't call me for food or water if the SHTF.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 08:18 AM
If the "Insane dictators" are warning us about our bloodthirsty warlords, whats that make the warlords?

Originally posted by belial259
reply to post by solarstorm

So would I.

So strange we see these so called "Insane dictators" trying to warn or prepare their people for the upcoming war. A war we on ATS know is coming.

But our own leaders totally deny anything and have done nothing to get us ready.

Do they even care about us down here, trying to work and pay off things barely making it from week to week? Do they even know what will happen to us because they haven't prepared us?

I am neither a prophet nor a fortune teller. Nobody told me a word of what was to happen. It has all been the result of what I today describe as a logical reasoning.

We are neither new to this complicated issue nor are we meddlesome.

It is possible to predict what will happen in the rest of the Portuguese and Spanish speaking Americas during the nuclear post crisis.

Under such circumstances, it will not be possible to talk of capitalism or socialism. A stage will open that will see the management of the available goods and services in this part of the continent. Certainly, every country will continue being ruled by those who head the governments today, some very close to socialism and others euphoric over the opening of the world market to fuels, uranium, copper, lithium, aluminum, iron and other metals being sent to the developed and rich countries today that will suddenly disappear.

An abundance of food exported now to that world market will also disappear abruptly.

In these circumstances, the most basic products needed for life: food, water, fuels, and the resources found in the hemisphere south of the United States will suffice to preserve some of the civilization whose unbridled advance has led humanity into such a disaster.

Nevertheless, there are still some uncertainties.



Why is it I have to look to Ahmadinejad or Castro or Chavez to actually hear a leader speak sense?

It's not like Gillard or Cameron or Obama doesn't know this stuff. What are they doing? Nothing.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 08:30 AM
reply to post by belial259

First Castro is not insane... He is known through as being a very intelligectual and Brilliant......
He has out last many leaders and in defaince of our embargo has succeed in keep cuba well balanced... Cuba to europens is a paradise vaction spot.

Yes he is communist, yes to us he may seem insane.. But in realilty is very forward thinking.

His thoughts on this should be taken very seriously.....

excuse grammer hard to post from a

We may not agree with him... but he is a major player on the world scene and has been around alot longer than any the world leaders today......

[edit on 29-6-2010 by FRMDaDark]

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 08:34 AM
Do I think there will be war? It's probable.

Do I think they'll use nuclear weapons? I think it's very likely that Israel will use tactical nukes (not full scale bombs that wipe out entire cities). Will there be a retaliation from those aligned with Iran (i.e. China & Russia) ... that's very likely as well.

I'm not so sure that Russia has the balls to drop nukes on Israel. I may be wrong on that because form a strategic standpoint, Israel is not like the U.S. It'd be very easy to wipe out Israel with one swift strike. All of it. Gone. No retaliation from them would be possible ... at least none that couldn't be dealt with ... no matter their arsenal.

However, that's not the case with the U.S. It'd be impossible to clean house on America and not expect to lose the vast majority of your own country to nuclear retaliation. It's just logistics. The United States is too big to hit all major nuke caches. Our retaliation would be massive and devastating to whomever chose to launch at us.

I think there could be massive drama from the Middle East over this "incident" from Castro's prophecy. But, I'm not so sure that it'll come to a nuclear holocaust.

It's very likely that we'll see nukes used ... which makes me sad because I know eventually, we'll see a U.S. city wiped out. Because it's like Scott Ritter said a long time ago:

[edit on 29-6-2010 by tyranny22]

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 08:39 AM
reply to post by ~Lucidity

I agree never hearing this before either. Looked on wikipedia (I know not the best source) and a heading called "Alleged collaboration with Israel" not sure if this is revelant, however, alot of strange things took place during th cold war.
Here is a couple more links on South Africa and WMD

Anyway, castro's vision on matters or war should be heeded. This man even though a dictator has many years under his belt in such matters. I have no idea when we as a species will wake the hell up, come together as a people andactullay try to make this world better for all, not just a chosen few.
Editing to add I am not saying take Castro's word as gospel, but use it with other current information on this issue. Use this and all information to keep your loved ones safe. Mabye there will be war, mabye not; no one knows what will happen in the future, and if it does break out the world as a whole will suffer.

[edit on 29-6-2010 by Skeptron]

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