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U.S. government panel now pushing "vaccinations for all!" No exceptions…

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posted on Jun, 27 2010 @ 03:15 PM

Originally posted by AquariusDescending
I have bad news for those of you who "would sooner go to jail" than take the vaccine.

If the vaccine is mandatory, and you go to jail for not taking it, the first thing that will happen is your medical examination upon arriving at the jail and guess what? You will be given the vaccine by a deputy, held down and against your will if need be.

Isn't our society great?

No shots are mandatory in the United States. None. Zero.

posted on Jun, 27 2010 @ 03:21 PM

Originally posted by yuefo
I don't know how they'd enforce this. I'd go to jail before being vaccinated. Even with threats of fine and imprisonment, they can't even get millions of people to fill out a census form.

They'll vaccinate you in jail. Avoid this, You don't have to go to jail. Look at the freeman movement, No one can violate your rights unless you let them, We truly can be free.

posted on Jun, 27 2010 @ 03:22 PM

Originally posted by AquariusDescending
I have bad news for those of you who "would sooner go to jail" than take the vaccine.

If the vaccine is mandatory, and you go to jail for not taking it, the first thing that will happen is your medical examination upon arriving at the jail and guess what? You will be given the vaccine by a deputy, held down and against your will if need be.

Isn't our society great?

No no no the BEST part is that people IN society (even the deputy holding you down) will think this is normal and that you ARE a criminal. Thats the best part!

[edit on 27-6-2010 by AndrewJay]

posted on Jun, 27 2010 @ 03:24 PM
reply to post by VneZonyDostupa

You can say this, but I have a feeling a deputy in a jail's medical cell has heard it all before and won't care. IF you went in the first place for failing to get the shot -- they would still give you the shot.

If you can find a way to avoid it before having to deal with the courts and police, that's obviously preferred.

If it has to come to the courts, you still have lawyers and the judge to appeal to. I would make it sincere and honest, simply that you are afraid of your health, and be sure to give plenty of information and examples of what it has done to other people to illustrate.

If they truly try to enforce it on everyone, period, they won't be able to find me. There is no way they are jabbing me, either.

posted on Jun, 27 2010 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by AquariusDescending

You're missing the point. Why would you be in jail for "avoiding a shot" when it isn't required in the first place? There are NO vaccines that are required by law, especially for legal adults. There are no laws on the books allowing an individual to be arrested for refusing vaccinations or any other type of medical care, and there are currently no bills being proposed to make those sorts of laws.

The CDC recommendation in the OP is the same recommendation they give every year. It just lets people know which groups they feel are most at risk for the flu and should give extra consideration to getting the vaccine. They are not demanding everyone get it, they are not enforcing a mandatory vaccine schedule, and they are not creating laws to force people to be vaccinated. They are simply a group of doctors and researchers giving their medical opinion. That's it. They do it every year.

[edit on 6/27/2010 by VneZonyDostupa]

posted on Jun, 27 2010 @ 03:33 PM
Rght after Obama said no one would be forced to take the shot
all kinds of people spoke up because they were being forced to take the shots
many were health care professionals.
this slowed down the mandatory jabs, but they will just keep piecing things together...

just like we Canadians found out about our new little secret law in Toronto.

posted on Jun, 27 2010 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by Danbones

I am a healthcare professional. There were never any "mandatory jabs". The people who complained were those who were too ignorant and lazy to fill out the one page form that would have exempted them. I did this for the small pox shot they began giving doctors in certain cities a few years ago, as I was vaccinated twice as a child in the USSR and have no need for another round.

posted on Jun, 27 2010 @ 03:37 PM
None of these things will be "forced". You will always have a choice. But the deal is that these unsavory things may be used as leverage in some way. If you do not may not be able to get employment if vaccination compliance is required for hiring. See where this is going?

posted on Jun, 27 2010 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by Alethea
None of these things will be "forced". You will always have a choice. But the deal is that these unsavory things may be used as leverage in some way. If you do not may not be able to get employment if vaccination compliance is required for hiring. See where this is going?

There is no precedent for this. Do you have a source, other than your imagination and morbid fantasies?

[edit on 6/27/2010 by VneZonyDostupa]

posted on Jun, 27 2010 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by VneZonyDostupa
You're missing the point. Why would you be in jail for "avoiding a shot" when it isn't required in the first place?

No, you're missing what I'm saying. You see the word "if" in my post? Look up what it means. It is a hypothetical. Similarly, did I say that vaccines are mandatory? No. So you are misinterpreting my posts, on purpose it looks like, just to be argumentative with the idea that this could ever happen.

I am well aware that vaccines are not mandatory -- RIGHT NOW.

See the title of this thread for further information : "U.S. government panel now pushing "vaccinations for all!" No exceptions…"

As far as the idea that they would make such a thing mandatory, I don't doubt for a second that there are many people in positions of power who would like to, for one reason or another, and then what we are all discussing here would immediately become 100% real and relevant. Whether or not it happens is not up to the doctors, because they have no political power, I'm afraid.

Edit: I see you say you are a medical professional. I imagine that this is why you have such a difficult time entertaining this possibility. My apologies, but the pharmaceutical and medical industries are no less corrupt than any other big money-making institution.

[edit on 27-6-2010 by AquariusDescending]

posted on Jun, 27 2010 @ 03:45 PM
reply to post by AquariusDescending

So, you're basing your entire argument on an inaccurate thread title?

The government isn't "pushing" vaccines for all. The doctors at the CDC have recommended that most people get the flu vaccine, which they do EVERY YEAR. Why, all of a sudden, are people thinking that mandatory vaccines are just around the corner? Do you people LIKE living in fear of some invisible boogey man?

[edit on 6/27/2010 by VneZonyDostupa]

posted on Jun, 27 2010 @ 03:46 PM
How do they indend on forcing us? The big scare with the other
flu turned out to be nothing. It's a sorry state when you cannot
trust the government. I think we need to haul all their butts out
of office!

posted on Jun, 27 2010 @ 03:46 PM

Originally posted by AquariusDescending

Edit: I see you say you are a medical professional. I imagine that this is why you have such a difficult time entertaining this possibility. My apologies, but the pharmaceutical and medical industries are no less corrupt than any other big money-making institution.

[edit on 27-6-2010 by AquariusDescending]

I work in public health. My salary is the same if I see one patient or a thousand, prescribe one drug or a thousand, or refer one patient or a thousand.

Nice try with the ad hominem, though. It's truly a sign of a strong argument.

posted on Jun, 27 2010 @ 03:54 PM
Another great issue! I think this is one of the first times I've read through a few pages of posts, and didn't see even one knee-jerk response taking the "other side" of the issue. Of course, the usual suspects will no doubt be here, telling us that vaccinations are great, the government means well, etc. But, so far so good!

The one thing I do see cropping up however is still too much insistence that eventual "forced" vaccinations are so unlikely. In my opinion, many Americans continue to suffer from too much trust in their government, or if not that, trusting the legal system, etc.

I was just going to add my own personal experience, since many years ago my daughter was killed by this insanely immoral and vicious elite, that is determined to use everything at it's disposal to either kill, or enslave us, but instead, here's a few more things we Americans can consider, about our own recent history:

1931, Dr. C. Rhodes (backed by the Rockefellers) infects humans with cancer cells. He is promoted later, and while working for the US Atomic Energy Commission, begins irradiating soldiers (and civilians) in hospitals.

1932, Tuskegee Syphilis Study: Black men are diagnosed with the disease, but never told or treated. Instead, they are studied over the years, as they unwittingly infect other victims. ALL subsequently die of the illness. Their families were never told that daddy could have lived (and mommy too, in many cases!).

1935, Pellagra Incident: Possibly "millions" die from a known niacin deficiency, over a decades long period. The director of the US Public Health Service eventually admits that the Service knew of the situation for at least 20 years, but failed to act because most of the deaths occurred within "the poverty-stricken black population."

1940, Hundreds of Chicago prisoners are infected with malaria in order to study the latest experimental drugs. After the War, Nazi doctors at Nuremberg cite this American example in defense of their own actions.

1942, It's the Seventh Day Adventists turn to be thrown in front of the bus. As "conscientious objectors", some 4,000 were subjected to mustard gas, and other terrible concoctions served up by Chemical Warfare Services, rather than serve in active duty.

1945, "Program F" implemented. The "F" stands for fluoride. A gigantic study of this component of atomic bombs, it remains one of the most toxic substances known to man. Soon, the chemical would find it's way into public drinking water (it still autism anyone??).

1946, Veterans returning from the War are unwittingly subjected to experiments at VA hospitals across the nation. The order goes out to change the word "experiments" to "investigations" or "observations", whenever reporting a medical study, to allay suspicions.

1947, '___' is studied by the CIA as a potential weapon for use by intelligence agents. Both civilian and military subjects are used, with and without their knowledge.

1950, San Francisco attacked with bio weapons---by the US Navy! The experiment was supposed to show how susceptible a US city might be to such an attack. From the ships, the Navy sprays a cloud of bacteria over the city. Monitoring devices were situated throughout the city. Many become ill with pneumonia-like symptoms. Some of the elderly may have actually died, but such precise correlations would be hard to establish!

That's probably enough for now, or is it? Some will say this is all "ancient history", or made up, etc. Some of us must cling to what makes us feel best. OR, would anyone care to see what the next couple of decades look like? Oh yes, and I arbitrarily started in the 1930's, only because some of the older folks out there might even remember at least these events in newspapers at one point. Before that, so much more, like intentionally poisoned alcohol during Prohibition, killing THOUSANDS...

Wake up Amerika!


posted on Jun, 27 2010 @ 03:55 PM
Sounds like it might be a good idea to develop an egg allergy. Just a thought...

posted on Jun, 27 2010 @ 04:07 PM
So government officials invest money into these vaccine company's and all of the sudden we are forced to buy their vaccine for our own good.
Conflict of interest much?

posted on Jun, 27 2010 @ 04:08 PM
I am surprised and disappointed at the 'sound bite' mentaility of many people on this forum.

A simple google search on this topic took me 30 seconds just now and brought up the following article:


It is sad to see that reactive, subjective responses based on assumptions are considered equally as valid as some basic information gathering and critical thinking on a given topic. It seems that 'I don't believe it will happen, therefore it won't' is considered to be valid logic these days. No wonder TPTB call the people stupid and gullible.

So - there are NO forced vaccinations in US? They would NEVER do this?

Now, ask yourselves WHY THIS DIDN'T APPEAR IN THE MEDIA? Celebrity divorce is newsworthy. Illegal enforced vaccination of children against their parents wishes - not really of public interest I guess.

Y'all need to learn Newspeak. Do a google search on it to get the basic idea and then extrapolate.
Newspeak: 'We are discussing....." = We are already doing this but we're just telling you we're thinking about it to get people used to the idea, so they will accept it. It also covers our back because we are showing that we are being transparent and keeping the people informed. (lol. those idiot sheep, we can sell them any story at all and they'll swallow it hook line and sinker).

posted on Jun, 27 2010 @ 04:23 PM

Originally posted by VneZonyDostupa
Why, all of a sudden, are people thinking that mandatory vaccines are just around the corner? Do you people LIKE living in fear of some invisible boogey man?

First of all, the vaccine itself is NOT safe. It has mercury, it has a load of other "crap" in it that no sane person would inject into their blood stream for any other stated reason, it has caused deaths and serious illnesses in many documented cases, and there are many medical professionals who are very adamant about the fact that they would never take it themselves or administer it to their own children. DOCTORS saying this, on TV, in magazine articles, online articles, with patients face-to-face.

So let's start from there. If YOU THINK the vaccine is safe -- then we really have nothing to discuss here anyway because you wouldn't consider mandatory vaccination as such a bad thing to begin with if you actually thought it was safe now would you? You are free to jab yourself with it as many times as you see fit my medical friend.

Now why would people "all of a sudden" start thinking the government wants mandatory vaccines?

Well let's think for a moment. What happened last year? Are our brains still functioning enough to remember back that far, with all of these modern chemical miracles in our water, drugs, vaccines...?

Well this is how I recall the flu season last year. The vaccine was everywhere. There were already rumors last year, from all the publicity and hype surrounding the swine flu, national epidemics, etc., that people were already discussing the "issue" of mandatory vaccinations. I remember because I felt offended and was resolved to NEVER take the vaccine. Fortunately no one did try to push it on me -- YET. Most everyone I talked to personally didn't trust it and weren't going to take it. However there was a huge marketing campaign for it, and facilities in my area were giving it out for free at one point, and of course there was all the hype about swine flu and how deadly it was, despite it killing less people than the normal flu during the exact same time period. I have a 9-year old nephew and they even had people come to his elementary school and give all the kids vaccines whose parents would sign for it. His parents signed for it. Their decision. But that's the first time I've heard of vaccinations being brought into elementary schools like that and I'm upset that people would be so stupid and careless as to do such a thing with the medical evidence that abounds regarding this vaccine!

There are plenty of reasons to be paranoid of this vaccine. There were people involved with its production who spoke out against it. Members of the German government were given special versions of the vaccines that did not have mercury and other contaminants. Why are there two tiers of vaccination quality there, one for leaders and one for the general public? Why has it spontaneously given some people severe nervous diseases that prevent them from even moving around and functioning like a normal human being anymore? What is all this talk about population reduction by the CDC and other officials, the same people who are offering this vaccine?

Fear and paranoia are healthy when the threat is real. When I see seriously ill people after they have taken this vaccine, I see a very real risk and danger. Even if I don't become a cripple after taking the vaccine, there is no way in hell it will in any way STRENGTHEN my immune system when it renders other people in such a severe way, contains known toxins to the nervous system, etc.

I think it is actually much easier for people to believe everything is okay and life will always carry on unchanged, without challenges, than it is for people to believe that something is wrong that needs to be watched and fixed. People today are apathetic and would RATHER believe everything is okay and they have no responsibilities.

posted on Jun, 27 2010 @ 04:28 PM
reply to post by Hypntick

I also have never had the flu or been vaccinated.

posted on Jun, 27 2010 @ 04:43 PM
There are so many paranoid idiots here. Can you not sometimes accept that the government is trying to do something good for you.

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