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What are the signs that tell you whether you have been 'abducted' or not?

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posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 08:40 PM
Earthsister: Thanks for the warm thoughts. That's all I ever intended to do was to offer an alternative viewpoint on an otherwise confusing issue.

posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 01:59 AM

Originally posted by EarthSister
you can find no legitimate basis for what you spit, yet you go out of your way to make things up to start a fight.

You got what you wanted. I am offended.

No, I can find no legitimate basis for what you "spit" nor have you offered any. You make claims and present them as DECLARATION when anybody can see it's nothing more than SPECULATION and IMAGINATION simply by your lack of credible evidence.

What I went out of my way to do is what thousands of other UFO community memebers should do...question your evidence and when that cannot be answered adequately...question your motives. Those, EarthSister, seem to be clear enough. Books, possible jewelry, videos...your motive is definetly clear enough. Sure sure..."I don't make any money from [FILL IN MERCHANDISE ITEM HERE]" but nobody makes merchandise and obtains "copyrights" for nothing unless they're a non-profit organisation, which, you're not. We all know that.

My intent was to confront "facts" being presented in this post and provoke thought concerning them. Unfortunately, you and Paul offered nothing for anybody to truly consider and instead have done nothing more than solidify my insinuations of fringe thought and new age mumbo jumbo.

[edit on 6/24/2004 by Sinobyte]

posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 04:13 AM
Wow interesting thread, I didn't know we have people like Earthsister in our community...
To be honest, I would love to believe Earthsister, there's nothing cooler than the entire Men In Black movie, turning out to be true.
But her site, I mean comon!
Earthsister: if you want your site to come across even slightly serious, then remove those drawings! I first thought it was ment as a hilarious parody, untill I found it was serious!

I have my own (narrow) view on things.
I believe in God, and I believe aliens, ufo's and abductions are (in most cases) the work of Satan and demons, trying to prevent people from following the only religion in which God reached down to humans, and not the other way around; Christianity.
A lot of people underestimate (or don't want to know about) the power of Satan and demons in the world we live in. They can seriously mess you and your mind up if you give them the chance, and make you believe in the seemingly most trustable ideas, that turn out to be fantasy in the end.

Of course a part of the people that claim to have been abducted or that claim to have been in contact with aliens, are just doing this because their parents did not give them enough attention in their youth.
It remains quite hard to determine in what category who belongs.

Don't feel insulted by my opinion, it's just the way I think about think, based on the things I have seen in my life.

posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 01:08 PM
strange ?

may be for dat goto checkout on TV where they cover xfiles & discover the truth behind sometimes may be biased and in accurate

but real uncanny to think off scary !!!

posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 08:26 PM

Originally posted by Jakko
Wow interesting thread, I didn't know we have people like Earthsister in our community...

Don't feel insulted by my opinion, it's just the way I think about think, based on the things I have seen in my life.


Thank you for your post. I am not insulted by your ideas or how you present them. I support your right to have them and to voice them. You do it very well too.

There is sooooooooo much to learn! It's exciting! And I would not have it any other way.

It's nice to meet you. I am really glad you're here.

posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 10:52 PM
Well, I'm guessing the argument is over, since everyone thinks that I'm an ignorant, arrogant person. Which I suppose is fine. Arguing over speculation is kinda stupid I think.

posted on Jun, 25 2004 @ 12:48 AM

Originally posted by Sinobyte

The Eye of Mendes??

Are you aware that Mendes is a Satanic god?

posted on Jun, 25 2004 @ 04:02 AM

Originally posted by TheBorg
Well, I'm guessing the argument is over, since everyone thinks that I'm an ignorant, arrogant person. Which I suppose is fine. Arguing over speculation is kinda stupid I think.

Why don't you just ask Earthsister about what she does and what she believes in.
I have loads of questions for her too, but I don't even know where to start.
For example:

Earthsister, you obviously don't support the concept of showing proof to whoever requests it, but do you understand that such an attitude only creates confusion regarding your motives and trustworthyness?
Be glad that people ask for truth, it only shows that people are interested in your ideas. The day people are no longer interested in you or the proof you can present to them, will be the day you'll realize what chances you've missed.

posted on Jun, 25 2004 @ 07:26 AM

Originally posted by Jakko

Earthsister, you obviously don't support the concept of showing proof to whoever requests it, but do you understand that such an attitude only creates confusion regarding your motives and trustworthyness?


I don't have any physical material proof of the aliens or of my claims and that is the way it is supposed to be. It is the rule that the aliens do not personally give evidence to the individuals humans they work with. The reason is because of exactly what that evidence would prove to most other humans.

Think about in the context of when somebody commits a crime, but they plant evidence to suggest that it was really somebody else who committed the crime. This works as long as the evidence cannot be fully defined.

Humans cannot know (fathom/understand) the aliens. They know they are here so they are looking for evidence to prove "it" something- anything. Since we do not know the aliens, we cannot know what any evidence really means, and the evidence can be used in every way imaginable, and it would be used by authorities against the aliens, and against the humans who work with the aliens. It would be very easy to do that because humans do not know what to believe.

If you see ten alien horror movies, then you see an alien, does that prove that the horror movies are true? Unfortunately, this is the basic way it works with humans.

Instead of offering evidence which means nothing, I offer understanding which you can learn from and use to make up your own mind.

posted on Jun, 25 2004 @ 02:21 PM
I think that the right form of evidence would not have these effects at all. The right form of evidence would lure unknowing people to your site, where you can fully explain to them how everything works.

The understanding you offer, is of no worth to people who have not seen the evidence that you claim to have seen.
It's a little bit easyer for you than it is for the rest of the world.

posted on Jun, 26 2004 @ 04:09 AM
Hi everyone, I too have something to tell but I will go into that later today (Sat. 26,04), after I get some sleep. So I'll see ya later.

posted on Jun, 26 2004 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by Jakko
The right form of evidence would lure unknowing people to your site, where you can fully explain to them how everything works.

The understanding you offer, is of no worth to people who have not seen the evidence that you claim to have seen.

Hi, Jakko.

ok, think of this for a minute. If I had "evidence" and it could be used to lure people to my site, how would that evidence "prove" anything I say to those people? And should it? I am only one ordinary person and I could "never" explain the science and physics of how advanced technology and spiritual alien influences happen. Don't you think that my lack of ability to answer will "prove" I am lying? I am sorry to say that is how people usually think.

See, when you have evidence of anything, that evidence can be used to prove something, but WHAT it proves is always subjective. One party can make it prove one thing and another party can make it prove another thing. The greatest wisest loudest bossiest party can win the fight of what it proves "as long as nobody else really knows any better."

To reiterate: the aliens have a "very good" reason for keeping tight control of "evidence" and it is directly because of what that evidence will "prove" to humans.

Think of this.... when you talk on line on AIM or other instant message programs, you will notice a little remark on the face of the IM. It states "No IM authority will ever ask you for your password or credit card information." or something like that. Why exactly do they put that there? What benefit does it give you over anybody who will try to fool you? This is what the aliens are doing with evidence, for the sake of evidence, for the sake of humans, right now.

If I had evidence that could make anybody believe that everything and anything I claim is true, then anybody else could also claim to have evidence that they could claim that what they say is true, and you and most other people would not know any better or any different between the two, or between the many thousands of people making claims.

Anyway, no individual human can know it all, or be absolutely certain not to make a mistake. If one person had such proof, and they made a mistake, that mistake would then be used as equal evidence against the validity of everything else that person has claimed and taught about the aliens.

The bottom line is "What exactly CAN or DOES evidence prove TO HUMANS?"
The answer to that is, "Only what humans already know, which is almost nothing, or what they think they know, which is almost everything."

It is much more progressive and productive to allow knowledgeable, insightful, dedicated, honest individual humans to keep on talking and sharing their information with others. THIS is education through a process of increasing general awareness and curiosity. You can go to school and learn new math through a process in which you learn to understand the concepts and how to arrive at the solution and be able to judge other's solutions. If you just get the answer, you will never know for yourself and you will be dependent on anybody who claims to know it because you will never be able to solve any other similar problems.

If you could not complete your math problem, and a number of different students claimed to have the answer, who would you tend to believe was right? The one with the highest degree, the coolest car, the scariest face, the biggest bank account.... haha. You should want to listen to the one who has experienced the education. Ok, how can you tell who has experienced the education? They know the process and how to arrive at the solution, and they want to teach you how also. They can explain it step by step. They will be willing and eager to help you, and what they say will be enlightening, progressive and productive without any mystery, tricks or magic.

If you just say "HA that is bogus, you can't know that" and you do not try it out just because they can't produce immediate physical evidence of their personal involvement, you will miss your opportunity to learn for yourself.

As for evidence, the aliens are going to show up openly for everyone one day soon. On that day, if you have done your homework, you might be one of only a few people to already have a good grip on what it all "really" means. You will see what I mean when it happens.

Don't hold out for evidence, or you will be too late, and one of the last to know the truth about the aliens.

[edit on 26-6-2004 by EarthSister]

posted on Jun, 26 2004 @ 04:43 PM

Originally posted by EarthSister
If I had evidence that could make anybody believe that everything and anything I claim is true, then anybody else could also claim to have evidence that they could claim that what they say is true, and you and most other people would not know any better or any different between the two, or between the many thousands of people making claims.
[edit on 26-6-2004 by EarthSister]

The whole point and meaning of evidence, is that it ends subjectiveness by proving someones claims. You seem to have a lot of claims, but fail to supply proof because "the aliens know what's best for them and us" and proof is, according to you, not best for them or us.
To me it sounds like an easy excuse for what's really the case; there is no proof because there are no aliens.

Your way of reasoning and your hysterical way of explaining proof in a negative way, make it sound as if the whole intention of you and your husband is to start a new religion or become famous/rich doing it.

This is not ment as an insult, I think i'm not the onlyone who looks at it like this. Whenever someone with an extraordinary story is this paranoid towards evidence and proof, the average human being will simply ignore the story, or at least question the motives behind going public with the extraordinary story without the slightest desire to show anyone any evidence.

This world and the rules and laws we have, are all based on proof and evidence. We are taught from the moment we are born, to look at everything in a skeptical way, to question standards that are not yet proven, to think for ourselves and not follow things blindly.
This is for a good reason, following things blindly causes the greatest collective disasters you can imagine, with WWII as an ultimate example.

If your (for my perception non existing) aliens do not understand this, they are maybe not as intelligent as you hoped.

[edit on 26-6-2004 by Jakko]

posted on Jun, 26 2004 @ 06:19 PM

Thank you for your response. It seems that you did not understand what I said, but that is ok. I do not want to argue, but to just explain.

I think everyone on earth is talking about the whole predicament so much because it is obvious that something "alien" is going on, and everyone wants to determine the evidence of it is.

I offered an explanation for it. If you decide to keep starting over at square one or to just stay there, that is ok with me. If you want to ask me any questions about the aliens, let me know and I will share whatever I can to help you understand what I understand.

If you are looking at me for proof of alien life, are you going to hold me responsible for all the rest of the mysteries on Earth too?

posted on Jun, 26 2004 @ 06:43 PM

Originally posted by Paul_Richard
7. The memory of an intense bright white or sky blue light (much brighter than that of a police helicopter searchlight) just prior to blacking out. This is how the Zetans immoblize their prey. They do this with a sophisticated paralysis beam. If your arm is touched by it, it will go numb. If your head is touched by it, you will go unconscious.

OH gosh, I can't believe I'm actually going to post this...I really dont know much about alien abductions and this story that DID happen to me and whenever I tell someone I jokingly call it my alien abduction story...because I really dont know what happened....
More of was 1st year after college...I was going to bed and a bright bright light came through the window, I could NOT move or speak..the room was brightly lite up (was night lights on) And thats it, after that I dont remember anything else...
Like I said My roommate at the time and I always called it my alien abduction....later on someone told me that, that kind of experience was also considered a "spiritual" one....I have no clue what they meant...

posted on Jun, 26 2004 @ 06:45 PM
In the fall of 1980, my husband(at the time ) and I were on our way back from taking my sister to her in-laws, when we seen something like we have never seen before. Off to the left in a small field and in clear-view of us was this huge object, levelatating about 100 feet in the air. What had drew our attention to it was the lights, there was two large oval-shaped light shooting out and down to the grown ( as if it was searching for something in the ground) and there was many different colored lights in the shape of a very large (huge) ring, with a large dome-shape on the top of the ring and a smaller dome-shape below the ring ( this is where the oval lights were coming from ), we stopped in the road and just stared at this thing, we got out of the car so we could get a better look at this thing. Finally, when we got back in the car and took off , taking among ourselves as to what we should do,ie; report it to the officials , we decided against that because we were worried that they would not beleive us, so we went onto our babysitter's house to get our kids. Donna knew something was wrong as soon as we walked in, she said we were as "white as sheets". So taking a chance that she "might beleive us, we told her and her older kids (teens) what we saw.
We got laughted at
. But she also wanted to know what took us so long, because she said we were gone like four hours, when it should of taken less than one hour for the round-trip of 60 miles altogether. We told her we didn't go anywhere else, she wanted to know if we'd been drinking and we said we had not. Donna said not to tell anyone else what we had saw because they would think we were crazy.
we told no one, until now.

posted on Jun, 26 2004 @ 07:22 PM

Originally posted by onmyown30

Originally posted by Paul_Richard
7. The memory of an intense bright white or sky blue light (much brighter than that of a police helicopter searchlight) just prior to blacking out. This is how the Zetans immoblize their prey. They do this with a sophisticated paralysis beam. If your arm is touched by it, it will go numb. If your head is touched by it, you will go unconscious.

OH gosh, I can't believe I'm actually going to post was 1st year after college...I was going to bed and a bright bright light came through the window, I could NOT move or speak..the room was brightly lite up (was night lights on) And thats it, after that I dont remember anything else...
Like I said My roommate at the time and I always called it my alien abduction....later on someone told me that, that kind of experience was also considered a "spiritual" one....I have no clue what they meant...

Hi onmyown30,

No matter what anyone tells you: kidnapping, by definition, is a violation of self, considered a federal felony in the US, and is therefore not a spiritual experience.

Now that you know how the Zetans paralyzed you before knocking you out, make sure that you always keep your windows and sliding glass doors closed and covered at night.

Remember: if they don't paralyze you with a beam, you won't black out, you won't be abducted, and you won't have your mind played with by spiritually indifferent aliens.

posted on Jun, 26 2004 @ 07:40 PM
Hi nanna_of_6,

You are one of the lucky ones in that you likely witnessed a Zetan ship and did not suffer a traumatic experience because of it.

Now, some might suggest that it was simply a US black projects craft. That may very well have been. However, since there is testimonial evidence from abductees that facets of the US government are in collusion with Zetan-aliens, then it doesn't make any difference; black projects craft should be considered hostile to common citizens just as much as Zetan spacecraft.

I for one would not shout up to the ship to ask if they are Terran friendly or not -- or to ask to see federal identification. *L*

Some abductees have reported being taken to an underground installation and seeing uniformed US soldiers working alongside Zetan-Greys.

It's a real shame that secret agencies in our own government are evil and selling us out to aliens, but hey, you do the best you can with what you have.

If you ever see a craft like that again (which tend to be completely silent except for a small electrical discharge), I strongly suggest that you do what many ufologists recommend: do not stop and stare or try to get a better look.


posted on Jun, 26 2004 @ 11:09 PM
Unless you have a bazooka and are on you're own land, at which time you can bring 'er down!! At least that's what I'd do.

Now, before anyone warns me, I'm being quite serious. If I saw something like that, and didn't have a means of bringing it down, I'd likely do just as Paul_Richard suggests, and keep on driving home. However, if I had the equipment, I'd bring that puppy down. If I survived that, I'd call all the locals out, and we'd each take a piece of the craft home with us. Then, when the military comes a'lookin for it, there will be nothing but a little scorch mark on the ground. That is, of course, if it's on my property.

posted on Jun, 26 2004 @ 11:12 PM
onmyown30 and nanna_of_6

Only judge your own experiences by your own experiences. I know the alien beings who are visiting Earth very well and they are fine people, the professionals of their races. I have had hundreds of experiences my whole life and so has my husband and our five children, and we always will. The 218 visiting races all work together now under one leadership that has always visited Earth. There were realistic problems in the past with a few negligent races taking advantage, but not anymore. Still, gossip and sensationalism abound as a way of life for humans, and the aliens have not escaped it yet.

Humans naturally misunderstand other life no matter what we see already, and there are people who know nothing about the aliens themselves, but make it their business to go around recycling and spreading wild, ridiculous, horrific twilight zone rumors of violence just to scare people who start to have experiences and don't know better yet. It works too, unfortunately. The stories go around and around between people, growing and worsening the whole time. Those are the things to be afraid of, not the aliens.

Alien contact is not random or uncommon. It is natural to our race. If you realize you have contact, you have always had it, and awareness is increasing. The true, normal stories just don't get the press that the sensational ones do.

Humans are becoming more aware and more educated about advanced life and advanced concepts of the relationships between our worlds. All life is spiritual. Natural abilities are spiritual. Advanced races have advanced natural abilities.

We are all children of God, and the aliens are people just like we are, only "much" further advanced in all ways than we are yet.

This is a very exciting time in human evolution. It happens to every world where they reach a point of discovery of other life. All the problems that new world has with it is based on that new world's way of thinking.

So just think for yourselves and if there is anything you want to know about the aliens, ask the aliens. Don't settle for anybody or anything less.

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