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What are the signs that tell you whether you have been 'abducted' or not?

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posted on Jun, 13 2004 @ 02:53 PM
Hiya, I seriously doubt that I have been abducted -yet. But I was wondering, this may be usefull for those who think they have been.

So..the question is, how do you know whether you have been abducted or not? and is there any tell tale signs?


Love and Light

posted on Jun, 13 2004 @ 03:01 PM
If you believe you have...go to the doctor. You'll only receive second hand information from people on here. The telltale signs of abductions tend to be nothing more than 2nd or 3rd generation heresay and most people parrot it as if it were fact. Go make an appointment to have a doctor examine you and possibly collect or document evidence. If you're far past the point where a doctor may collect evidence...look into a psychologist, NOT a hypnotherapist. First rule out all possible "explanations" before you run to see a hypnotherapist for a full fledged session. Just my opinion on what should be done.

posted on Jun, 13 2004 @ 04:26 PM
haha, agreeable...I'd probably rule out that I'm mad first THEN go to the hypnotherapist...Oo I hear that If you dream about them a lot, it could be a sign too...hmm..strange

posted on Jun, 13 2004 @ 05:44 PM
I thought one of the signs was that some abductees claim to have some form of metal implanted in there body, a very tiny piece and that there is no explanation for it really.

However, my opinion is from what i have seen from TV over the years and may be biased and in accurate


posted on Jun, 13 2004 @ 05:51 PM
It couldn't hurt to use a metal detector over your body, just to see if there is anything that shouldn't be there. You know I always wondered how come aliens don't come out during the day, you'd think there'd at least be a couple reports...
So do you think you were abducted, I'm guessing you've had dreams?

posted on Jun, 13 2004 @ 06:37 PM

Originally posted by PhoenixSGC
I hear that If you dream about them a lot, it could be a sign

Yes, this is true. Not all "dreams" are just imagination. When you have an experience out of body, or by spirit from within body that you are physically unaware of, any awareness or memory of it at the moment or at any later time can seem similar to what we know as a dream. However, these experiences seem more real and organized than mere imagination. This is natural to humans and natural to spirituality.

Alien experiences are always spiritual experiences and sometimes physical experiences. The alien people, being further spiritually advanced, can and do make their human contacts more aware of spiritual activities on a physical level than they can be on their own. (Spiritual means literally "natural" - not religious.)

Other indications of personal alien contact are close sightings of crafts, involvement of family members, small unexplainable scars, unexplainable missing periods of time, telepathic voices, strong infatuation with the subject, and a few other less indicative things. Any of these alone is not necessarily proof, but a number of them together make a stronger indication.

Of course, you can always ask your aliens to show you. Although, if they do, this will not be proof to anybody except yourself and any other experiencers with you at the time, and if they recall it. To heck with anybody else.

Many more humans than you might guess have personal alien contact, and most are unaware of it on a physical level. Of those who are aware of it, most do not know what kind of contact it is, or they have the wrong idea about what it means and what the aliens are doing.

Of the many races that visit Earth, true abduction was rare at one time by a few particular races. Now no alien beings abduct any humans at all. But it's natural to assume so anyway, when all you recall is being on a craft, and not how you got there or why you were there, and then you go and read all the abduction stories.

[edit on 13-6-2004 by EarthSister]

posted on Jun, 13 2004 @ 08:47 PM

Originally posted by PhoenixSGC

how do you know whether you have been abducted or not? and is there any tell tale signs?


Love and Light

I've counseled abductees and became a hynotherapist in the mid 1990s. There are a number of telltale signs to indicate that an abduction has occurred. Here are the ones that immediately come to mind:

1. Missing time. This is when you look at a clock or watch and the next thing you know the time has skipped ahead (like a few hours or even a day or longer). Abductees have often had missing time when on the road and find themselves waking up in their vehicles, parked in the middle of nowhere with their vehicle engine turned off.

2. No longer being pregnant.

3. The appearance of scars and/or needle marks on the skin that were not noticed before.

4. Awakening in a place and not knowing how one got there.

5. Illness that is related to radiation exposure.

6. Experiencing nightmares that pertain to being abducted by Grey-aliens. Most abductions are carried out by the Grays; these work under the direction of Reptilian-aliens -- their home base is Zeta IV in the Zeta 2 Reticuli System.

7. The memory of an intense bright white or sky blue light (much brighter than that of a police helicopter searchlight) just prior to blacking out. This is how the Zetans immoblize their prey. They do this with a sophisticated paralysis beam. If your arm is touched by it, it will go numb. If your head is touched by it, you will go unconscious.

Only go to a medical doctor you can trust and don't tell them what you think happened, only that you want a physical performed and to check out any new marks (e.g., scars) that appeared.

Many psychologists and psychiatrists are biased against the existence of space-aliens as well as the discarnate dimensions. They surround themselves with terms like "magical thinking" to explain away that which doesn't agree with the obsolete Freudian paradigm. Many of them still have problems with the notion of Near Death Experiences, indicating that their "science" is highly inadequate for the task at hand. Needless to say, prejudice such as this can and does distort an objective analysis.

Avoid any medication prescribed for "nerves" by a psychiatrist or family physician as it might prove to be an obstacle for a clear memory of what actually happened.

Screen the hypnotherapist ahead of time before going to one. Get references. Some of them run group therapy sessions for abductees but there are also scam artists in the field. Unless you intend to see someone like Donna Higbee, Dr. John Mack, Dr. Raymond Moody, Budd Hopkins, or someone equally qualified and well-known, be very careful with the hypnotherapist and/or doctor you choose.

Immediately after the occurrence, write down and/or record everything you can remember, even bits of memory that you have. These bits of information can be possibly validated and further explored with a qualified hypnotherapist or therapist that is experienced in this field.

Let yourself be open to the possibility that much of what you think happened didn't actually happen that particular way. Yes, you might have been abducted, but the Zetans are very shrewd in the art of psychological manipulation. They are known to implant "screen memories" in abductees which distorts the victims' understanding of the experience.

Let me give you an example...

I knew a women that told me about an incident whereby she saw a UFO hovering near her house at night. Foolishly, she opened her front door for a better look and spotted an alien nearby on the ground.

The next thing she remembered was not being able to turn around and go up the stairs, much less close the door.

She was already paralyzed.

Then she blacked out and woke up in the middle of the night with the following screen memory:

She awakened in her bed next to her husband and woke him up to relay to him what had happened. Her husband responded by saying something to the effect of: "They probably don't want you anyway."

That's a rather odd thing to say to someone, don't you think?

The next morning she asked her husband about their conversation. He stated that he had no memory of talking to her during the night.

The whole scenario of her being in bed, waking up and talking to her husband who downplayed the whole experience, is a classic example of a screen memory.

Here are other examples...

1. A strong belief that the Zetans can walk through walls.

If they could truly walk through walls, then this ufologist and many others would have been "toast" years ago in the process of our investigations and efforts to explain the Zetan agenda.

2. A strong belief that the Zetans are telepathic. They are no more telepathic than your typical channeler/psychic.

3. A strong belief that the Zetans can teleport.

Think about it, if the Zetans could truly teleport, then why do they have to go through the process of first paralyzing their victims? All they would need to do is teleport the intended into a holding cell onboard their spacecraft!

Zetans are not godlike or superhuman. They just have had many thousands of years to experiment in manipulating Homo sapiens and other humanoid species in order to get them to believe EXACTLY what they want them to believe. Abductees who believe their captors have godlike abilities are less likely to resist them.

Keep your doors and windows locked and your shades closed at night. (This is good advice against crime in general.) If you see a UFO, DO NOT attempt to get a better look -- especially if you are in a deserted area. Be streetwise. Immediately seek shelter from their paralysis beams, preferably in a public place.

Remember: we are viewed by the Zetans as nothing more than farm and laboratory animals. Once kidnapped, you have absolutely no rights whatsoever.

[edit on 13-6-2004 by Paul_Richard]

posted on Jun, 13 2004 @ 11:36 PM

Originally posted by Paul_Richard

I've counseled abductees and became a hynotherapist in the mid 1990s.

Zetans are not godlike or superhuman. They just have had many thousands of years to experiment in manipulating Homo sapiens and other humanoid species in order to get them to believe EXACTLY what they want them to believe. Abductees who believe their captors have godlike abilities are less likely to resist them.

Keep your doors and windows locked and your shades closed at night. (This is good advice against crime in general.) If you see a UFO, DO NOT attempt to get a better look -- especially if you are in a deserted area. Be streetwise. Immediately seek shelter from their paralysis beams, preferably in a public place.

Remember: we are viewed by the Zetans as nothing more than farm and laboratory animals. Once kidnapped, you have absolutely no rights whatsoever.

I agree with some of the indications of contact that you listed, and strongly disagree with some of the other things you said, based on my extensive experience with many races, including "The Grays" and with many hundreds of alien experiencers, and with many top professionals working on the subject. It seems you have an extremely detrimental impression of all other races, and it seems you have been taught, hopefully unknowingly, to perpetuate a "fear of the unknown" with what is largely prejudice, disinformation and slander against alien people.

Do you have any idea that our leading governments do not want the public to befriend any alien race, or learn advanced concepts from them, or why they don't? Do you know that the leading governments have had their hands and feet in some way into every popular professional's business of teaching about alien life?

I would like to ask what your degree and profession is, and where- what places and people - your education about alien life is directly from, and specifically if you have ever had any personal experience with any of the races that visit Earth.

You sound pretty darn scary! Of all of my hundreds of personal experiences, and of all the experiences I have ever heard of, none ever was or sounded as scary as your post. I only ever hear such scary monster stories from "professionals" who are fighting against the aliens being here. And they are the same stories over and over, exaggerated and acted out in the most hideous Hollywood ways.

There are 218 races visiting, and one of them is "The Grays" who are no longer running their hybrid program, but still maintain relationships with their human families. A few other races who were not up to the organization were dismissed from visiting our planet. All of our visiting races are now working together under one leadership and standard, including "The Grays." No humans are being abducted, and no humans are meeting alien life unwillingly.

Many hundreds of thousands of humans have increasingly progressive, trusting relationships with their alien contacts. Is it your intention to set that back? Don't you think our world and race should join our local group of worlds? Wouldn't you like the human race to benefit from advanced technologies and diplomacy?

There are times when it is necessary for specific reasons to immobilize a human, as well as to suggest false memories, but as humans learn more about the true nature of contact and gain understanding, trust and communication with their contacts, these instances are left in the past.

All our visiting races can walk through walls, speak freely telepathically and teleport, even "The Grays" who are not managed by "The Reptilians" btw, although they are friends.

The best way to learn whether you have alien contact is from the aliens themselves. And the ONLY place to learn the truth about the aliens is from the aliens themselves.

posted on Jun, 14 2004 @ 01:51 AM

Originally posted by PhoenixSGC
haha, agreeable...I'd probably rule out that I'm mad first THEN go to the hypnotherapist...Oo I hear that If you dream about them a lot, it could be a sign too...hmm..strange

I doubt you're mad but I highly suggest you try and stay as grounded as possible. In my opinion EarthSister and Paul_Richard are representative of the fringe thought when it comes to these issues. One is obviously caught in the new age, ascended master alien mumbo jumbo and the other is talking about "Zetans" as if they were fact and not mearly speculation and imagination. Beware of the kind of topics they bring's called "leading". The more outrageous information you hear the more apt you are to repeat it later during hypnotherapy. As a "hypnotherapist" himself, Paul_Richard should have been aware of this and refrained from yammering on about Zetans. They're most certainly allowed to speak their minds on the topic but if you'd like to be taken seriously and have others take you seriously I highly suggest you look into a medical examination first. Then seek out the help of a may have serious stress or life issues that may need to be worked out. Not madness I hope

Good luck!

posted on Jun, 14 2004 @ 02:38 AM
Paul Richard: Since when is it that these aliens seek nothing more than to experiment on us? Also, why do they abduct people ONLY during the night?

Does anyone here ACTUALLY converse with these beings on a regular basis? If so, I'll give you my name, and I want you to tell them to come visit me at a time of my choosing; how will that be?

My reasoning for making this statement is twofold: It shows the inherent ignorance of making unsubstantiated claims about some race of beings that no one but an apparent select few know about. It also serves the purpose of alerting these beings, if they truly DO exist, that I'm interested in conversing with them. They have nothing to fear from me, unless they rape me, in which case I'm gonna destroy them and the little ship they rode in on.

What I mean by all of this is that I want to see an alien in broad daylight in the middle of a populated area. I think it would be pretty cool actually to chat with one for a while, if for no other reason than to find out if they are having as much trouble being oppressed as we are on this rock of our's.

Ya never know, we may find several things in common. Could be fun.

P.S. Remember folks, I'm just entertaining a thought. By no means did I mean to offend anyone if I did. And damn, I really should put a disclaimer in my sig...

posted on Jun, 14 2004 @ 06:21 AM

2. No longer being pregnant.

Damn, that's scary

posted on Jun, 14 2004 @ 06:41 AM

Originally posted by Sinobyte
One is obviously caught in the new age, ascended master alien mumbo jumbo and the other is talking about "Zetans" as if they were fact and not mearly speculation and imagination.

Staying grounded is good advice in this and any similar situation.

However! I am offended by your prejudiced stereotypical remarks. Not all alien experiencers are the same or believe the same things about the aliens. You just put new age, ascended masters and all alien races into mumbo jumbo soup and you probably don't know anything about any of those things. I happen to be a well adjusted, down to Earth kind of person, and that includes about my alien experiences. Everything I know about the aliens comes directly from my own experiences.

I have never met an ascended master and don't subscribe to the notion, but I have met lots of aliens. As for new age, I love to dance to some of that music, but I don't like all of it. I wear colorful, earthy dresses to catholic church and Native American powwows alike. I also wear a second degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do.

The race of people Paul_Richard is referring to is in fact real flesh, blood and bone and has been visiting Earth for a very long time. The speculation and imagination you are talking about is only in human minds about the aliens, and apparently about the humans who know them too, like yours.

posted on Jun, 14 2004 @ 06:47 AM

Originally posted by TheBorg
Does anyone here ACTUALLY converse with these beings on a regular basis? If so, I'll give you my name, and I want you to tell them to come visit me at a time of my choosing; how will that be?

Contact is never random. Either you have personal contact or you don't. Nobody can fix you up. If you have contact, you may not know it. To optimally increase your chances of finding out, I suggest you ask about it yourself. It can't hurt to ask.

posted on Jun, 14 2004 @ 07:08 AM


Yes, there are differences in the conclusions that have been drawn by some. This is to be expected.

�The first casualty of every war is the truth.�


To my knowledge and experience, the races that routinely visit this planet are from the Zeta 2 Reticuli System. I am definitely open to the idea that there are benign extraterrestrials in existence (and in the flesh).


Yes, but not in every case.


See my bio in this forum.

My personal experience has been that my family and I have almost been abducted a number of times. I have learned the tactics of the aliens and have learned how to avoid abduction. I judge the aliens not by what they say through the abductees but by what they do.


It is my most sincere desire to explain the Zetan agenda and to help prevent further abductions from occurring.


Hey, life is scary. You simply do the best you can and learn from your experience.


I am dubious of that many races visiting but am open to it being accurate. The term �relationships� in that sentence is not the word I would use.


Oh? I haven�t heard about this. It sounds to me like Zetan propaganda.


Again, that is pure Zetan propaganda that is furthered through abductees.

It is my intention to help educate the public in order to avoid being deceived, manipulated and abducted.


If you mean letting aliens abduct people here for slavery, breeding, experimentation and other heinous crimes in order to get that technology, then my answer is no. What diplomacy?


�The ends do not justify the means.�


The Zetans cannot do any of these things but promote those abilities through screen memories through the abductees. Those that are kidnapped are less likely to resist if they think their captors have godlike abilities (which is utter nonsense).


One does not have to become a laboratory animal/slave in order to learn how to avoid becoming one.


Assuming of course that the aliens are sincere and truthful, neither of which is the case with the Zetans.

[edit on 14-6-2004 by Paul_Richard]

posted on Jun, 14 2004 @ 07:22 AM


Not to those who do the homework in reading up on the issue. Read the works of Budd Hopkins, Dr. John Mack, and Dr. David M. Jacobs, to name a few researchers. All of them point to the aliens in question being self-serving and manipulative.

posted on Jun, 14 2004 @ 07:41 AM
The Borg,

Humorous nic you have there. *L*

Are you a technological collectivist?


They do much more than just experiments. We are considered laboratory and farm animals to them.

The archeological findings of Zecharia Sitchin in deciphering ancient Akkadian and Sumerian clay tablets, points to the aliens in question mucking with life on this planet stemming back hundreds of thousands of years.



Actually, there are abductions that have been reported happening in isolated areas in broad daylight. The Zetans simply prefer the cover of darkness in order to more discreetly perform kidnappings. They are excellent at picking locks.


A good analogy would be if you were to visit a farm in order to get a cow to be slaughtered for food, and the cow walked up to you and tried to start a conversation about politics. First, you�d laugh out loud and then you�d shoot the cow. *L*


I strongly doubt it, unless you like to live dangerously, which is probably the case.

posted on Jun, 14 2004 @ 08:13 AM
I suspect what some call the Dragon in Revelation is the Zetan also. One World Government is their goal and both have been behind Wars and Torture down throughout the ages. What Country is Communistic totally and this Country is very open to honor the Dragon. The Country being Red China. The world has it now their goods are Made In China. I suspect China and Zionism are connected.

posted on Jun, 14 2004 @ 11:16 AM
Paul_Richard, how where you "almost abducted"?

posted on Jun, 14 2004 @ 12:35 PM
check out

This site provides tonnes of channeled messeges from these interesting beings, mostly from the pleiadians...also, they have a picture or two of them photographed...and it's least likely to be faked cos well..the picture aint too good... okay that didn't make any sense... Anyway..

Thanks for that, Like I said, I doubt I have been abducted, but if it comes to it, I will take in mind those guidlines

*looks up* Beam Me Up Scotty!

Love and Light

[edit on 14/6/04 by PhoenixSGC]

posted on Jun, 14 2004 @ 01:42 PM
(I apologize for this post being so long. I hope it's okay.)

Originally posted by Paul_Richard

To my knowledge and experience, the races that routinely visit this planet are from the Zeta 2 Reticuli System. I am definitely open to the idea that there are benign extraterrestrials in existence (and in the flesh).

All of our visiting races are from "nearby" in our galaxy, almost all from nearby in our own arm Orion, and just a few from nearby in our neighboring two arms. "Nearby" means close enough to travel in a reasonable amount of time. A number of races are from Zeta Reticuli, including The Grays. Not one of them calls themselves The Grays or Zetas or Zetans, but humans continue to repeat those terms because humans continue to repeat those terms. All of the known alien races in the known Universes are as alive and physical as we are, regardless of the make-up of their bodies, which are literally made of their natural home environments.

Many Ufologists and some scientists and military personnel espouse that the US government and the Zetans work side by side in secret underground installations. Discreet international relations in modern times date back to the Eisenhower administration in 1954.

This is a gross deliberate exaggeration, beefed up by Govt with great horrid fabrications, taught to you designed as propaganda to discredit any true information that may and will become known about the short, insidious relationship that existed between the US Govt and the race that you call Zetans. The aliens were not willing participants in this relationship, but were forced by threats, blackmail and desperation to comply with US Govt demands. This relationship has since all but dissolved, and this alien race now works with and gets what they needed from other further advanced races.

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