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David Icke…..Ufology’s Worst Ambassador

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posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 05:18 AM

Originally posted by Annee
As I always say: The only person I believe is Me.
It does not matter who is putting forth info - - - it is my right and responsibility to discern what "I" believe.
Feel what ever you want - - but don't dictate to me who and what to believe.


As I always say: The only person I believe is Me.

Actually, I have generally found my life has been more positive & successful when I have listened to other people, taken advice, etc...

It does not matter who is putting forth info

I think it matters a lot "who is putting forth info".

it is my right and responsibility to discern what "I" believe.

Some people are UNABLE to "discern" that Icke is an evil fantasist who is who is damaging people & making a mockery of Ufology.

Feel what ever you want

"What" I posted is "what" I feel!

but don't dictate to me who and what to believe.

Do you believe Icke?

Kind regards
Maybe...maybe not

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 05:23 AM
reply to post by Maybe...maybe not

So what?

Every single conspiracy theorist going charges for their books and live appearances, what makes Icke so different?

These people need to make money somehow, they need food on the table and gas in their cars, so this is how they make their money.

I think it's a really weak arguement whenever someone mentions the financial side of conspiracy theorists - as if it's unbelievable that they should dare to charge a fee for their goods and services. And then use that as a slight against them.

If people want to pay to see Icke, they can. On the other hand they can choose not to.

If people want to pay for Ickes books, they can. On the other hand they can choose not to.

It is Ickes choice to charge and it is their choice to pay.

This is a non-issue.

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 05:25 AM
You will never get the full truth from the likes of Mr Icke if you did there wouldn't be any more Cd's or books to sell or speaking tours.

No Mr Icke has not exposed the true corruption and powers that be of this world whom as well as magic have the technology to bend space and time,technologies 500 to 1000 years beyond those of public knowledge.

No Mr Icke has not been very far down the rabbit hole at all if he had he'd either be dead,permanently insane or permanently preoccupied with microwave technology harrassment 24/7/365 gang stalking.

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 05:31 AM
Icke is a grade A idiot and I seriously question the intelligence of anyone who believes him. This guys is nothing but a conman preying on the weak of mind. I hope the evil paedophile lizards eat him alive.

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 05:33 AM
reply to post by LiveForever8

I think what Maybe maybe not is trying to say here is:

Why take the word of a known crackpot and borderline schizophrenic?

There are a lot of "good guys" in the Ufology field and then you have your bad guys (Hi David Icke) who give the field a bad name. If people continue to support someone like David Icke, then we may never know the truth. He continually puts out fabrications from some fantasy world that he lives in.

I mean, who wants to study an honest subject that people like David Icke make a mockery of? You'd rather do it behind closed doors so that you arent compared to people like David Icke or associated with them.

He is an embarrassment to Ufology. Plain and simple.

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 05:38 AM
reply to post by -Blackout-

I have rarely (if ever) heard Icke talk about UFO's and I would never associate him with Ufology at all - so I don't see how he could possibly effect Ufology's reputation (Ufology has a reputation?).

Consciousness? Yes.
New World Order? Indeedy.
Reptilians? Hell yeah!

But UFO's?

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 05:44 AM
reply to post by LiveForever8

The so called Alien Reptilian beings from the planet Draco that he is always spouting off about go hand in hand with UFO lore. They had to get here some how right? lol

David Icke and "Ufology" should go without saying to be honest.

But as I said, the guy is a crackpot and he needs to leave the subject alone and stop talking about it and let people that know what they are talking about step forward.

And yes, Ufology does have a reputation and its a bad reputation due to people like David Icke.

Do your homework.

[edit on 25-6-2010 by -Blackout-]

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 05:55 AM
Guys like Icke can blabber on for hours about their conspiracies without producing a shred of evidence to support it. Lizard people? Prove it. Otherwise why should we believe a word? Might as well walk into the local mental hospital and sit and listen to the patients. Seriously, without evidence, what's the difference?

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 05:56 AM
reply to post by -Blackout-

So, who within Ufology is acceptable then?

Someone talking about reptilians coming from deep space is ridiculous but someone talking about greys or maybe some kind of blob monster is okay with you. That it?

I don't see how one outlandish claim is any different from another.

In The Biggest Secret (1999), Icke introduced the idea of the "Reptoid Hypothesis." He identifies the Brotherhood as originating from reptilians from the constellation Draco, who walk on two legs and appear human, and who live in tunnels and caverns inside the earth. They are the same race of gods known as the Anunnaki in the Babylonian creation myth, Enûma Eliš. -

So Icke has a similar theory to Zecharia Sitchin, is Sitchin on your most wanted list too? And not just Sitchin but many other theorists too.

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 06:07 AM
reply to post by warequalsmurder

Yeah I've got to agree with that, I strongly doubt MMN's motives on here, it seems he just wants to mock and make fun of all topics, theories, members and researchers, starting thread after thread with the sole intention of not investigating subjects but just ridiculing them, hard to understand really.

I don't follow Icke but Icke is just one on the long list of people you attack and ridicule, from well known researchers to ATS members. Sure, you might be right on a few things but you are not an authority on everything!

Are you here just to make people look stupid and insult people who in your mind have lower intelligence then you, did you actually come here searching for answers and then went into a bit of an ass or did you just come here to mock in a sarcastic and what you probably think as witty manner?

I would be keen to know your intentions on here MMN, mine are to keep up with world news that isn't touched on by the MSM and try and find an answer to what's going on with everything in the world, what's yours?

Kind regards

Liftthe, Lifttheveil

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 06:23 AM
reply to post by LiveForever8

Because he talks a big game and -never- brings any research or shred of proof to the table.

David Icke is a huge mixed bag of sensationalism, fanaticism and fabrication.

His theories are based purely in a fantasy world.

[edit on 25-6-2010 by -Blackout-]

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 06:29 AM
reply to post by Son of Will

Son of Will…..

I partially agree with your thread title

Which part?

and completely disagree with your OP's content.

So we got off to a mediocre start, which has now collapsed into complete disagreement!

But apart from that, are we doing OK?

Ritualistic pedophilia and child abuse for occult practices is a reality of our modern world.

Yes, quite.

However, the question is whether or not it is occurring on the scale suggested by the likes of Icke.

It's probably one of the biggest scandals in history.

As per my point above…..

Notwithstanding the crime itself is a travesty on each & every occasion it is perpetrated, what is the true scale of this mooted organised paedophilia & satanism, if any?

If you've read Cathy O'Brien's Trance-Formation of America you would never be able to look at politicians the same way.

I have not read O’Brien’s work. I will have a look at that.

There are many examples where obscure people she wrote about in her book, later became convicted for partaking in crimes identical to what she described them doing in her book, years before these people were even suspected of foul play. There are lots of details that she could not have known about, which later turned out to be completely true.

That may be the case, but I could not simply agree with you or believe O’Brien is credible, without looking into her material, her sources, her background, etc…

Look up William Colby as well. Former CIA director who talked about exactly this sort of thing.

I am familiar with some of Colby’s material. I will try to find time to look at it in more detail.

What makes you think this whole issue is not true? Just curious, I didn't see any reasoning for such a stance in your OP.

It’s more about the fact that Icke is not a credible researcher…..he is a sensationalist that is using this topic to his own ends, as per my opening post & my subsequent commentary.

Just Icke bashing.

I don’t see it is ”just Icke bashing” when I have rationale for my position.

Kind regards
Maybe…maybe not

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 06:37 AM
reply to post by SonicInfinity


David Icke may be crazy, but material does not become nutty by association.

Icke believes the world is secretly run by alien shape shifting reptilians.

I think that ”David Icke may be crazy”.

Also, every one of David Icke's works (that can be digitized) is on the Internet for free.

Icke has not made his ”works” available ”on the internet for free”.

You can call him a nutjob

Thank you…..Icke is a ”nutjob!”

seeing the same "money" argument getting made for him, David Wilcock, Alex Jones, Jordan Maxwell, etc., is getting boring and repetitive.

I agree!

It is ”getting boring & repetitive” to see these fantasists & scam artists keeping their snouts well & truly shoved in the trough of junk ufology & conspiracy theory!

Kind regards
Maybe…maybe not

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 06:51 AM
reply to post by warequalsmurder


I don't even partially agree with the OP.

When I’M the op, you usually don’t!

If Icke has made a career of conspiracy

Which he has…..

the OP here is quickly making a career on this site of attempted character assassinations of just about every conspiracy author I've seen discussed on this site.

If you can…..

- Define ”attempted character assassinations”

- Define ”just about every conspiracy author I've seen discussed on this site”

…..I can discuss this with you in detail, rather than make broad assumptions in error.

That in itself should be food for thought to the would be reader of this thread as to the motives involved with his/her latest attack. Icke in this case.

I confirm I am a ”he”!

If you can expand on your point regarding your perception of my ”motives” a little more, I can discuss this with you in more detail.

Icke was instrumental in bringing many of us into the know of how the world political structure works and who chairs those various special interests such as the Council on Foreign Relations, Royal Institute of International Affairs, Trilateral Commision, etc.

Icke simply plagiarises & regurgitates such info, whilst embellishing it with his own “signature” exaggerations & fantasies

He was also instrumental in exposing (for me at the very least) illuminati symbols and logos to the multinational corporations that currently run this planet.

As per the commentary of another member in this thread…..Icke adds 1 + 1 & comes up with 5!

I call horse manure on this post.

I rather got that impression!

Kind regards
Maybe…maybe not

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 06:54 AM

Originally posted by cripmeister
I understand that many people have a drive to believe in something. Some even say that it's hard wired into our brains to believe and to search for meaning. Can someone please tell me how they can find meaning in the fear/hate mongering and utter filth that David Icke spreads?


It is just awful to see that people seem to support charlatans such as Icke.


- Damages Ufology

- Damages the people he defames

- Damages the people he rips off

- Damages the people whose paranoia is reinforced by his nasty fantasies & lies.

Kind regards
Maybe...maybe not

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 06:59 AM

Originally posted by Faiol

this guy is crazy

come on ... look at the title of that article ....


Perhaps he's "crazy".

But.....I think he's really less "crazy" & more coldly calculating as to how to maintain his attention & his income.

Kind regards
Maybe...maybe not

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 07:02 AM
reply to post by MarrsAttax


David Icke is not a Ufologist so it's wrong to paint him as an ambassador for Ufology. I really don't recall him ever discussing UFOs (I could be wrong).

Icke states the world is secretly being run by shape shifting reptilian ALIENS.

Therefore people associate Icke strongly with Ufology.

Kind regards
Maybe...maybe not

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 07:16 AM
reply to post by LiveForever8


So what? Every single conspiracy theorist going charges for their books and live appearances, what makes Icke so different?

Please revert to my opening post & my subsequent commentary…..Icke damages people, Icke makes a mockery of Ufology, etc….

These people need to make money somehow, they need food on the table and gas in their cars, so this is how they make their money.

I do that by having a proper career that produces positive outcomes for the community, my family & myself.

Icke does that by lying & cheating & damaging people.

I think it's a really weak arguement whenever someone mentions the financial side of conspiracy theorists - as if it's unbelievable that they should dare to charge a fee for their goods and services. And then use that as a slight against them.

See above…’s dirty money.

If people want to pay to see Icke, they can. On the other hand they can choose not to.

You did not absorb 1 of the major issues I raised…..that being the damage Icke causes to people too gullible not to be able to make that choice.

If people want to pay for Ickes books, they can. On the other hand they can choose not to.

Please revert to my point, above.

It is Ickes choice to charge and it is their choice to pay.

Please revert to my point, above;

This is a non-issue.

It is an issue for the credibility of Ufology.

It is an issue for the people being damaged by Icke.

Kind regards
Maybe…maybe not

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 07:20 AM

Originally posted by Son of Will
There are many examples where obscure people she wrote about in her book, later became convicted for partaking in crimes identical to what she described them doing in her book, years before these people were even suspected of foul play. There are lots of details that she could not have known about, which later turned out to be completely true.

Such as? Names and dates

Originally posted by Son of Will
Look up William Colby as well. Former CIA director who talked about exactly this sort of thing.

When and where?

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 07:23 AM
reply to post by lifttheveil


You have raised a series of interesting & challenging points that require a thoughtful reply.

It is quite late here now, so I shall address your points in the morning.

Kind regards
Maybe...maybe not

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