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a breakdown of the muslim threat to the west

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posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by awa-king
Hi ...first i class you as a sad senile man.You are using the lowest form of bigotry .Im new in here but if full of LOW intelligence people who is not even spiritually evolved or civilized enough to respect a another religion.Im out.I bet you just spewing the hate you were feed&mix with your milk since kindergarten( i bet you had a evil bin laden as a teddy bear) .Scare you're little minded folks with the fear of the other,the scary bearded muslim..ohhh im so are right ..they're taking over...yea ill flag you & star you.Not really from me sorry.
``What's even worse than your mad ranting is how false is your collection of data.ill prove in a other post .Waste of energy against Sionist in the closest. I know this site is hosting his fair share of them.Ohh by the way my name is should scare you...boooo.

Speaking of low intelligence people, I believe the OP clearly said it wasn't HIS data, maybe don't talk about hate when your directly blaming him it. Either way, the post has much truth to it. Religions have the right to teach their ways to others who want to listen. But when they become a way of life that superimposes their laws and beliefs upon others under capital law, using a parasitic method and taking advantage of the free western rules, that is when I have a problem with it.

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 02:10 PM
reply to post by super genius

The two religions are very similar. The people act differently though. So there is something that affects the culture differently. But to say it sucks is not true. As a good chunk of Islam is taken from Christianity and Judaism. There is respect due to them, then. Discussion must therefore be done. Christianity exploded because it did not treat everyone as aliens to be destroyed, but people to learn from and grow into with its own culture. Later, of course, with the dark ages, people forgot this and grew violent. But that does not mean we should act like that.

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 02:10 PM
Religion? Everything I need to know I learned in kindergarten ...

- Share everything.

- Play fair.

- Don't hit people.

- Put things back where you found them.

- Clean up your own mess.

- Don't take things that aren't yours.

- Say you're sorry when you hurt somebody.

- Wash your hands before you eat.

- Flush.

- Warm cookies and cold milk are good for you.

- Live a balanced life - learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work every day some.

- Take a nap every afternoon.

- When you go out in the world, watch out for traffic, hold hands and stick together.

- Be aware of wonder. Remember the little seed in the Styrofoam cup: the roots go down and the plant goes up and nobody really knows how or why, but we are all like that.

- Goldfish and hamsters and white mice and even the little seed in the Styrofoam cup - they all die. So do we.

- And then remember the Dick-and-Jane books and the first word you learned - the biggest word of all - LOOK.

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by b0sanac

The modern Arabic culture is derived from Islam, which is derived from Mainly Judaism and some Christian elements. Therefore to mix the two really doesn't matter, as 90+% of Arabs are Muslims. There is a culture and a people, but just as its safe to assume an Irish or Spanish man is Catholic unless something says otherwise, it's safe to assume an arab is Muslim.

In some cases this will lead to racism. But there is a difference between assuming and judging. If you assume but treat equally, it is not racism. If you assume and treat less, then it is racism .

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by Gorman91

I agree with you on that, majority is. however what I am trying to say is that when someone mentions an arab girl/woman/man/boy say stoned to death, majority of people assume that all muslims are like that, regardless of cultural background. I know that Islam isnt perfect, no religion is, there will always be rogue factions stuffing it up for the normal law abiding citizens working among you and me and anywhere else in the world. I cannot stand any type of ignorance, but when talking about my religion it really hits my soft spot. Like someone already suggested racism has been around for hundreds of years, first african-americans, then the jews, and now muslims. But I am glad that there are some non-bigoted minds on ATS.

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by area6

Yea. But most people grow up and need something to live for. It's great if you can live an never worry about after you live and not let it effect. But many, including me, so no point to doing anything in life if you die and nothing happens, as everything you do will eventually be forgotten and destroyed.

May make me look dumb or stupid, but I see no point to defend nor live life to its fullest if I become nothing but dust in the end. As all that lovely feeling of being alive accounts to nothing in the end.

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 02:25 PM
reply to post by Gorman91

Hahahahahahaha..... Let me get this straight, People in America NEED Islam here to teach us, and make us "reflect into our own faiths"?

I agree entirely.

Islam coming here should make all of the ridiculous religious people think about their faith, what it actually is, and why they still have it, and how everyone's religion just sets us apart as human beings.

Down with religion.

OH, and, how can you believe in God and choose science and logic? Because choosing science and logic completely contradicts the idea of belief in god, as the idea of God lacks much scientific evidence, as it lacks any logical reasoning.

EDIT: for punctuation

[edit on 25-6-2010 by thunderabove]

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 02:28 PM

Originally posted by mattias

Originally posted by awa-king
Hi ...first i class you as a sad senile man.You are using the lowest form of bigotry .Im new in here but if full of LOW intelligence people who is not even spiritually evolved or civilized enough to respect a another religion.Im out.I bet you just spewing the hate you were feed&mix with your milk since kindergarten( i bet you had a evil bin laden as a teddy bear) .Scare you're little minded folks with the fear of the other,the scary bearded muslim..ohhh im so are right ..they're taking over...yea ill flag you & star you.Not really from me sorry.
``What's even worse than your mad ranting is how false is your collection of data.ill prove in a other post .Waste of energy against Sionist in the closest. I know this site is hosting his fair share of them.Ohh by the way my name is should scare you...boooo.

Speaking of low intelligence people, I believe the OP clearly said it wasn't HIS data, maybe don't talk about hate when your directly blaming him it. Either way, the post has much truth to it. Religions have the right to teach their ways to others who want to listen. But when they become a way of life that superimposes their laws and beliefs upon others under capital law, using a parasitic method and taking advantage of the free western rules, that is when I have a problem with it.

Thank you so much for responding. I was going to, but was mad and didn't want to respond in an ugly way. Very well said and definitely not lowering yourself to his childish, insulting level. God bless you.

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by b0sanac

People are bigoted because they do not know anything. One of the goals of globalism is to solve that problem.

I see Islam as something to learn from and teach my own view on things to. I think I am right, but it's safe to say that learning about Islam made me a deeper Christian, and evangelical too. I do respect the lifestyle Islam teaches, because it is quite sustainable. There's some stuff I do not agree with, but, Islam has been a catalyst to make me look into what type of culture and life style Christ teaches.

Interesting, eh?

That said, there is a difference. What is the underlining difference that made Christian countries become more liberal and free, and made many Islamic countries closed and primitive. No offense. because Turkey is a great example that goes against that. Iran, too, if its government was more republic-like.

But the simple fact is that. There is an underlining cultural difference.

That said, look at Europe today. What is it about Christianity that made them become ultra secularist and anti-religion in many ways?

Personally, I do not think anyone has been doing things right since Christianity was legalized in Rome. Since then, it's been one bad mistake after another.

And while offenses against your own religion hit a soft spot, I can't exactly say I have much mercy for religion in general. Mine, and yours. I was born and still am catholic. I won't say more. Because everyone knows how flawed it is. I am evangelical in many ways as well. But they have their worst, like westbro.

I have no mercy for religion. I have a relationship with Christ, is more accurate to say. officially my religion is catholic. But that's just because it's good to hear the bible every week in a church and hear a wiser older man speak about it. Unofficially, I have no religion. I follow Christ and have a relationship with him. I am his brother. His servant. His equal of his humanity.

So when I say what I do, it's because I have no mercy for religion. I have seen nothing but horrors from it.

That said, religion can be better. It's why I am still officially an active catholic. The need to improve that which is flawed by my own example.

So I am sorry you have a soft spot for your faith. I do not.

The word for love in the original Greek bible, is a love that means justice. To do what is in the person's best interest. Even your enemies. As Mark Twain once states, the best cure for Christianity is to read the bible. Until then, people like westbro baptist church will always be around. I have not even read the full bible and I understand more about Christianity than most.

For example

Down with religion. OH, and, how can you believe in God and choose science and logic? Because choosing science and logic completely contradicts the idea of belief in god, as the idea of God lacks much scientific evidence, as it lacks any logical reasoning.

The ignorance of this would be seen if the person read both the bible and science. Both talk about the "fall" of man. Both talk about how mankind evolved, or was created. There is so little difference. Letting people be ignorant is wrong. I will come back later and explain that if needed.

I will never stop supporting Christ's bride, the church. But when that entity called the church acts wrong, I will do as the word Agápe means. I will show their flaws, take no mercy in their wrongs, but rather, forget they ever happened, and point to the direction of betterment. The best interest for the church is to realize how flawed it is and let Jesus come in and fix them.

In my honest opinion, it is the best, regardless of faith.

[edit on 25-6-2010 by Gorman91]

[edit on 25-6-2010 by Gorman91]

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 02:47 PM

Originally posted by Violater1
These are quotes from my KORAN.
If you have one, then look these up.

This is the right kind of proof is in the pudding, as it were. Unfortunately for many of us, we are quite ignorant of things that we don't experience first hand on a daily basis.

For the OP, the posting starts out benign enough, and then launches into a logic fallacy known as "post hoc, ergo propter hoc", or more simply as a post hoc fallacy. The fallacy is that one draws a faulty conclusion that something happens as a direct result of something else, without any substantial data, citations, verifiable statistics or reasonable correlation that such a connection is valid.

It is easy to draw such conclusions when the information suits ones inner desires to demonize something they don't understand. For that matter, allows some moral reparations for wrong doings perceived to have come from an specific individual, group, or organization.


posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 02:49 PM
If anyone want to see what is written in the Koran (IN CONTEXT!!!!)

Go here:

It's online, beautifully presented and offers several ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS.

Have fun.

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by Tsuki-no-Hikari

That the bible has those verus in it is without question but tell me ohh mister high and mighty when do you think any of these where last used to kill a person?

Ohhh ye hundreds of years ago now tell me when a person was put to death for breaking Sharia hmmmm maybe in the last 3 seconds would be about right.

There in lies the difference christianity does not kill people who do not believe preists do not burn people alive any more.

I can blaspheme against the crhistians as much as I like and the church wont hunt me down and kill me, I can question there beliefs and they wont kill me, I can mock them and they wont kill me.

You seeing a pttern here any one of the above is a death sentence for many people the world over.

I agree with the other posters all religions are bad its just some are worse than others and until Islam and the many good people that live by it drag there ideology out of the 6th centuary it will not be a religion of peace EVER.

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 03:16 PM
Total hogwash. Fuel for the fire of hate to make money killing innocent people.

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by jpmail
reply to post by Tsuki-no-Hikari

That the bible has those verus in it is without question but tell me ohh mister high and mighty when do you think any of these where last used to kill a person?

Here's a small sampling:

Bible used to justify killing doctors

Violence against LGBT community in USA

Overview of Christian violence in modern America

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 06:30 PM

Originally posted by hangedman13
The only flaw I can find in your post is the fact there is more than one branch of Islam. Shia, Sunni and Wahabi to name a few[please forgive any misspellings] and they war amongst themselves as readily as they war against us infidals.

How is that a flaw? He said all 100% muslims war on each other! Did you read and comprehend?

I say BRAVO to the OP! I live in Michigan where Dearborn has the highest concentration of muslims in the US, and Sterling hieghts has a muslim call to prayer 5 times a day over the loud speaker! Let me say "come on people Jesus is LORD lets pray" over a loud speaker 5 times a day in a US city! I'd have so many people screaming church and state and what not! I Live with this crap! HIPOCRATES ALL!

Islam will take over the world and I pray Jesus I die before or in the battle!

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 06:54 PM

Originally posted by HooHaa

Originally posted by hangedman13
The only flaw I can find in your post is the fact there is more than one branch of Islam. Shia, Sunni and Wahabi to name a few[please forgive any misspellings] and they war amongst themselves as readily as they war against us infidals.

How is that a flaw? He said all 100% muslims war on each other! Did you read and comprehend?

I say BRAVO to the OP! I live in Michigan where Dearborn has the highest concentration of muslims in the US, and Sterling hieghts has a muslim call to prayer 5 times a day over the loud speaker! Let me say "come on people Jesus is LORD lets pray" over a loud speaker 5 times a day in a US city! I'd have so many people screaming church and state and what not! I Live with this crap! HIPOCRATES ALL!

Islam will take over the world and I pray Jesus I die before or in the battle!

Muslims also love Jesus and await for his return so don't try to hide behind him and make it US and THEM.

You are not only a hypocrite but also uneducated on the matter.

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 07:05 PM
Listening to Christians bashing Muslims, Muslims bashing Christians, or any other religious group bashing another is like watching monkeys fling poo at eachother.

They all have ZERO proof that they're right in their belief, yet they continue to attack other beliefs because they think it gives them more credibility. In reality, they're all uneducated, narrow minded, closing their eyes from facts, and misguided.

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 07:14 PM

Originally posted by MrXYZ
Listening to Christians bashing Muslims, Muslims bashing Christians, or any other religious group bashing another is like watching monkeys fling poo at eachother.

They all have ZERO proof that they're right in their belief, yet they continue to attack other beliefs because they think it gives them more credibility. In reality, they're all uneducated, narrow minded, closing their eyes from facts, and misguided.

In case you haven't realised this is an ANTI-MUSLIM thread.

Find me an ANTI-CHRISTAIN thread started by a muslim.

Don't try to label people speaking out against demonisation as anti-christain because that ain't happening here.

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 07:19 PM
reply to post by PunisherSupreme

I know it's not happening here, but there are Muslims that bash Christians...just like there's Christians who do the same...even if it doesn't happen often on ATS.

All I am saying is that they are all misguided and accepting things as facts that AREN'T facts.

I spent a LOT of time in the Middle East, even in restrictive countries like Saudi Arabia. I was never treated badly, even when I was the only white non-Muslim in a village 25km from Mekkah during the last 2 days of Ramadan. People were super friendly, and even invited me to dinner.

This is why I get so annoyed if people like the OP put all Muslims in one basket stating that they're all "evil and trying to take over the world". The OP (and many other posters in this thread) are uneducated, not well traveled, and nothing but a bunch of bigots.

When I had to go to Kansas for business, I was invited for dinner by some friends of my client. When they started praying before the meal, I just sat there silently not folding my hands or praying, they started acting all weird. The whole rest of the night I had to defend being agnostic, it was a giant pain in the ass!!

In Saudi Arabia during dinner they asked me once about my belief, and when I said I'm agnostic, they instantly dropped the subject and we spent the rest of the night having normal discussions about culture, business, and politics. They didn't try to convert me (apart from saying that if I wanna get closer to Mekkah I have to a joke), didn't ask for "invasion information", and even started bitching about the extremists because they realize it gives them a bad image...and making it harder to do business.

[edit on 25-6-2010 by MrXYZ]

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 09:57 PM

Originally posted by DazedDave
When the Christian population surpasses 80% of the population, you begin to see that they insist that laws be changed so that true science is no longer taught in schools, and that the Christian version of science is taught instead.

These "christians" are idiots. While I do agree that evolution is a theory, the same is for creationism. I personally think that the two validate each other. I think some of this is just over compensation for the liberal revisionism in all of academia.

It all had to come from somewhere didn't it?

Scientific method is no longer being taught or followed (for the most part) due to politics and money. What passes for science nowadays has more to do with " Wow! this will surely get me a paper published" vs. "Wow, look at what I found". bloody shame!

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