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Republicans kill Senate jobless aid measure (unemployment extension)

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posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 11:11 AM
reply to post by Alien Mind

So now I'm an idiot for taking a job, as bad as it might be, in order to better myself. Ahhhh....ummm....OK?


[edit on 6/25/2010 by WeAreAWAKE]

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 11:15 AM
reply to post by marg6043

You make it sound like the Fed is the one who keeps bailing states out. You should look to China and the Federal Reserve for that. The Feds even know the goose is up. Some are trying to hold everything together, but there are many people who just cannot find a job. I thinks it's hilarious how people think that if you extend benefits, people will never get a job. The amount of money you get is crappy. Unless you want to cover your most basic needs and nothing else, you need a job. Unemployment is not a lot. Hell most of Congress act like they are unemployed half the time. Always out of the office, going somewhere, taking some vacation. They don't do anything and yet will make sure they keep getting raise after raise in a recession, for not doing a damn thing (the majority) other than banging some lobbyist hooker. I hate both parties, always have. Most politicians today are in it for the power, control is what they crave.

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 11:15 AM
reply to post by WeAreAWAKE

Wow!!! That's a lot of fallacies in your perception, but its not my job to change minds anyway.

But one common fallacy many of the unempathetic would often use is the belief that they could create jobs but no one wants one and would rather laze at home.

As my post above had shown, I, an insignificant nobody, could and had created a job here and now. And no one seriously wants it. Why? Because it is a ridiculous offer! Who is gonna survive on such payscale???

If you truly want to offer jobs or create jobs, the most critical criteria is the sustainability of life, and that is salary, regardless of the job scope. If you gave me a job as CEO, responsible for everything and pay me a buck an hour, i will say go screw yourself, just as anyone will tell me to get lost with my garderner job offer of one buck an hour.

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 11:28 AM

Originally posted by SeekerofTruth101
reply to post by WeAreAWAKE

Wow!!! That's a lot of fallacies in your perception, but its not my job to change minds anyway.

But one common fallacy many of the unempathetic would often use is the belief that they could create jobs but no one wants one and would rather laze at home.

As my post above had shown, I, an insignificant nobody, could and had created a job here and now. And no one seriously wants it. Why? Because it is a ridiculous offer! Who is gonna survive on such payscale???

If you truly want to offer jobs or create jobs, the most critical criteria is the sustainability of life, and that is salary, regardless of the job scope. If you gave me a job as CEO, responsible for everything and pay me a buck an hour, i will say go screw yourself, just as anyone will tell me to get lost with my garderner job offer of one buck an hour.

Well, I guess we are just going to have to disagree here. Maybe it is our locations or something, but my perception of life, living and survival are apparently different from yours.

As much as "the almighty dollar" is part of society, I don't believe it is everything. I have personally cut my families (me, wife, two daughters, three cats, three dogs and one hamster) expenses with little sacrifice to where a previous income of 100K has been replaced by an income of 40K. That would be 60%. Most people waste money. Most don't even know it. The amount of food they let go to waste in the fridge, the things they buy that they forget about a month later, etc. What I'm trying to say is that promoting the idea that money is everything is what has gotten this society here. I work at a place where for their minor pay they get a worker, someone who can do some computer work for them, etc. I'm not going to belly-ache about my situation. I will do my best wherever I am, wherever I work and be happy to excel. And...surprise...with recent layoffs at work, guess who they consider a "keeper".

And for the record...again...if I were unemployed with no real prospects in sight...and there were no other jobs better...I would take yours. I really would.

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 11:29 AM

Originally posted by jaynkeel

Well when your unemployed and the jobs aren't there then what do you do? Esp in states like NY that have seen most jobs leave due to incompetent lawmakers imposing taxes upon taxes.

The madness has to stop at some point soon, they can't even put a budget in place that isn't in the negative. And these problems seem to be nationwide, I want to know who authorizes the money spent by political powers, ie: people working for the government.

Why can't we get rid of some of the luxuries that they indulge in and spend that waste money on the people of the nation? Office buildings rented for 60k a month, time to downgrade and lower your standards don't ya think?

If you totaled all that waste money spent I bet you it would be in the billions of dollars. More than enough to invest back into the economy and help balance negative budgets. Hey Washington get a clue or else we will have to pull you from your seats and figure things out ourselves.

Well said buddy! Trim the fact beginning with elected representatives, and kick some of the obscenely rich butts to get them cracking up the manufacturing sectors with hi-tech, need products and better wages instead of hoarding up billions which none of their generations can ever spend in their lifetimes!

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 11:31 AM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

PS: What benefits come with that and can I have Thursday off?

(sorry...had to)

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 11:32 AM
Shouldn't the title read like this?

Republicans and two Democrats that are interested in re-election kill Senate jobless...

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 11:33 AM

You should also dig deeper into the articles before condemning the Republicans.

After they voted no on the original bill, they tried passing a simple bill that would extend the benefits for another month and would be paid for out of TARP monies.

They were turned down flat by the Democrats.

This is just the Dems posturing... they are trying to score badly-needed political points for November.

That is, if you buy into the red team-blue team mindset.

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 11:36 AM
reply to post by WeAreAWAKE

Oh please for goodness sake! Give it up. $1 an hour means $8 a day for 8 hours daily. $5 to commute leaves you $3. You can't even get a Mcmeal at that price for breakfast! You will practically starved and is worse off than being my slave.

Please, you have more dignity as a human than that to accept my inhuman offer! Even if dignity is not high on your list, you still need to survive!

There are enough resources on Earth for EVERYONE on Earth. What we lack horizontally, we can go vertical as in the scope of space.

And not to mention advancement of tech and science, better management of resources, everyone will only need to work to live, and NOT live to work like robots. We are humans, and if we share, we will go far, leaving NONE behind for sure, either with a helping hand or education.

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 11:37 AM
Wait, so the Republicans are trying to keep the nation from sliding further into crushing debt? What the hell is wrong with them? Can't they see all the "HOPE AND CHANGE" going on?


posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 11:47 AM

Originally posted by SeekerofTruth101
reply to post by WeAreAWAKE

Oh please for goodness sake! Give it up. $1 an hour means $8 a day for 8 hours daily. $5 to commute leaves you $3. You can't even get a Mcmeal at that price for breakfast! You will practically starved and is worse off than being my slave.

Please, you have more dignity as a human than that to accept my inhuman offer! Even if dignity is not high on your list, you still need to survive!

There are enough resources on Earth for EVERYONE on Earth. What we lack horizontally, we can go vertical as in the scope of space.

And not to mention advancement of tech and science, better management of resources, everyone will only need to work to live, and NOT live to work like robots. We are humans, and if we share, we will go far, leaving NONE behind for sure, either with a helping hand or education.

I completely agree that "we" as a society can provide for everyone, if we could change people's minds, their "need" for money, their desire for power. But then...we wouldn't be human...we would be better. And I don't see that happening anytime soon. So...if the sun isn't rising, you get a blanket to keep warm. That is where my argument is coming from. Here we are...for now...for the immediate situation...WHAT TO DO?

I'm not sure what response you want from me. Do you want me to say that I would rather stay home all day, using up resources and make nothing...than take your pitiful offer that will give me something and some level of satisfaction and self-worth? I can't say that. I refuse to be worthless. Is that so hard to understand.

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 11:57 AM
reply to post by David9176

Fun Fact: The Republicans AREN'T filibustering. They are only threatening to filibuster. The Democrats, being the good little dance partners that they are, will never actually make the Republicans act like obstructionists. So if they don't have a super-majority, they don't proceed with the bill.

Spineless twits.

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 11:59 AM
reply to post by WeAreAWAKE

I do understand where you are comming from. I do agree with you having a job is better than NO job. But then it depends on what it pays. If it is worse off than being a slave and only further enriching someone else, better to look out for other opportunities.

It's hard to come by, and not ALL will get it, thus better to wait than to get stuck. Remember, as a worker, you only get paid at the end of the month, and if you leave halfway, you gonna be given the roundaround for some time, meaning free work for the gleeful employer.

That's the realism of current employment status felt by many, not to mention many con artiste employers out there today.

The deeper issue is our obscenely rich. Economies are down, but money doesn't disappear into thin air. It went into hiding. The rich are hoarding up money and are not investing in manufacturing, where real worth is at. Money does not circulate and we end up doomed soon.

Even those who manufacture, prefers to do it with the cheapest inhuman labour costs such as in China, where even the Chinese bulk at such salaries.

Cheaper salaries, but it never translates into cheaper goods. Thus the rich gets richer and the poor end just my analogous suffering gardener, worse off than a slave.

This is something we humans must stop and get the rich to rationalise the ELE they are causing. And it begins with politicians. As mentioned, stop at 99 weeks of benefits by all means, but the deeper underlaying issue is to create jobs, jobs with reasonable pay and not that of my kinda worse than slave scale.

Is this so hard to understand?

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

I hope you don't mind. I added you as a friend. This would make my first on ATS.

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 12:01 PM
The game. I say we vote every member of the political establishment out of office. Let not one who is in office stay. Vote for the third party candidate. All of this is a game to our elected officials. Lets vote a member of ATS for President. Just write in his name.
But whoever it is be warned. You only have one chance to show us what you can do or you get ousted.

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 12:02 PM

Originally posted by ~Lucidity
Here we go...go get a job!

Immigrant farm workers' challenge: Take our jobs

You're spot on. These are the kinds of jobs our government wants us to take. Most Americans won't jump on the low-paying-jobs-bandwagon without a little push. The people will have to suffer much and completely loose all hope before the transition of the American worker to lower paying jobs is complete.

The government can't make manufacturing jobs. They can only provide an arena for them to exist. They would have to sweeten the pot with low wages amongst other things to get outsourced jobs back. Small business cannot employ us all we need mega industry to come back into full swing production. It's not going to happen until they break the back of the American worker.

It was the industrial workers that built this country do we really think we can just phase them out and expect Wall Street to sustain us all? No Wall Street is for those in the know the little guy is simply a pawn subject to its whim. Not the kind of life American workers fought for.

It will be interesting to see how this plays out. If they don't extend UI things could get really bad. All debt would have to be forgiven first in order for American's to live off minimum wage/migrant farm work.

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 12:07 PM
It seems that folks replying to this thread are not looking at the bigger picture, which is that policy has dictated this mess so far. Its perfectly fair to say that policy has been dictated by corporations to their moles in gub. Individuals are responsible by way of their own self preservation to please their handlers.

Serve a term in congress or senate and you're set for life, undeniably. They don't care because they are taken care of. Taking the whole redemlicrat stance is garbage. Bureaucracy is so untamed and they have many of you just feeding it. They pimp the populace for their own gain. Anyone know what a pimp does?

A modern caste system is what we are heading for, it seems. Skills are being wasted because its better to improve your own investments by making products that fail as opposed to guarantees. Consumerism is control. Production is dominance.

One thing that everyone should take note of is: No matter how important, how wealthy, how influential you are, it can all be taken away with one stroke of a pen or a keyboard. Then you shall be left to your own devices that you have learned in this world.

Smugness has been very noted on this thread. Do not think that it will not ever happen to you, its very possible. Cooperation is key, yet people are wont to realize this. An elected position is never safe, thats why all the posturing.

This bill will pass, but its going to cost one month less than what we pay for Iraq/Afghanistan. At least they revitalized the 'so-called' republiclowns and the democraps belief in their mission, which is to deliver freedom and democracy to those alleged sovereign nations. War is money, the ones who create war profit. Average folks can't profit off it. We can't have that and thats why it needs to fail. Contradiction? Yes, I know that, but reality trumps that.

It makes me sick that the people who do well at the moment are so critical. My investments tanked when I really needed them. When it costs money to get your own money back, how is that fair?

People should be allowed their money, even when they foolishly pay into the system. 20 years ago, it was all about deregulation. It was exactly the opposite. Wish i knew then what I know now and been able to do something about it. 8 year olds are not very influential.

Anyways, we built a system designed to fail. Sweat equity was the commodity, I suspect it still is, now we have consumer index(fancy name), its the same.

My point is that we are owned by being born. I can be wrong, for sure, yet we are pimped out with no common goal. We can revolutionize this country with just a simple access to technology. The kind that has no price tag attached.

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic

Originally posted by vor78
If they wouldn't try to tack on garbage like that, I'd be more sympathetic to the Democrats' argument. As it stands, it looks like they're trying to pass a tax bill and disguise it as something else.

Just to add, its retarded bull **** like this that makes me despise the Democratic party.

I have got to agree.

Ahem...the "tax breaks" included with the bill are tax breaks for businesses that don't ship jobs overseas or bring jobs back from overseas.

It closes the loophole that gave breaks to businesses that were shipping jobs abroad.

And the oil companies...c'mon, here is the amendment that the GOP claimed was out of line...a roll back of subsidies for the most profitable industry on earth.

For the last two years, the Obama administration has proposed ending senseless tax subsidies that the federal government gives to oil companies, despite the fact that oil is an incredibly lucrative industry. Congress has, thus far, not responded, and as Congressional Quarterly reported today, “the numerous tax advantages enjoyed by oil and gas producers appear likely to survive virtually unscathed despite the political turbulence created by the biggest oil disaster in American history.”

However, that is not due to a complete lack of trying. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) has proposed an amendment to the tax extenders bill currently before the Senate, which would cut $35 billion in subsidies for Bil Oil. $25 billion of the savings would go toward reducing the deficit and $10 billion would fund a grant program encouraging energy-efficient buildings. Sanders took to the Senate floor today to point out that, in an age of high, long-term deficits, it makes no sense to subsidize one of the most profitable industries in the country with taxpayer money:

It's ever more difficult for me to mince words.

The GOP are sell-outs. They protect subsidies for oil companies, they protect big companies who lay off american workers while shipping jobs's not's just right there in the bill.

An Amenedment that ends subsidies for ALL oil companies = in GOP Rhetoric...more taxes for domestic oil companies.

An Amendment that extends the tax incentive for businesses that DONT ship jobs overseas = A tax break for big businesses spurned by lobbyists.

An amendment that doesn't give a tax break to businesses that ship jobs overseas while laying off american attack on business.

A bill requiring disclosure of what or actually paying for political ads..the GOP fought and it barely passed as a watered down bill.

They simply don't give a rats ass anymore. Their diconnect with the public has reached some kind of bizzare pinnacle, emboldened by a vocal minority (the fringe right) that they have mistaken for the majority.

Political wreckage that is good for none of us. We need, at a minimum, a balance of political power and reasoned political discourse and the GOP as a failed party is bad for everyone.

Read the November headlines now...

"How did a party that a mere six months ago was poised to sieze control of the house and senate manage to alienate it's base and dramatically lose this past November's elections that should have been by all accounts and predictions a clean sweep."

There is one huge bubble in DC and it is about to pop...and the GOP will not come out on top.

My prediction...Dems will lose seats, GOP will lose only slightly more some extent a swap with the GOP at a disadvantage and an unprecidented amount of new blood and independants in DC.

Given the close tie, both parites will scrambled to get the new blood under their wing as quickly as possible. That will be the deciding factor in where the country many of the new Pols after November will quickly become just another party-line politician.

See...the GOP in DC haven't realized yet that the outraged TPM and it's ilk? They may be conservative, even far right, but they are not neccessarily GOP loyalists eager to tow the party line and vote as told to.

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 12:11 PM
reply to post by David9176

Hi David9176-

I think the problem is why do they always try and add stuff that is not needed in a bill? If it is an unemployment bill only and not with other projects then I think it would pass. But why add all the other junk? I think that has been our problem for a long time, congress has been spoiled by "well I will vote yes but I want something for me" attitude.

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 12:11 PM

Originally posted by vor78

Originally posted by PsychoX42

I don't think so. How about rich verses poor? Or how about the Banking System verses the slaves? Its a class war.

Which is exactly my point. They're playing divisive politics instead of doing what's right.

Stop bitching at me for a minute and ask yourself a question: why can't they put the jobless benefits out there without tacking on a bunch of other crap that they know will start a fight?

Again, if the Democrats would do that, I would be much more sympathetic to their argument. As it stands, they're intentionally picking a fight.

[edit on 25-6-2010 by vor78]

I was not bitching or looking to pick a fight, but to illuminate a point. If you perceived it in a negative way, there isn't much that I can say that will alter your opinion.

However, you purposefully pointed out that it was a problem with the Democratic Bill that was proposed. I am demonstrating the obvious. The people that you define as democrat or republican are all shaking hands with each other behind the scenes because they're all owned by the Bankers (Banksters) who enforce our economy. This is all a front to rape the taxpayer of their money and stuff it into the hands of the, the democrats and republicans that are putting on the show.

They weren't looking for a fight, they were looking for submission. Submission of the taxpayer.

And lets just say that they were, in fact, looking for a fight... I guarantee you that the fight wasn't between the two parties as they benefit no matter which bill passes. The fight itself is them versus us, and then they can all laugh about how they put on another grand show that continues to divide the public while making them all rich, and us poor, behind closed doors.

You'll soon see that its all been a huge facade, and when this occurs, our divisions will seem minimal in comparison to the fallout that the falling of the veil will create. Our politicians are working on borrowed time...and they know it.

Namaste and love

[edit on 25-6-2010 by PsychoX42]

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