posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by whatukno
Thanks for your assist Wukky, and I agree on your assesment on E-Done.
In fact I'm stressing out because I can't finish all the readings at once, I feel like I have OCD, I can't stand to leave work unfinished.
So if you, or anyone else would like to assist me in my interpretations, it would be greatly appreciated.
In fact I'm going to embed this very thread with my own psychic energy for member's to use while translating Avy's.
You simply must repeat the following Mantra to unlock this energy. Say it with heart and passion, but most of all say it with conviction.
" With the powers of Greyskull, Mrs Cleo and Ekim, I call on you to open my eyes, For every lock I become the key, and master over all that I see.
In an Interstellar Burst, I am back to save the universe !!!
Now my son, you are ready.
All and any help will be greatly appreciated !!