posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 01:05 PM
It looks to me that we are looking at the broken pipe at liberty with nothing around it or above it to collect anything. This could be for a
reason that I cannot understand. It appears to be 100% Methane coming out at huge pressure. Also if I am not mistaken it appears that the Methane is
burning ? This is not good. If as appears to the case that the Methane is burning then it is because BENZALDAHYDE C6H5CHO is reacting to
oxidize the METHANE CH4 and in the process the Methane becomes Carbon Dioxide and water. However, the Benzaldahyde become BENZINE C6H6.
If this is indeed what I am looking at then it would appear that there be a vaste amount of BENZINE C6H6 going up in the plume. BENZENE
C6H6 is a vapour that will rise to the surface of the water and will then spread out horizontally forming a layer about 25 meters deep over the
surface of the water. It will migrate in the wind. BENZENE C6H6 is extremely harmful to health. At first symptoms will be headache and fatigue.
Nausia and even loss of consciousness. However, symptoms do not stop there. Further down the road the person exposed will likely develop kidney
failour and cancers. The fatigue will turn into depression and the depression into a suicide psychosis. The Environmental Protection Agency EPA
recommended safe level of exposure is zero. It is 100% dangerous. Even exposure to a mere four parts per million will cause symptoms. A few weeks ago
the Environmental Protection Agency EPA published the astonishing report that levels of BENZENE C6H6 in the atmosphere in and around the coast
of the Gulf of Mexico are standing at 750 times above the minimum recommended level for safety. Unfortunately BENZENE C6H6 is basically almost
odourless, although if you can smell anything it has a sweet smell, which makes it a lethal stealth weapon. Breathing masks will not protect you
against inhalation of BENZENE C6H6.
[url=]> BENZENE