posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 03:21 AM
A perfect opportunity to post this as last night i stayed up all night researching the Rockefeller's and how they are controlling everything. As i
wanted to get to the bottom of why ive been lied to all my life and if its true what people say of them. This might not be much evidence but it sure
makes me think about things....I wasted my energy and sleep over it but i got some things out of it.
The Challenge to the Global Community of Religions
"In this new ecological age of developing global community and interfaith dialogue, the world religions face what is perhaps the greatest challenge
that they have ever encountered. Each is inspired by a unique vision of the divine and has a distinct cultural identity. At the same time, each
perceives the divine as the source of unity and peace. The challenge is to preserve their religious and cultural uniqueness without letting it operate
as a cause of narrow and divisive sectarianism that contradicts the vision of unity and peace. It is a question of whether the healing light of
religious vision will overcome the social and ideological issues that underline much of the conflict between religions."
-- Dr. Steven C. Rockefeller, Middlebury College, Spirit and Nature, p. 169
Both Socrates and the laws of Athens were described as “philanthropic and democratic”—a common expression, the idea being that philanthropic
humans are reliably capable of self-government.
John D. Rockefeller " Control everything, Own nothing|?
He funds and owns many things.. euthanises animals
Rockefeller was impressed and said of it in 1904: "The impression was gaining ground with me that it was a good thing to let the money be my servant
and not make myself a slave to the money…"
Posting this link so you can see the quotes on the website and read between the lines...
They hijack most belief systems and then reverse it for their needs. For eg, feminist movement, communist movement,christian movement, athiest
movement, cult movements, gay movement, spiritual movement, animal rights movement, green movement, left & right, music industry etc etc so that
everything works in their favour. Whatever movement they will infiltrate it....
They own the medical industry and have a university.
So they already control everything and the goal now is to bring in their NWO
[edit on 22-6-2010 by Applesandoranges]