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Absolute PROOF that the New World Order is real

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posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 12:27 AM
The New World Order isn't just a conspiracy's the Law!

And I can Prove it!

First....let me ask you all one simple question. What is the utimate goal of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ?

Some of you might come up with some varied aswers such as to protect our citizens, ensure freedom, defend liberty...answers that echo the preamble to the constitution which states:

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
These would all seem correct on the surface, unfortunately the real answer is buried as they say in the fine print. And I'm going to show it to you now:
In May of 1962, The United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency under the Kennedy Administration released a document entitled:

Outline of Basic Provisions
of a Treaty on
General and
Complete Disarmament
in a Peaceful World

In case your wondering about the title of the document, it is what it says it is. A plan, put forth by the United States government to Disarm the world, and hand all power over to the United Nations.

The plan works in three phases:
1. The start of Arms Reduction between the Soviet Union and The U.S.
2. Further Arms reduction, including all soviet and U.S. allies.
3. Total Disarmament of the world, with the U.N. as the sole entity with use of military force to govern the conduct of nations (One World Government).

Disarmament would leave only a mimimal force level for police forces to keep internal order. Other than that, the U.N. is the only Army in the world.

It calls for:
-Elimination of all WMD's (Except the U.N.'s)
-Elimination of All Armed Forces (Except the U.N.'s)
-Elimination of all small arms. They take your guns.

In essence, The U.N. runs the world like a new Roman Empire. And The U.S. (And all other countries) merely become a province of the One Global Super State, it's soveriegnty surrendered, it's national identity destroyed, it's citizens subjugated.

The concept was first proposed in a U.S. State Department Publication (7277) which is just as chilling, linked here:

Now to answer the question above...what is the goal of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ? One need only read the Forward of the Blueprint for the Peace Race treaty proposal.

It reads:
An ultimate goal of the United States is a world which is free from
the scourge of war and the dangers and burdens of armaments, in
which the use of force has been subordinated to the rule of law, and in
which international adjustments to a changing world are achieved

Hmmmmmm.......Where Have I heard those lines before?

Oh yea, that's

So the Goal of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is to Disarm, Take your guns, and Surrender to the United Nations. Now in case you think this is just political rhetoric, let me show you something:....this statement was passed into Law.

And here's the proof:

1.Public Law 87-297 signed into Law by JFK in 1961:
2.The Ultimate Goal of the U.S. as defined by Law Title 22 USC 2551 of the United States Code:
3. Disarm is defined as Elimination of all national armed forces and weapons, including taking citizens guns: Title 22 USC 2552
4. Policy Formulation as defined by Title 22 USC 573:

Now theres an important note about link #4 says in essence that A. The policy and progress af Disarming shall be reviewed and Amended from time to time (Which it has been) B. The United states is not obligated to Disarm unless by international treaty signed by the President, and C. Citizens guns may not be taken away (yet) if they own them for lawful purposes. However, the definition of lawful gun ownership is being tightened all the time, Section C may be removed at any time according to section A, and section C may be subjected to a disarmarment treaty signed by the President.

So there you have it. The end of America and the One World Government.

The New World order - It's The Law!

Now think about the history of the last 50 years. Non Proliferation Treaties, the Strengthening of the U.N. Peace Keeping Forces, Disarmament agreements, and continued globalization. What was the Utimatum G.W. Bush proclaimed to Sadam Hussein on the eve of the Irag War?

You have 48 hour to Disarm and leave Irag.

(Video here...please note the nice Uncapped Pyramid effect that the background creates with Bush's head as the capstone. Did someone say Illuminati?)

This war established the doctrine of pre-emption. The idea that sef defence now means attacking someone Before they "might" attack you, not after.

Think about the wake of 9/11 and the war on terror, the Patriot act, etc.,
Mark my words, there is a day that will come where terrorists are not defined as simply evil mass murderes, but anyone who exercises their right to bear arms. They will use the doctrine of Pre-emption to go after these supposed "Home Grown Terrorists" who aren't terrorists at all, but merely peaceful citizens.

Think about the doctrine of interdependence, free trade zones, gloabalism, unified currencies over multiple nations, North American and European Unions, and the inability to protect out borders, all aimed at destroying the national character and identity of nations and eliminate their soveriegnty.

Think about the global currency structure, the IMF, World Bank, and other entities designed at controlling global markets.

The New World Order isn't some mysterious, behind the scenes entity that secretly influences world politics, the New World Order IS world politcs! Its the Essence of everything we see happening around us every day!

Wake Up People! The End is Nigh! This is Treason!

Stop the NWO now before it's too late!

Maybe, I fear, it even already is.....

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 12:47 AM
Great thread by the way, nothing new here, but this is not mentioned enough IMO. Anyway, these are things that are far greater than us, we have been and will (sad to say) in the future be the puppets of the NWO. When we fail to see what has happened in the past of course we are doomed to repeat it.. but in our case we didnt get the right past. So, we think that we may have an answer.

This im afraid is false security, false leadership, false indoctrination, false lively hoods. I would like to say that we should know better, but what would I even base that on? School, religion, MSM, the white house?

Our so called laws are not for those who want to be free, I think this should be ignored to the point where we stand as one. I dont mean a revolt, just people, ordinary everyday people that have had enough. I am not just a talker, but a person who truly believes that life is what you make it. Im not perfect, but I will try to get myself out of the system that only wants to destroy.

There are to many out there that think this is an impossible feat. Really? We have come along way, and we have much further to go. Find a way, whether its no longer going to McDonalds, buying food you can grow yourself, forget writing to your congressman, hes a pawn in the game, we have to rely on ourselves.

Theres no super hero, no great savior, no idealist utopia, its us, its always been us, and if the NWO is trying so hard to get our will and souls.. then maybe we havent thought about our true worth.

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 12:48 AM
reply to post by conspiracyguru

I am honored to be the first to flag and star this post. This is excellent info and is well done. Moderator this needs to be bumped to the front page and I hope you will.
If the government wants everyone to lay down their arms let them go first. It appears the writting is on the wall. I would love to see revolution come to this country, but who will fire the first shots in mass. No one person can do it without being singled out as a nut, a home grown terrorist, etc. Perhaps this country is past the stage of a successful revolution.
Eventually there will be a government crack down. They will come to get our guns and I can certainly see gorilla warfare breaking out in the cities and rural areas.
However, I think that the time for action has past. The only thing left is reaction to future events. The masses have been lulled to sleep, pasified, sedated. God help us.

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 12:54 AM
But don't we already live in a world where the few and powerful pull the strings? Don't we already live in a world where we are all ruled by the elite? What would be the difference if the UN actually took over the world? Perhaps Genocide would stop? Perhaps we could channel those trillions of dollars that we spend on the military towards education, healthcare and infrastructure? Perhaps it would mean open borders and more interaction between different cultures, ultimately eliminating ethnic wars? Perhaps there would be an end to all nuclear weapons? I'm just sayin...these questions need to be asked.

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 12:59 AM
And here I was thinking it was some new fangled international way of ordering off of a menu:

"Uh, yeah. I would like the guacamole soy burger with goats cheese, and a small salad, s'il vous plaît."

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 12:59 AM
reply to post by amazing

The questions I think have already been answered. NO. If these things were controlled more by the people and less by TPB, then I think that things would be better off... but this is based on people believing in people, not what we think today, we should know better, but don't. We have to be retaught, and believe in ourselves. We lost this ability I think and until we get it back, and erase all the hatred, and banter, then we can never truly get it right, this is what keeps the NWO/NOW in power.

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 01:24 AM
To add to the discussion did you know the famous Bilderberg group has their own website now? On their conference page they outline all the topics of their meetings dating back to the 1950s, from the May 31-Jun3 2007 meeting in Istanbul Turkey the top topic on the list is NWO: Uni Polar or Non Polar? This is just one example, I'm sure you can find more on there if you look through it.

31 May-3 June 2007 Istanbul, Turkey
* The New World Order: Uni-Polar or Non-Polar?

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 01:58 AM
The way things are going, they will all run out of money before that.
It seems to like its falling apart. Plus someone is going to realize that
if you have a one world Order, and a character like Hitler or Stalin,etc.
gets into power its game over. There are a lot of powerful folks who are
working just as hard to keep that from happening. Whats the difference
really anyway? At this rate humanity could easily be extinct or close to
it in less than 200 years. So then what? A few nutcase elites living in a bunker
running the NWO of a depleted planet. Even They can't live forever.
And believe this, Me and my buddies will be waiting for them on the other side.

Great Post

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 01:58 AM
reply to post by InvisibleObserver

Thanks for the link, great find!

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 02:03 AM

Originally posted by Wildmanimal
The way things are going, they will all run out of money before that.
It seems to like its falling apart. Plus someone is going to realize that
if you have a one world Order, and a character like Hitler or Stalin,etc.
gets into power its game over. There are a lot of powerful folks who are
working just as hard to keep that from happening. Whats the difference
really anyway? At this rate humanity could easily be extinct or close to
it in less than 200 years. So then what? A few nutcase elites living in a bunker
running the NWO of a depleted planet. Even They can't live forever.
And believe this, Me and my buddies will be waiting for them on the other side.

Great Post

I dont see how they could run out of money. If you understand how the banking system works, they ARE money.

And I think their not to worried about a powerful single person taking over the whole thing, in fact I believe thats thier goal. His name will be Antichrist.

[edit on 22-6-2010 by conspiracyguru]

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 02:08 AM

Originally posted by Jean Paul Zodeaux
And here I was thinking it was some new fangled international way of ordering off of a menu:

"Uh, yeah. I would like the guacamole soy burger with goats cheese, and a small salad, s'il vous plaît."

This isn't a comedy forum. I can guarantee you that most of the people here could care less about your lame attempt at comedy. In other words, I guess what I'm trying to say is that your post is completely useless.

As far as the topic of the thread is concerned, yes, obviously the concept of a "New World Order" is real, although a lot of the "regular" sheeped-out people still have no clue.

Thankfully their New World Order is not yet a complete reality... if it was you would know and you would not be too happy about it.

First and foremost we still have the Internet. The elite globalists are terrified at the rate of the global awakening that is taking place.

Secondly, at least in the United States, we still have our guns. They absolutely hate that and they wish they could do something about it. The 2nd amendment was put there to give us a fighting chance against tyranny, and as of right now we are still in a solid position to do so.

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 02:11 AM
Nah! I don't think disarming people is such a good idea.

Say, for example, I'm a rancher. And I see my cows have been mutilated by some unknown force. Suddenly, I see EL CHUPACABRA. It's terribly hungry and coming at me, really fast! Alas, I have nothing LETHAL to defend myself because the NWO took away my `broomstick`. [The end].

[edit on 2010-6-22 by pikypiky]

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 02:15 AM
I don't think there's ever been any question that the New World Order is real... It's been unfolding right before our eyes, demolishing centuries of "old world order" and threatening to enslave the whole fekking planet for the last hundred years.

What we need is less "order" of any kind. Bring on chaos for a few years, let's cull the herd, let the weak die off and stop hampering our progress as a species.

— Doc Velocity

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 02:22 AM
reply to post by Diplomat

As useless as you claim my post was, you certainly felt compelled to quote it in its entirety. Ironically, you then go on a little rant, bringing in the right to keep and bare arms, which is far more than a 2nd Amendment, it is an inalienable right, not just enjoyed by Americans, but by people across the world, regardless of what other nations laws say about it, and certainly what the pathetic United Nations say about it.

Long before this website even began, indeed, when Springer and S.O. were still in diapers, the strong dislike and suspicion of the United Nations was a very real concern for freedom loving people in this country we call The United States of America. Regardless of what conspiracies may exist to usher in a "New World Order", there will always be people willing to fight tyranny of all forms, regardless of how loudly you or others scream "WAKE UP!" This vigilance in protecting freedom, however, does not mean a sense of humor must be surrendered, and certainly the inherent political power of each individual should never, ever be surrendered. All too often, and tragically so, it is surrendered to, and stupidly so, to these mysterious and largely faceless and nameless "TPTB".

If you are going to arm yourself, and this I wholly support, I would still feel much better about it, if you had a modicum of humor left within you. Wake up? Grow up!

[edit on 22-6-2010 by Jean Paul Zodeaux]

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 02:23 AM
reply to post by conspiracyguru

Yes the way I understand the banking system is that it is a complete fraud at this point. True money is backed up with resources . Now money is as debt.
if you don't have resources or create products, you have to borrow money.
At this point they are borrowing money to pay back the money that they cant
pay back. LOL . It has been stated by many in the know, that the current
arrangement is unsustainable. And yes, they are money because they just
"print" it. But that can only be done for so long before you have a Weimar
republic or a Zimbabwe. So they are building castles made of sand.
Only to be washed away in seas of time.

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 02:24 AM

Originally posted by Doc Velocity
let's cull the herd, let the weak die off and stop hampering our progress as a species.

— Doc Velocity

I dont know about you, but Im a person, not cattle. And I have no intention of going to a Camp Fema Slaughterhouse.

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 02:24 AM
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

I didn't even bother to read everything you wrote.


Because it was most likely driven by your ego.

This is the single most problem facing human beings today: their egos.

If we could just put our egos aside for a moment we could all learn from each other and evolve like we should be evolving...

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 02:26 AM
reply to post by Diplomat

Yeah right, as if you put your own ego aside when making the decision not to read my post, because when you mean "we all have something to learn from each other", what you mean is everyone should listen to you.

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 02:27 AM
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

Nope. No one should automatically "listen to me."

I am no better than you, and you are no better than me.

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 02:28 AM

Originally posted by Diplomat
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

Nope. No one should automatically "listen to me."

I am no better than you, and you are no better than me.

Then stop trying to make this thread about you, and let it be what it wants to be, a thread about this "New World Order."

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