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Cops Kill Father-to-Be in Botched Marijuana Raid

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posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 12:36 PM
Sorry Stella- the last post was intended for The Professional.

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 12:37 PM

Originally posted by bigfatfurrytexan
Get out and do something. That is the only thing that is going to change it. Keep trying to explain to people, showing these examples.

Really? Washington DC's residents legalized the use of marijuana for medicine back in 1999. Bob Barr (the Barr ammendment) stopped what the voters wanted.

How can you say "go vote, it will change everything", when obviously it doesn't?

Otherwise, we have the nation that our votes apparently have created.

No. We have a nation that the law makers have created. When was the last time you got to vote on a law?

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 12:39 PM
You know, I wish people in that area would get together, bust in that cops door and shoot him while he is on the can.

More silliness in this silly world and another victim of the war on people.

Edit: to the "professional" (professional propagandist, liar, killer?) you're ideas and arguments are as ancient as trepanning and you're "drug" hard line propaganda doesn't work here on ATS.

[edit on 19-6-2010 by SmokeandShadow]

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by paraphi
The reason the police are trigger happy is because of their training. The emphasis is to stay safe by shooting first. The whole reason for that emphasis is not to keep the police safe but to destroy the American people with our own police force. We are paying these people to train to kill us. Weed is just for practice.

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by THE_PROFESSIONAL

Yea - s%#t - and what do you have in you medicine cabinet I ask again. Enjoy your drug of choice - ignorance!

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 12:45 PM
reply to post by Nutter

No. We have a nation that the law makers have created. When was the last time you got to vote on a law?

Actually as a member of a jury during the trial of one of these questionable laws you have the perfect opportunity to acquit. Judges and the lawyer priest class like to refer to this as jury nullification, but the reality of it is it is non-acquiescence. No jury has ever been convicted of a crime for refusing to convict a person even in spite of evidence that clearly makes that defendant "guilty" under the legislation he or she has been charged with. Whether it is called jury nullification, non-acquiescence or simple acquittal, as a member of a jury you have the opportunity to convince your fellow jurors that acquittal is the just and moral decision, and when juries across the country begin acquitting defendants for drug possession, then Congress will repeal the stupid laws. Further, if you are honored to serve as a member of a Grand Jury, you have the opportunity to refuse to indict.

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 12:50 PM
reply to post by HistoryIsOnlyHisStory

I don't think it's that much madness. Of course if they weren't interested in the drugs then it would not happen. Of course, it they were more interested in the producers rather than the consumers, this would not happen.

Of course, that would make sense.

In accordance to the law, nothing I see here seems to indicate much abuse. Maybe shooting him was unwise, but I have no idea how they found him or what he did.

The point is, the law's at fault, not the people enforcing the law. They did as they were suppose to.

The drug war can be won and over easily by focusing on the producers. The consumers have no relationship to ending the issue.

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 12:50 PM
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

The problem with jury nullification is that you have to get on the jury to begin with. I have LEO as family members which makes my eligibility for being on a jury null and void.

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 12:53 PM

Originally posted by Gorman91
The point is, the law's at fault, not the people enforcing the law. They did as they were suppose to.

Tell that to all the gaurds at Auschwitz who got death sentences for just "following orders".

That is no excuse IMO.

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 12:53 PM
reply to post by Nutter

You have friends who will at some point have the opportunity. Many people view jury duty as a nuisance, if you spread the word and instructed your friends on the absolute power that comes with being a member of the jury, and how it can, if the legislation involved demands it, become an opportunity to rebuke Congress or a state legislature. Your own disqualifications do not preclude your efforts in changing the problem.

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by THE_PROFESSIONAL
Shouldn't have drugs in the house...he gets what he deserves...that kid woulda grown up with drugs...don't have drugs or don't do drugs or suffer the consequences

I would absolutely love a look inside your medicine cabinet.

Anyone that thinks people should be shot over having pot better not be taking any legal medication since it is pretty easy OD on Aspirin but not pot.

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 01:09 PM

Originally posted by PsykoOps
reply to post by HistoryIsOnlyHisStory

This madness will never stop. They need new slaves to the their prison businesses. These are easiest and best kind of slaves to snatch.

Exactly, all the lawyers, police, Judges, Jailers, and states depend on all these fines imposed on us.

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 01:14 PM

Originally posted by THE_PROFESSIONAL
Shouldn't have drugs in the house...he gets what he deserves...that kid woulda grown up with drugs...don't have drugs or don't do drugs or suffer the consequences


You support the whole sale slaughter of people based on them having some weed in their home?

YOU never smoked marijuana and it's made pretty clear with such a absurdly ignorant post which sickens me to the very core.

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 01:14 PM

Originally posted by paraphi
At the risk of getting a few people narked about "the right to bear arms", could I suggest the reason why the US police are so trigger happy is because they don't know whether the person they are arresting has a gun. On the basis of experience, best err on the side of caution. Policemen are humans and self preservation is a strong human instinct.

I have a degree of sympathy for the police who are daily faced with the prospect of people pulling guns on them. That said, I think the police need to attempt restraint.

If you live in a gun culture then you have to accept that this is a logical outcome.


They shot him over a goddamn plant for god sake!!! What the hell is wrong with people it has nothing to do with gun culture people have a right to self defense, stop repeating media BS rhetoric!

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by Nutter

Drugs are not genocide. One is following orders to actively pure society of a certain ethnic group. The other is actively seeking to improve health by means of stopping the black market.

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by m khan

No, the US is paying the price of a gun culture whereby the police are trained in self preservation and to act offensively to defend themselves. It is trigger happy and sad to see, but that is what the US wants beacuse if the place was not awash with guins the police would not be so nervous.

You cannot have it both ways. A gun culture and a police force who carry water pistols.


posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 02:17 PM
All talk aside concerning weed, something is DEFINITELY not right with the stories that the woman in the apartment is telling the media:

Pearce said that about 9 p.m. Friday, she heard knocking on her apartment door. The knocking grew louder, but Pearce didn't answer, believing it was her mother, who she believed was angry with her.
"I thought, 'Oh my God, I don't want to do this tonight,'" she said.


Sequoia Pearce, who is 9 months pregnant, says she and her fiance, 21 year-old Trevon Cole, thought someone was breaking in to their apartment, so she hid in the closet.

So what was it? Did she think it was her mother who she said was mad at her or was it that she thought the apartment was being broken into?

Then there's the question regarding how the victim came to be in the bathroom.

They then tried to enter a bathroom where Cole was hiding.

And from the same article:

But a person identifying himself as Pearce's brother, who said he had spoken with his sister, had a different version of events: "The police bust in the door, with guns drawn to my little sister and her now deceased boyfriend," he wrote. "My sister is 8 ½ months pregnant, two weeks until the due date. But they bust in the door, irritated they didn't find any weapons or drugs, drag this young man into the restroom to interrogate him and two minutes later my sister hears a shot.


When police forced their way into the one-bedroom apartment, she said, they found her in the closet and Cole in the bathroom. Both doors were open.

So Pearce is saying, that while she was in the closet, the victim WASN'T in the bathroom at first but in another version the cops FIND him there? C'mon now, let get the story straight...

At first, I thought that since the the couple only moved into the apartment a month ago that the Narcotics Warrant was for another person who lived at the same address. But then I read:

The warrant was based on marijuana that undercover police had bought from Cole three times, said Deputy Chief Joseph Lombardo, who oversees the Metropolitan Police Department's narcotics section.

So the investigation leading up to the warrant included three undercover buys by Narcotics officers from the victim where I would venture to guess occurred at the apartment which is how the cops were able to find out where he lived for sake of the warrant information.

For all the news stories concerning the incident I've read there is so much different recanting of events by Pearce that she is no longer a credible source which is sad because she was the only other source of info besides the police.
IMO I don't question the facts that this guy was selling weed to cops but I do wish to know more concerning the legality in the shooting of this person.

1.DEADLY SHOOTING: Police detective who shot, killed man ID'd
2.Cops Kill Father-to-Be in Botched Marijuana Raid
3.Pregnant woman watches as police storm apartment, kill fiance

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by THE_PROFESSIONAL
Shouldn't have drugs in the house...he gets what he deserves...that kid woulda grown up with drugs...don't have drugs or don't do drugs or suffer the consequences

Are you joking? Marijuana is no more a drug then alcohol.

When was the last time you watched a teenager in the ER needing their stomach pumped because they smoked too much?

When was the last time a fatal car accident happened due to too much marijuana?

haha i #en love people like you, your like my brother in law, THE WORD OF LAW IS FINAL AND THATS IT. IVE NEVER SEEN MARIJUANA IN REAL LIFE, AND I CANT TELL WHEN SOMEONE IS STONED, BUT I HATE IT. I have no reason to hate it, BUT I HATE IT!!.

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 03:18 PM

Originally posted by

Originally posted by THE_PROFESSIONAL
Shouldn't have drugs in the house...he gets what he deserves...that kid woulda grown up with drugs...don't have drugs or don't do drugs or suffer the consequences

Are you joking? Marijuana is no more a drug then alcohol.

When was the last time you watched a teenager in the ER needing their stomach pumped because they smoked too much?

When was the last time a fatal car accident happened due to too much marijuana?

haha i #en love people like you, your like my brother in law, THE WORD OF LAW IS FINAL AND THATS IT. IVE NEVER SEEN MARIJUANA IN REAL LIFE, AND I CANT TELL WHEN SOMEONE IS STONED, BUT I HATE IT. I have no reason to hate it, BUT I HATE IT!!.

People tend to be that way when brought up in a strict religious background. They seem to forget how everyone in the bible was drunk off their rear ends from wine 99% of the time. It wouldn't surprise me if wine is actually said more in the bible than god.

It's ironic tho it's these people who lived such sheltered lives they've probably never even seen what marijuana looks like yet some how think they know how it affects another.

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 03:30 PM

Originally posted by THE_PROFESSIONAL
Shouldn't have drugs in the house...he gets what he deserves...that kid woulda grown up with drugs...don't have drugs or don't do drugs or suffer the consequences

What an illogical, cruel, and absolutely brainwashed opinion coming from someone of your supposed "position".

Man deserves to get killed for that? He had no criminal record and a college degree. But he deserved that.


What are they teaching you where you work???

[edit on 6/19/2010 by impaired]

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