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US Warns It Cannot Guard Arizona Section of Border

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posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 11:36 AM

Originally posted by whatukno
reply to post by technical difficulties

The United States does not have a perfect track record as far as internment of foreign nationals go. There is Abu Ghraib prison, there were the internment camps during WWII

Put the Minutemen and Neo Nazi's in charge of these "Work Camps" and there will more than likely be gassings before the paint is dry.

This is not WWII and there are laws such as the civil liberties act that protect against such abuse. Mexico doesnt have a perfect track record of respecting US laws either.

Abu ghraib is a military installation NOT on US soil, so anything can be allowed on it and should be done in the interest of national security. US rules do not apply to a military installation on a foreign country

And stop thinking one sided. Can I come into your house and live there for free and eat all your food and use all your resources without providing back????

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 11:45 AM
reply to post by THE_PROFESSIONAL

And stop thinking one sided. Can I come into your house and live there for free and eat all your food and use all your resources without providing back????

AGAIN, I agree that the border needs to be secured. What part of that do you not understand? Is that a concept that is too complex for you? The point you seem to be missing is, I think that it's a bad idea for Neo Nazi's and racists to run a concentration camp.

Of course, you haven't really been following the conversation so you are just making assumptions and thus making yourself look like a complete ass.

You might want to gas a bunch of illegal immigrants, I disagree with that idea. For some reason I think that creating a concentration camp and killing people en masse is a bad idea. You might think it's cool, but I don't.

Jesus Christ I am sick of Neo Nazi's on this site.

[edit on 6/19/2010 by whatukno]

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by whatukno

The majority of US States already allow officers to check citizen status..... Arizona's law is not to create something new, but to undo the law of Phoenix that actually prevent the officers from checking. These laws are called Sanctuary Laws.

Arizona's law is not racist, or neo-nazi ... it's inline with the vast majority of the country. Only ignorant progressives scream otherwise.

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 04:55 PM
Why is it Neo-Notzie when they arrest some one and the state they bellow them AKA Mexico enforces their boarder to the south by killing anyone who crosses it!

The worse thing is most of the Latino culture former Aztecs used to kill the very Native Americans you are attempting to hide behind.

Who is more moral the racist or the genocidal government?

Lets get to the # of this apple and say the US citizens wants local civilian terrorism to stop.

The drug smuggling, the human trafficking and the kidnapping. I know a lot of Latino gangs who have killed local drug dealers. White, Black, and unaffiliated.

Don't you find it kind of odd when white people move to a desert to get away from racial issues and when the police have to enforce basic law it becomes a racial issue.

It is really f*cked up you hide the real issues. Why don't you admit you are not a North Native American and that you are trying to piggyback the system.

Think collectively on that and tell me would you want to admit more citizens who use these tactics?

I love the Latin people but really most of these post are traffickers who just want the rights for all the wrong reasons.

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 05:30 PM
reply to post by Rockpuck

Arizona's law is not racist, or neo-nazi ... it's inline with the vast majority of the country. Only ignorant progressives scream otherwise.

I was actually referring to this:

Citizen's group taking border battle into own hands

PINAL COUNTY, AZ - This weekend, JT Ready and a group of armed men plan to take Arizona's border battle into their own hands.

"This is the Minutemen project on steroids," he said.

Ready is a member of the Nationalist Socialist Movement, and he and his citizen's militia group are tired of waiting.

"We're going to go all night and shut down the drug corridor that comes directly into Phoenix," Ready said. "We have guys that are going to be doing some covert stuff and we have some snipers coming out."

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

The National Socialist Movement are in fact a Neo-Nazi group. That is what I am talking about. There are a lot of people on this site actually CHEERING for this group and what they are about.

[edit on 6/19/2010 by whatukno]

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 07:02 AM
Thanks for the post Airspoon. It is time that our government start worrying about the Good Ole USA and not every other county in the world.

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 11:19 AM
The neonazi racisst are the ones who claim that the people of the U.S. don't have the right to defend their borders. They will say anything to justify their criminal behavior. The comments I read by people on the web constatnly attack the West without any regard for respect. The whole effort is take advantage of the people who have made the effort to work with other cultures.

whatuknow will say anything to further his agenda, like so many others out there just like him.

In the up coming elections, the democrats had better wake up and realize that immigration reform, and kicking out the illegal immigrants, is the hottest issue, because anyone with half a brain recognizes that this is the whole problem with the economy, and lack of decent paying jobs.

Meg Whitman brought her campaign up in the polls by hitting the one issue that voters respond to, and that is dealing with illegal immigrants. She spent tons of money, her commercials were everywhere, but her campaign was going nowhere, she was barely beating a candidate that hardly no one had haerd of. One politician who hadn't even spent any money on the campiagn had been beating her in the polls until the repub heiarchy offerred him a job to keep him out of the race.

When Meg Whitman hit the illegal immigration issue she shot way up in the polls, and any politician with half a brain saw this. Whitman's campaign promise to end sanctuary cities is what the heavy majority of people support. Boxer had better be paying attention, or her Senate seat could be lost.

The Western nations can not host all the refugees of the third world trying to escape the poverty of their own corrupt governments, especially when so many are hostile to the people in the host nations.

Some levels of immigration are good, but too much is too much.

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 12:14 PM
reply to post by poet1b

whatuknow will say anything to further his agenda, like so many others out there just like him.

And may I ask what your agenda is?

In the up coming elections, the democrats had better wake up and realize that immigration reform, and kicking out the illegal immigrants, is the hottest issue, because anyone with half a brain recognizes that this is the whole problem with the economy, and lack of decent paying jobs.

Sure, whatever. If you believe this is the whole problem with the economy, you got some serious issues. Because no matter how much you rant, illegals did not give out the loans. Illegals did not rack up 13 trillion, nor did they implement social programs that on the verge of collapse. Illegals did not set their own pay rate, nor did illegals hire themselves.

Illegals did not create loopholes for corporations, nor did they encourage the exodus of those businesses paying decent wages. Illegals did not cater to their lobbyist friends, nor did they decide to send the military off into two wars.

But I am sure you will continue to believe they are the reason for this whole mess.

Meg Whitman brought her campaign up in the polls by hitting the one issue that voters respond to, and that is dealing with illegal immigrants. She spent tons of money, her commercials were everywhere, but her campaign was going nowhere, she was barely beating a candidate that hardly no one had haerd of.

She is a hypocrite catering for votes.

She's the Republican who opposes Arizona's law, and she opposed Prop. 187.

Whitman supports amnesty for illegal immigrants. At least that’s what she told a newspaper and TV station last fall. She spoke optimistically about how there should be a “fair program where people stand at the back of the line, they pay a fine, they do some things that would ultimately allow a path to legalization.” Or what many conservatives would call amnesty.

The only reason this issue is so hot is because of the bad economy. People are hurting while politicians and lobbyists are doing their routine wine and dine. As a result people want somebody to blame. That blames goes to illegals, especially when politicians lead the charge.

The same politicians who do little to nothing to fix the problem.

You know as well as I do that if this was booming economy, people would have very little to say about this issue.

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by whatukno
reply to post by Rockpuck

Arizona's law is not racist, or neo-nazi ... it's inline with the vast majority of the country. Only ignorant progressives scream otherwise.

I was actually referring to this:

Citizen's group taking border battle into own hands

PINAL COUNTY, AZ - This weekend, JT Ready and a group of armed men plan to take Arizona's border battle into their own hands.

"This is the Minutemen project on steroids," he said.

Ready is a member of the Nationalist Socialist Movement, and he and his citizen's militia group are tired of waiting.

"We're going to go all night and shut down the drug corridor that comes directly into Phoenix," Ready said. "We have guys that are going to be doing some covert stuff and we have some snipers coming out."

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

The National Socialist Movement are in fact a Neo-Nazi group. That is what I am talking about. There are a lot of people on this site actually CHEERING for this group and what they are about.

[edit on 6/19/2010 by whatukno]

I think that most of the people in support of these groups are supporting their actions and not their racist beliefs...

With that being said, I think it would look much better if there were non-racists taking this action instead, but people are fed up with the situation and are thankful that something is being done.

It is absolutely possible to be in favor of securing our borders without being racist. BTW, my wife is Hispanic and totally supports the new law in AZ...

If someone enters our country illegally they should be kicked out regardless of their race or nation origin. But the reality in AZ is that there are millions of illegals from Mexico due to simple geography.

How many other countries let in MILLIONS of people into their country illegally? Not too many I bet.

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 03:47 PM
If the Feds dealt with illegal immigration when they should have, this wouldn't be an issue for Arizona to solve locally now. I fully support Arizona's effort to secure their borders. The scary part is that the politicians are more concerned about what illegal aliens are thinking, and what businesses that abuse the illegal aliens are thinking than what the good folks who elected them think. This complete polarization of the US political system must end. Professional politicians are the problem, Congress should be staffed by citizens who serve their times in Washington, then go home. Not 30 year career carpet baggers who only care about increasing their power sphere.

Originally posted by Retseh
Thanks for posting this airspoon, star and flag for you.

Perhaps with more stories of this nature finally seeing the light of day in the MSM, people will start to understand the action my home state of Arizona is taking to control the violence we face every day with illegal immigration.

What we are doing may be too little, too late, but at least we are trying - all we ask is for a little support from the rest of you, and not a list of boycotts.

[edit on 17-6-2010 by Retseh]

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 08:51 PM

Originally posted by grey580
If I was the governer. I'd issue a state of emergency, recall all national guard troops back home and then send them to the border.

So the Governor can only call on the National Guard if there is a declared state of emergency? What of the State Defence Forces? What role do they play if one has the National Guard, the F.B.I and the various different police forces? I cannot understand why President Obama would stop the construction of the border wall. Surely at this point in time when drugs, gangs and weapons are flooding into the country it is only a pragmatic option? People harp on about how the police and F.B.I won't do their jobs. I'm sure they try their best but unless some bureaucrat in Washington says otherwise, they can't do a damn thing can they? Of course people enjoy p*****g on the name of law enforcement because it's rather in vogue to do so.

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 12:58 AM
reply to post by airspoon

Maybe we should leave Iraq and Afghanistan, then defend our country here at home. ONLY somebody wanting to lose would send all the guardians away to let the wolves come and play. Obama is a trojan horse, destroying the U.S.

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 03:21 AM
I know its late in this debate, but important none the less:

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 07:17 AM
So let me get this straight... the US government has blocked off area's of OUR Arizona territory, because of illegals entering the area is dangerous? You might as well close off the entire state of AZ too. I think the US officials need to look up the definition of invasion.

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 09:24 PM
reply to post by sean

We need to get off our asses and replace these vermin.

Whose more spineless...the elected officials or the ones whose elected these twerps?

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 09:34 PM
reply to post by sean

What we have here is the government throwing a temper tantrum over the great state of Arizona enacting and soon to be enforcing what the feds should already be doing. So as punishment the government will leave your state wide open. Guess that comes with the "Yes we can." movement. Or would the "Hope an Change" be a better line?

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 09:35 PM
reply to post by Chance321

I don't think that's the case at all, since patrols in this area have been called off since 2006, far before Arizona enacted their law. No, this is much more sinister than that, at least it looks that way.


posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 09:50 PM
reply to post by airspoon

Yeah, I know. Actually, this has been going on for far too long. No President has done anything about actually securing our borders, it's only just hitting home how foolish we've been in not doing anything.

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 10:36 PM

Originally posted by Rockpuck
reply to post by whatukno

The majority of US States already allow officers to check citizen status..... Arizona's law is not to create something new, but to undo the law of Phoenix that actually prevent the officers from checking. These laws are called Sanctuary Laws.

Arizona's law is not racist, or neo-nazi ... it's inline with the vast majority of the country. Only ignorant progressives scream otherwise.

Quoted because this is intelligent thought, and fact,
And because I can, and it is truth. Rocpuck


posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 09:38 AM
reply to post by jam321

My agenda, end the corporate stranglehold on my liberties.

Because no matter how much you rant, illegals did not give out the loans. Illegals did not rack up 13 trillion

I never claimed that illegal immigrants did anything, I claimed that illegal immigration is the whole problem with the economy. There is a huge difference. Now that is probably an overstatement, but it is by far the largest problem with our economy.

Who ran up 13 trillion in debt?

nor did they implement social programs that on the verge of collapse.

What do social programs have to do with anything? Wake up from the fantasy. Social programs have been around since the thirties. They aren't the problem, our deficit primarily comes from corporate welfare.

You probably blame Obama for the 13 Trillion in debt created by Reagan and two Bushes. While illegal immigrants did not created those social programs, they certainly have taken advanatage of them, especially through medicaid which is on of our biggest federal expenses. Medicaid has been used to subsidize illegal immigration in order to lower wages.

But nowhere in my post did I blame illegal immigrants. It is the people more than happy to take advantage of the situation who are the probem, and they are the same people who created our huge debt.

It doesn't matter that Meg Whitman is a hypocrit, what it proves is that illegal immigration is the hot button issue.

People are not blaming illegals, stop with your hypocrisy. People are blaming the government for failing to do its job.

We will never have a booming economy as long as there is a large influx of immigrants willing to work for slave labor, and as long as the politicians refuse to enforce the laws. At some point people need to step up and start forcing government to do what it should be doing, and shutting down illegal immigration is the first necessary step.

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