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Can Someone Help Me Decode This? (Update: Post Deleted)

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posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 02:07 AM
Well I hope somebody comes forward with the original code! It seems though not too many people are gonna click on a thread with (thread deleted) in the title. This could have been really important. Maybe the OP will change his mind and repost, if he's ok after that message that was hidden in his last post!

Maybe we can open a new active thread under a new title and link it to this thread to get some people back in here to help? IDK I'm tired but this thread has got me to where I dunno if I can sleep even though it's 3a.m. here!

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 02:09 AM
I live in upstate ny. I guess I could bug out to the Adirondacks if something were to happen to nyc.

What is the fallout radius like on a nuclear weapon? I thought I saw a link a while back to a site that calculated likely targets and their radius, as well as fallout based on likely wind coniditions

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 02:13 AM
reply to post by djzombie

I dunno man. I just know it'd be tough to see something bad like that happpen now and know how close we were here to having some beforehand knowledge of what was gonna happen and not be able to do anything!

Just to answer your question though I would think at least 30 miles but that's just a guess.

Good luck and I'll be back by to check this thread tomorrow. And maybe bring it back to life if necessary to figure out what's going on!

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 02:15 AM
Well, apparently this all goes back to a conspiracy in news site called the London Telegraph called Operation Blackjack where they made a cartoon

It seems to be a continuation of that, I need to do more research on it...Especially if whatever it is, its supposed to be in 4 days according to the original conspiracy from london

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 02:24 AM
Heres an Alex Jones Video on it. This Blackjack conspiracy has been around a while...

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 02:28 AM
reply to post by conspiracyguru

Ok after this I really am going to bed lol. I just wanted to say that the blackjack cartoon came out as some weird cartoon in the telegraph but it was known at the time that it came out by the main stream. Most people wondered why they published it but it's just supposed to be an idea of what "could" happen. It had nothing directly to do with the code in the original post here other than the word blackjack was deciphered as part of the post.

It may have nothing to do with the codes. It may also be a NWO plant to tell people what is going to happen. SOme say they love the symbolism of that type of stuff. It could also be part of their code.

Like I said though it may have NOTHING to do with the original post!

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 02:34 AM

Here is a video of the complete operation blackjack slideshow - haven't watched it yet, but i dont think they have the decoded hex messages like in the first video i linked.

From what I have read - in some of these slides there are messages left in hexadecimal.

The first message decoded is(as shown in the first video i linked)
"this is not merely entertainment"

[edit on 18-6-2010 by djzombie]

[edit on 18-6-2010 by djzombie]

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 02:49 AM
White vans eh? There was a post about white vans in florida here:

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 02:53 AM
i wanted to be sure that this video wasn't pulling my leg with the hex translation so i did it myself.

you'll notice that the string i entered into the converter is exactly the same as what appears on the id card in the video.

[edit on 18-6-2010 by djzombie]

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 03:07 AM

Originally posted by djzombie
i wanted to be sure that this video wasn't pulling my leg with the hex translation so i did it myself.

you'll notice that the string i entered into the converter is exactly the same as what appears on the id card in the video.

[edit on 18-6-2010 by djzombie]

Thanks for checking it yourself. I really haven't paid much attention to any of the Blackjack threads but the last few posts on this thread have peaked my interest.

I do wish the OP hadn't deleted the original information from this thread. Why not just let us make up our own minds whether we consider the information a hoax, or not?

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 03:20 AM
I have searched extensively for those letters "
mgwwpeuozjmqhactlbny" the only results point to this thread.

There is more to this. If it was a game there would be some reference to it.

Keep digging folks.

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 03:31 AM
umm. I just saw the number 17 pop up in that front page thread about the 17 missing Afghan military soldiers....I will have to read the article see if anything code related comes up...could be something, could be nothing...but that video of Obama using all the same numbers....its like hitting the conspiracy lotto man!

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 03:51 AM
OK, This is probably really stretching it but, heres a clip from the movie "knowing",,,,

If you pause the video at about 1:23 just when the number list appears and you look at all the numbers on the will see a grouping of 666 in the lower leftish...count over 3 numbers from the next number is 11 downward...skip 2 and the next is 17 downward...skip 2 and the next is 40 downward...skip 2 and the next is 20 downward....

11, 17, 40, 20

Then if you read them in any direction, up down backwards etc. you can come up with other connections

[edit on 18-6-2010 by conspiracyguru]

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 04:01 AM
Hello All, sorry it's my first post, I like to keep to myself
I missed what the op had up, but if you take the numbers from the Obama speech which apparently where in the op's post before he deleted it and put them into ten code ( I used the list from the link on wikipedia but had to google the 40) here's what you get
40=Silent run (no lights, no sirens)
11=_______ on duty

Kinda fits with someone mentioning an evac plan in the beginning of this thread

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 04:08 AM
Another way out idea but at this point I'm just throwing everything into the pot to see what, if any, sense can be made.

The numbers 4, 20, 11, 17 plus the date 06, 22 (from the BJ cartoon series) = 80 which = 8 in numerology.

8 is the symbol for infinity. The end of a cycle and beginning of a new one - NWO?

Still hoping the OP will put the original post back up..... please.

Edit to add:

Spiritually eight is the goal of the initiate, having gone through the seven stages. Eight is Infinity - Paradise regained.

Eight in many cultures and ideologies seems to have similar meanings: Felicity
Perfect rhythm

In some myths the eighth day created the new "man" of grace. After seven days of fasting and penance the eighth day becomes plenty and renewal. 7+1 is the number of the octave which is a continual theme in all esoteric belief systems. The knowledge of frequency and sound are a vital key in the ancient "mystery schools".

[edit on 18-6-2010 by Maya00a]

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 04:18 AM
You know, If the original document the OP copied from was a pic, pdf, or jpeg of the missing document...then its contents wouldnt show up in google searches because it would be a pic and not text. He could have copied it as text to here before he deleted it

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 05:02 AM
Are you telling me I am the only one that copied it? O_O.

It got deleted my desktop, but anyways, I printed it out before it happen. I could type it all back up....5 pages. Are you sure I am the only one who has it, not even OP? I always Copy and paste things to Notepad INCASE this crap happens.

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 05:09 AM
reply to post by TheUltimateEnd

please repost the op, there seemed to be a general theory that this was worth taking another look at. I am very curious as to where this goes. so.. if you have the time.

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 05:30 AM

Originally posted by TheUltimateEnd
Are you telling me I am the only one that copied it? O_O.

It got deleted my desktop, but anyways, I printed it out before it happen. I could type it all back up....5 pages. Are you sure I am the only one who has it, not even OP? I always Copy and paste things to Notepad INCASE this crap happens.

I didn't find the thread until after the OP had deleted whatever he originally put so would definitely appreciate it if you can put the information back up. There's something very strange about the OP information being deleted.

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 05:37 AM
Can't type too much at the moment, but I can scan the pages in 3 hours.(Everyone will be awake by then) Just 4 pages

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