posted on Apr, 29 2008 @ 08:35 PM
Heres a couple of interesting things for you all to think about.
1) On the Jicarilla/Southern Ute boundary there is a warning sign. In the past I always laughed at it because it is so rediculus. It reads: "STAY
ON THE ROAD. DO NOT DISTRUB THE ROCKS, DIRT, TREES OR OTHER VEGETATION." Before it seemed funny because you can't very well drive down the road
without disturbing the dirt. However, I think if the Jicarilla tribe is in cooperation than they may mean exactly what it says.
2) There was recorded sizemic activity during the 60's and 70's around Dulce. (This is also the supposed approximate time that operation gassbuggy
was blasting to build the underground base.) If you look to find evidence of operation gassbuggy you will find it, however not around Archuleta Mesa.
The recored activity is not suprising. What is suprising is the fact that it was recorded at all. Why would they? Its not on a fualt line nor is it
Las Angeles? Looked @ google earth for the info and dates then research Gassbuggy.
3) There has also been plenty of UFO sightings around Dulce. However, to possibly corroberate the security guard there is a lot of Big Foot sighting
around the Dulce and Archuleta Mesa as well. The locals are willing to talk about those,( my wife included). There is one sighting in particular
that was well documented. I mean WAS. One of the locals of the mesa acting in an official capacity at the time shot one. He said he took pictures
as well. He assumed it was a bear until he went up to examine it. Let me explain. Bears are sacred creatures to the Utes, however this one was
killing livestock and endangering people so it was shot. When he examined it, it was not a bear he told me. He said it was man like. He had never
seen anything like it before. The government was notified because they didn't know what to do with it whatever it was. He told me the military was
there in less than 30 minutes. This was near Ignacio, CO. They covered it and took it away in truck. They also took any cameras they had. The
government then informed him that it was in fact a bear and there was no need to tell anyone about this.
Just a few interesting places to start if any of you want to look into Dulce,NM and Archuleta Mesa. I have lots of eye witness accounts I've been
collecting but I can't write them all in this post. I'll be in touch.