I would be more than glad to investigate sense iv read the interview and book a million times, and have already started a smaller investigation. and i
think that partners would help me alot.
1. Archuleta Mesa - is a Native American Reservation
2. If you search you will find pictures of the area, and it is a green and beautiful place.
3. I have searched alot of satellite photo sites and have see alot of moutains that can be investigated. I searched mining companys in the area hoping
to find a clue to the caverns, but I've came to the conclusion that thats is also kept secret.
4. you most likely are not goint to be able to find any records of anything being built besides the city. (Common Sence) something so strange would be
kept under more cover than area 51, so we would have to think in diffrent angles. Maybe e-mail people who live on the reservation, or in Dulce. Alot
might connect the with "omega", In the security officers interview, he mentions NWO, and Masons. Any one who knows alot about the Masonic
Organizatoin should search through out there cover ups, and there connection with alien life.
5. Anyone who knows alot about mutilations should search about them threw out the Archuleta Mesa - Native Reservation, and UFO sightings.
Do no look directly for the base, you'll just find your self in a endless loop.
6. I have tried searching for missing persons in Dulce, based on the statement by Thomas Edwin Castello. He states that there were countless
abductions, but for something so kept under wraps, i doubt you would be able to connect to the base, its a needle in a hay stack, but you can try.
7. right now I'm doing the search of any strange activity in Dulce.
People say that you might find a loop hole in the government by investigating Philip Schneider's death. I am willing to do so, but for such a wide
catagory, we would need a strong partnership. SO I'M IN