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DULCE NM, Any Takers ??

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posted on Aug, 26 2004 @ 04:02 AM
Im guessing by the lack of replys the team has been kidnapped by the goverment and im the last one on the list


posted on Aug, 26 2004 @ 03:11 PM
im sure it takes more than a month for a team of people not living in new mexico to prove that a inter gallactic base exists beneath a Apache Reservation.

posted on Aug, 26 2004 @ 10:29 PM
Here's an article about the Dulce base. not a bad one, i just can't stand that little bar that stays at the top of the page, trying to force you to sign up for some kind of newsletter

Here's something else about Dulce. seems like an internet-based book. prepare for a very long read.

[edit on 8/26/2004 by Sandro]

posted on Aug, 29 2004 @ 12:24 AM
I have the book, but the newsletter is very help ful thanks.

posted on Aug, 31 2004 @ 12:06 PM

PublicGadfly posted on 12-8-2004 at 04:24 PM Post Number: 724755 (post id: 745449) quote

[edit on 23-9-2004 by Muckwa]

posted on Oct, 9 2004 @ 08:29 AM
Re: Dulce
I used to test oil and gas wells just North of the Town of Dulce, NM.
This area is in the Jicarilla Apache Indian Reservation consisting of high mountain desert and forest, the area north of Dulce is mostly uninhabited forest full of dirt roads, many with dead ends into producing gas and oil wells, or unproductive drilling sites that were abandond etc, or an ocassional ranch here and there.
Ive read some threads on the net reguarding this issue and found some by the original claimant of these "base enterances" and on one he (the claimant) gave the GPS Coordinances and I new exactly where and what he was describing. It is in the middle of nowhere, These buildings even 20 years ago were kind of futuristic looking but I am afraid to say that they are only small hunting cabins set up by guides and the company that built these hunkers(lot of deer and elk in these mountains). Sorry to spray cold water on this firey subject, but this particuliar subject on Dulce is just not correct. If the guy would drive a little closer to them he would find i'm right. There were actually 4 that I remember seeing.
But Dont let this kill the entire Dulce Area Subject! this same area does have strange activity! or did at the time I worked out there almost 20 years ago.
When I worked in the area it was for 24, 48, or 36hours on and 24 off, alone monitoring and reporting flow rates on the site under test, between 2 hour catnaps and keeping the equipment functioning etc til we would pack up and move to another new drilled location.
Not only myself but other employees from the the company I worked for would see some strange things in the skies at night on ocasion, or thru trees and other strange phoenomenon.
I had a incident myself out there (Ironically only about 4 miles from these hunting booths) that resulted in the loss of about 36 hours, when my relief showed up he complained why I didnt radio in any reports and wanted to know how all the trees in the small clearing next to our site trailer had the branches stripped or broken from the sides facing the clearing and some tops snapped off.
I did not have an answer, after I got back into Farmington the company sent me to Trinidad, Colo the next day, and the hole subject was dropped like a hot potato.
Is Dulce an area of abnormal activity. In my opinion, yes.
Underground bases? Even having an unusual expirience of my own I would have to say no

posted on Oct, 9 2004 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by Iwunder

When I worked in the area it was for 24, 48, or 36hours on and 24 off, alone monitoring and reporting flow rates on the site under test, between 2 hour catnaps and keeping the equipment functioning etc til we would pack up and move to another new drilled location.

If I worked those hours, I would probably be seeing things also. I sure as heck would wonder what day it was.

What sort of aerial phenomena did the other workers see?

posted on Oct, 10 2004 @ 05:17 PM
Sure I'll join! But There is a risk factor researching this though.

So bring lots of sugar, magnets, and a flash camera!!

Either way, to truly under stand what is really going on at Dulce means going down a road were you cant come back!!! You'll know...but who are you going to tell?? Its a loss-loss scenario.

Side Note: I pronounce it Dule-sey. The way you say candy in spanish.

Tis Hispanico!!!(*^-^*)

posted on Oct, 10 2004 @ 09:32 PM
Sorry for delay. on the first response, it was just like any job you get used to the hours, I only posted the info in an effort to save someone assembling a group (as what seemed to be the reason behind this thread), some time and money that might better focused on an more lagitamate target. Being in the area all the time , sure we seen out of the norm stuff but it was not every night, and back then you also had to have a work permit to be on the reservation, I had never been checked, but a group of nice dressed telescope packing brigade of vehicles could raise a brow if they did cross paths with Reservation Police. They may even be open to the Idea, dont know till you ask, which if you do go keep in mind, on any reservation-you are technically in another nation, and if they want to detain you for a long haul (which is not normal but for the sake of information), the only people with the power to get you out of a reservation jail is a federal marshall. Just get the proper permits if you decide to go

posted on Oct, 10 2004 @ 09:42 PM
I forgot to add, if you damage trees of foiliage you can be held accountable for it on a Reservation (Thus was the concern from my company from the tree damage mentioned in my original post on this thread)

posted on Oct, 13 2004 @ 05:12 AM
I have studied things about dulce and just wanted to post these links
That�s dulce from aerial view

That�s an topomap from the area..and according what i have readed about dulce base it should be under this mountain
also in the article about dulce here in the ats was info about some entrances to the base around dulce i decided to take a look
looks pretty much a normal lake but at south end there are 2 strange cubic formations...and north end u can see a parking lot with many cars..if u look at topographic map it doesn�t show anything charted houses etc
so maybe just my imagination or is there something fishy around the lake...

sorry about so many links..what i have readed about dulce i have come to conclusion that if it takes power from the navajo river (a little bit east from the mountain Archuleta Mesa) it should be inside a triange which has corners at the river,archuleta mesa and dulce. Now i�m just going to find a dam in the river..when i found it i should find some kind of road/cables leading to the base..keep in mind that i live other side of the planet and doing this research at my work computer using terraserver only any help would be apreciated...

[edit on 14-10-2004 by aape]

[edit on 14-10-2004 by aape]

posted on Oct, 14 2004 @ 10:23 PM

Originally posted by Iwunder
Re: Dulce
I had a incident myself out there (Ironically only about 4 miles from these hunting booths) that resulted in the loss of about 36 hours, when my relief showed up he complained why I didnt radio in any reports and wanted to know how all the trees in the small clearing next to our site trailer had the branches stripped or broken from the sides facing the clearing and some tops snapped off.
I did not have an answer, after I got back into Farmington the company sent me to Trinidad, Colo the next day, and the hole subject was dropped like a hot potato.
Is Dulce an area of abnormal activity. In my opinion, yes.
Underground bases? Even having an unusual expirience of my own I would have to say no

Did you go to a Doctor to get checked out? What concerns did you have that you lost 36 hours? Did you have any aches, pains, lesions, marks on your body? Did you get a good look at the trees that were damaged? How wide of a swath was the damage? Was there an area were the ground was dug up as if something had crashed or landed?

Did you ever see vehicles of a military nature going to a location and not returning, or to a site that didn't make sense based on location?

posted on Oct, 15 2004 @ 05:42 PM
Very nice post aape, great pictures.

Iwunder, could you go into more detail about the incident you had? Like answering some of the questions Muckwa has asked. It seems pretty interesting.

posted on Oct, 15 2004 @ 06:01 PM
I did not go to a doctor, the only military presence I witnessed was in the air, majority in the day but not out of the ordinary. (its common in that whole region (sparsly populated mountainous areas) for extreme low terrain hugging jets (reconossance training) to just pop up out of know where, sometimes so fast you would see the jet or jets sometimes out of the corner of your eye and still hear crickets chirping and a split second after they pass you think your in a steel 55 gallon drum caught in a rock crusher, scare the crap out of you every time!)
In actuality this thread is the first of really discussing much about it, and I dont think I want to get to much into events that I can recall on the thread itself because even I myself have more questions than answers. Its funny that in my mind I can put the time together, but I can only see the first 30 minutes. Let me put it like this, Remember those 16mm film projectors in grade school ? You Put on one of those big rolls of film, you start watching, immediately its fascinating and captivating, every second your drawn into it more and more, then the damn bulb goes out, but the projector is still running! And just at the end the bulb flickers back on!
If you just had a way to keep that bulb lit you could finally see the whole film!
Untill then Its hard to try to explain the whole film when all you have to go on is the running hiding scared sh--less into a little shanty office trailer in the beginning, and waking up on a bloody pillow at the end!
Its just about the best way to explain it.

posted on Oct, 15 2004 @ 06:20 PM
Iwunder, thanks for the reply and your comments. I hope you are dealing with this event okay. Sounds pretty terrifying.

posted on Oct, 15 2004 @ 07:49 PM
No I dont dwell on it, I would actually like to be to able tap the gap if you know what I mean. Its human nature to be scared of something never seen or profoundly different, but over all I dont have a negative feel about it, Not saying I like doning blood out of my ear on a regular basis or whatever else my ear may have handed over (which is where the blood came from, funny I had none on me, only a little dried blood inside my ear but all the blood on the pillow was fresh). But you never know, we live in a society that has a proven track record for taking from you, so its almost spontanious to assume something has been taken or weve been wronged. Maybe something was given. or fixed. or done to prevent something. Sure I keep my guard up, but also try to see there may be a less cinister motive also. One thing that did change immediately it did not bother me to be in the dark alone in the middle of nowhere after that .(was a problem before this incident).
Ive been through Farmington over the years to see old freinds but never seem to have enough time to get back to the site which I have been wanting to do since I moved to California. I deal in surplus and have aquired some equipment Id like to run over the area. I think it will be great and in a way the site is an oppourtunity and a potential recsource of data that to this day is probably still totally undisturbed given its about 10 miles past the "boone docks". I dont expect to find much but I bet there is still going to be stripped branches from where they made that thing fit in the clearing. If I recover nothing more than a little bit more memory of the event I think it will be worth it

posted on Oct, 16 2004 @ 08:46 PM

Originally posted by Iwunder
I think it will be great and in a way the site is an oppourtunity and a potential recsource of data that to this day is probably still totally undisturbed given its about 10 miles past the "boone docks". I dont expect to find much but I bet there is still going to be stripped branches from where they made that thing fit in the clearing. If I recover nothing more than a little bit more memory of the event I think it will be worth it

Iwunder, if you do recover anything - PLEASE share your findings!
Do you still have problems with your ears?? Hope not.

posted on Oct, 17 2004 @ 11:02 AM
Hey Everybody!

Just a reminder from your friendly neighborhood Mod. Please watch the one line replies and big quotes. Also, if you post a link to reference material, please let us know your take on what you have found. It adds alot to the discussion.


[edit on 10/17/04 by FredT]

posted on Oct, 19 2004 @ 01:39 AM
Dulce , I have been researching for the last 3 years and everytime , i always go round ina loop we need to think of some different searches , etc , we could find out the secret parts of sites , that you can only see if you know the exact link etc , i have tried finding out where , witnesses to the base live , used several professional hackers to hack databases etc trying to fin addresses , to no avail , what can we do

A foreign website , a train that goes around Dulce etc Here

[edit on 19-10-2004 by yuanshao101]

[edit on 19-10-2004 by yuanshao101]

posted on Oct, 19 2004 @ 02:06 AM
I know this is way off topic, but can anyone give me a site that has the story of Dulce? Iv been looking and I cant find it, keep running into dead links and such.

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