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Seattle officer punches girl in face during jaywalking stop

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posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 08:58 AM

Originally posted by JBA2848
What do they expect when there resisting arrest or attacking an officer while makeing an arrest. There lucky he didn't throw them to the ground face first and knock there teeth out or brake there nose.

What is wrong with people thinking they can resist arrest, physically strike an officer and not expect a very physical response back? Who taught these ladies that it is acceptable/smart to even touch the officer?

posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 09:04 AM
Yeah she wasn't exactly innocent batting at him and shrugging away from him, but the force of his response just wasn't right. Cop or no cop, this big bad dude needs to sucker punch a chick? Can't control her in ANY other way? Yeah right. What a man. This response was uncalled for. No matter what.

[edit on 16-6-2010 by ~Lucidity]

posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 09:06 AM

Originally posted by kiwifoot

Can someone from the US tell me, is it normal LE policy for officers to go around on their own?

I'm fairly certain that in the UK, they travel in pairs, often a male and a female, this would seriously have made avoiding this situation far easier.

All the best, kiwi

It's pretty standard for Police to be solo on patrol, pretty much nationwide in the U.S. It more of the rule than the exception. Been that way since at least the mid 70's here in Detroit.

posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 09:09 AM

Originally posted by JBA2848
Looking at the pedestrian overpass which is in the video they must of had a good reason to spend that kind of money to put something like that in for people to use. Probly a lot of accidents where people were hit by cars crossing the road. So Jaywalking across a major highway that has no pedestrian crossing paths due to a pedestrian overpass or bridge is a little different then not crossing at the intersection where the pedestrian crossing paths ussually are.

Plus I figured out why the cop was so upset. They interupted his lunch break. His lunch that is on the hood of the car is getting cold and then the girl knocks his napkin and plastic fork off the hood.

[edit on 15-6-2010 by JBA2848]

They were too lazy to use it! They would rather just waddle their lazzy backsides across a busy roadway hoping to get hit by a car so they could get some free money in a lawsuit.

posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 10:26 AM
reply to post by ~Lucidity


Women criminals are still criminals...

Live by the law or die by the law. Your vagina ain't gonna get you a reprieve.

If everyone is so concerned that the little girl got popped for getting out of line with a cop, then go get her PIMP and tell he/she to come deal with the problem next time.

[edit on 16-6-2010 by bruxfinn]

posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 10:29 AM
This wasn't merely Jaywalking. The defendant escalated this from a non-criminal infraction to Resisting Arrest with Violence which is a felony. The cop had every right to use whatever force was necessary to effect the arrest. He did not escalate the issue, the defendant and her mother did. They should be prosecuted for a felony. Sorry, but I saw nothing wrong here except the cop's backup didn't arrive earlier. Other than that, I think he should have taken her to the ground to put handcuffs on her but he couldn't because it would have left him open for other attack.

posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 10:32 AM
Sorry, but I'm with the cop on this one. She interfered with an arrest, assaulted the outnumbered cop and wasn't exactly open to reasoning.

posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 10:33 AM
If this was a copper in the UK he would have just had his face smashed in and he would be laying in a pool of his own blood.

posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 10:35 AM

Originally posted by pavil
What is wrong with people thinking they can resist arrest, physically strike an officer and not expect a very physical response back? Who taught these ladies that it is acceptable/smart to even touch the officer?

Sadly, and not to turn this into a sexist comment but, most women have grown up being able to get physical against men without any repercussions from the males they attack.

As much as I hate the repercussions I will recieve from siding like this, in this particular situation I believe that the officer acted properly. Perhaps a taser or mace would have evoked a less harsh public outcry, but here's the problem with public opinion on this:

Fighting should only be a crime if there is permanent damage done, regardless or race or sex. ie - black eye = no charges; broken nose = pay for the nose job and pay a fine; anything farther than that then press criminal charges for assault. An open hand slap is not an assault, it's an attitude adjustment.

It would go a long way to teach people to mind their own business these days, and incidents like this wouldn't even reach the news.

In this case I believe there should be no assault charges either way. She picked the fight, he obliged, she got what she asked for.

posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by bruxfinn
reply to post by ~Lucidity


Women criminals are still criminals...

Live by the law or die by the law. Your vagina ain't gonna get you a reprieve.

If everyone is so concerned that the little girl got popped for getting out of line with a cop, then go get her PIMP and tell he/she to come deal with the problem next time.

[edit on 16-6-2010 by bruxfinn]

I agree with you. Women criminals should not be shown exception. They want equality in everything which is already there or lets say more than what is needed and they have an edge. All the feminist movements aimed at demonising men should also say give equal punishment for breaking the law.
That girl asked for it by putting her hands on a cop. I say he should have arrested her.

posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 10:57 AM
A cop punching a woman is wrong. There is no examples of this in arrest and restraint techniques and although she was resisting arrest, it wasn't like this guy was in any mortal danger. He should have used the proper techniques as laid down but on far too many occasions, US police officers go to the extreme. The are countless examples of this on YouTube et al and hopefully this guy is reprimanded for his actions.

posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by SKUNK2

So the UK is full of mental midgets that have no quality thinking skills? Im just saying, Thats what I hear when you say something so stupid.

posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 11:02 AM
Well the video is now all over the news, I saw it for the first time today, now the news are reporting that many witnesses claim it was racial language used by the policeman that cause the teen to be more outraged.


posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 11:12 AM

Originally posted by marg6043
Well the video is now all over the news, I saw it for the first time today, now the news are reporting that many witnesses claim it was racial language used by the policeman that cause the teen to be more outraged.


It will all come out in a court case. However I will stress that resisting arrest and assaulting an officer will get you in more trouble than you can handle.

And I will say again. Being polite is more important than you trying to be a billy badass.
She should of kept her mouth shut and then gotten a lawyer.

posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 11:15 AM

Originally posted by marg6043
Well the video is now all over the news, I saw it for the first time today, now the news are reporting that many witnesses claim it was racial language used by the policeman that cause the teen to be more outraged.


If so it's not in the video, and the guy trying to pull the girl in pink away from the situation sure didn't seem outraged by alleged racial language.

Sounds like the old last ditch defense of crying racism.

posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by marg6043

Well I think a blind man could have seen THIS coming from a mile away. Now they are going to call racism, the cop is racist, the cop called a group of black people the N-word, and THATS why they fought back.

Its the same old garbage from these types of people. When a white person does ANYTHING to a black person, its because they are racist or racially motivated. And they will use every trick in the book to make that crap stick. "Witnesses" will say ANYTHING to make the police look bad or to m ake themselves the victims. Unofortunately there is a segment of this society that does things like this. Yes I very much doubt the cop is going to say the N-word or use derogatory langauge to a GROUP of black people.

Its crap like this that really PO's me big time. And those "witnesses" are nothing more than a bunch of A-holes stirring the racial pot to cook up more anti-white and racial hatred.

What if it was a black cop that punched a white girl? What would the report be? What if it was a white ceop punching a white girl? Or a black cop punching a black girl?

posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 11:18 AM
Let this sernario take place with me being the police officer.

You would be saying the following.
1)Can you believe that cop just hit the little one with the batton
2)Can you believe when the other turned her back to run...he got the taser barbs right in her lower back.

They would be cuffed hard and thrown in the back of the car.
The mouth saying "Are you serious, Are you serious, ..looked him in his eyes and said "real serious".

Jaywalking IS NOT the issue here. TOTAL disrespect for rules apparently.
Who is that stupid?? Have those girls ever watched cops on TV?

Short story... In a bar in the Thumb of Michigan.. 2 of us.. Went ice fishing then to grab dinner and a beer.

Long story short. Some skank started bad mouthing some nice old man. We stuck up for him. She flipped our table. Her boyfriend and 2 of his buddies rushed us. My brother in law immediatly turn out ones light.. as I am on one of the others..someone jumps on my back and puts a choke on me. I got the arm from my neck and slid it up..when i did she fish hooked me and ripped my lip 1 1/4 inch..Like I was giving her a piggy back ride I stood up grabbed the legs and fell back right on her.... Did I stop... Nope kicked the skank right in the face. You come to fight me like a man...expect no less.

Why is it that women want to be equal in wait..they pick and choose equalty..

To be completely honest .. I didnt know it was a girl until I fell back on her up and was going to start beating their face in..realized it was a girl..and just kicked once and just hard enough so she would think twice about getting back in it..She didn't!

2 points here
-2nd point-
Someone yelled COPS.
within 1.5 seconds I was face down hands behind back.. The cops hadnt even entered the building yet..
Why?? Because I have watched cops enough to know resisting is R_E_T_A_R_D_E_D.. If you win...felony assault.. If you lose.. nobody likes to bleed.
Sorry I didnt mean to disrespect "cutters" they do!

posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 11:19 AM
reply to post by Extreme Pilgrim

Throwing a punch when you're alone against a potentially hostile mob is not extreme.. perhaps a bit suicidal, but not extreme.. What does everyone want?? You get pissed when they shoot ppl.. I agree... You get pissed when they taze people.. I agree.. You get pissed when 10 cops beat the crap outta one drunk guy resisting arrest.. I agree..

Punching seems to be the least extreme measure he could have taken in a situation that was turning volatile very fast.

posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 11:32 AM
I didnt read all the responses....I live in seattle...from what i see and it obvious in the video is they are not listen to the cop and they are touching him and resisting instructions...hes out there all alone...that situation could of turned into something way worse...either way you cannot resist and "wrestle" with an officer...

Ive been given a jaywalking ticket here myself...its ridiculoius..but i did not wrestle with a police office about it.

posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 11:39 AM
the single punch the cop threw was EXACTLY the right force to be used in the situation...

he didn't pummel her, or beat her, he hit her once and it was enough to stop her from ATTACKING him more.

made her think twice about what she was getting herself into

and if you watch the video, after he threw the punch, he continued to detain the original person he was arresting... he didnt maliciously go after the girl in pink, he simpley told her to stand where she was and continued to apply the handcuffs to his original arrest.

[edit on 16-6-2010 by kalisdad]

and as someone said a few posts before this.... you want equality, and throw a punch at a man, expect one back.

[edit on 16-6-2010 by kalisdad]

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