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World Cup fans executed

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posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by spearhead


I guess the "religion of peace" strikes again....

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 11:34 AM

Originally posted by believer81

How many Muslims do you know?

Not many, thank God. Because many of their supporters say things like:

Oh dear ignorant pig ...

... and ...

... Ignorant f*ckwit.

I don't want to know Muslims if this is how they treat people that disagree with their opinions.

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 11:34 AM

Originally posted by Master Shen long
Islam has been hijacked by freaks.... You cant blame Islam for this. This is about control, power and $.
I will continue to blame Islam for this until muslims come out and publicly sincerely denounce this (not say one thing and preach another in their mosques)

But i would love them to try to enforce this in good old England (especialy in my city Liverpool)..... They would gt there asses kicked. just like the cops do every matchday!

Yeah it is just hilarious that innocent bystanders and police get maimed and killed trying to just watch a game and do their jobs. I'm glad that you find that so cute and funny.

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 11:42 AM

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 11:43 AM
Attitudes of tolerance and acceptance are quite dangerous when applied to a theology that embraces death and destruction of anyone not strictly in adherence to its precepts. The only reason the lay membership is allowed to live liberally apart from the core edicts is due to their geographic isolation from the core and the relative freedom of expression that they enjoy under present American statutes. If things change toward a tighter, Koran dictated sytem, these freedoms will eventually erode and be replace by more dictatorian measures. Muslims are allowed to be peaceful (and watch football) while they enjoy the freedoms of a parent society other than a Muslim theology based rule. Even if this peaceful stance is in direct defiance of their religous law. Their existence is an affront to Allah. They are, essentially, subject to the punishments dictated in relation to non believers...catch 22, aye?

I think the following quote says a great deal about the core of the entire ayatolla is roughly the same as a cardinal in the Catholic church. His writings carry a great deal of weight.

"His name was Ruhollah Khomeini, and he wrote books, pamphlets, and even taped and distributed his speeches to inspire the citizens of Iran with sacred virtue. The ayatollah's words roused Iranians to overthrow the shah and usher in a government based on strict Islamic doctrine. What did the ayatollah's pronouncements say- Among other things, that infidels are like dogs.
Here's how the ayatollah himself put it: "...Moslems have no alternative... to an armed holy war against profane governments. ...Holy war means the conquest of all non-Moslem territories. ...It will the duty of every able-bodied adult male to volunteer for this war of conquest, the final aim of which is to put Koranic law in power from one end of the earth to the other. "The leaders of the USSR and of England and the president of the United States are ...infidels.... ...Every part of the body of a non-Moslem individual is impure, even the hair on his head and his body hair, his nails, and all the secretions of his body. Any man or woman who denies the existence of God, or believes in His partners [the Christian Trinity], or else does not believe in His Prophet Mohammed, is impure (in the same way as are excrement, urine, dog, and wine)[sic]."

Concluded the Ayatollah, "Islam does not allow peace between... a Moslem and an infidel." Though many of us imagine that the promotion of harmony is a prime objective of every major world faith, the ayatollah disagreed. "The leaders of our religion were all soldiers, commanders and warriors," he wrote, "...they killed and they were killed."

The concept of a peaceful prophet was so alien to the ayatollah that he was convinced Christ's message had been deliberately distorted by Westerners. Said Khomeini, "This idea of turning the other cheek has been wrongly attributed to Jesus (peace be unto him); it is those barbaric imperialists that have attributed it to him. Jesus was a prophet, and no prophet can be so illogical."

Howard Bloom

This war has been going on since the early days of humankind.
The Mongel hoards, the wars in Greece and Sparta, The Crusades, the war in the Middle East, the early formation of the American Navy against the Barbary Pirates... all at war against the Muslim ideology and its relentless machine. It's not a new conflict.

Believer 81. You might want to brush up on history a little. I find it interesting that you are getting so defensive and abusive when facts are presented. Might that be an actual example of Islam in action...? The notched side of your baseball bat? Interesting. Sounds like "Kill the infidel" to me.

[edit on 15-6-2010 by PapaKrok]

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 11:45 AM

This is actually not a bad idea. Don't be surprised if it isn't already in the works and funded by some very wealthy people.

[edit on 15-6-2010 by Just Wondering]

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by tyranny22

Those are my words boy, not theirs. If you have a problem withmy words, you can tell it to me. Yawn.

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 11:49 AM
reply to post by Just Wondering

Yeah. Thankyou America for your violent nature.... Best we wipe out anyone that doesn't want a capitalist American Style democracy. With force. Before they kill us with jihad. Yeah.

[edit on 15/6/2010 by believer81]

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 11:52 AM
And to think this sort of brutal madness is carried out in the name of God!
Sort makes me wonder what they would be capable of if they worshipped Satan! Then again our history books tell of the years when Christians butchered entire Moslem villages and towns during the Crusades, again in the name of God. Also looting and pilaging were how the soldiers were paid. I guess God was broke! Over the several hundred years of the Spanish Inquisition, the Catholic church murdered millions of its own, and once again it was only killing off heretics for the sake of God. It seems to me that God has a hell of a thirst for blood!

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 11:55 AM

Originally posted by THE_PROFESSIONAL
These were murders, regardless of the religion they were. The title "islamic" is given to them simply to make it seem that all muslims do this, which is simply not the fact. These people are just psycho murders and could have been born into any religion.

except the only religion with a jihad is islam.

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 11:55 AM

Originally posted by Mdv2

Originally posted by THE_PROFESSIONAL
These people are just psycho murders and could have been born into any religion.

Why are these men 'psycho murders'? They merely carried out the death penalty per the laws of Sharia. Does the execution of a captive in death row make the executer also a 'psycho murder'?

[edit on 15-6-2010 by Mdv2]

I agree with THE_PROFESSIONAL. The persons who "executed" these soccer fans are psycho murderers who use Islam as an excuse to carry out their depraved psychopathy. Religion provides great opportunity for psychopaths to visit their sickness upon others. History overflows with examples of psychopaths gaining power only to use it against their fellow humans in the name of some god.

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 11:57 AM
think the growing Islamic movement isn't a threat to peace? History doesn't bear that out. Without exception, war, strife and violence increaes when a country is infiltrated by this evil theology.

"Khomeini's dicta may seem irrelevant now that he has long been dead, but his words have actually gained in influence since his demise. Early in the '90s, Iraq's humiliation in the Gulf War undermined the credibility of the secular Moslem regimes, leaving a power vacuum into which Fundamentalism leaped. There are currently roughly 100,000,000 Islamic fundamentalists (rechristened "Islamic revivalists" by some scholars ).

Activists among them, employing the slogan "Africa for Islam," are making diligent--and often violent--efforts to seize power in numerous sub-Saharan states. They have gained sufficient favor with South Africa's ANC that Nelson Mandela, in a 1992 visit to Teheran, told the Iranians that Africa must be reshaped along the lines of the Iranian revolution. (Ironically, when South African leader Bishop Desmond Tutu gave a speech to a Palestinian crowd in 1989 lauding Palestinian interests, he failed to realize that the Arabic banners carried by his listeners read "On Saturday We Will Kill the Jews, on Sunday We Will Kill the Christians!")

Khomeini-style fundamentalists have become vigorous political forces in areas like China's Sinkiang region (where as of 1994, Beijing officials were seriously concerned that the area's inhabitants, influenced by propaganda from Iran, would attempt to break away and found a fundamentalist Islamic republic).

Islamic fundamentalists have been involved in the Indian state of Kashmir's vicious civil war. They've been active in Malaysia, Thailand (where Moslem guerilla forces were fighting in 1993), and the Sudan (where an Iranian-backed fundamentalist regime is engaged in a campaign to subjugate, exterminate or--according to the United Nations International Labor Organization--literally enslave the black Christians and animists in the southern region of the country).

Followers of Khomeini have been moving aggressively in Algeria, Jordan, Tunisia, Lebanon, Kuwait, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan (where by 1992 posters and portraits of the ayatollah had become a particularly strong sales item in local stores), France, and, according to Greek Defense Minister Ioannis Varitsiotes and the University of Belgrade's Dragoljub R. Zivojinovic, Czechoslovakia, Albania and Yugoslavia.

In many of these cases, fundamentalists are sweeping elections, manipulating generals, funding insurrections, sponsoring terrorism, or actually taking control. Islamic fundamentalists have poured money into America's black communities in an effort that has brought more than a million U.S. African Americans over to the one true faith.

While most of these converts remain peaceful, Al-Fuqra, a predominantly African-American Islamic group under the leadership of Pakistani Sheikh Mubarak Ali Jilani Hashemi, has declared a jihad in North America, and, according to law enforcement agencies, has been involved in bombings, murders and other forms of bloodshed in Colorado, Arizona, Pennsylvania and Canada.

It has been reported that Al-Fuqra also had a hand in the 1993 effort to blow up New York's United Nations building, the city's FBI headquarters, and its Holland and Lincoln Tunnels. When the Iranians declared a death-sentence on British author Salman Rushdie, black American imams everywhere from Brooklyn to Los Angeles enthusiastically supported the move. (So did the Moslem head of UCLA's Middle Eastern Studies Department.)

Even a loyal African-American Gulf War veteran, won over to Allah in 1991, stated after his change in faith that "soon it [Islam] will take over all of America, then the world."


posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 11:58 AM
amazing people here attacking Islam, but they forget that their own religion killed/kill more people, raped/rape more kids ...

I just want to add that I dont agree with the necessity of religion, because thats what happens, people believe a BOOK possesses the whole knowledge, but they forget that each person can have their own interpretation from a book, so, off course a bunch of people will interpret as an instrument to kill, to control ...

[edit on 15/6/10 by Faiol]

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 11:59 AM
A pathetic act done by these murderers.

On the other hand, those who watched the game are an example of courage and an example to humanity. They aren't the first to die over their freedom.

On the bright side, one time in Nigeria, they had a civil war. Pele showed up to play soccer there, and they stopped the war for 4 days to watch him play. Many have lost their lives over the game, but lives have also been saved by it.

People risk their life over this game, they love it all around the world. Maybe it's only because they have little else, maybe it's because there is some magic in the sport and it brings the world together. Whatever it is, this game does have the power to stop wars, and inspire the world over.

There are very few places in the world that don't appreciate this game, and look what comes out of them. I'm not saying they are evil because they don't understand the game (edit), but perhaps they lack aesthetic taste and intelligence lol.

Ignorance as always is the enemy.

The two who risked their life to watch the world cup should be remembered as legends in the sport, remembered and prayed for, and their families prayed for as well.

[edit on 15-6-2010 by Novise]

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 12:00 PM

"The U.S. African-American community is only a beachhead. Islamic forces have been attempting to gain control of U.S. media outlets in the hope of using them as propaganda tools for the Moslem point of view. The Saudis and America's Christian fundamentalists battled in the early '90s for the right to purchase America's second largest wire service, UPI. Ultimately, the Arabs won.

In addition, Amal Adam, the former head of Saudi Arabia's equivalent of the CIA, was the primary backer of a British-based firm called Capcom, whose chief officers were the heads of TCI (Telecommunications Incorporated), America's largest player in the cable television game. In 1993, TCI made headlines when it came within a hair's breadth of merging with Bell/Atlantic. Had the effort succeeded, it would have formed what financial analysts universally heralded as one of the giants of the coming interactive media revolution, giving the Saudis additional leverage for American media manipulation.

The ground is ripe for worldwide Islamic fundamentalist expansion. Mohammedanism is currently the fastest-growing religion on the planet. There are a billion Moslems--as many as Jews and Christians combined--and that number is increasing daily. According to Cairo University's Professor Ali Dessouki , 50 countries are now Islamic.

What's more, there are massive Mohammedan populations everywhere from Nigeria to Mongolia, the former Soviet Central Asian republics, Southeast Asia, and the Philippines. The countries with the world's largest Islamic bodies of citizenry are not even parts of the Arab world--they are Indonesia and China.

To top it off, Islamic public opinion, if the Arabs, Iranians and Pakistanis are an accurate barometer, is virulently anti-American.

Today's Islam extremism is the perfect example of a meme grown ravenous. Saddam Hussein, in his 1990 drive for expansion, claimed to be following Allah's message. The late General Mohammad Zia ul-Haq, former head of Pakistan, who masterminded the fundamentalist-led Afghan resistance efforts using U.S. funds, kept a map in his office with all Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Soviet Central Asia marked in green. It was the symbol of his ultimate ambition--unified Moslem rule extending through every green-marked territory.

In 1990, one enthusiastic Turkish official, minister of state Ercument Konukman, noted the substantial Turkish populations in the former Soviet Union and China, and looked forward to uniting them "under the colors of the Turkish flag."

A fundamentalist clergyman in Lebanon says, "Don't believe that we want an Islamic republic in Lebanon. ...What Hezbollah wants is a world Islamic republic."

Cairo constitutional lawyer Dr. A.K. Aboulmagd adds, "I even venture sometimes to say that Islam was not meant to serve the early days of Islam, when life was primitive and when social institutions were still stable and working. It was...meant to be put in a freezer and to be taken out when it will be really needed. And I believe that the time has come. ...The mission of Islam lies not in the past, but in the future."

Dr. Abd El Sabour Shahin of Cairo goes a step further and warns that Western civilization makes a big mistake when it "thinks it will endlessly remain dominant."

Howard Bloom.

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 12:01 PM
reply to post by PapaKrok

You quote anyone that supports your "doctrine" but would never quote someone supporting my rational view. Discussing this with people as passionately fearful and hateful as yourself is a futile exercise sometimes. Best we just hurry up and nuke all of the Muslims eh?

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by Atomic Honey
reply to post by mobiusmale

Thank you for mentioning this and drawing a comparison between Islam and the Inquisition. You just hit the nail on the head.

That is the difference between Christianity and Islam: Christianity did some dreadful things in the past, but would come to condemn its own actions in time, and would never again repeat them. In other words, Christianity grew up and left a dark, evil legacy of murder behind. Islam is still trying to enforce the religion the way radical religions were enforced in the dark ages.

It simply does not translate this way into modern society. Now that man has evolved (spiritually, as well as technologically), and people have a true sense of what IS and what is NOT freedom, methods of the dark ages will no longer be tolerated (not to the extent it used to be, anyway). You can't un-ring a bell, as they say.

When did "Christianity" grow up? I recall George Bush the lesser referring to his invasion of the Middle East as a crusade, but his apologists quickly ran damage control and his comment didn't gain the traction that it should have. That from a president who claimed that God, not Allah, guided him.

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 12:05 PM
You quote anyone that supports your "doctrine" but would never quote someone supporting my rational view. Discussing this with people as passionately fearful and hateful as yourself is a futile exercise sometimes. Best we just hurry up and nuke all of the Muslims eh?

Reactionary. Infamatory. Predictable.

I am quoting from the Koran and from high ranking clerics in the Muslim religion. They make the laws and enforce them. Who would you have me quote then? Aren't they the one's that define the ideology?

Look at the track speaks for itself. History, my friend, study it sometime.

It's not my docterine I am quoting. It is yours.

[edit on 15-6-2010 by PapaKrok]

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 12:06 PM
reply to post by mobiusmale

To solely blame Islamic beliefs for murder only displays that you have not yet done the proper research and you harbor your own xenophobic feelings. It's okay, we've all had them. I used to believe Muslims were absolutely crazy, until I stepped back and gave respect to my fellow man by trying to understand his situation. All I found is that Islam is being used to control people and gain power just as Christianity, Judaism, Democracy, Communism, music, movies and just about any other unifying idea has been used. If you have that much hate in you toward an entire group of people whom you don't even know and have not lived among, then it's time to do some serious soul searching. People are people. Most Muslims are born into Islam, and have no choice what their taught by their parents and culture and leaders. Just like you.

Violence in Islam in the modern world is a sad story of sociopaths finding a unifying belief to exploit and control people. JUST LIKE OUR LEADERS USE DEMOCRACY, CAPITALISM and CHRISTIANITY. It's really sad and it's really bad right now in the Muslim world, but it's not the religion itself doing the damage. Hitler killed people for what they watched, he was not Muslim. Stalin killed people for what they watched, he was not Muslim.

If you read the Quran, you'll discover that it does not tell people to murder those watching soccer. Corrupt leaders of a nation do. If you read the Constitution, you'll discover it does not tell people to invade other countries and murder those who hold different beliefs. Corrupt leaders of a nation do. What causes these things to happen? Dangerous people in a position of power. Not a book based on peace.

We gather here at ATS to deny ignorance. To make these sweeping generalizations about a belief system based on peace is only limiting your own cognitive and emotional development.

I speak out of concern, not malice.

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 12:11 PM

Originally posted by PapaKrok
You quote anyone that supports your "doctrine" but would never quote someone supporting my rational view. Discussing this with people as passionately fearful and hateful as yourself is a futile exercise sometimes. Best we just hurry up and nuke all of the Muslims eh?

Reactionary. Infamatory. Predictable.

I am quoting from the Koran and from high ranking clerics in the Muslim religion. They make the laws and enforce them. Who would you have me quote then? Aren't they the one's that define the ideology?

Look at the track speaks for itself. History, my friend, study it sometime.

It's not my docterine I am quoting. It is yours.

LOL, is the guy you quoted mad that we are pointing out what the KORAN says and dismissing the behavior of Islam's APOSTATES????


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