In 1963, a global policy think tank met at iron mountain, near new york to discus the possibilities of economic sustainability, in a word with out
war. The question asked and answered was regarding the transition into the 21 century. Keeping growing populations manageable, and the large
corporations in power. The participants thought that war necessary for political economic and social stability. It was decided that a viable political
substitute for war must posit a generalized, external menace to each society, of a nature and degree sufficient to require the organization and
acceptance of absolute political authority. To control population with out destroying expensive infrastructure.
The report developed economic substitutes for war. It recommended developing a comprehensive social welfare program, a giant space research program.
An omnipresent international police force "global terrorism assures this" and fictitious enemies. Ecological, bio terrorism and human genetic
destruction was also recommended by the report. Developing a comprehensive program of applied "EUGENICS" which included lowering life expectancy and
birth rate, or simply having people die prematurely due to environmental toxicity. This was in order to control the growth of the less desirable
populations. It was the brain child of modern concepts of eugenic and genetic control.
Consistent with the report from iron mountain, US government records show a definitive genetic eugenics depopulation campaign was well under way by
the early 1970's. See: This is a National Security Memorandum, completed on
December 10, 1974, under the direction of Henry Kissinger, that called for massive depopulation of 3rd word countries. It was adopted as official U.S.
policy by President Gerald Ford in November 1975, and is a fundamental ideological force behind the "Codex Alimentarius"
"The urban slum dwellers though apparently not recent migrants may serve as a volatile force which threatens political stability" and "there is no
single approach that will solve the population problem. The complex social and economic factors involved call for a comprehensive strategy..." and
"At the same time actions and programs must be tailored to specific countries and groups" - Henry Kissinger (National Security Memorandum)
Kissinger served the CIA as a Nazi hunter at the end of WW2. Kissinger was ordered not to bring Nazi to justice, during the Nuremberg tribunal but to
bring them to America. To serve at high level military and industrial positions. Code name "Project Paperclip"
One of these men apparently brought to justice was Fritz der meer, then president of IG Farben. After a long story he drafted a revised version of the
Codex. And in 1963 a "trade commission utilizing the codex was implemented. This would be later be regulated by the Food and Agriculture
Organization, and World Heath Organization. They fund and run the codex at the request of the UN, to regulate food standards, and fair trade
practices. They would then work towards global implementation of the codex by 2009, as stated in its own documentation.
It has over 4000 guidelines standards and regulations for everything you can legally put in your mouth. Everything with the exception of
pharmaceuticals. Now the codex standards have no legal weight to them, what so ever, so "who cares?" The idea is, since there are so few rules, in
which internatinal courts can use to rule on cases involving food, the codex could be used as a guideline. Seems innocent enough. But With no other
guidelines to follow, the codex would be enforced by the courts. It is not law, but it now hold the same weight. Recently, the codex trade commission
ratified the "vitamin and mineral guideline" That we should all know about now!! Establishing rules for its trade and consumption. It is now
mandatory for member country of the world tra