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Video - POLICE BRUTALITY - Cops Shoot Student For Smoking Weed

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posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 11:36 AM
reply to post by nick112

i guess i should feel blessed for living where its generally accepted. i dont think they have enough cops or bullets to take down all the smokers in california.

and i wonder what their rational was for that distributing charge...even if they just admitted guilt to whatever charge was thrown at does one explain that one to the judge?

"yes your honor, we have reason to believe he was going to break the pill into 4 pieces and sell them individually for a total profit of...2 dollars and 83 cents"

i wonder how hard it would be to be a cop if the whole drug aspect was no longer fair game and they only had to catch badguys

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 11:40 AM
My car broke down yesterday on the interstate and one of those crazy insane thugs had the nerve to stop and make sure I was ok and asked me if I wanted to use his cell phone to call someone. (The battery had died on mine before I was able to call a tow truck).

You guys are right ALL COPS ARE EVIL. I bet he was just seeing if I a illegal before he tased me and stole my money.


posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by v3_exceed

Originally posted by Helig
Perhaps if this so-called innocent kid wasn't associating with a obviously known drug dealer he wouldn't have been hurt in the first place. The shooting might not have been legit but better choices in friends to hang out with might have saved this kid a lot of pain and suffering. When you hang around with criminals its bound to end badly given enough time.

Perhaps if the cop wasn't a power tripping NAZI and actually paid attention to his training, this kid wouldn't have been shot.

Believe it or not, in every persons life, you dig far enough you WILL find some dirt. Every person has some criminal association in their background, even if they don't know it. The difference between the criminals and the non criminals is often the roll of the dice. But really, a couple of uni students smoking weed are hardly criminals. Yes it's illegal, but hardly worth a bullet.

Before you stand on the soap box, consider this. Do you speed? Speeding is the last true criminal act. We know the speed limit, it is clearly posted....yet we choose to go over that speed limit...we make the conscious choice thus it is criminal. That makes it on par, with the severity of the pot smoker...except the pot smoker...isn't risking the lives of others while they do it.


wouldnt they both be considered "un-civil"?

i was under the impression that for it to be considered "criminal" there had to be an injured party, and in both the cases of speeding and smoking weed, the only injured party is the state.

but since the state is part of the corporation known as america, this is neither yours or my problem. unless you too are part of that corp.

did i get that right?

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 11:47 AM

Originally posted by earthship35
I can not wait till the revolution.And it's open season on these monsters.Its a bunch of nerds who were picked on in high school who became police officers and are trying to impose their "nerd will" on people...Seriousely it's the really wierd kids in high school who become cops.When i graduated i went to college to become a LEO but as soon as i realized the kind of people who become LEO's and after i graduated i went into something completely different.They that they are a different breed of cat..Anyone who would want to be a cop has a serious personality disorder and i feel sorry for them..They ALL suck..I tell my kids to treat cops like a repelling magnet..If you see one coming you get as FAR away from them as possiable..Treat them like they have the Bubonic Plague.Yeah I'll trample AMERICAN's freedom for 30 of douchbags.FOR SURE!!!

Lol this is one of the weirdest posts i have seen regarding police brutality. I am a nerd, i always have been and at school i had nerd friends. I wasn't picked on but lots of them were by the big kids, so where are the nerds now?
They are doctors, solicitors, scientists and managers and where are the big kids? Well out of the 6 bullies i knew of, 3 are in the police force, friends reunited is a great research tool huh

Lets be fair though, not all police officers are violent scumbags. Lots of them are decent people who are trying to uphold the law, to protect you and those you care about. They don't have something psychologically wrong with them, they do their job well and they catch some nasty people.

If your child goes missing tomorrow i bet you would be straight on the phone to call the police. It's amazing how those that hate all police quickly turn into hypocrites and call the police when they need them.

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 11:51 AM
Uneducated thugs! I will never understand why people react so aggressively against weed, it is harmless! They obviously have no idea and believe the lies about it being a dangerous drug. Surely in order to class it illegal someone would have needed to die from it? I guess not, money really does make the rules in this case.

At the risk of getting into the old 'legalise marijuana' rant I'll leave it there.

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by LurkerMan
i think its stupid that they were "raiding" a couple of college pot smokers. and i cant say im surprised either.

and let me also ask this, if your a dealer and smoke all your profit, is it still "possession with intent to sell"? what i mean is, throughout my life ive seen a distinct difference between 2 types of sellers. the ones who play the "scarface" role, and the ones who never even make a dime, but are simply buying larger amounts and breaking it off to their friends to be able to smoke the profits free of charge.

the first one is recognized as a menace to society, maybe so.
but the second one i tell you is just a more efficient smoker.

Since I wasn't always a responsible business owner and employer, I think I can help with this particular question.

Possession is defined as having enough to actually get high. Usually determined by weight. (less than 28 gr or 1 oz in Canada at least)

Trafficking is actually defined as passing the material to another person. There does not need to me a transfer of money. Many people think its the commerce, but the reality is simply passing the material can fetch you a trafficking charge. weight is not relevant at this point.

Possession for the purpose of trafficking is usually defined as being in possession of a certain weight, and or of having that weight broken into smaller amounts for easy distribution. (28 gr/ 1oz over)

To qualify for these charges you must satisfy 3 conditions. Care, Consent and Control. If any of these conditions cannot be satisfied, you cannot be convicted of possession or trafficking.

Both types of dealers are equally at fault. They both are because they fuel an industry that further up the chain is purely profit motivated. Weed needs to be legalized to legitimize the production and distribution of the material. By legitimizing the process we can remove the criminal element and regulate the quality and safety of the product. The simple reality of the current circumstance is that the illegal money also fuels the economy. Perhaps to a greater degree than legalization would.

Now I mention the above purely in context to the "Felony" charge that the shot kid plead guilty to. It may be different state to state, but I don't think he had control over what his room mate does. Now since he plead guilty, his lawyer is a moron, but again we only have superficial facts to work with. Nothing posted here should be considered actual legal advice, and if you are charged or arrested consult with an attorney in your state or province.


posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 11:53 AM

Originally posted by Nutter

Originally posted by Magnum007
The problem is not the marijuana, the problem is the criminality surrounding the drugs. Get involved in criminal acts, then expect to get hurt at some point and time in your life, whether by other idiots, or the police...

Don't want to get shot? Get a real job, and obey the law!!!


[edit on 10/6/13 by Magnum007]

No. The problem is this line of attitude. It is quite obvious that these college students were not selling pounds of marijuana. If they were, they would get more than 18 months probation.

As far as get a real job. They are college students who most likely were selling some weed so that they could smoke their profits for free. Going by how minimal the charge was.

Why don't you guys go for the real ciminals like the drug cartels? Because they shoot back?

Where do you think "real criminals" get their money from? Where do you think "real criminals" do their business... If there is no end user there is no demand for "real criminal activity"... We start at the bottom to gain intel and then make our way up the ladder...

I have no problem with people smoking weed, I have a problem with what surrounds the buying, selling, and other criminality that surrounds the activity.

Originally posted by v3_exceed

Originally posted by Magnum007
I think it's important to take note that there is no side presented here... Only what the parents know... No idea what really happened.
Don't want to get shot? Get a real job, and obey the law!!!


[edit on 10/6/13 by Magnum007]

I have read some of your other posts and you present yourself with the mentality of a police shill.

The followup post CLEARLY states the officer was in the wrong. These were uni students smoking weed, not a meth lab, not a crack house in the hood. I don't know if its the lack of sunlight up there, but if you want people to take you seriously you should really have some sense of balanced logic to your posts.

The police aren't always in the right. The people aren't always committing crimes. Sometimes, the police are just wrong. Sure we need police, but we need police that are conscious about the laws their enforcing, not the thugs in blue protecting only each other that we currently have.


Police are not always in the right, I agree, I work with some real assholes. One thing is for sure though, I WILL GO HOME AT NIGHT. If you are involved in criminal activity and I fear for my life, then I will take the appropriate action.

If you worry about being shot and killed by police, then start obeying the law, listening to the police when they talk and if you are innocent, then get a good lawyer and get rich...

As far as sunlight problems, you should remember that at this time of year, we get much more than you!


posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by v3_exceed

You answer is quite correct. I just want to add that for trafficking you also need intent... Intent can be implied by the quantity, way it is stored, possession of other things leading to trafficking (scale, large amounts of money, 3 cell phones etc...)

Possession = having it anywhere (not only on you)
Control = having the capability of getting it
Consent = Knowing and accepting that you have it
Intent = want to sell it or give it away


[edit on 10/6/13 by Magnum007]

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 11:56 AM
Listen to the last 5 seconds- "The cop has not been arrested and is not facing any criminal charges"

Ahhh good ol police state! I love how cops defend other cops and the courts automatically take the police side!

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 11:56 AM

Originally posted by Hulk Hogan
the cops in this country have so much god damn power it's disgusting. they are supposed to serve and protect, not shoot and kill

Unfortunately, in carrying out their duties (especially "to protect") they often have to use guns to counter the guns being used by criminals.

That's what you get for having "the right to bear arms" listed right in your constitution.

Admittedly, in this case it looks like the police were in the wrong, but this police officer had probably been in similar situations where guns were produced, and reacted according to his experience.

I have EVERY respect for law enforcement and the difficult job they face every single day. How many of you go to work not knowing if you're going to make it to the end of the day?

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 11:57 AM
Bottom line is, the police chose a dangerous profession. They have to take the risks which include death by barging into peoples homes. If you get shot and/or killed that was the risk you took as a police officer.

You do NOT fire on anyone unless they have a weapon, and it has been clearly established that they are going to use said weapon to cause bodily harm or death. The kid answered the door and ducked when a bright light was flashed into his face. No weapon, no inherent danger, nothing.

I have no idea what's going on with police lately, but it is getting rather ridiculous.

-There's no need to tase a mischievous kid at a baseball game just because you're out of shape and can't catch up to him.

-There's no need to shoot innocent animals in someones home with children present.

-There's no need to maim kill and imprison people over marijuana.

Marijuana needs to be legalized already for the love of God. ENOUGH.

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 11:58 AM
reply to post by v3_exceed

ah i see now, so intent means nothing. even if its given away as a gift for free the action of moving it from yourself to another is in itself the illegal action.

right on, thanks for the details.

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by LurkerMan

Good morning,

Actually the "criminal" aspect is the state of mind. When you are aware of a law, but choose to intentionally break it anyway, that is criminal. (at least in Canada)

For example: Jaywalking is a misdemeanor or summary charge in most places. So you cross the street in the middle and may get a ticket. But to PLAN to do so is conspiracy to commit the offense. This becomes a felony because of the planning stage. Now the burden of proof is on the crown in Canada, or the state in the states to prove you actually planned to commit it, but you get the idea.

Speeding is considered the last true criminal act, because all people will do it. Well, all people that drive I should say. At some point we all feel that the speed limit is set artificially low, and it is in many cases. In the case of the cop and the kid, the accidental discharge is the lowest charge they could lay on the police officer. There are several other charges the average person would have received, but the cop gets the benefit of the doubt that neither you, nor I would have.


posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 12:00 PM

Originally posted by Magnum007

Don't want to get shot? Get a real job, and obey the law!!!


[edit on 10/6/13 by Magnum007]

So, this cop thinks it's his job to shoot every student. He may get to go home to his wife and kid until some awipe like him shoots his kid. Some hero...

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 12:00 PM

Originally posted by Mayan_Soul
This is what this country has come to.

A good majority of police officers are completely brainwashed to believe that their entire ego rests on their fabricated authority and superiority over average civilians.

This fact alone has almost completely turned the tables of who's good and bad.

With cities in the United States becoming more consciously aware of the nature given gifts on this planet, such as Breckenridge Colorado, who voted 3:1 for the decriminalization of marijuana last Tuesday, due to the general understanding that it is "a safer alternative for adults than alcohol"..... its the "police force" that is the odd one out and who are literally unable to continue their evolutionary paths which would lead to this realization of it's harmonious compatibility with human beings.

In order to protect the communities you have to be a PART of the community. And you are not a part of the community if you cannot join in its ever-evolving perspective on morality and the fundamentals of human life.

There is simply a large cliff that this world is coming upon, and the future rests at the top. It may be a very traumatic experience soon for all of us, but hopefully we come out as one race at the end.

WOW You my friend have said it perfectly! The whole notion of a war on drugs is a war on the people who do drugs! You know who those people are???? Your mothers, sisters, daughters, brothers fathers and sons, I hope our Law enforcement learn compassion and realize we are on the same team and that there is NO law that will keep people from doing drugs you can only help them when they are ready.

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 12:01 PM

Originally posted by Looking_Glass
Bottom line is, the police chose a dangerous profession. They have to take the risks which include death by barging into peoples homes. If you get shot and/or killed that was the risk you took as a police officer.

You do NOT fire on anyone unless they have a weapon, and it has been clearly established that they are going to use said weapon to cause bodily harm or death. The kid answered the door and ducked when a bright light was flashed into his face. No weapon, no inherent danger, nothing.

I have no idea what's going on with police lately, but it is getting rather ridiculous.

-There's no need to tase a mischievous kid at a baseball game just because you're out of shape and can't catch up to him.

-There's no need to shoot innocent animals in someones home with children present.

-There's no need to maim kill and imprison people over marijuana.

Marijuana needs to be legalized already for the love of God. ENOUGH.

I am not waiting for the first shot at me before shooting back... If he is ducking and reaching, I shoot... No weapon needed.


One of those 3 is fulfilled you shoot... Is it possible that the person has the capability to extract a weapon from their belt and shoot me? Yes, then shoot...

When the police say "Police don't move" or "Police put your hands up"... Close your eyes if the light is too bright and DO WHAT THEY TELL YOU!


posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 12:01 PM
Alot of cop lovers on here today ah? Like someone said a page back,most cops are kids who were bullied in school or were bullies themselves and now that school is over they want to continue or take revenge in some sort of quasi-legal way so they become a cop! Hey now i can bully once again! and legally! woot!

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by 4nsicphd

Originally posted by Magnum007

Don't want to get shot? Get a real job, and obey the law!!!


[edit on 10/6/13 by Magnum007]

So, this cop thinks it's his job to shoot every student. He may get to go home to his wife and kid until some awipe like him shoots his kid. Some hero...

Not every student, not every person... Are you sleeping? Anyone who is a threat to my security when in the course of my duties...

Some people should learn to read... and think...


posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 12:08 PM
The cop is allowed to keep his job after accidentally shooting this kid? No doubt the kid should be charged, but the cop should be charged as well. If we keep letting this kind of thing get away than it becomes a normal. An officer could say his finger slipped on the baton and all no charges are laid.

Don't get me wrong, there are some good cops out there. However, those good cops IMO are a bunch of jack-asses. They would protect their colleagues rather than seek true justice.

How many times have you seen a cop arrest another cop? In my life time, I haven't seen it or heard it.

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 12:12 PM

Originally posted by Magnum007
reply to post by v3_exceed

You answer is quite correct. I just want to add that for trafficking you also need intent... Intent can be implied by the quantity, way it is stored, possession of other things leading to trafficking (scale, large amounts of money, 3 cell phones etc...)

Possession = having it anywhere (not only on you)
Control = having the capability of getting it
Consent = Knowing and accepting that you have it
Intent = want to sell it or give it away


[edit on 10/6/13 by Magnum007]

Yes you are correct, this time of year you do get a lot more sun than I do, I'm on Van island

Intent doesn't really need to be proven, only implied (but you said that). By having the amount broken to smaller quantities, intent is already established. In fact, I was just having a conversation with my lawyer last week on something completely unrelated. He was the former crown prosecutor for drug crimes in Edm. We were discussing the requirements for trafficking and he explained that even passing seeds would be enough to warrant a trafficking charge, and likely a conviction.

I was under the impression that seeds were exempt as they would need to be proven as fertile, but that would also be up to the defense council to argue.

I do agree that we need police. I also agree that society needs to find a better way to weed out those police that would abuse their positions. So far, the only way we as lay people can fight back is to educate and make aware each person we come into contact with about the police abuses that we know of. I wish there were a better way, but when the police are covering for the police it becomes our responsibility to expose the bad ones and those that would harbor them.


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