posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 09:14 AM
I think it's important to take note that there is no side presented here... Only what the parents know... No idea what really happened.
Also, as a police officer, if a person in a known drug house does the move that the man described in front of me, I'd shoot... There's no way for me
to know who is involved or not... Everyone here is assuming that it was only the roommate, involved in the trafficking... If I want to get home to my
wife and kid, I need to react the same way as this officer did.
The problem is not the marijuana, the problem is the criminality surrounding the drugs. Get involved in criminal acts, then expect to get hurt at some
point and time in your life, whether by other idiots, or the police...
Don't want to get shot? Get a real job, and obey the law!!!
[edit on 10/6/13 by Magnum007]