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Video - POLICE BRUTALITY - Cops Shoot Student For Smoking Weed

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+22 more 
posted on Jun, 12 2010 @ 08:15 PM




I love that the deputy isn't speaking with investigators.

This might have been an accident, but why all the secrecy?

[edit on 12-6-2010 by At0mZer0]

+18 more 
posted on Jun, 12 2010 @ 08:19 PM
It's getting to the point that I absolutely hate the police.

Armed thugs with infantile, violent psychologies, useless to the public. What they represent now is only a threat to public welfare and peace, and a coercive revenue source for their departments.

I don't feel safe around them at all, and I haven't even done anything.

+5 more 
posted on Jun, 12 2010 @ 08:23 PM
reply to post by At0mZer0

I understand the cop may have thought he was going for a weapon, but DAMN it's a response to a call about weed near a college campus. Yeah! he over reacted should be relieve of his weapon & job, but at least the kid is still alive.
Make it legal already IMO.

posted on Jun, 12 2010 @ 08:24 PM
Holy crap !

Glad to see he wasn't killed .

I hope he sues the **** out of them . Someone get Gerry Spence on the phone .

posted on Jun, 12 2010 @ 08:37 PM
what an outrage! I'm sure this will be a huge conspiracy and cover-up so the cop gets off free. I'm appalled the cop is not facing any charges and is not necessarily talking to investigators.

I hope he gets a ton of money from the city and police dept.

posted on Jun, 12 2010 @ 08:42 PM
reply to post by At0mZer0

There are two possible reasons for the secrecy. One nefarious, one not so nefarious.

1. The cop is a criminal suspect. As a criminal suspect, the cop is well aware he has the 5th amendment right to remain silent. (Fair enough?)

2. The police department may be covering its own butt. If all the details are released, it will make the police department look bad. Fortunately, if the shooting victim sues the police, he should be able to get all the information the police have through discovery.

+2 more 
posted on Jun, 12 2010 @ 08:47 PM
This is what this country has come to.

A good majority of police officers are completely brainwashed to believe that their entire ego rests on their fabricated authority and superiority over average civilians.

This fact alone has almost completely turned the tables of who's good and bad.

With cities in the United States becoming more consciously aware of the nature given gifts on this planet, such as Breckenridge Colorado, who voted 3:1 for the decriminalization of marijuana last Tuesday, due to the general understanding that it is "a safer alternative for adults than alcohol"..... its the "police force" that is the odd one out and who are literally unable to continue their evolutionary paths which would lead to this realization of it's harmonious compatibility with human beings.

In order to protect the communities you have to be a PART of the community. And you are not a part of the community if you cannot join in its ever-evolving perspective on morality and the fundamentals of human life.

There is simply a large cliff that this world is coming upon, and the future rests at the top. It may be a very traumatic experience soon for all of us, but hopefully we come out as one race at the end.

posted on Jun, 12 2010 @ 08:58 PM
The title is misleading, the guy was not shot for "smoking weed" he was shot durring a drug raid. The roommate was selling to undercover cops \.
I think the funny part of this is that the guy that was shot went ahead and pled guilty to the felony drug charge.

posted on Jun, 12 2010 @ 09:04 PM
Whoa this is crazy, thanks for sharing this.

I'm pretty sure the police are suppose to identify themselves as Police when knocking on a door. I wonder why this officer didn't identify himself?

I wonder if the student thought it was a friend at the door and decided to joke around and made a movement like he had a weapon when opening the door, causing the police officer to make a instinctive reaction and open fire?

[edit on 12-6-2010 by InvisibleObserver]

posted on Jun, 12 2010 @ 09:10 PM
the cops in this country have so much god damn power it's disgusting. they are supposed to serve and protect, not shoot and kill

posted on Jun, 12 2010 @ 09:15 PM
reply to post by zaiger

The fact that he lived in the same apartment as Bardalis (roommate) makes him guilty, in the eyes of police.
He was not the one that sold to undercover cops, but he's stuck because of any found on the premises, during the raid.
That would be why he plead guilty.
Funny stuff, huh?

posted on Jun, 12 2010 @ 10:00 PM
I can not wait till the revolution.And it's open season on these monsters.Its a bunch of nerds who were picked on in high school who became police officers and are trying to impose their "nerd will" on people...Seriousely it's the really wierd kids in high school who become cops.When i graduated i went to college to become a LEO but as soon as i realized the kind of people who become LEO's and after i graduated i went into something completely different.They that they are a different breed of cat..Anyone who would want to be a cop has a serious personality disorder and i feel sorry for them..They ALL suck..I tell my kids to treat cops like a repelling magnet..If you see one coming you get as FAR away from them as possiable..Treat them like they have the Bubonic Plague.Yeah I'll trample AMERICAN's freedom for 30 of douchbags.FOR SURE!!!

posted on Jun, 12 2010 @ 10:18 PM

Originally posted by At0mZer0




I love that the deputy isn't speaking with investigators.

This might have been an accident, but why all the secrecy?

[edit on 12-6-2010 by At0mZer0]

Only one side of the story.I'd like to hear the other side as well.

posted on Jun, 12 2010 @ 10:39 PM
reply to post by indy0725

I think we would all like to hear what the cop has to say.
Im assuming he's been told not to say anything right now.

Perhaps the cop thought he saw a gun and for his own safety shot at the guy.

Thankfully the guy didnt die.

This kinda reminded me of the part in Gran Torino where he reaches for his lighter, but the gang members think its a gun, so they shoot him and get arrested.


posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 12:38 AM
yeah you won't hear anything for a while from the officer. Love the cop-bashers jumping on this so early though..kinda predictable. BEFORE WE KNOW THE WHOLE STORY LETS SAY F COPS! Please....stop breathing you are as bad as the Israel trolls...

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 12:49 AM
Thank you for this video!

I wish it wasn't real, but it sure is. A pig is a pig is a pig...

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 01:05 AM
I wasn't there, so I don't know. But, I think the law gets a little to wound up about Weed. I'm not a weed smoker, but companies like Pfizer put out stuff far more dangerous than weed. And they get to push the stuff on the health care system and citizens like it's candy.

Where are the cops beating down the doors of Pfizer, or other companies like this? Where is the justice? Some of the sleaziest criminals get to hide behind the law. Why, because they make billions of dollars and pay taxes?


posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 08:42 AM
The officer who shot this kid hasn't been arrested nor have they filed any charges

Go ahead boys, let 'em have it! It's time we rid this country of these drug crazed maniacs!

I have yet to meet a stoner who also carried a gun. Hey cops, it's the people who use meth you need to watch out for, not college kids who smoke weed.

Trigger happy moron, I hope you're happy.

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 09:14 AM
I think it's important to take note that there is no side presented here... Only what the parents know... No idea what really happened.

Also, as a police officer, if a person in a known drug house does the move that the man described in front of me, I'd shoot... There's no way for me to know who is involved or not... Everyone here is assuming that it was only the roommate, involved in the trafficking... If I want to get home to my wife and kid, I need to react the same way as this officer did.

The problem is not the marijuana, the problem is the criminality surrounding the drugs. Get involved in criminal acts, then expect to get hurt at some point and time in your life, whether by other idiots, or the police...

Don't want to get shot? Get a real job, and obey the law!!!


[edit on 10/6/13 by Magnum007]

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 09:22 AM
reply to post by earthship35

They weren't the NERDS. The NERDS got jobs as computer programmers, IT specialists, doctors, lawyers, and businessmen. The cops were usually JOCKS in high school. Now that they do not have a pro sports contract, they have to do something else.

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