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Waves Of Oil Coming To Shore In Gulf Of Mexico Apocalypse

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posted on Jun, 12 2010 @ 07:03 PM
Its hard to believe, it so very much is, that they have been drilling these deep wells for some time now and yet had zero contingency for such a case as this.

Maybe there is some purposeful foot draging here....and the guilty are running cover behind the Obama blame game.

Maybe not maybe they are incompetent or there was some sabotage that makes fixing the thing a real problem. Maybe this is an act of war.

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 01:32 AM
reply to post by IgnoranceIsntBlisss

I didn't propose we give up oil completely. I merely suggested we lighten the demand in our own small way.
Your list is a great advocate for whatever purpose you chose to stand up for.

I was merely trying to teach my kids the value of the dollar in relation to a wave filled with globs of oil. But by the sounds of your take, I guess it is a lesson wasted.

[edit on 13-6-2010 by Demoncreeper]

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 02:19 AM

Originally posted by Demoncreeper
reply to post by IgnoranceIsntBlisss

I didn't propose we give up oil completely.

You're right! Sorry if anyone got that impression from that. Was just trying to put it into perspective as mobs of people are running around like their hair is on fire and the head is cut off screaming that we need to give up gasoline. The truth is, it could be argued that gasoline is the by product of the source material that provides us majority of everything we use. The rest of the show goes unmentioned far and wide.

Your list is a great advocate for whatever purpose you chose to stand up for.

Modern life.

I was merely trying to teach my kids the value of the dollar in relation to a wave filled with globs of oil. But by the sounds of your take, I guess it is a lesson wasted.

The real victory here could be that you teach them not to break as much stuff, and you might even have to get nagged less often to go to McDonalds. Saves gas and garbage 'trendy' toys that are destined go later get hauled to the landfill.

[edit on 13-6-2010 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss]

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 10:50 AM

Originally posted by IgnoranceIsntBlisss

The real victory here could be that you teach them not to break as much stuff, and you might even have to get nagged less often to go to McDonalds. Saves gas and garbage 'trendy' toys that are destined go later get hauled to the landfill.

[edit on 13-6-2010 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss]

We don't live our lives like that. My kids maybe get mcdonalds once a year. Fast food isn't really in our life.

My wife has put her teaching career on hold to stay at home for the kids until our final one is in school full time. They are 7,5 and 3. Yes we buy them toys, but with all boys, we buy toys they can't break easily. Toys that they can use until they don't like toys. (Example: :Lego, puzzles, board games, a lot of learning toys). We don't have cable or satellite. Heck, we don't watch much T.V. or movies at all.

Some people buy them the disposable crap. The worst is those dollar store toys. But they aren't very interested in those either.

My wife is very big in recycling, and teaches them the "Why's". I'm not saying we are the best parents on earth, but our heads are screwed on straight, as far as I can tell. Family is important, good morals, and solid foundations are a must because soon, we won't be the only ones raising them. Society will be the MAJOR influence. Being in law enforcement, I know what "society" can bring to the table.

So it is important to me that they understand that this oil spill is as devastating as I can make it, in terms of WHY it happened. Maybe we can't help as much as we'd like to. But the cause here, is something that happened because PEOPLE were (pick one): Lazy, Greedy, selfish, liars....

If I can prevent any of my children from becoming any of those words or words with similar suggestions or meanings, then that is a HUGE victory for me.

So thanks B.P. for giving me this opportunity to show my children just what kind of people are out there.

But Truly, Thanks IgnoranceIsntBlisss for that information. It will help me along the way, I'm sure.

[edit on 13-6-2010 by Demoncreeper]

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