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Be an individual - unite!

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posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 04:31 AM
reply to post by v01i0

I don't think language causes war and and different religions.

Not probably by itself, but due the misunderstandings and misconceptions.

That is so unnecessary. Arrogance and pride I think are the reason people don't say :Sorry I don't think I understand what you are saying. Will you please explain yourself.
Looks easy, don't you think ?

Somehow I understand that. Unfortunately I have had empirical experience by being one of those myself. It is because lack of understanding -- or it was in my case at least. Besides the lack of understanding, it was due the indoctrination; the propaganda comes from various sources, starting from government with it's nationalistic ideas.

Unfortunate yes. however... Your surroundings, friends, indoctrination make it the obvious choice, right ? Just going with the flow ? Anyway...
From your post I assume you regret and pulled yourself away from that life ?
Of course I do not know what you have been through but the experience made you a wiser person. I don't judge ( If I can help it.
and it takes courage to realize you were not doing the right thing. Changing your life... I think that is admirable.

Care to share what made you realize there was something not right ?

It is difficult. A friend of mine is a racist dick. I talk to him asking why, his reasons are vague and his arguments I simply refuted and told him what was the truth.
Still... No change. It is a state of mind I guess.

Yeah... Language used in that way is like a evil spell; intented to seduce the ignorant supporting whatever idea. By the language we make the distinctions, by the language we create the lies and so on.

Are you religious ?

There are those that belief the word can get things done. Magical set in motion.
The word of God is what created the world. If you believe that of course.

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 06:14 AM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

what.s a higher being for you`
and how do you prove that there is no such being on earth?

and as far s i understand: the unite of all beings to form a higher being or a united being, a being who is responsible for our reality – this does not necessarily belong to earth

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 06:19 AM
reply to post by Sinter Klaas

language is an instrument to communicate
so to speak music, art and math are also languages and help to communicate
but people have stopped to communicate with each other, they forgot how to do it.
and therefore they only read the stuff they want to read, and only listen to the words telling them they are right.

but real communication is the key to understanding and the key to love
if we understand each other there is no necessity to fight and war

[edit on Tue, 15 Jun 2010 06:20:45 -0500 by orange-light]

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 07:09 AM
reply to post by orange-light

Yes I agree. Yet the word also creates and destroys.

If you would see every creature as of one higher being. From your previous post.
This higher being exists through us and we because of it. The tiniest word can result in a waterfall of new thoughts and maybe more for the sub conscience. Which effects the reality of the higher being which effects that of us.
I was just thinking out loud...

It is important we understand language and use it understandable.
Unfortunately our language these days can be used for several meanings.

Take for example Anarchy. or Terrorism

Anarchy meant originally just without government. Starts me wondering how and why it is now understand as a bad thing. An Ideology of rebellious behavior in a violent shadow. Anarchy is of course the last thing a government wants.

Terrorism was originally defined in the English dictionary from ( if I remember it correct ) 1816. A Government that ruled by fear and suppression.

Of course it becomes a lot harder on a site with members from all over the world, that do not completely understand it. I'm from the Netherlands and I have always been able to watch English with subtitles on tv. I still find myself at points I do not completely understand what is said.
Just for fun you should read some of my first posts.

Now it looks bad but then...

I belief it is important to ask instead of pre judging. I had to explain myself a lot.
When I was lucky I noticed someone was annoyed and I would send a u2u before any damage was done. My experience is that a lot of people don't do that even.

Thank you.

Kind regards

~ Sinter

Edit: Language is also inefficient. For an expression can tell a thousand words.

[edit on 6/15/2010 by Sinter Klaas]

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 02:20 AM
reply to post by Sinter Klaas

Originally posted by Sinter Klaas
reply to post by v01i0

That is so unnecessary. Arrogance and pride I think are the reason people don't say :Sorry I don't think I understand what you are saying. Will you please explain yourself.
Looks easy, don't you think ?

Looks easy yea -- and it should be asked, because there's a good chance that speaker will have to think through the ideas presented; maybe realizing the error or shortcomings of one's thoughts. But how often the request for clarification merely ends up in brainless repeating of some indoctrinated propaganda? Or some people may even get offended if asked to explain. We are so funny creatures, it sometimes makes me wanna weep.

Originally posted by Sinter Klaas
reply to post by v01i0

Care to share what made you realize there was something not right ?

'twas quite some time ago, more than ten years. "Going with the flow" is a good expression. I was being "nationalistic" in the sense that I felt threatened by the foreigners in our country. I guess it had lot do with the fact that we are small nation, with a superpower next door on the east -- we have been taught to think in nationalistic way, basically saying that without our forefathers work, we wouldn't be independent, so you too have to think nation and work for it benefits and so on. Hard-line nationalism amongst our kids were problem back then and it's still problem today. Most people however tend to grow out from extreme, but not totally, and some people will remain hard-line rest of their lives. I guess that in somepoint I began to think in transcended manner, understanding there not much to gain in nationalism and it is only one of the causes which lead into wars and distinction.

Originally posted by Sinter Klaas

Are you religious ?

Not really. I don't support any established religion nor new age spirtualism or anything like that. Way I see it, behind concepts of Gods and celestial hierarchy (Godheads, pantheons) are psychological and physiological motives, expressed merely by infant thinking of human. But I may consider myself "religious" in the original meaning of the latin word.. I seek to unite, to build bridges. I do not think that religions are merely nonesense, even they are that too, but there are some phenomenas they are trying to express, but they have mostly failed in attempting it.

Originally posted by Sinter Klaas
There are those that belief the word can get things done. Magical set in motion.
The word of God is what created the world. If you believe that of course.

I think that speech and written word can be powerful tools, in a way magickal yes. But I think "magick" is only psychology. More understanding, more you become resistant to this "magick" of words, and also more capable to use it by yourself. But heck, I don't really think it to be magick, because magick is considered to be something you can use, but not quite explain

Originally posted by Sinter Klaas
It is difficult. A friend of mine is a racist dick. I talk to him asking why, his reasons are vague and his arguments I simply refuted and told him what was the truth.
Still... No change. It is a state of mind I guess.

Yeah, people perceive things in quite different way. A truth for one is not truth for another. I think that the two realities is to blame for it. I am sorry about your friend; maybe you just have to be patient and try to show him his errors in ways that he will be capable of understanding. Or maybe we shouldn't even try to convience anyone? After all, how do we know that we are correct and the other is wrong?


[edit on 18-6-2010 by v01i0]

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 01:46 AM
reply to post by v01i0

It looks like we are on the same level here.
I agree with you for the most part.

However I never feared people because of their race or color. Honestly I've not been in a position where I experienced a specific group as a threat. I grew up in a mixed neighborhood and I was friends with those who wanted to be my friend. I do see differences and I do express them, never hateful tho. I did ran into some painful situations but not by a single group and always because of a individual response.
Maybe I'm lucky. I don't know...

Talking about that. My friends including the racist was around then to. He obviously has grown a different perspective.

Convincing people...
I think if you have an opinion you may share it and convince people. Just do not push it and be mindful of the possibility you could be wrong.
When I'm confronted by racism I do try to convince someone. I know racism is a lie. It divides us, causes damage, pain and grief. I'm very much aware that people do not listen, they can not be convinced until they open their eyes and start realizing what it is they are doing. Some never will, others do and some don't have to.

Unfortunately things like racism are often fed from birth and can have deep roots inside the mind... Still I try and convince. It is enough just to plant a seed. It makes people think. Wll I hope it does.

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