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Be an individual - unite!

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posted on Jun, 12 2010 @ 08:59 AM
If you think about the meaning of word 'individual', what does it bring in your mind? (Please, stop reading for a while and think the previous word within your own mind, think about its meaning!) In it's meaning, it is totally distinct for example to 'person', even thought they are generally speaking often considered to refer to same phenomena: to a single human being. Individual, however, stands for something that is not divided. Person instead stands for ‘mask’. These are their literal meanings. Research the words if you haven’t already. Could it be possible, that as long as there exists two distinct parts of consciousness within us (consciousness and sub-consciousness), we are not whole. Could we perhaps draw these two almost or completely together by some means? Could we unite the thesis and anti-thesis within ourselves? It could be! Even if complete unification is not possible, at least drawing them nearer each other should be.

It might be that we may not really aware of our sub-consciousness and it’s contents; many of us has dreams we cannot understand, or we would find them totally incoherent and perhaps even ridiculous, absurd and totally unethical according our own daily morals. Well, it may just be that the sub-consciousness wants to compensate our conscious attitude towards something – for example, if you are one struggling to be chaste as your social group or status (think for example about priests, especially the catholic ones) demands it, your dreams may be just opposite. Terrible fornications and lustful images may take place in dreams. Some people are better in resisting consciously the contents of sub-consciousness than the others. But resisting may result to neurosis – as the result of continuing suppression, the sub-conscious contents may break through the barrier and cause severe unconscious behaviour which I cannot remember later; or I may think that “what just happened to me? I do not normally act like that!”. Wouldn't that be neat explanation for recent insest tragedies amongst catholic church.

To be honest, this is nothing new, but perhaps it is now represented in terms that everyone – even profane people – can understand it and its beneficial effects for the human psyche. This has been the “message” of past religions, but it has been in too complex form, or rather too symbolic form to be easily understood. Most religions’ esoteric core have had a hunch of this. Past religions had the same purpose of uniting man and god (consciousness and sub-consciousness, where the god-images stem from). This why it has been said: “Man, know yourself and you’ll know universe and it’s gods”. It may also be interesting to know, that word 'religion' in Latin means 'to unite' or to 'bind, strongly'. Well how come this is any different from religions of old then? Because this doesn’t require faith – it is pure psychology. It is also physiology.

Those whom can interact with their sub-consciousness consciously – so to speak – may have some superior attributes compared to those who are just “persons”. Being a person means that I am not actually myself, united in harmonious way; I may be something that I want to be or something that others want me to be, but there I’ll go astray, as one cannot never totally become what one or others will. Instead one should give up the false struggle and seek one’s inner self – seek the sub-consciousness and bring it close to one’s consciousness. Then what would an individual gain that person has not? Think about this: Our eyes can “see” change in a single photon, but our consciousness doesn’t “see” that, because it considers change so small irrelevant. But the information nevertheless is recorded by eye and your sub-consciousness.

What that does mean? It could mean “clairvoyance”, “-audience” and “-sensation”. It does not mean you would be able too see, hear and feel it all. It merely means that you could see, hear and feel more clearly, and it would certainly appear to be “psychic” in front of “blind”, “deaf” and "dense". But as it happens, this unification is not a simple process; it’ll require lot of work, mostly contemplation although some physical work may be necessary. And of course if I have my crucial organs damaged, it may be difficult if not impossible. It requires patience – I wouldn’t get it all over night or two. It takes years for most people, even almost whole life time. Why some elders seems so serene? Because they may have completed their unification process and are being calm with the rest of the world. Not all are though, many people live their whole life in illusion of false "I", the persons whom another day loves something and on next day they would hate it.

I guess the best way to begin is to pay attention to oneself, to one’s thoughts – I do not control, just observe; then retrospectively analyze my behaviour – I remember my dreams, contemplate them, because a dream which is not interpret, is like a letter left unopened. The keywords are know yourself and be clean – it doesn’t necessarily make much difference what I eat or if my hands are dirty. I should be clean within the mind. I try not to fantasize, I try not to be jealous nor judge people. I try to see everything as it is, without stamping them with values: “Oh there’s a tree – it’s a pine! By the way, it prevents sun from shining!” No, just to look without evaluating nothing – recognize, but do not judge. Chastity is important – the chastity of mind. Anger and negative feelings are obstacles – but if I should experience them nevertheless, I do not struggle to suffocate them, but instead contemplate them; Contemplating the origin of negative emotions I usually find that the source and cause of these negative emotions is me, not for example something that offends me, but me. Usually this helps and I instantly calm down.

Remember, this is a message board and that was my message. I don’t need you to agree nor disagree. I don’t look for acceptance. I just delivered my view how I see that (our) mind(s) work. I don’t have much to add, but if anyone wants to ask something or perhaps to criticize, that’ll be cool. Many propably find most above very familiar, as there are many other "ways" that utilize the same methods. That isn't too surprising, as I said before, it's nothing new.

Be well,


[edit on 12-6-2010 by v01i0 - corrected few typos and added stuff here and there

[edit on 12-6-2010 by v01i0]

posted on Jun, 12 2010 @ 09:17 AM
Individuality is contradictive.

As one continuously tries to set them selves a part of others, they turn to groups that are like minded.
Individuality is shown with visuall and material tools which, as you say about the unconsience totally irrelevant.

Not surprising this battle within the mnd can make people go insane.

Nice thread.

posted on Jun, 12 2010 @ 09:40 AM
reply to post by Sinter Klaas

Originally posted by Sinter Klaas
Individuality is contradictive.

As one continuously tries to set them selves a part of others, they turn to groups that are like minded.
Individuality is shown with visuall and material tools which, as you say about the unconsience totally irrelevant.

Not surprising this battle within the mnd can make people go insane.

Nice thread.

Thank you.

Way I see it and way I've experienced it, with understanding and working on individuality in microlevel results also in understanding individuality on macrolevel. We cannot distinct ourselves from the rest of the universe. All are part of it - we are it. We ourselves are usually the cause of separation - we separate ourselves into distinct beings, me and you, us and them. Of course we are separate beings, but we really cannot survive nor even exists without rest of the system


posted on Jun, 12 2010 @ 04:32 PM

There is science that suggest we are all linked to everything on a quantum scale. It would definitely explain a lot of paranormal claims.

Our DNA is suggested to be including everything needed to be a luanguage
and that it works as a relay station which receives on a quantum level as well as transmit it.

Brain anneurism that shut down the halve of ourbrain responsible fo logic and individuality. Resulted in a completely different view of the world and your place in it making your boundaries, both physical and spiritual , to disappear.

If we are all indeed conected then our individuality is indeed an imagined reality.

Somehow I feel another small part of a puzzel found its way to the right place. Amazing

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 02:07 AM
reply to post by Sinter Klaas

Originally posted by Sinter Klaas

If we are all indeed conected then our individuality is indeed an imagined reality.

Hi SK,

Individuality as I understand it is that one does not divide oneself apart from the rest of existence. As soon as I begin to think in terms of narcicism, nationality, race, and so on, I'll create artificial boundaries; Sure, there are different kind of people with different kind of skin which reflects sunlight in different manner - but still they do walk just as we do, eat just as we do, and do very many activities same way as we do. There are different kind of flowers, yet all of them needs some kind of base or soil to grow.

I do not deny that advanced biological compositions such animals and humans wouldn't observe reality as a single units themselves. Even cells have somkind of consciousness of their own, yet they are part of a complex system, just as we are.

Just for the clarification: I don't use word 'individual' to descripe a single human being that would be distinct unit from the rest of the system. Individual knows better; (s)he is part of the system and the system in itself.

I think the language itself is one of the contributors for distinctions, for we have to made categorizations, definations and so on to be able to speak comprehensively, so that the receiver understands the message. While language in itself is not anything bad nor mischievous, the way we use it may be. We easily begin to categorize and seperate things within our minds also, as we do when we speak. We should be careful not to implement rules of language and grammar into the thought procesess - thoughts should be abstract and free, while language should be restricted and precise.


posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 08:12 AM
reply to post by v01i0

Nice to find someone who also found this out

But no need to unite, as this means there is stil a division inside the one wanting to unite.
If there is no division, why do we need to unite?
Forming a group will only mean division, one group united opossed to the others.

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 08:14 AM
reply to post by v01i0

just a few brief thoughts - the result of my thinking - before reading along

individual: for me it means the unique being with all its talents and all its faults
or egoistically spoken: that.s ME
my individuality makes me unique.
there might be people who have similar talents or similar hair or similar thoughts but by no means we are equal in the whole of it and in intesity.

and its. something nobody can take away from me.

its what makes me different to other individuals

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 08:23 AM
reply to post by godddd

Good to know that there are others too. I think understand what you mean by your post - that the division itself is an illusion and there is nothing to unite in fact. Might be the case actually. But as we have build such an illusion throughout generations, it ain't usually that easy just to say "this ends here". It may take time to fully comprehend it.


posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 08:31 AM
reply to post by orange-light

Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

I think I understand individually bit differently though. By the way I see it, is not the common conception of the term. However I understand your view. But as per concept of 'individual' there is a notion of something whole, something that cannot be, or shouldn't be divided into parts; and you know, we all know that there are often sides in us. For example, I may want to have a beatiful and thin body, but part of me loves fatty food! There already are two "I's" which have contradictory goals. There are of course plenty of examples, but I hope you already got what I meant?

But yeah, I know what you understand by individual; the single human being, as a distinction to others. But there's already division there.


[edit on 13-6-2010 by v01i0]

posted on Jun, 14 2010 @ 11:35 AM
reply to post by v01i0

but even the 2 desires you describe in your example are a part of the whole me.
no 2 people have the same ideas, desires etc.
and we can examine each example you might think of in this way

even our different understanding of individuality makes us unique, individual

and i don.t want to be torn into parts, just the whole of me is this individual

and yeah if i like it or not i also have to deal with my black sides. but judging them black is only a judgement.
those are talents too which are necessary to form myself!

and even the way i deal with the different sides in me - sides that seem to rule each other out - is part of the whole concept, which differs from you!

and maybe we are also different side of another "higher" individual - some say so by claiming: we are all one.
but by the moment i am quiet happy to be this orange individual

posted on Jun, 14 2010 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by v01i0

Perhaps you could take it a little farther?
And go beyond the unconscious.
Or see the unconscious for what it really is,
Or what it presents!
I think Jung went a bit farther, in an archetypal way!
Although he got tired, and ended up tending his garden!
Perhaps thats a clue?

posted on Jun, 14 2010 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by orange-light

As far as I know, there are NO higher beings on Earth today. It had happened in the past, and may be in the future, but today, NO, none.

Anyone who claims to be a 'higher being' would be in servitude to mankind, for to lead and teach, is to serve, not just one, but the many.

Unfortunately today, those who claim to serve mankind are more serving themselves while chest thumpingly claim otherwise.

We are all equal as humans, sharing the same aspirations from different paths, the joys as well as the sorrows. We are truly one -the human race, before our baggages of differences are imposed upon us by TPTB.

And it will be this oneness, despite and inspite of our differences, needs and wants, to share our resources and capabilities, that is going to save our world from its crisises today, by making informed choices through discussions, debates with our family, relatives, friend, and elected representatives.

Below is a melody to show what I, an insignificant and fallible being, will attempt to show the oneness. Art is subjective, some like it, some dislike it, but it does a create a response.

It is a Hindu melody, although I am no Hindu nor learnt to appreciate its music, mixed in New Age Western style, along with tribal and asianic themes. We are indeed one and capable of beautiful harmony if we but can set aside our differences.

posted on Jun, 14 2010 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by v01i0

I agree our thoughts should be abstract and free.

As grammar and rules are very important to express your thoughts there is a little bump ahead.

Just like here on ATS I'm often misunderstood. The use of grammar and rules helps me to make myself better understand but because my thoughts have to be translated to language it is easily mixed.

Separation is more difficult then it might look.

Oh... I misunderstood you. I do understand but I needed your explanation to do so.

posted on Jun, 14 2010 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by orange-light

Well yes, I see what you mean. Even the parts of personality contradictory each other are in the light of your views parts of individual. But they are still parts, and this way, you see yourself individual composed of parts, which probably are characteristics so to speak.

Yes you are also correct; we have to understand the different sides in us, contemplate them, weld them into individual in a harmonous way. I am glad you are content with yourself.


posted on Jun, 14 2010 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by midicon

I like to think that bringing the unconscious in to the surface - understanding it, being familiar with it - is kinda step into that direction: going beyond.


posted on Jun, 14 2010 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by Sinter Klaas

Originally posted by Sinter Klaas
reply to post by v01i0

The use of grammar and rules helps me to make myself better understand but because my thoughts have to be translated to language it is easily mixed.

That is the case. Even with the knowledge of all the rules of grammar of the language, we still succeed in presenting ourselves so that others can't understand us. I guess it's as much up to the receiver of the message than it is up to the sender of it.


posted on Jun, 14 2010 @ 02:33 PM
reply to post by v01i0

Imagine how difficult that becomes when besides the people that read what they want to read, there is language that can mean a number of things, even in the same context.

posted on Jun, 14 2010 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by Sinter Klaas

Yeah we can see examples of it everywhere. Thats probably one of the main contributors why there are so much wars and misunderstandings plus different religions.


posted on Jun, 14 2010 @ 03:58 PM
reply to post by v01i0

I don't think language causes war and and different religions.
I do think that it makes it easier for those with an agenda to use it in their advantage.

What I mean is that anyone no matter what they belief or think or whatever, always have the option to ask for an explanation. They don't. They only read what they want to read and hear what they want to hear, they only listen to people with the same ideas.

People somehow place their own logic above common sense. While I think this is disturbing enough even those with above average intelligence show racism and hate which is always based on lies and prejudice, usually with roots in the past.

I don't understand how people can set themselves in a position where they separate not only them selves from others but also as a group from those they have a cultural and / or religious link with.

I know I am guilty of every prejudice and sin around. At least I ask before I set my mind. Always lead my morals lead me. To often others do not.
Maybe my morals are just different... I don't know.

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 03:06 AM
reply to post by Sinter Klaas

Originally posted by Sinter Klaas
reply to post by v01i0

I don't think language causes war and and different religions.

Not probably by itself, but due the misunderstandings and misconceptions.

Originally posted by Sinter Klaas
reply to post by v01i0

I don't understand how people can set themselves in a position where they separate not only them selves from others but also as a group from those they have a cultural and / or religious link with.

Somehow I understand that. Unfortunately I have had empirical experience by being one of those myself. It is because lack of understanding -- or it was in my case at least. Besides the lack of understanding, it was due the indoctrination; the propaganda comes from various sources, starting from government with it's nationalistic ideas.

Originally posted by Sinter Klaas
reply to post by v01i0

I do think that it makes it easier for those with an agenda to use it in their advantage.

Yeah... Language used in that way is like a evil spell; intented to seduce the ignorant supporting whatever idea. By the language we make the distinctions, by the language we create the lies and so on.


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