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America Role model for the world, protector of freedoms, Guarantor of liberties, greatest of nations

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posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by mwm1331
The United States Of America is the most socially advanced, morally correct, technologially adept, Militarily dominat and all around best place to live in the world. Europe cannot compare to the genius of the american system, the superiority of its citizens, or the might of its armed forces. Europe is a parochial and backward land where socialism is considered progresssive and individual responsibillity is forsaken in return for the government providing what its people cannot such as retirement, healthcre, and education. GOD BLESS AMERICA

[edit on 11-6-2004 by mwm1331]

Amen brother....

You can thank the republicans for that too... I don't think the libs had any doing in that..

Canada is the same thing, Liberal = social democracy where individual responsibility is frowned upon so that people do become dependant on the gov. Here in the US, I read an article with a gallop poll claimed half of Americans are on welfare, and the other half supports em.

So thanks the self employed and employed individuals because they are carrying your extra weight and the economy ...

God bless them. America the land of opportunity, but many refuse the opportunity to do so.

posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 07:04 PM
I don't think we are the best country, but we have certainly made something of ourselves. I wish we had less dead weight on the federal government to lug around and blow money on.

But to say that libs have never done anything to advance our country (paraphrased) is quite stupid.

I just want to be sure that that was what you were saying.

posted on Jun, 25 2004 @ 11:44 AM
If your talking to me kj, liberals in the past have contributed something to America, all presidents have.
In this day / times we're in, I don't see them contributing anything but socialist ideas and bunk policies to stump people's freedoms.

Remember when Bill Clinton tried to pass that bill for the television, it's a blurb to me know, i'd have to go look it up, but if you remember this too, i'm not explaining more.

I don't believe liberals these days are the way they once were, they've trailed from the lunch path and ended up somewhere lost in the forest.
I don't want to keep going on, i'm sure you have a good idea what i'm saying.

i'll come back to this later if you want me to explain anything then I will, but I need to break and get some house chores done (we just moved).

posted on Jun, 25 2004 @ 11:46 AM
If America is as terrible as most of you proclaim, then why are so many citizens from other countries immigrating to our shores by the thousands? Could it be that they want a better life than what they had wherever it is they came from? I would imagine that is the case. We have worked hard to make America the greatest country in the world. It is not our fault that your ancestors sat around and accepted the status quo. You can continue to harbor resentment; I do not care, but tell us we have more than we need. We worked for it. Let America turn it�s back on the world and see where you are then. So the next time you point your finger at America, you need to make sure you have cleaned up your own backyard first. If you would out as much effort into improving your country as you do trying to convict America to be the worlds problem you might begin to enjoy what we have built in the last 228 years in your own countries. Just remember that America is the first country looked to when other countries need help. We should just you let fall by the wayside but that would be the un-American thing to do.

[edit on 25-6-2004 by ss0825ss]

posted on Jun, 25 2004 @ 08:32 PM
Perhaps they have, but Republicans have strayed as well.

From the draft to the Department of Homeland Security to the new McCain/Feingold bill signed by George Bush.

I am depressed about both sides honestly

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 01:27 AM

Originally posted by mwm1331
The United States Of America is the most socially advanced, morally correct, technologially adept, Militarily dominat and all around best place to live in the world. Europe cannot compare to the genius of the american system, the superiority of its citizens, or the might of its armed forces. Europe is a parochial and backward land where socialism is considered progresssive and individual responsibillity is forsaken in return for the government providing what its people cannot such as retirement, healthcre, and education. GOD BLESS AMERICA

[edit on 11-6-2004 by mwm1331]

Amen, makes me want to stand up and salute to the flag. Well said.

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 08:50 AM
Thank you
Ill be here all night
be sure to catch the late show

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