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Originally posted by KrazyJethro After all, they don't bomb the hell out of people just for economic gain.
Originally posted by namehere
but what economic gain has iraq given us? the war wasnt for economic gain and it has not produced any gain.
Originally posted by namehere
but what economic gain has iraq given us? the war wasnt for economic gain and it has not produced any gain.
Originally posted by CiderGood_HeadacheBad
Socially advanced? You kill each other at a rate which far surpasses any other developed country. Morally correct? Invading countries at the drop of a hat ( or a tower ) and killing thousands of arabs and muslims whom you have stereotyped as vicious terrorists is not marally correct.
Ask yourself this, if America is the greatest country in the world, why do we all hate you? And don't tell me we're jealous, because I have no interest in living in or even visiting such a socially backward country as the US.
Originally posted by curmeUs? Not that much. Cheney, Halliburton, CACI, and countless other cronies? Billions of dollars. Who built all of of Saddam palaces? Who ran that country before we came? It wasn't American civilian contractors.
Originally posted by KrazyJethroWell first off, the post was sarcastic (I could have sworn by the oil bribes being civilized it was obvious, but oh well).
Gain for who? I'm sure many can list a healthy list of contracted companies that are making a good amount of money off of this war.
Also, the whole oil currency thing.
Originally posted by J0HNSmith
War is hell, innocent people die. Do you have a better idea of how to deal with terrorists murdering 3000 innocent people? You're big on the criticism but not so big on better ideas over there buddy.
Japan is very technologically advanced, wonder why? I think part of the reason is they don't have a huge military budget. They are under the protection of the US and that gives them the freedom to invest more into technology and less into military might.
Did we intimidate out allis with military might? What allis? Did we threaten to invade a European country if they didn't help us or something? What are you talking about?
I live in the US, I have never had to pay a medical bill in my life, although I pay $9 maximum per prescription. Big deal. Where I live no one is in fear or constant paranoia, in fact I haven't noticed a difference between pre 9/11 and today, everything is still the same where I live.
You're a scott and your ancestors helped found the US. If we're societally backward you should take it up with them lol. Everyone doesn't hate us, we just got a bad batch of leadership in the white house and I think most people understand that.
Originally posted by namehere
Originally posted by RedOctober90.
Hence the low poverty level.. not by a "welfare system" or free money..
check your facts, unemployment and poverty levels in europe is far higher than here, the socialist ones are the highest in this area, also america taxes far less than europe, only one european nation has a higher gnp than america, all of europe combined has a much lower gnp, even in hard economic periods our economy still dominates all of europe combined- all facts.
Originally posted by CiderGood_HeadacheBad
On the "War on Terror", my stance as that there shouldn't be one. War is hell, so why fight one?
On top of that, you wouldn't have to spend billions of dollars policing the world, and the government could spend the money saved on downsising the military on your failing public services.
And yes, Bush intimidated European allies. He threatened economic sanctions on France and Germany - fellow NATO members and therefore allies - as a consequence of not supporting the war in Iraq.
Your point on my ancestors founding the US makes me ashamed. America is our fault.
You certainly have got a bad batch of leadership in the white house, but it proceded many more in the past which have been just as bad. There is something wrong with the way you look out on the rest of the world as a nation, aswell as the way you are governed.
It is a fact that millions do hate you. They are undoubtedly wrong to do so, but it is a problem which must be addressed.
Originally posted by RedOctober90
Well said. It is funny to see how non-Americans can figure out America better than most Americans themselves who are blinded by nationalism and jingoistic patriotism rather than what is really needed to progress.
Originally posted by RedOctober90
But the social systems in Europe are far more advanced and efficient. They have a system which ensures the working class free universal healthcare.
Originally posted by RedOctober90
How is mankind a form of nationalism? Since mankind is not a nation?
I cannot and do not support a nation that has to bomb other nations for economic reasons.
Originally posted by J0HNSmith
So you think we shouldn't fight the war on terror? Maybe just ignore the problem and it'll go away? You think we should down size the military? What if someone attacked your country, who do you think would be fighting that war?
What failing public services are you talking about?
Well France and Germany are entitled to their opinions, but the motivation in France to not back the US was political NOT moral. We have the right to sanctions anyone we please, just like France and Germany have to right to vote any way they please.
You shouldn't be ashamed that your ancestors founded the US, it's the greatest country on the planet. I don't think there is a problem with the way the US is governed, yes it could use some changes but there is no such thing as a perfect government.
There is nothing wrong with the way we as a nation look at the rest of the world, that is a racist anti-american stereotype and by lumping all Americans into one catorgory like that makes you look ignorant and racist.
When you think of the millions of Muslims that hate the US, also remember if the US wasn't around their hate would be directed toward you and any other western culture. It's western morels and values that they hate, it's that we don't pray to their god that they hate. It's that we are different that they hate. Look at spain, they did nothing and still got bombed. It's hatred of western culture, not JUST the US.
The United States Of America is the most socially advanced, morally correct, technologially adept, Militarily dominat and all around best place to live in the world. Europe cannot compare to the genius of the american system, the superiority of its citizens, or the might of its armed forces.