posted on Jun, 12 2010 @ 09:42 PM
I don't even need to take the test. I know I'm right brained. Obviously no one is one hundred percent one side or the other. It is more of a
spectrum thing. There are a few left brain traits that I have, but many more are on the right side. One of my biggest right brain characteristics is
being able to see the big picture. I've never been really good with detail, but seeing the big picture makes up for that, I think. I'm always
telling people, especially my gf, "just see the big picture."
There is no doubt our educational system, including many private schools, are sabotaging the development of ALL kids in school. Not just the right
brained, but the left brained too. The goal should be to balance the two sides. If you are heavily right brained, then try working to develop the left
and visa versa. In my opinion, this is how you grow as an individual.
The school system is so heavily left brained based it is almost a joke! It's not about having more music or creative writing classes. It's about
incorporating the right brain into EVERY CLASS! The current system is all about memorization and studying for the test. It's like overloading your
hard drive with no operating system to run it. It's completely pointless and worthless. This is why our kids are so freaking bored. The brain only
works when both sides are working together. The students have no idea why they are even studying a particular subject. Everything seems to be
pointless because THEY CAN'T SEE THE BIG PICTURE. They aren't trained to see the big picture because the teachers aren't trained to see it.
We are getting to the point where if we don't start to innovate and figure out new ways to create clean energy and propulsion systems, we are in big
trouble. Innovation will only come from education. It is critical that we begin to balance both sides of the brain as a society, as well as