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The coming confrontation with Canada over the Northwest Passage

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posted on Jun, 12 2010 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by FreeSpeaker

Originally posted by snowspirit
How can it be international water if it cuts through the islands of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago? At one point Canada and Denmark both have agreed to each partially own Hans Island. There is no clear path (unowned) through the arctic area. Maybe if more ice melts, then over top of Greenland, but until then it is pretty clear that the passage goes right through all those islands.

Which is why the US will support Canada's claim(legal right), after being offered a generous passage rate fee from the Canadian gov, and Russia will go home sulking.

Either Iceland's vocanoes keep doing their thing, and the ice melts above Greenland, there will be clear passage up there instead of through Canada, or the Gulf of Mexico keeps spewing, and screws up our ocean conveyor water current - it'll put us back into an ice age, and everyone can just snowmobile/dog sled across like they used to

posted on Jun, 12 2010 @ 04:26 PM
Mother russia has already put a titanium flag 4000m deep on the north pole.

They win.

posted on Jun, 12 2010 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by ickylevel
Mother russia has already put a titanium flag 4000m deep on the north pole.

They win.

Yeah, I know. They did that almost right away once it was announced countries had to stake their claims. Harper still probably hasn't done that. Their underwater ice shelf goes a long way out. I wonder how hard it is to learn Russian?

posted on Jun, 12 2010 @ 04:33 PM

the pole is a long way north of the disputed area
it is water with ice on top

posted on Jun, 12 2010 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by ickylevel
Mother russia has already put a titanium flag 4000m deep on the north pole.

They win.

Good for them.

If only Canada cared.

posted on Jun, 12 2010 @ 04:37 PM

Originally posted by Danbones

the pole is a long way north of the disputed area
it is water with ice on top

So we send them across Santa's front yard? Good idea!

posted on Jun, 12 2010 @ 04:41 PM
Um, yeah.
As much as Alaska belongs to the oil companies and the US, the Strait belongs to Canada.
Now please shut up, and leave us all alone.
(Remember 1812? We do, and we won).

posted on Jun, 12 2010 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by snowspirit

They don't call her Mrs Claws for nothing

have you seen her pole dance routine?
sorry SS maybe not you

the russians will be happily busy up there for a while
they won't be bugging us for some time we sent them a skid of rye

here is the winter ice average chart
ice breakers and submarines only except in hi summer it looks like

oh yeah i forgot BP wasn't looking after thet trans alaska pipe line very well...
they have shut it down so they can drive the price of oil up
only way out is directly by tanker

the pipe is wearing out due to scour and corrosion

so a tanker rought might be important but I think BP doesn't want that oil out it would drop the price

[edit on 12-6-2010 by Danbones]

[edit on 12-6-2010 by Danbones]

[edit on 12-6-2010 by Danbones]

posted on Jun, 12 2010 @ 04:55 PM

Originally posted by Danbones
reply to post by snowspirit

They don't call her Mrs Claws for nothing

have you seen pole dance routine?
sorry SS maybe not you

the russians will be happily busy up there for a while
they won't be bugging us for a while

here is the winter ice average chart
ice breakers and submarines only except in hi summer it looks like

oh yeah i forgot BP wasn't looking after thet trans alaska pipe line very well...
they have shut it down so they can drive the price of oil up
only way out is directly by tanker

the pipe is wearing out due to scour and corrosion

so a tanker rought might be important but I think BP doesn't want that oil out it would drop the price

[edit on 12-6-2010 by Danbones]

I heard BC coast was the favored route right now for getting the oil down in tanker. Better not be a BP tanker!

As for Russia, every time Harper tries to act tough, they are rolling around on their butts laughing so hard they can't even think of fighting

We have trade with them anyhow, vodka for BC's most profitable export.

posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 06:05 PM

Originally posted by VonDoomen
reply to post by Dimitri Dzengalshlevi

Trust me. i love Canada, used to go to school their and have many friends there.

And I will quote one of my professors from Queens University.

"If America invaded us, They would have our country in 30 minutes"

However, canada and the US have one of the most intertwined economies/trade relations. so i doubt fisticuffs would happen!

See? This is the common attitude that foreigners share about my country. The rest of the world sees Ontario as the Canadian example and they know nothing about how the center of Canada is so very different and ignorant than the rest of the country.

If only the world could view an uncensored version of British Columbian life, and they will see how socially advanced our country can be. By this I mean the extremely large ratio of people who cares not about the government compared to the government itself.

The thing about Canada proper is that we function as a society much more than a government-controlled state. It's like how in the US there are weekend-warrior militias; in Canada, the entire civilian population is basically a militia. Canada, especially all the Canada I've seen, is very anarchist.

It is due to our such anarchist nature that we maintain probably the least-corrupt democracy model the world has ever seen. Canada is such a static country that if anything serious ever happened here, the entire country jumps all over the government and if the government does not do something that pleases the people, we riot and the government fails.

The reason why Canada has only a defensive military is because that's all that the people of Canada believe Canada needs. We do have arctic bases, task forces and on-going efforts to recruit more arctic combat divisions, but we will never have a large enough force to match Russian or American fleets. However, only someone who is extremely inexperienced in combat tactics would assume that Canada would need such a large force.

First of all, Canadians are raised to handle the extreme temperatures in the arctic. For those of you who posted about Canada's inability to protect itself, have any of you ever felt snow before? Ever seen ice? How about being exposed to -40*C weather or worse? Not only can we supply a lot of soldiers to the arctic who are hard to nature's conditions, we are also equipped to maintain our forces through extreme arctic conditions. Having a giant global fleet in our ice water means you'll have one large logistical nightmare on your hands to maintain and supply your heavy demands in a desolate land.

Then we already do have lots of our people living out in remote locations, most of them paid by the Canadian government to maintain our land and do recon. Do any of you know that in international law, a country can lose an island if they abandon it completely for a full year? That's why Canada has inuits snowmobiling all over those remote islands all the time. This pretty much means we have a large population of arctic people who have existed there for ten thousand years on our side, a much better tactical experience then foreign invaders have.

So I ask again, why do so many people on here think Canada is too weak to hold its own against a dominating military threat to our north? Because both Russia and the USA have failed in any war against a militia-type resistance, and instead of being goat farmers with AK47s, Canada is made of modern and highly-educated nature-hardened well-armed and geopolitically spread out and diverse freedom lovers who will blow any empirical invader to hell.

posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 08:42 PM
LMAO!!!!! How long ago was that? try it now buddy...the US would kick Canda's @ss ALL over the place. And im juist talking citizen versus sictizen much less militarily.

Originally posted by Dimitri Dzengalshlevi
reply to post by princeofpeace

Why, so you can come, temporarily push back the Russians and then proceed to capture our territory and resources instead?

Remember buddy, Canada is the only country in the world who successfully invaded the US and burned its capital to the ground and we'll do it again.

The potential arctic war is going to hopefully be the one incident where Ottawa pulls their head out of their ass and Canada becomes nationalistic. We will have no room or tolerance for American exploitation in a truely sovereign Canada.

[edit on 11-6-2010 by Dimitri Dzengalshlevi]

posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 09:02 PM
reply to post by Dimitri Dzengalshlevi

And dont forget our military is only holding our spot for the rest of the entire and i do mean all 13 million man and woman instant army.

And oh ya now just who are the best snipers in the world?

And who in the first world where the one's who finally broke the Ziegfield line?
And who completed there objective at Normandy and ended up too far inside enemy lines?
And who started that damned C.I.A and put ,, anyway, just multiply that by 13 million ,,why?? Cause were Canadian,, and as far as that zuzuzu thing at the world cup..? Hey u ever been to a hockey game at the local rink?? See even that don't bother us,,well maybe a little ,, after a while,, LOL

posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 09:11 PM
tell you what,
we will LET you burn Ottawa to the ground if you bring us each a case of JD. and some lemons from florida so we can make some thermos jugs full of Whiskey sours...
(...pssst its undefended...Harper should be there tomorow ...he said you guys talk funny and your women are hairy...just air drop the whiskey at Wasaga Beach....quik...there some good bands playing this weekend)
,,,no this is NOT a TRAP,,,,honest...we really do like JD...

[edit on 16-6-2010 by Danbones]

[edit on 16-6-2010 by Danbones]

posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 09:23 PM
Oh my gosh people. What has become of our pride in our history, our world renowned reputation for politeness and our education system?

When did it all start to go so wrong????

In 1841, the provinces of Upper and Lower Canada were joined into one province under the rule of Great Britain. In 1867, Canadian federation was proclaimed and we became the Dominion of Canada. With the passing of the Statute of Westminster in 1931, Britain turned over control of our foreign policies to the Canadian government.

If the War of 1812 did, as advertised, happen in 1812 and Canada didn't gain control of our foreign policy until 1931 how exactly did Canada - the country that didn't yet exist and even if it had, couldn't declare war on anybody because we'd have gotten into a heck of a lot of trouble with the King - invade a foreign country and burn down their capital?

I know history can be a real bummer when it gets in the way of nationalist pride, but that's the way the cookie crumbles sometimes.

So how about that Northwest Passage, eh? Best interests of the US to side with Canada for reasons of National Security - I'm sure we can work out some kind of win-win for both countries on this one.

posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 09:36 PM
reply to post by Duzey

you bring the JD....we'll bring the ice...just burn ottawa down .....
we'll greet you with flowers...we NEED regeme change....

posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 11:12 PM
reply to post by Duzey

Ya but your missing the point, they being the one's who did the burning etc, where for all intent and purposes our forfathers and as such that makes them Canadian Bedrock
and ya i do like the idea of party at wasaga!!!

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 02:38 PM
Canada has always been Canada, foreigners could never understand how Canadian nationalism works. Canada burnt down the American capital because the people who did it were fighting for this large chunk of land called Canada (which is a poor translation from a native word for "village").

For those of you who don't get it yet, Canada is not so much a geopolitical landmass as it is a timeless land of environmental supremacy and spiritual freedom. It has been this was since Asians populated North America after the last ice age (10,000 years ago) and it will always be.

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 07:51 PM
For those who didn't notice - I'm from Canada - and I'm very sorry to say that Great Britain was at war with the US in 1812. Disliking a fact doesn't make it any less of a fact.

This kind of nationalistic, jingoistic attitude about the War of 1812 is sad - we have plenty of other things that we did all on our own to be proud of that we don't need to try and take credit for something somebody else did. Saying it was Canada just makes us look like uneducated folks who don't even know their own history.

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 08:15 PM

Originally posted by Danbones
you guys aut to help us if we ask

we have helped you guys in afgahnistan

War in Afghanistan cannot be won, British commander Brigadier Mark Carleton-Smith warns ns.html

Already, 97 Canadian soldiers have lost their lives since 2002 in Afghanistan. Two Canadian aid workers and a diplomat have also been killed by the Taliban-led insurgency.

and for what ?
the state dept just admitted you guys are GUARDING THE OPIUM

I would hope you might help us out if it was something important

[edit on 12-6-2010 by Danbones]

[edit on 12-6-2010 by Danbones]

When our fathers and grandfathers stormed the beaches of Normandy, they did so with our Canadian brothers at their sides. Canadian men bled and died on that day, fighting for the same ideals that our US soldiers fought for: freedom and liberty.

We absolutely should stand beside you in this. Of course, Duzey has a good point, strategically.

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 09:26 PM
reply to post by Duzey

Yes Great Britian was,,along with the rest of the WORLD they had that lets conquer everyone thing going on with France, who also had the same fever with Napoleon, but European Pilgrum's wanted to get away from all that War going on stuff in Europe (you know,,, "gee Marg thats the 5th son we've lost to the king and now they want the cows, and the Duke says that it's Law,now he gets to screw our daughter first of her wedding night,,, f them, lets go to America),,ya those Europeans, but so was Upper Canada, primarily made up of Trappers, Couer Debois, hunters,old man in the Mountain type, the ones who didn't care much for nobles, er i mean civilization,,, yes CANADA, so tech. and historically, Canadians,

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