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Demons 101

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posted on Jun, 10 2010 @ 12:53 AM

Originally posted by xynephadyn
Wow you are just so utterly wrong. But thats ok your on your journey. What I take offense too is you writing this thread like you are some sort of expert, when infact your not. But I am, I am a demonologist and I can tell you that

Nice to meet a real demonologist, but your views are ALL purely christian on the subject. My studies have encompassed not only your view on the subject but many different cultures and other sources of information on the matter. Also, as I stated in my previous post, I never claimed to be an expert - only recounting personal experience.

A. Demons are Malicious evil entities who do the work of Satan. They are not just "misunderstood" sentient, intelligent entities. Demons are very specific and are just as individualized as the angels. Each were created individually by God. They chose separateness in the War in Heaven over God, and fell. Being a demon is their punishment. We can feel sorry for them, but truly the ones that participate in our realm have no sympathy for humans.

This whole paragraph is biased in its views toward the Christian understanding of demons and what they are. Therefore, I will not argue against your faith - because I respect people's religious views. However, it may do you good to look past what the Christian church tells you and see what else is actually out there.

Many, many, possessions and demonic entities are misidentified as demonic in nature- naturally- because people dont know any better. There are so many dark, evil, awful entities in this world that mimic demons- normal human beings cannot tell the difference.

I am not a 'normal' human being as you state and these entities that we encountered were rarely "in" a human. The ones that were in people were confirmed to be demons.

B. Demons do possess people and it does not require the possessee to be a willing participant

Absolutely correct as I stated the exact same thing. The blurb on possessions was spurred from some fool who was looking to be willingly possessed in another thread.

C. Summoning a Demon- a bad idea, I agree with you there.

Glad we agree on something.

D. Getting rid of a Demon. Well- your suggestions are all fine and dandy- but the only thing that can rid a demon in a possession is God, or an Archangel. And as we all know, just because we pray, doesent mean an answer comes immediately. Even in times of great need. Sometimes God does not intervne with demonic possession until sometime. For whatever reason. Salts and Special Chants can piss the demon off-

How do you define 'getting rid of'? Many people mistake me when I say 'getting rid of' and 'banishing'. To clarify - I'm talking about sending the entity away - back to where it came from or wherever they go when we're done. Salt - non-iodized rock salt does piss demons off, I'm glad you and I agree. But it also keeps them the hell out of a place warded by it. As far as "special chants" go - the two verses I included are latin verses from.... the bible....

E. Demons are very real. But I highly doubt that you encountered a demon yourself. Human interaction with actual Demons is not a common event. While I have encountered it with my Clients, I can assure you- it is difficult for people to tell the difference. The only way I know the difference is though my psychic gifts- I can see them for what they are- just the way I see angels. I have the gift of discernment between Angels and Demons, as one of my many gifts. I do not brag. It is what it is, and I will leave it at that.

I don't think you were bragging and under different circumstances it would be nice to chat with you to gain further insight into the matter. However, you have no idea what I've encountered or dealt with over the past 10 years and while you may view demonic presences on Earth as rare, that's from your point of view and current location. Truth is - they're starting to pop up more frequently than is comfortable for those of us out here who didn't get the opportunity to sit through a class on the subject and start a practice.

I have no quarrel with you and feel you and I could actually share pertinent information instead of being at each other's throats. Your views are primarily Christian biased, which I do not hold against you at all, but the research and experiences I draw from stem not only from research into the Christian view but many others in various countries. But, as you pointed out - I am no expert and I will readily admit that. I just know what works for me and those I associate with. I think I'll stick to what I know for now until it fails me.

posted on Jun, 10 2010 @ 01:06 AM

Originally posted by ReHaBzWuRdZ
reply to post by mf_luder

"or someone else like me to get it out"

We are proud of ourselves, aren't we? Very Big Ego. . .not to worry young padwan, I will nah Let it stray me away from your truths.

here is a good example of a demon, aka agent of misinformation.

let us dispense with it's anti-egoism rhetoric, shall we?

Main Entry: ego
Pronunciation: \ˈē-(ˌ)gō also ˈe-\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural egos
Etymology: New Latin, from Latin, I — more at I
Date: 1789
1 : the self especially as contrasted with another self or the world
3 : the one of the three divisions of the psyche in psychoanalytic theory that serves as the organized conscious mediator between the person and reality especially by functioning both in the perception of and adaptation to reality — compare ID, SUPEREGO
— ego•less adjective

organized conscious mediator
functioning both in the perception of and adaptation to reality

So, if you are anti-ego you are not in favor of which of the following:
-organization/ anti-chaos/ anti-anarchy
-LIFE, consciousness, Self Awareness
-mediator, mediation (thinking)
-functioning perception
-adaptation to reality

would you prefer WE be DEAD unorganized chaotic anti-consciousness inanimate unthinking broken non-perceptivities incapable of adaptation to reality?


this is the only other option isn't it?

Your logic elludes us in a realm where denying ignorance is what we do here.

live long and prosper, or take ReHaBzWuRdZ's advice,

posted on Jun, 10 2010 @ 01:28 AM
I want to apologize for attacking you for writing this thread. You seem very intelligent and very well mannered. You have to understand, however from my point of view, the tons of threads that get posted all the time on this subject- are are posted from people who have little to no idea what they are talking about. After tons and tons of posts on my behalf trying to explain the truth to people, I just have lost my patience and I have a short fuse when it comes to this topic. I apologize for being rude.

Now, I completely and totally understand why anyone who doesent know why I know what I know would think that I am a Christian. Truth is- I am not. The fact that the ideologies that the Christian faith uses- such as God, Satan, Angels and Demons is that simply- the Christians got it from somebody else. I do not believe that Jesus is God, and I do not believe that they way to heaven is through Jesus.

I learned about the heirarchy in Heaven from actual Angels. Angels have been visiting me since I was a child. I was raised Catholic. However, as a teenager quickly abandoned those beliefs due to the fact that Catholicism seriously dwells in ignorance. I was exposed to an early age to Aliens, Ghosts, and Angels- aswell as my ability to communicate with all of them. My Psychic Blind Spot as it were never closed off.

The God who is the current Godhead now, took control over the reining demi gods (Zeuss, Ishtar, etc) previous to the Sumerian Period. Christianity got their "belief system" from the different Sumerian, Egyptian, Greek, and co existing belief systems regarding Creation.

Angels, are not as how Christians paint them. Angels were created by God as his servants. Period. Think of a King with his servants.
They have very unique personalities and have traits such as anger, jealousy, and rage. Aswell as the traditional love and gratitude. This is extremely not well know, however experienced first hand through me.

Demons, some were the Angels- this explains why they fell. For they experienced jealousy and rage- that the humans received higher favor in Gods eyes than in theirs. A Christian myth- but based in Angelic historical truth.

It is very difficult for me to share much more here, because the knowledge I do have is very sacred. Besides, anybody who is Christian will believe I am being Blasphemous. I dont like have stones thrown at me, especially when all I am trying to tell is tell everybody that the world is round not flat. If you have any specific questions, you can feel free to email me at any time, as I always welcome with everone.

[edit on 10-6-2010 by xynephadyn]

posted on Jun, 10 2010 @ 01:34 AM
reply to post by xynephadyn

I appreciate your discretion. Shoot a U2U if you're interested in talking further, I'll be more than happy to give you my primary email address in order to share information because I think we could learn a lot from each other. Some of the knowledge you have - specifically on the angelic side I am currently hurriedly doing research on because of recent events and I would love to learn what you have to share.

I don't feel you were directly attacking me - I just wanted to be clear that I don't view myself as an expert on really anything! lol - well, maybe D&D and Counterintelligence.

I look forward to corresponding with you.


posted on Jun, 10 2010 @ 01:37 AM

Originally posted by mf_luder
but your views are ALL purely christian on the subject.

curious side note (observation):

these two phrases contain the same identical letters:
Messiahs' Summed Mojo
Moses Jesus Mohommid

posted on Jun, 10 2010 @ 02:02 AM
Dear OP,

Any ideas on sleep paralysis?

Few months ago I awoke from the all too common
sleep paralysis. I wake up as it happens to me often around 2 to 3 am,
I solved this problem by going to bed at 2 to 3 am...
I changed my daily schedule, I always felt tired the next morning,
so I figured if I sleep during half the day I'll feel better, and I do.

It was different this time though, I was feeling tired so I went to bed around
9 pm. I woke up at around 2:30 am, I was in the sleep paralysis state,
again... yawn... yea, yea, I feel like something's watching me, presences and whatnot, seriously I'm getting more fed up with it than scared at this point.
So this time I felt cold air around me and I felt my covers pull over me.
I thought it was an alien abduction at first, didn't rule out paranormal experiences either. I was so freaked out I stayed awake for a good hour, looking out the window for flying saucers

I had sleep paralysis ever since I was a kid. My dreams just before I wake up usually tend to be of the philosophical nature. What it means to be human and whatnot, I don't have nice things to say on that topic...
Nothing like being awoken in the middle of the night, feeling cold air (my window was closed) on my body and feeling my covers pull over me. See, when I'm paralyzed, I can open my eyes, never saw anything before, this time I was too concerned to do so out of fear of what I might see. I was lying on my back, my covers were pulled over me with no wrinkles, as if the bed was done with me in it. That's a problem because I sleep on my side in a fetal position with covers over my head. When I woke up my covers were barely covering my shoulder's length, again, perfectly made as if someone had a hand in it. Thoughts?
P.S. it's 3 am here now, time for me to hit the sack.

[edit on 10-6-2010 by Radekus]

posted on Jun, 10 2010 @ 03:57 AM
Demons or Satan are a personal interest of mine. Just as much as God.
It's hard to have one without the other in my personal believes and opinions. It's the axis of good & evil or rather ying and yang. It appears to be one of the most natural laws of this existence, good and bad.

I've read some gnostic views and have had the thought that maybe God is imperfect. Because this world is so imperfect how could a perfect God, create an imperfect world? Just some food for thought.

What is good and what is bad is just a matter of one's opinions. In saying so I've been on the fence for awhile. Because it's pretty clear to me that this existence had a creator.

Personally I'm not big into the occult. And I find a lot of it silly. And by that I mean the image that people have created.

Though if I could, I would really like to haggle with a demon or the devil for something in this life. Honestly I've attempted a couple times, but to no avail.
There isn't a sell your soul to the devil for dummies is there?

posted on Jun, 10 2010 @ 04:32 AM
reply to post by mf_luder

Hi luder, thanks for the interesting information, I would like to know if you have done any research on the bizarre rituals the elites of this world are rumored to be doing.

Rituals like the worshiping in front of an owl statue, sex and sacrificial rituals, etc.

What's you take on this subject compared with what you have researched and encountered out there? Are there any similarities?

Thanks in advance.

posted on Jun, 10 2010 @ 05:53 AM
Hello I don't want to # on the thread but where is your proof that demons are real ? Being in the military for 8 years is not a proof (I would say it agravate the case). Where are you stories that would prove demons could exist ?

posted on Jun, 10 2010 @ 06:29 AM
reply to post by mf_luder

Interesting post. This is just some commentary.

I see that your approaching it at a semi-Christian/Goetic angle.

I don't like to use the term "demon", but prefer something along the lines of "unclean spirit" or the specific types of unclean spirits, e.g. Ovoth, Shedim, Seirim, Yidonim.

Early Christians called them pneuma akatharton, pneuma pythona, pneumata plana, spiritus immundi. etc.

The idea of them coming from Gehenna (what some call Hell) isn't biblical. The Bible doesn't really say where they come from. It does mention them dwelling on earth among ruins and wasteland.

The Koran seems to agree with some of the Biblical writings. The Unclean spirits here are called Djinn and there are multiple types, that somewhat overlap with the other types in the Bible.

The idea of invoking or evoking such entities is really asking for problems.

Proper rites are not even needed to invoke such things, unclean spirits are drawn like flies to rot as soon as someone begins to research the subject. They are attracted to ruin, decay, desolation, filth, and impurity.

The idea of a relationship with an unclean spirit is very dangerous, both psychologically and physically. Its a quick way to insanity and worse.

I have had quite abit of experience with the paranormal, going all the way back as a child. I, and sometimes others with me, have seen things that are hard for me to explain or believe. I have seen what they can do to people, the insanity and destruction they can inflict.

One of the first things to understand about them is that they are not human. Do not attempt to anthropomorphise them. Their minds are alien in every sense of the word. Trying to reason with them or understand them is futile. Humans have a very bad habit of applying human traits to animals and objects. Most of our "knowledge" about them is based more on assumption and speculation that says more about the authors of such "knowledge" than it does the subject matter.

Taking a more objective view on the subject we can look at the history of such entities going all the way back to Sumeria and see constants in their descriptions.

One constant is an association with madness. Regardless of culture, some sort of insanity is often associated with spirits. Possession is a universal myth found around the world.

Another constant is "Night Spirits", parasitic or predatory in nature. Often preying upon travellers at night or those asleep in bed.

Normally these are two different types of entities.

There are widespread beliefs around the world dealing with some types being able to shapeshift and some having a beastial form.

Another type found in many places is a source of knowledge, divination, inspiration, and extra sensory perception.

The Bible has analogs of these, but these analogs are missed if people read only the English translations.

The Ovoth are the type of unclean spirit most modern Westerners are really thinking of when they use the term "demon" or a "demon" is referenced in pop culture. These are malicious possessing spirits. They sometimes also called Dybbuk in cabalistic lore.

The Yidonim are "divining" spirits. The early Christians called them Pneuma Pythona, as these were the type of spirits that possessed the Greek Oracles. These seem to be the type channeled by mediums. They fit more of the description of the Roman Genius or Greek Daimon. They don't seem to be near as malicious, but nevertheless the Torah forbids those who enter into covenant with the G-d of Abraham to have contact with them.

The Shedim are different than the Ovoth or Yidonim. They seem to be more powerful, demand blood sacrifice and sacred prostitution. Lilith is sometimes speculated as their progenitor.

The Seirim, shaggy or hairy ones. Often thought of as goatlike in appearance. They are associated with the desert waste. Their chief is thought to be the fallen and bound Azazel. Like the Shedim, they accept sacrifice and worship.

There are few other obscure names mentioned such as Ochim, Iyim, Tsiyim and Lilith individually. The first three names may refer to three types but there is overlap between them, so they may refer to one type that may be described as "howlers" that dwell in the waste. The appearance thought of like that of Jackal or Hyena. Compare to the Islamic class of Djinn known as the Ghul, which is also said to appear like a hyena and dwell in the waste.

Lilith is of course, the archetypal night spirit. Sometimes thought of as the consort of Azazel and "mother" of the Shedim. Together they are thought of as some kind of "royal court" ruling over the Shedim and the Seirim.

These two classes or types have more in common with "Nature Spirits" and their "royal court" overlaps with various lore about a "Great Mother" and "Horned One". There is an association with liminal loci. Modern Western society would probably classify them as "cryptids" instead of "demons".

How or if they even do relate to the Ovoth and Yidonim is unknown.

From a purely objective point of view, the idea of entities of various types haunting our world and possessing humans is universal. It can be found in every culture. Monstrous nature spirits can be found universally among the world's cultures. The belief is universal.

Anomalous phenomena fill our world, from bizarre lights in the skies, animal mutilations, cryptid sightings, abductions that result in post traumatic stress disorder, and no one is exactly sure what it is. No one knows where it comes from or why its here. All that we may really know is that it appears to be manipulative and deceptive as pointed out by authors like John Keel and Dr. Jacque Vallee.

From my own personal experiences, the anomalous phenomena that fill our world and the universal belief in malicious spirits are one and the same. They are two aspects of the same phenomena.

Like many others have said, their activity in the world has become more prevalent. Between the time of the Enochian Keys and Swedenborg, the phenomena really began to pick up the pace. By the time Theosophy and Spiritualism emerged in the 19th century, the phenomena had made its presence known far and wide. A number of constants began to emerge in the channelings from it: worldwide government, extermination of Jews, hybrid master race, eugenics, the prominence of mediums, and the entities channeled by them.

These channeling cults grew and multiplied in the early 20th century. Much of their "wisdom" came to influence the Nazis before World War 2. After WW2, Alice Bailey and the various Contactee cults continued and expanded their channeled "wisdom". Meanwhile the phenomena increased its presence in the world, a presence that has continued to grow since World War II, spawning new cults and influencing world affairs.

Everything is accelerating to somekind of telos, one that doesn't appear to have our best interests at heart.

posted on Jun, 10 2010 @ 08:25 AM
I dont believe in demons. I think they are the creation of bored adults who either trick themselves into being scared or would like a bit of attention. Kind of like how children play make believe, if you play it long enough, it can seem quite real.

No offense to all you demon believers out there, I am sure you are good people, I just dont believe you.

posted on Jun, 10 2010 @ 08:43 AM
There are frankly so many contradictory statements made by the OP in his own posts. Not only that, look at the way OP talks about himself, lol!

Personally, I'm not going to waste more time analyzing his posts.

Next better player please.

posted on Jun, 10 2010 @ 08:45 AM

Originally posted by Brsn90
Demons or Satan are a personal interest of mine. Just as much as God.
It's hard to have one without the other in my personal believes and opinions. It's the axis of good & evil or rather ying and yang. It appears to be one of the most natural laws of this existence, good and bad.

I've read some gnostic views and have had the thought that maybe God is imperfect. Because this world is so imperfect how could a perfect God, create an imperfect world? Just some food for thought.

What is good and what is bad is just a matter of one's opinions. In saying so I've been on the fence for awhile. Because it's pretty clear to me that this existence had a creator.

Personally I'm not big into the occult. And I find a lot of it silly. And by that I mean the image that people have created.

Though if I could, I would really like to haggle with a demon or the devil for something in this life. Honestly I've attempted a couple times, but to no avail.
There isn't a sell your soul to the devil for dummies is there?

Are you serious?

I'm not posting information on this thread for how to get into contact with a demon for anyone.

If you are actually seriously thinking about doing something like that - a bit of research (serious research) will get you the answers you seek. But I'm morally opposed to helping you 'sell your soul'.

posted on Jun, 10 2010 @ 08:47 AM

Originally posted by postmeme
There are frankly so many contradictory statements made by the OP in his own posts. Not only that, look at the way OP talks about himself, lol!

Personally, I'm not going to waste more time analyzing his posts.

Next better player please.

Interesting bit of rhetoric there.

Since you aren't going to "waste your time" analyzing my posts anymore, why don't you use what time you do have to point out " many contradictory statements.." for me?

Better yet - just exactly how am I talking about "myself?"

If you don't have enough knowledge to keep up with the discussion, don't pass judgment and make insults. Add something halfway worth reading.

posted on Jun, 10 2010 @ 08:49 AM
Do demons ever summon humans?

posted on Jun, 10 2010 @ 08:49 AM

Originally posted by ixiy
reply to post by mf_luder

Hi luder, thanks for the interesting information, I would like to know if you have done any research on the bizarre rituals the elites of this world are rumored to be doing.

Rituals like the worshiping in front of an owl statue, sex and sacrificial rituals, etc.

What's you take on this subject compared with what you have researched and encountered out there? Are there any similarities?

Thanks in advance.

I haven't had to delve into that area of research at this point in time, as I deal with this stuff on a more person-to-person level at face-to-face contact and through friends and acquaintances. I really haven't looked into the rituals the elite perform. If I find anything out, I will gladly share.

posted on Jun, 10 2010 @ 08:52 AM

Originally posted by ickylevel
Hello I don't want to # on the thread but where is your proof that demons are real ? Being in the military for 8 years is not a proof (I would say it agravate the case). Where are you stories that would prove demons could exist ?

I want to direct you back to this statement:

The information contained within this thread is compiled from 10 years of research and experience. It has only happened to me or people I've dealt with in person at their request. If any names are included, they have been changed to protect identities. I can provide no further proof than my own account of what has happened. If you are here to flame the thread, save your finger energy and don't waste your time because I won't entertain insults or baseless arguments.

As far as extraneous proof you can get yourself, there is plenty of literature out there, some dating back hundreds of years.

If you truly do not believe and have never experienced any of this - I envy you in a regard. Once you're exposed to it, it's like you're constantly given more and more doses as life goes on...

Good luck.

posted on Jun, 10 2010 @ 08:53 AM

Originally posted by SirTFiedSkeptic
Do demons ever summon humans?

Interesting question.

Maybe that's the explanation for some of those people out there who mysteriously vanish w/o a trace every year.

posted on Jun, 10 2010 @ 08:55 AM

Originally posted by mf_luder

Originally posted by postmeme
There are frankly so many contradictory statements made by the OP in his own posts. Not only that, look at the way OP talks about himself, lol!

Personally, I'm not going to waste more time analyzing his posts.

Next better player please.

Interesting bit of rhetoric there.

Since you aren't going to "waste your time" analyzing my posts anymore, why don't you use what time you do have to point out " many contradictory statements.." for me?

Better yet - just exactly how am I talking about "myself?"

If you don't have enough knowledge to keep up with the discussion, don't pass judgment and make insults. Add something halfway worth reading.

Nah its a waste of time. I'd have to cut & paste quotes which is really tiresome.

For the rest of the more discerning people reading, they just need to compare your first 2 posts to find the contradictions on what you are trying to say.

posted on Jun, 10 2010 @ 09:00 AM
reply to post by postmeme

Figured I'd get a response like this.

Good day!

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