Most of you don't take it seriously. But the apocalypse is now upon us. More and more we see that the economy is crashing, all out chaos is brewing
in the Middle East, NASA has finally admitted the solar storms are affecting the planet, alien aductions and sitings are picking up, everyone is
feeling something is strange, and one the first civilizations calender predicts the end now.
Coincidence, maybe. But what if its not. What if this is really the end. What if I am right. What if I can offer proof. And I do have proof. First,
all you have read above, but there is more, so much more.
Recently the topic posts on abovetopsecret have slowed down, even the drudge report is having trouble drudging. What's going on. MSM is breaking
down, slowing info, those in the know in wikileaks are being aprehended. The chosen are being taken back by whatever 'they' are.
Prepare for the worst. Collect your guns, you ammo, any food you have. But folks, it won't do any good-- because this is the end. Its not god, the
devil, aliens, or an imploding sun. Our doom is coming in a completely different form.
Our doom resonates from within, this planet was not meant to support as much life as it now does. There is not enough spirit energy for this many
lives. But it was programmed this way to reach its critical mass at this time. All of the life force of Gaia is now on its surface, it can not hope to
protect itself from within. It tries to bring back its energy through earthquakes, tsunamis, and hurricanes but to no avail. The planet will fall with
all of us.
The governments are lieing, but they are helpless. They are as confused as we are. They attempt to rationalize and manipulate the system to protect
the upper echelon elites, but even they are mislead. The hyper elites that run NATO, UN, and control the President himself, even they do not know what
awaits-- they still have a 100 year plan of a unifed state. While cleansing the planet is on their agenda-- it won't happen for the same reason this
planet cat.
The grays, they too are witless in this charade. They think they can offset the end, but all their experimentation and abductions will be for nill as
their planet was lost the very same way to an ancient evil whose name cannot be spoken. They want earth, but understand the life essence but now it
will be too late. They tried to warn us-- but little did they know that the reptillians were with us all along. Most think they are the enemy-- which
perhaps they are in some ways, but they hoped to populate this planet with new spirit energy. Strange isn't it. Either way the destruction will come
to all not just humans, or animals. The grays and reptillians on this world and in the universe will be forgotten.
For all the truthers, 9/11 was a project of Gaia, the planet spoke to Muhammed to create a religion for the soul purpose of killing and starting wars
to try to thin the planet and give back its spirit force to prevent it from becoming so weak. But it is now too late, Christians grew too strong and
too numerous. Yes, 9/11 is an inside job, but not by the US governemnt, but rather by mother earth herself. The spirit talks, it cries, it fears, it
hoped for annihilation, it begged for nuclear war to save itself for the planet even is selfish. Who would have thought?
When the spirit of earth dies however, so will all of us, as we make up that spirit. I know this because Tyler knows this. You know this too as we
each have a piece of spirit memory within us. We know the evil is coming. We all express it in different ways, the devil, dragons, monsters, alien
invaders, chutulu, just the deep dark unkown creeping inside our souls. I have seen this evil. The Egyptians new it better than any. For that reason
they worshipped it with a hope that it would never strike at them. Little did they know this evil only waited and brewed.
Prepare ye, my proof is here.