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In Arizona, 'Los Samaritanos' leave water and food on trails used by immigrants

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posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 08:08 PM

Originally posted by Hugues de Payens

Originally posted by bommer09
Agreed, even if you disagree with illegal immigration, at the end of the day these are people just like yourself and they deserve to live a full life and not die just trying to make money for their families.

Sorry, but the only thing they deserve is to face the consequences of their deliberate actions to disrespect and violate our laws. And please....lets quit calling them immigrants. They are thieves.

[edit on 5-6-2010 by Hugues de Payens]

Those who take the chance of risking their lives to get past our borders illegally, should be subjected to all the risks, up to and including exposure to the elements, dehydration, and possible death. Anyone who thinks they want to be a humanitarian, try getting aid into Gaza.

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 08:14 PM
reply to post by loveguy

Those who take the chance of risking their lives to get past our borders illegally, should be subjected to all the risks, up to and including exposure to the elements, dehydration, and possible death. Anyone who thinks they want to be a humanitarian, try getting aid into Gaza.

That should wrap this thread up nicely. Great job Loveguy.

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 08:16 PM

Originally posted by 5 oClock
reply to post by loveguy

Those who take the chance of risking their lives to get past our borders illegally, should be subjected to all the risks, up to and including exposure to the elements, dehydration, and possible death. Anyone who thinks they want to be a humanitarian, try getting aid into Gaza.

That should wrap this thread up nicely. Great job Loveguy.

Thank you kind sir!

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 12:36 AM
reply to post by LDragonFire

Kudos for you attitude!

I lived on Ft. Bliss, in family housing which was close to some railroad tracks. Oh, the misery a group of illegal immigrants much have suffered, dying in a metal box car that the door had been locked so they couldn't get out and baked in the summer sun.

While I disagree concerning uncontrolled imigration, I am not pro that, I am not a heartless bastard, either.

From time to time A Mexican would come to my house near the tracks and ask for a drink of water from the water faucet.

We would give them a drink of water in a tall glass with ice and give them a baloney sandwich or whatever little bit of food they could use to allow them to live another day as they tried to do whatever they could, peacefully, while not legally, to help themselves and their families.

I suppose I could have been court martialed for such an act of humanity.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 12:53 AM
Dang, they are sneaking in through Army bases? That's what I call a secret security clearance.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 01:10 AM
reply to post by primus2012

Heh. Yes, at the time they did. Don't know about now. Also at that time a a drunken driving soldier didn't have to pass through a guarded gate, either. The gates were there. But, if one just drove to the little factory behind the housing area where I lived, the factory was off post, and drove through the parking lot, he or she could drive right over a small berm and right onto the road, on post, right next to the railroad tracks. No fences.

I'm talking about 1986, though. Not this age of terror and such things.

And, yes, I did learn about this small berm and it served me well sometimes.

But the multiple railroad tracks and no fences or guards? Yep, it was the place for Mexicans and drunken soldiers that was open for use.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 01:27 AM
Sound like aiding and abetting to me.

I think the illegal immigrants that don't make it through the desert, is blood on the hands of Mexico's government. They encourage it.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 01:36 AM

Originally posted by LDragonFire

GREEN VALLEY, ARIZ. -- "Somos amigos," called Shura Wallin, ducking low into the shade beneath the highway overpass. "We're friends," she said again in Spanish, calling out to anyone who might be hiding. "Don't be afraid."

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

How can you condone breaking a federal law?

In Arizona, 'Los Samaritanos' leave water and food on trails used by immigrants

Wallin and her colleagues help people who make the trip. They leave water and food along well-known foot trails.
Wallin stopped to hand out water and new white socks to a half-dozen laborers who said they were on their way south from Arizona. The Samaritanos stopped in a small one-story building to speak with an official from Grupos Beta, a wing of Mexico's immigration authority, who estimated that 200 people a day were climbing the nearby fence or driving into the desert to go around it.

I'm sorry, but turn this scenario around, and you'll be in prison for years in Mexico.

[edit on 6/6/2010 by Keyhole]

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 02:24 AM
reply to post by LDragonFire

These, 'Los Samaritanos', had better be careful. Do any of them have a license from the health dept? Have the water bottles been tested, or inspected? How about the food? Those maps had better be correct and not lead any of the immigrants on a dangerous path...anyone check for coyotes or wolves?

Yep, the 'Los Samaritanos' are just setting them selves up for HUGE law suits!

If one of these immigrants were to get sick off the water, bit by a wolf, or trip over a tree limb; those good Samaritans will lose everything they've ever worked for (or, didn't 'work' for).

[edit on 6-6-2010 by SourGrapes]

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 02:26 AM

Originally posted by Schaden
Sound like aiding and abetting to me.

I think the illegal immigrants that don't make it through the desert, is blood on the hands of Mexico's government. They encourage it.

And that's me. A scofflaw.

Even if a thief breaks into my house and I shoot the slimy critter because he or she is threatening me, and he or she is lying on the floor of my house bleeding, I would still try to stem the flow of blood. Just call me silly, I guess.

If I meet a hungry or thirsty person, I don't grill them about what or why they got to that stage in their life. I do what I can, as a human being who actually gives a damn if someone lives or dies.

And, just in case anyone wants to tag me as something I am not, I am not a knee jerk liberal.

And, yes, I believe the U.S. should have a stronger reaction to illegal immigrants just being able to cross the borders.

But, if someone unwanted actually gets into my backyard, and is suffering, I will help them. Isn't that WJWD?

Or Ghandi?

Or me?

Or you?

Oh, you, nope.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 03:42 AM
Ah, humans acting humanely, imagine that!

Course, we might not have this problem to begin with if the Native peoples of this land took the attitude of some of the posters here and just let the first settlers die. After all, they were illegal immigrants too weren't they?

But they came, and conquered the native peoples that were here, took the land, broke treaty after treaty, and now you have a country all your own, so instead of:

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,

With conquering limbs astride from land to land;

Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand

A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame

Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name

Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand

Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command

The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

"Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she

With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

We have people shouting "GO HOME!"

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 03:46 AM
I have said it enough times now but one more time won't hurt. If I were them, I would do the exact same. I do not support illegal immigration and that is why I believe the laws should attack the employers.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 03:54 AM

Originally posted by kyred

Even if a thief breaks into my house and I shoot the slimy critter because he or she is threatening me, and he or she is lying on the floor of my house bleeding, I would still try to stem the flow of blood. Just call me silly, I guess.

I would do the same.

Do you have any idea how hard it is to get large amounts of blood out of new carpet?

On a serious note....Someone breaks into my house and I put a few holes in them after they threatened me is the absolute last thing I would ever do.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 04:07 AM
I'd leave a map for them there in the arid desert too. One X with a circle around it means you are "here," then an arrow pointing South. The X in the upper-right-hand corner would be Ellis Island. They can then enter the country like respectable immigrants do, by a chartered boat, received through customs.

Let the word "received" be the key word. In this sense, it means welcome. In any other manner our borders are crossed, we as a nation have become a door-mat. I'm not too pleased about that, are you?

What's that saying again? Yes, deny ignorance.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 04:07 AM
When we allow words such as "legal" or "illegal" to dictate whether a person should be allowed to live or left to die, then we truly lose our humanity.

Regardless of how you feel about illegal immigration, these people are doing the right thing by helping these people.

Those of you who are suggesting that these human beings be left to rot in the desert have truly lost touch with reality.

I hope none of you guys believe in God. Because by his standards, you're all going to rot in Hell.

Edit because I thought the censor would catch that.

[edit on 6-6-2010 by drwizardphd]

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 04:12 AM
reply to post by drwizardphd

doing the right thing?

Aiding and abetting an invading force is now considered the right thing?

On what planet?

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 04:20 AM

Originally posted by brainwrek

doing the right thing?

Aiding and abetting an invading force is now considered the right thing?

On what planet?

Earth. The one inhabited by humans.

At least it was the last time I checked. Not really sure anymore.

When a criminal steals a car, goes on a high-speed chase, and crashes, what is the first thing that happens?

The ambulance carries the injured or possibly dead criminal to the hospital ASAP to try and save his life. Are they "aiding and abetting"?

When police officers shoot a suspect the first action they take is to call a medic to try and resuscitate him. Are they "aiding and abetting"?

There is a huge difference between saving a criminal's life, and aiding that criminal in committing a crime. Illegal immigration is not punishable by death.

If you allow another man's law to override your own sense of decency and morality, than you do not deserve to call yourself a man.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 04:26 AM
reply to post by drwizardphd

No, because it is their DUTY to keep said criminal alive so that they may face justice. Fortunately citizens do not have that same duty.

Leaving water rations out for illegals is considered aiding and abetting in that the person has knowledge a crime is being committed and chooses to help them anyways.

There is nothing decent about enabling invaders.

[edit on 6-6-2010 by brainwrek]

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 04:34 AM

Originally posted by brainwrek

There is nothing decent about enabling invaders.

[edit on 6-6-2010 by brainwrek]

Invaders. Humans. Invaders. Humans. Invading beings. Human beings.

See what I did there?

In the end it is our deeds that make us, not our words.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 04:42 AM
reply to post by drwizardphd

Yup, I see.

You are trying the emotional argument method, and it simply isnt working.

[edit on 6-6-2010 by brainwrek]

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