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Energy that holds molecules in certain patterns

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posted on Jun, 11 2004 @ 02:00 AM
Einstein said 'God does not play dice with the universe' to have a dig at Schroedinger... Scroedinger said in response, 'Dont tell God what to do'...
It doesnt mean they believe in God... just another way of simplifying what their belief system is into a more humorous and faster-way-to-say context

posted on Jun, 11 2004 @ 03:09 AM
A sign of a higher power would be something that goes against the laws of nature. Violation of conservation of energy or of momentum will do. However, no violation is needed for chemical bonds. All chemical bonds are simply consequences of the laws of nature, they don't require or even include a higher power. An explanation of the dihydrogen molecule is offered here.

The reason I think we need no higher power is because we can explain everything about chemical bonds without it. There is no intelligence associated with chemical bonds.

I don't care what other scientists believe in terms of religion. That has nothing to do with science. I just look at the evidence and that tells me no higher power is involved.


posted on Jun, 11 2004 @ 03:50 AM
Go to a jewelry (sp?) store and ask them if they can show you what happens in the ultrasonic ring cleaner (looks like a small metal sink) when theres about 1cm of solvent in it and its put on an angle. It forms frequency wells where the solvent/dirt stick to.

posted on Jun, 11 2004 @ 01:59 PM
yes, culture shock, now as the rate of vibration increases ie more energy and faster movement changes, eventually the rate will be so fast that the marbles will no longer be able to jump in the air, although the vibration/harmonic/frequency (whatever you want to call it) that they are subjected to is much higher. Eventually they will appear to just sit there as the level of energy being transferred to them is so great that they are unable to "move" on their own, instead they become bonded to the vibrating contact surface.

Sort of like what X5 (?) posted about the ultrasonic jewelry cleaner. Where changes in the "resistance" of the harmonic wave cause a micro agitation action on the surface of the metal to be cleaned. ie the gold atoms resonate in a certain harmonic seperate from the "dirt" atoms and the cleaner is able to then "lift off" the dirt without scarring the metal atoms.

If we are able to amplify this device and make it a flat plate and then run a liquid over the suface you will see that the liquid becomes "bonded" to the surface of the plate

posted on Jun, 12 2004 @ 01:10 AM

Originally posted by amantine
A sign of a higher power would be something that goes against the laws of nature.

not if nature IS the higher power. this is my personal truth. the 'planetary logos' is logic, physics and mathematics. 'god's love' is gravity.
fish don't know they live in the ocean until they are no longer in it. you can not measure or quantify something that is beyond your perception.
because man cannot explain or understand something through science, does not mean that it doesn't exist. the big book of scientific 'facts' gets rewritten daily.

they taught us the model of the atom like it was gospel. they assured us that protons, neutrons and electrons were the smallest particles. they taught the theory of evolution like it was the fact of evolution. they showed us the modern miracle of recontructing ancient thunder lizard skeletons with the amazing brontosaurus. they told us the speed of light was a constant. all of these things were taught in school(some still are) like they were ironshod, indisputable, LAWS written in stone.
they were 100% wrong(in my admittedly biased examples).

posted on Jun, 12 2004 @ 01:29 AM
don't know about you billybob, but i enjoy science and i would think that me along with other people just arent satisfied with saying that a certain phenomenum is an act from beyond that is unexplainable and is obviously a higher power. And when are theories or laws are broken, we look again and try to understand whats happening under new circumstances.

posted on Jun, 12 2004 @ 01:30 AM
I think a good example of some of the concepts people are talking about is as follows:
Take a bucket full of water and swing in a vertical circle. If you swing it fast enough, all the water stays in the bucket, thus defying the gravity to go back towards the ground. Energy holding the water in a certain pattern.

posted on Jun, 12 2004 @ 01:49 AM

Originally posted by quiksilver
don't know about you billybob, but i enjoy science and i would think that me along with other people just arent satisfied with saying that a certain phenomenum is an act from beyond that is unexplainable and is obviously a higher power. And when are theories or laws are broken, we look again and try to understand whats happening under new circumstances.

i loved science so much, i stopped believing in the possibility of something 'else'. my point is, that science isn't an exact science.
faith on the other hand, true faith, can only be felt, and is a completely subjective personal experience.
people say, prove there is a god. i say, look around you. at anything. you have just seen god.

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