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The Law of One - What is Right and What is Wrong?

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posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 04:23 PM
Hello Everyone-1,

Is there such a thing as right or wrong?

This thread is to further discuss right and wrong.

The Law of One, Book I, Session 1

January 15, 1981

"On January 15, 1981, our research group began receiving a communication
from the social memory complex, Ra. From this communication
precipitated the Law of One and some of the distortions of the Law of One."

"RA: I am Ra. The identity of the vibration Ra is our identity."

RA: “In truth there is no right or wrong.”

What is right and what is wrong?

What is right for one-1 person may be different for another person based on upbringing, culture, society, education, belief and so on.

What is wrong for a another person may be different for yet another person based on upbringing, culture, society, education, belief and so on.

If we are to rationalize/philosophize/reason – we may suggest the following argument:

Right is merely an idea/belief to a person of what is right.
Wrong is merely an idea/belief to a person of what is wrong.

Based on the above we can make the presumption that there is no right or wrong since it's merely only an idea of what is right or wrong based on one's belief or definition of what is right or wrong.

For the human mind it makes perfect sense but does it make perfect sense within a persons heart?

Is there anything inside a person that makes one-1 FEEL like perhaps they are doing something right or wrong?


a. A set of principles of right conduct.

b. A theory or a system of moral values:

Or is right and wrong merely an illusion?

Can anyone decide what is right for one-1 person and what is wrong for another person?

What is right for one-1 person may be wrong for another person depending on belief, upbringing, culture, society, education and so on.

What is right and what is wrong?

Let us further discuss the above.

Please keep this a friendly discussion.

Best Wishes!

[edit on 5-6-2010 by ET_MAN]

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 04:32 PM
Can you identify Ra for us?

I believe there is a clear definition of right and wrong, or polarity. The definition of that polarity may be different then current understanding. The definition may change as per the observation of the observer, but does that change the word play or logic behind the definition of the terms right and wrong.

Without right there can be no wrong, and vice versa. So to say there is no clear definition of either, how do we describe "self" within the terms of there being no polarity? Without a clear definition of wright and wrong how can you exist? If you are saying it is subjective perception, then yes it is subjective, but collectively there is a clear understanding of both.

Could possibly supply a clear subjective definition of right and wrong?

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 04:35 PM
There is only one but there is clearly individual expressions within the one. There is an infinite perspective and an individual observed perspective. So lets say you are the infinite perspective, and my heart is the individual perspective, but my heart understands its roll in the infinite perspective. In this scenario we still see both polarities being played.

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 04:58 PM
The Law of One to me, is merely another net, or trap, for humanity, it targets the ideal starseed and new age ones, who have avoided or left the traditional religions. But, if you study the codes, and how EVERYTHING has been coded by TPTB, our languages, our religions (sungods, and will you be a willing sacrifice to your sungod, ie. the microchips seen as a mark of the devil), all things are coded to SATURN, to the mystery school Babylonian sungods, ISIS, RA, OSIRIS. Israel, is ISIS RA EL/SATURN/OSIRIS.
Is Ra El. Well guess what, the message is the same, subtely: Wrong is Right, We are One, literally, not the Many In One, according to the Law of One, and there are many roads home. Hidden Hand's message comes to mind. The idea that someone from a higher level, puts us through living hell and murders, rapes, starves to death, millions and billions for us to learn.

Oh Really! This RA message, is no different than the EL message of the traditional religions. Some Higher Entity, demanding Sacrifice, and Bloodshed and wars, depopulating a planet.

This is NOT freedom at all!

Love never hurts/harms/rapes/tortures/murders/blows babies to pieces in wars/drops nukes on civilians/enslaves people to corporations or banks.

The Family Of Light, the Many In One, the Divine, demands no worship, and teaches, instructs, encourages, loves, serves, enabels, empowers, rights all wrongs, helps, heals, nudges, guides, but does nothing negative.

Until a soul learns to strive for positivity and love, they simply do not progress!

I don't follow RA, or any entity that is still a part of this Universe, this Hollographic School, but only my own inner knowing, my Higher Self, my inner truths, my soul memories, and my absolute Love and Appreciation for the Family of Light, all of our Higher Selves, and Love, Goodness, and Lending A Helping Hand.

We need to wake up to all the traps, there are many. And for those who are aware renounce the codings in the languages, religions, court documents, court houses, birth ceritificates, etc etc. Even the games our children play, the online ones, music, movies, news, media, etc etc all Saturn coded as an attempt to create a willing negative harvest.

Lets shine our lights and reveal it.

No, this isn’t an article about the “black pope” (at least not directly). People who qualify as Men In Black are people whose official outfit is all black, like Judges and Priests (…both wear black robes; people stand when either of them enters the room…be it the congregation or the courtroom and jurors. In both a church and a courtroom, the judge/priest will be separated from the people by a little wood fence with a brass gate. Both look down upon the people from an elevated alter or bench…there are more similarities, but that is not the direction I’m going here), many times you will see in a college graduation ceremony, the graduates wear all black (by the way, when you graduate, you wear a [Masonic] square mortar board on top of your head…this is a dramatization of certain African tribes who strapped wood boards to their heads and wore them for years as their heads grew… thus flattening the tops of their heads. It is a symbol for a cut off point to your learning…it says, “My [occult/mystic] education goes to ‘this’ level and no higher”, whereas the pope wears a huge hat, his knowledge into the occult and the goings on behind the scenes goes pretty deep. His huge hat says the same thing that a Navaho Chief’s huge headband of feathers says: “I’m into some really deep things that would blow your flat little mind, go back to your alcohol and amusement…pay no attention to me and my giant hat, you wouldn’t understand…that’s why you don’t have a hat like this, because it’s Over your head!”…or something like that.). I digress. Hitler was a man in all black as well…the “bad guy” always wears (a) black (cowboy hat).

Throughout antiquity, each planet was assigned a color…earth is the blue planet, Mars is red, Venus is green…Saturn is the black planet. All of the elders who worshiped Saturn wore black robes. They worshipped El, which was there word for Saturn. In Sumerian, Saturn was referred to as The Black Sun (an obvious reference to an eclipse, more on that in moment)…The Gestapo, wearing all black, was once called The Order of the Black Sun. The word Satan and the word Saturn have the same “DNA” so to speak. These men in black who worship this black planet are on the Dark side, with the all black Darth Vader. Darth Vader by the way was in the Empire Strikes Back…New York is the Empire State, it’s the hub of America, it is the State of the new world Empire. What would this Empire State be striking back against? How about Rome? Remember, England broke away from the old York or the old world order (Rome) and made a New York here in America.

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 05:04 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

Until a soul learns to strive for positivity and love, they simply do not progress!

I don't follow RA, or any entity that is still a part of this Universe, this Hollographic School, but only my own inner knowing, my Higher Self, my inner truths, my soul memories, and my absolute Love and Appreciation for the Family of Light, all of our Higher Selves, and Love, Goodness, and Lending A Helping Hand.

We need to wake up to all the traps, there are many. And for those who are aware renounce the codings in the languages, religions, court documents, court houses, birth ceritificates, etc etc. Even the games our children play, the online ones, music, movies, news, media, etc etc all Saturn coded as an attempt to create a willing negative harvest.

Lets shine our lights and reveal it.

Well states Unity_99.

Traps there are many! It almost seems as if there is nothing but traps. Mechanics of divide and conquer techniques.

Mybe it is the trap of choice(judgement) that we all need to be most aware of!

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 05:13 PM
Overly complicated...

There is Life and Death. There are things that lead to each.

Right and wrong are relative to where you come from and intend to return to.

I strive for life as much as I can. Therefore stealing is wrong.
Some people strive for pride which leads to death. Therefore stealing is right, to them.
Some people strive for chaos which leads to death. Therefore stealing is right, to them.

Understand and express Life.
If you do not understand Life, you do not come from it, therefore you will not be united with it more than you are now.
If you do not express Life, you do not come from it, and you have cut yourself off from being united with it more than you are now.

More so, and conversely, giving is often, but not always right. A good judge understands and expresses understanding.

In this world there are sheep, there are wolves, and there are the children of Life who seek to be as their Father who are the Gracious Judges/Good Shepherd.

[edit on 6/4/2010 by Dasher]

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 05:18 PM
reply to post by Dasher

There is Life and Death. There are things that lead to each.

Right and wrong are relative to where you come from and intend to return to.

I have never read it put in such a way Dasher, thanks!

I have a question for you,

If i have understanding of good, do i need the balance of understanding bad? Can you understand good without a negative polarity to mirror it? If so, what roll does the opposite polarity have in the grand scheme of things? Would that make bad good from neutral ground, or does the actual judgement of the good and bad represent the problem with the choice?

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 05:26 PM
I understand the reason behind this thread for there are many who are idealistic and enlightened posters coming right out and talking about balance and maintaining that Love & Light is not the only path. Well it actually IS the only way home. Love is the answer to the test. In this Hollographic Universe, every day and everything is a test, and the Universe is NOT real, as in the movie the Matrix, the secret is: there is no spoon!

So, there is a real attempt to try and block the things that really matter for soul progression, love, patience, service, helping others, social justice, equalizing people, ending poverty and wars. This is what it takes on 3d planets, earth, to progress, there is no other way. And progressing is something beyond words, its the greatest joy we can have. But to stay, a small fraction of ourselves in this limited reality box, like being a tiny fraction of self trapped in a negative brutal sims meets world of warcraft game, should give us pause, for this is hell on earth. Its time to move on.

We can't fall for these traps. The message in The Law of One is disception at its best. TPTB would love to cart us off to concentration camps and have us convinced they are truly doing this all for our own good.

Its time to set them straight.

[edit on 4-6-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 05:27 PM
Lets use a Jedi arguement.

Obi-wan Kinobi was a Good Jedi Master. He studied his craft and made it to the top of his profession more or less the "Good" way.

Darth Vader was a Bad Sith Lord. He studied his craft and made it to the top of his profession more or less the "Bad" way.

Both made it to the top. It is only a matter of ethics on how they made it.

Is it more important to make it to the top or is it more important to consider the road you travelled to get there?

Its a matter of good or evil. It is an ethical/moral decision.

Society has set the example of what is good and what it evil. Your opinion does not matter.

PS - I love Star Wars.

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 05:32 PM
reply to post by wdkirk

If if quantify the experiencing of using judgement, in that quantification of judgement do i find at any point, the experience of love, or compassion?

So the difference between them is the judgement thereof?

If i look at an evil person and experience, "that person is evil", is that the love "paradigm"?


If i look at an evil person commiting an evil act and experience, "that person is beautiful and i love them" , is that the love paradigm?

[edit on 4-6-2010 by onequestion]

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 05:37 PM
reply to post by wdkirk

The Death Star is parked at Saturn, it even has a seam and is so obviously artificial. It is one of the threats that TPTB threaten the world with, I mean the more compassionate Jedi's/Altair, that are also running things, the pole shift, and everything mentioned in 2012, is basically their incredible black mail over the other leaders/militia and any who want to free us or do a better job and equalizing people.

Star Wars is metaphorically the real battle with the Old Empire/Empire. We have Darth Vader's group here running this planet.

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 05:40 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

What do you mean Unity_99 by the death star is parked at saturn? Can you delve into this more? By seam, what do you mean?

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 05:52 PM
reply to post by onequestion

Look at the picture, that ridge looks like a seam around that moon I've noticed how much it looks like the Death Star for a few years:


We're being held hostages by Darth Vader's henchmen basically here. This system was hijacked over 300, 000 years ago in a battle that ousted the positives, and that was when Mars suffered great disaster as well.

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 05:54 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

I remember a post by aresh troxit about something like this. Do you have any available information you could share about this 300,000 year old issue?

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 06:00 PM
I agree with ET Man

To elaborate somewhat:

Right or wrong depends on circumstances, and what anyone is trying to accomplish at any time along a developmental matrix.

A good parable for this is:

The torrential rain in the north county has ruined the Indians lives since their tents were destroyed, but has brought great wealth to the farmers in the north because the rain has yielded rich crops.

So here we have an example of rain being good and bad, depending on time place, and circumstance.

The polarities right/wrong. ... Good /evil have intermingled in their reality all kinds of strands of things that make it difficult to view reality always in stark black and white terms at any given time and be accurate.

For what we think are evil and wrong, often can produce good and right regardless and inclusive of the intention of the perpetrator of any given actions that are being judged; as good and right can turn into evil and wrong.

How does wrong and evil turn good and right and visa versa?

Again it all depends on who the phenomenon good\right and evil\wrong operates on in a matrix of time and circumstances, as the above parable demonstrates.

For instance, two real life scenarios using World War II as examples are instructive.

India and others in south East Asia and other British colonies benefited from the war in that Hitler’s attack weakened the British Empire to such a degree that the colonized countries like India more easily gained their freedom from a weakened British empire.

Another example is that the evils of the Jewish holocaust hastened the creation of Israel therefore this, on its face, evil period turned into a good thing for the Jewish people gaining a homeland. Now this on the other hand was not good for the Palestinians as we can see now.

None of this is saying that right\good and evil\wrong are not these things in a certain frame of time; it is just that they don’t end their life at the act or acts. Deeds, good or evil, right or wrong, live on and transform into other shades of themselves

So we can see that these polarities are dependent on circumstances and there seems to be no way to determine their ultimate value.

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by onequestion

The date is arrived at by talking with a few others, but this is from memories I've had for several years now, and knew it was a long time ago, but only a very short time ago to my soul, and there are others I've discussed this with who also have the memories. Won't name them but I have met them on ATS.

[edit on 4-6-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by onequestion

We come from the opposite of Life.
We were nothing.
We were "death" in it's truest form, which is void.
But the dirt was molded, and brought forth Life.

We exist in the middle of Life and Death.

We all understand selfishness inherently. And that does truly condemn us to the end of void.
We all understand chaos inherently. And that does truly condemn us to the end of void.
From the dirt, back to the dirt.
From the void, back to the void.

By nature, a plant rises up and falls back down, but some plants rise up and are consumed to build our bodies. In this end, life is extended.

Now consider the rationale of ritual sacrifices. They are linked to how we consume to live. Likewise, in ritual, God requires sacrifice. Not because They need it, but because it is what the path on the way to Life manifests as in this world. Meaning, when we become consumed by God, we become one with Them as a plant becomes one with us when we consume it. However, just as the cells in our bodies have independent directions, we have independent directions, and just as surely as our bodies, as a whole, have a consciousness, the body of God has a greater consciousness.

Our cells have no way to fully be aware of the greater awareness there is to be had. But working together, our cells build what we understand to be very complex and beautiful (and ugly) expressions. We must work together as One Body in honor of Life, or we are a cancer and truly cut ourselves off.

Cancer is a great image of the spiritually prideful and chaotic. Cells which take and do not give. Cells which wander without direction and poison the rest of the body.

I assure you, death is not necessary to be a judge, but it is where we come from. Therefore it is out nature.
While we are all "gods," we are the created gods.
I assure you, not all of us "cells" are going to live eternally, but we are all one body, regardless of our individual pride or chaos.
While all life is by Life and Life is in all life, not all manifested life is eternal. What we see is often shadows.

I know that I answered you in a round about way, but that is because there is a mode of thinking that is escaping most in our current ways/understandings and I find it more productive to touch on truths rather than deal with issues that lay in the gray areas.

But to touch on that gray area... choice... free will...
To be truly free, one must make decisions independently. True independence is disconnection.

I am a slave to my neighbor. More so, but similarly, I am a slave to Life. If I become free from such things, I claim to understand more than I am able. Can a cell understand it's behavior? Can you reason with a cancer?

But men who are void of order are chaos and travel blindly.
Their freedom being a trap of darkness/disconnection from which they cannot escape.
And men who are void of charity are pride and travel alone.
Their earnings being a weight they cannot bare which eventually crushes/disconnects them.

Any other thoughts/questions or maybe rebuttals?

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by inforeal

Our personally observed judgement is the key to deciding between the 2.

If i look for the bad in the situation then its a bad situation, what you describe is look at the positive outcome of the bad situation and only seeing it for what it really was, which was good.


posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 06:06 PM
reply to post by onequestion

Absolutely, for perspective is pregnant with multi views

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 06:13 PM
reply to post by Dasher

We are The Light, the Many In One. Light = Consciousness/ Life, and Love is the only way to pass and progress and go back home, from this Hollographic Universe, university.
You are so much more than you can ever think or imagine. And everyone, every single person, even the negatives, in the Future film segments of the Infinite Roll of their lives, has finally passed the test and is in the Beyond, helping and assisting us all get through when we choose to see and turn within to seek the answers to who we are, wake up and help others, love, see paradise on earth instead of hell.

This is an Infinite Universe School, and earth 3d is a DVD, that plays over and over again in infinite timelines, but in "no time", as time itself is an illusion and merely construct/program in our minds, all at once really.

We are not dirt, mud, or muck! Our bodies aren't even our own, but software programs made real by original residence. I've been told the origional GW Bush did a better job with his lessons than the current one. Different souls each time, the DVD runs!

Just look within in meditation, and ask these questions, the answers will come. I spent a year mediating, for hours, and seeking my HS, and then when I began to contemplate Infinity, and who we were, it was download after download.

While the Sun is not God, nor an Angel, it is the projector that errects the Hologram, and also our phone line home.

Sungazing is very good for connecting to Higher Self and the Family Of Light. There is ONLY Life/Light. The opposite in the program, the true negative is but a software program or coding. Its only AI! We are not our bodies, we are the drivers of the Toyota's not the Toyota! We come from Beyond, not from this Universe!

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