posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 12:03 PM
It’s the damndest thing. I never knew you. I literally never typed a single letter or digit to you. I’ve never spoken to you and never heard from
you. I don’t know you. I do know two things however.
First, I know people, and if some of these fine folks are here and hurt that much over the loss of your days then you must have been one hell of a
spirit and that is a shame for me that I never met you.
Second, I know this site, although not as much as many of these posters. I am a hardcore skeptic and even though I disagree with a lot here I have met
some of the finest minds on ATS. Why does this matter? Because you helped make this possible. I’ve always said of a forum that the owners and admins
create and the members sustain. Well sir, from a loyal ATS’er I say…
You made one HELL of an impact…and that’s coming from a guy who doesn’t even know who you are
Rest in peace and may all the compassion of this world be with your family