reply to post by SisterOneSac
SisterOneSac / Maureen
One of the blessings of modern technology such as the internet, of websites such as this, is that people connect.
People from all walks of life, from all ages, races, creeds and countries.
People who otherwise would have never known eachother.
I want you and your family to know that right now tears are falling...all around the world. In homes, offices, workplaces. Tears from those of whom
your brother John has touched. Tears that mourn his passing, but tears also that remember just how much John gave to us all.
I *meet* John online - via websites such as this - around a decade ago. Over those years we came to share much on more levels that simply an
electronic user-name. I genuinely came to *love* him, to see him as a friend, as a so many of us did.
John and I never met face-to-face, we never physically shook hands and shared the same physical space...but we certainly did share *spiritual* space.
I feel so humbled and so blessed to have known him, to have shared thoughts with him.
We'd talk occasionally about his spiritual interests, questions he had regarding spiritual realms, the paranormal, existances 'beyond the
physical'. Understandably moreso when his diagnosis was confirmed.
On one occasion we spoke about a vivid dream he had.
He had woken one morning remembering a dream of being in a plane that was crashing. A plane had indeed crashed that night (can't recall at the moment
when it was specifically).
In his dream he was *there*, but in a spiritual sense. He wasn't experiencing the thoughts of someone onboard, he said it was like he was there right
alongside someone who was about to pass in that aircrash.
He spoke of sensing this persons fear, of sensing their pain...but of also sensing some *peace* that came to the person prior to the plane crashing
and them passing.
He asked me what that dream was about...was he
really there? And if so - why?
My response to him was something like this:
None of us pass alone. None of us. Every single one of us passes with someone else there to keep us company, to see us 'across the divide'.
For whatever reason this person needed you. But not so much
you were there to perform a role.
Who knows...maybe that person was in someway linked to you - be it in this life or a previous/next one. For whatever reason that link existed...and so
you connected with them when they needed it the most.
Your presence there brought that peace, that calmness, so that person did not pass in fear - did not pass in pain.
Maureen your brother is/was a VERY special person. We all are indeed...but John just (again for whatever reason) had a sprinkling of something
*extra* I'm sure you already know.
Due to that your brother aided people...on multiple levels (even multiple realms).
...I have NO doubt at all your brothers kindness, your brothers *works*, are being rewarded unto him.
I have NO doubt at all your brother is experiencing that peace of transition...for I have NO doubt there are many within that realm who owe John 'a
favour' for his works...and so they come, they gather, they welcome him amongst them.
...and so I say again...tears fall for one office in a small city in a small country at the bottom of the South they do all over
the globe.
Thank you. Thank you and your family for blessing us with the gift that is/was John.
Treasured and remembered always...