posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 03:35 PM
Many people, believe that death, is that final good bye, the last step we all take in the circle of life.
Though we will not see your words on this board anymore, nor your wisdom or your wit, I for one will never forget.
I know that now, your are taking steps into what many consider the unknown, you´ve gone through the doorway of the infinite, to continue on to a new
journey, new knowledge and new friends.
In a way, your adventure, has just begun, for you are now free of any shackles which may have kept you here, free to expand, to explore, and discover
that which one day we all will know.
The pain of this world is now behind you, ahead lies new discoveries, wonders, and perhaps the answer to so many questions......
Yes, you are gone, but you still remain, for by taking that step, you have become one with all that is, has been or will be.
Catch ya later................