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Obama Impeachment Charges

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posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by boondock-saint

S&F. No complaints here.

Please consider this my signature on the petition.

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 11:12 AM
reply to post by truthseeker1984

First I would like to Thank you for calling me Wise.

Second I would like to direct you to my Introduction forum.

Third you would not have taken offense to what i had said if you did not believe it or if it did not make sense.

You would have ignored it and not aloud it to affect you, but clearly your anger states I was correct and it pushed your button's because i'll take a wild guess. your scared of facts. especially cause you state EVERYONE is going to hell. That's a scary assumption. but I'm Sorry sir or madam, the only people going to hell are the people that believe they are going to hell, so I'll make an ass out of my self the same way you did and ASSUME your going to hell. don't forget your sunscreen i hear that place is HOT

I'll leave you with this Sir or madam.


For I have shown you the truth you seek

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by boondock-saint

Would this be the same Alan Keyes who "is an American conservative political activist, author and former diplomat, and perennial candidate for public office...(and) ran for President of the United States in 1992, 1996, 2000, and 2008, and was a Republican nominee for the U.S. Senate in 1988, 1992, and 2004."?

I'm not surprised at anything Keyes says about Obama.

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by Lemon.Fresh

"We" as in the 26% that you are a part of?

Why won't you admit that the number you provide is just wrong.

Why only quote ONE poll and only use the Strongly Agree number??? Is it because it paints the picture you want it to???

Let's look at the average of all polls...even includes your beloved Rasmussen poll.

RCP Average

President Obama Job Approval
Poll:RCP Average
Date:5/15 - 6/2
Approve: 48.0
Disapprove: 45.8
Spread: +2.2

48% does not equal 26% in any math I know to explain how you falsely claim that is his approval rating???

For someone who likes to call out fallacies on everyones seems quite easy for you to outright LIE.

But hey...let's look at your beloved Rasmussen report from the same site when it doesn't look at only the strongly approve/dissaprove numbers.

Poll:Rasmussen Reports
Date:5/31 - 6/2
Sample: 1500 LV
Approve: 48
Disapprove: 52
Spread: -4

Uh oh...looks like even your Rasmussen poll shows a 48% approval sucks to be caught in lies...doesn't it???

And btw...Rasmussen is, always has been, and always will be biased against Obama. They are consistently the fringe on the approval ratings...which is why you use THAT POLL and ignore all others. Go ahead...look at the link I posted.

Can you admit you are being biased and lying to try to paint the picture you want???

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

It's apparent that Lemon.Fresh can spell the word fact, he just doesn't know the meaning of it.

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 11:24 AM

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher
Not one of your examples is an impeachable offense...maybe you should study up on what is an impeachable offense.

How sad are you going to be when Obama is elected to a second term?

Excuse Me, those examples are impeachable offenses. TREASON ! Aiding and Abeting our enemies (Al-Queda and Muslims in general and Illegal Aliens). Not protecting our borders is DERELICTION of DUTY as Commander in Chief. Obama is bound by the Constitution to protect the borders and he has failed to do so.

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by Evisscerator

Aiding and Abeting our enemies (Al-Queda and Muslims in general and Illegal Aliens)

I'm just going to let the emphasis I put on your quote speak for itself.

Nothing to did enough to discredit yourself already.

[edit on 3-6-2010 by OutKast Searcher]

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 11:29 AM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher
It is back up to 48% according to RCP average. It did drop to 46% on April 12th for some reason.

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 11:34 AM

Originally posted by badfish86
Now think logically about this.

If someone was trying to take something away from you. like i dunno presidency. With sooo many people disrespecting Obama. Ask your self this, What do you do when people disrespect you, cut up your heritage stating basically it's not good enough?

Obama came into office with lots of respect and hope for the USA. Logically speaking to retreat after being over sea's for so long from a country you've already ticked off would then bring the war to home soil.

Now to disrespect the man that's leading the USA is disgusting because if i was Obama why would he protect the people that are trying to ruin him. Their is sooooooooo much Obama disrespect right now, do you think he now cares for you?


He cares for himself now. If I was Obama I would protect my self and only myself. With all this harassment he deals with and now impeachment charges does he now have the time do be president? my guess prob not.

My guess is he has just enough time to keep himself protected. At this moment all Obama needs to do is survive the rest of his term and he'll have over come the odds. So now, the question comes down. protect himself or protect the people that are harassing him, criticizing him, disrespecting his heritage and have been trying to charge him.

My guess is protect thy self. (survival of the fittest) now the old saying goes. Keep your friends close and your enemy's even closer. so instead of speaking about how you feel, maybe follow him encourage him and be right their beside him protecting you because you protected him.

In the end really who cares about Obama If he wasn't in office someone worse would be. We would be in this position or even worse so ask yourself this. at this moment your still alive why cry on a forum where your not going to solve any problems except feed the fire.

and no I am not American would never want their shoes because America is F'ed it's been F'ed and it will always be F'ed for the people are to EGOTISTICAL, that only think about them selfs, and think they are smarter, and feel they have a better understanding then anyone. when really ALL the American people EVER do is make things WORSE because they EXPECT everything to be GIVEN to them. When it's not they cry instead of doing something for them SELFS. American's HATE, American's are RUDE, and best yet American's just don't GET IT. I am sorry to be so blunt but the lack of understanding from the people of the USA is truly ridiculous.

I happen to agree with the whole American slander in there, and I'm born and raised American. It's not that I hate this country, or the President, it's that I hate the people. I hate the egotistical racist imbecilic cry-babies that inhabit this country. I hate all the crying, sniffling, wah-wahing that goes on. People would rather sit on their couch and watch Fox News and insist that Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck have all the correct, perfectly logical answers. Simpletons.

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 11:53 AM
I'm with you all the way these are completely liable reasons for impeachment.
There are reason why it wont pass thought and its because they have bread Obama to do this from the day he was born. It is said that it came to this but it did and we also got to look at this most people that say they want to do what your doing are to scared to and wont protest this I back you up 100 percent.
The last part of the video is also very likely to happen. To the people of this country I am sorry of you blindness and ignorance but you must get over it and for the people doing crap just because hes mixed shut up. His color has nothing to do with it hes just a bad political leader and though you mad the video covered up like that if you mad that at your house the can track the IP address
so for future don't make it at your house if you did. Good luck and i hope this goes through for we don't need a man to make # worse then it already is.

P.S. We should invest in 3ed parties a little more America

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 11:58 AM

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher
Not one of your examples is an impeachable offense...maybe you should study up on what is an impeachable offense.

How sad are you going to be when Obama is elected to a second term?

Oh ya none of the things he put are liable...DO YOU RESEARCH AND NEVER COMMENT ON SOMETHING YOU DON'T KNOW ABOUT AGAIN. Let me help YOU out a little buddy look at the reasons for the presidents that have been on the court steps of impeachment one example THE WATERGATE SCANDAL look in too more of that and the reason why Reagan was impeached.

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by itsmethegoat
I happen to agree with the whole American slander in there, and I'm born and raised American. It's not that I hate this country, or the President, it's that I hate the people. I hate the egotistical racist imbecilic cry-babies that inhabit this country. I hate all the crying, sniffling, wah-wahing that goes on. People would rather sit on their couch and watch Fox News and insist that Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck have all the correct, perfectly logical answers. Simpletons.

Thanks itsmethegoat! Now I know who this caller was!

Guess you would rather have a bunch of useless welfare recipients sitting on the couch watching MSNBC and praying to Obama.

I would prefer to have a job and keep my own money and keep the Government, republican, democrat, or in any form out of my damn life.

[edit on 3-6-2010 by Anonymous Avatar]

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 12:05 PM
reply to post by sm403

THE WATERGATE SCANDAL look in too more of that and the reason why Reagan was impeached.

Reagan was impeached???

I think you mean Nixon...and he was never impeached...resigned before that.

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 12:14 PM

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher
Not one of your examples is an impeachable offense...maybe you should study up on what is an impeachable offense.

How sad are you going to be when Obama is elected to a second term?

High crimes and misdemeanors??? you're saying that none of those things are?

Just the bribing with promises of kickbacks or politicla favor alone is an impeachable offense...


posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 12:17 PM
reply to post by Masterjaden

You can go check out my detailed reply to all the charges HERE

If you care to dispute any of them...please give specific examples. No one yet has tried to dispute anything I said about the "offenses".

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 12:18 PM
ah yes, above top secret claims of wrongdoing that are supposedly public.

Impeaching Obama for anyone with half a brain in there little head is the worst possible thing that could happen.

Apparently the OP thinks that if they start a trial today by tomorrow he will be gone - yeah right more like the next decades worth of counter arguments and appeals costing billions of tax payer dollars.

So what would happen right now, amok is the word I'd use - with Obama being surely a lame duck president the slander wagon would roll up and it would be republicans vs democrats - game on.

And that's really what the US needs more of bi-partisanship - not to mention how f'n stupid and weak that will make this country look when it needs to be unified and strong.

If all of these impeachers and birthers had half a brain they would be doing something more positive like I dunno trying to find someone that's not senile like MC Cain or dumbbo like Palin to run against him starting 12 months from now.

Here's a suggestion - were in a war right now all over the earth - why not try to actually get a commander in chief whose ever actually been a commander to run. Hmm but all the Republicans are Bush lite greedy white guys (wanna be one dont want to be led by one) and the dems are spineless and we need another black president.

Colin Powell.

The stupid remarks will be starting to brew but given his actual record there hasn't been a comparable leader elected in recent memory if ever.

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 12:29 PM
reply to post by Evisscerator

I'm going to repeat, by quoting a portion of a post, but will change a few words:

Originally posted by Evisscerator
Not protecting our borders is DERELICTION of DUTY as Commander in Chief. Obama (Bush) is bound by the Constitution to protect the borders and he has failed to do so.

The immigration "problem" didn't just start on 20 January, 2009.

[edit on 3 June 2010 by weedwhacker]

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 12:43 PM
as expected the trolls enter from stage left
and give every possible reason why folks
who think critically are wrong.

I was a member of the sheeple for so long
and have awakened to see it for what it is.

And once again, this thread is NOT about Bush,
it is about Obama. Please stay on topic.

I have seen some weak arguments before
but some of you people are just downright
living in a fantasy world called Obama-Nation.

He HAS committed crimes.

He HAS lied to the American public.

He HAS covered it up.

He HAS used his official powers to circumvent law.

He HAS NOT enforced laws already on the books.

He HAS failed to set us on the right path.


He HAS to go !!!!!

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 12:46 PM
Boondock! My Man, Brother.
Excellent as always but, you are a silly nilly. Have you forgot the first right of justice?
I guess so, lemme re-educate you (no not like FEMA camp re-educate) I mean real education, stuff they should have taught us in grade school.
You get the Justice you can afford, and it is that simple.
Now I’ll read the rest of the posts and see what has to be said about how he is saving us and is not as bad as the last king.
But thank you for trying for us.

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 12:49 PM
As much as i would like to see obama impeached (just like i did bush)
It wont happen.

IMO Bush was WAY worse and would of been much easier to impeach. If They didnt impeach bush then they wont impeach obama.

secondly, After the right tried to impeach clinton over a BJ my mind has been blown that they didnt get that far with Bush. Which leads me to believe the right and left are no colluding against even more now! Sad day for freedom and humanity indeed!

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