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Obama Impeachment Charges

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posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 03:11 AM
reply to post by Misoir

You're talkin about the feds here. Just to bring up the charges could take four years as they are about as fast as a Pentium 2 processor.

To OP.

On petitions, internet petitions are garbage just to let you know. If you want something done you need to get paper (lots) with at minimum 1 million signatures. I agree though. And while we are at it, lets look at the senate, congress, cabinet, and the ones before that. Good thread.

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 03:26 AM

Originally posted by Cygnis
So.. What do we do? Options?

You and a lot of others would not like the
answer to that question.

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 03:35 AM

Originally posted by Misoir
I 100% agree that if you do even one thing illegal you should be at least taken to court on those charges.

I agree, but you and i both know that high
politicians can't be touched. They control
both the Attorney General and SCOTUS.
The balance of power is no more.

Originally posted by Misoir
But think about it, would you really want Joe Biden as president? And what if Mr. Biden is impeached from his seat too? Then we will have our first female president, please welcome Nancy Pelosi, president of the United States.

Go as far as we have to go to find somebody
who is NOT tainted by corruption, even if you
have to swear-in the White House Janitor for
the Oval Office.

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 03:39 AM

Originally posted by boondock-saint

Originally posted by Misoir
Go as far as we have to go to find somebody
who is NOT tainted by corruption, even if you
have to swear-in the White House Janitor for
the Oval Office.

I think he would be our best president ever.

[edit on 6/3/10 by Misoir]

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 03:41 AM

Originally posted by ventian
On petitions, internet petitions are garbage just to let you know. If you want something done you need to get paper (lots) with at minimum 1 million signatures. I agree though. And while we are at it, lets look at the senate, congress, cabinet, and the ones before that. Good thread.

what we need is a Federal Grand Jury in a Federal Court
with a Federal Judge and a Prosecutor with a huge set of
ca hones.

Or a few congressman like Kucinich or Ron Paul
to draft impeachment proceedings.

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 03:50 AM
I wonder what the results would be from
a CNN Poll if they asked this question:

"""" Would you support an Impeachment
of President Obama? """"

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 03:53 AM

Originally posted by Misoir
I think he would be our best president ever.

how do you know it's a HE ????
just thought it was funny

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 03:56 AM
you didn't impeach bush (both
) but you want to impeach obama...that's ridiculus. I don't know what to say. fight corruption. don't impeach people who are just a symbol and a representative.

and the birth argument has a questionable aftertaste by the way.

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 04:28 AM
Impeachment will not and cannot be an option for this president. We are facing one crisis after another at a rapid pace on a global scale. This would create a deeper division unlike anything the U.S. has seen before since the Civil War. Barack Obama will bring about his own political demise. He will be a lame duck president. This was his plan anyway, I feel. The U.S. political arena is just a stepping stone for him. He has his sights on becoming a global player. I am not, nor have I ever been a supporter of Obama and his (nonexistent) policies. Obama is an enigma to his supporters and nonsupporters because of his lack of direction, emotion, and criminal connections. He made sweeping promises of hope and change. His promises to end the war were lies which led a desperate mass of voters into believing he would be a man of peace. I sincerely believe that the BP debacle and environmental nightmare will pale in comparison to what we are about to face in the coming months. Knowing that Obama will be at the helm makes me shudder in fear. He has been a failure at handling the biggest environmental crisis our generation has ever seen. How will he handle the upcoming summer of the financial horror that is going to take place? A meltdown is imminent. It cannot be propped up any longer. How will he handle the inevitable war escalating between Israel and its many enemies? I will tell you. Drone happy Obama will usher us into WW3 with open arms.

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 04:35 AM

Originally posted by Rohdan
you didn't impeach bush (both
) but you want to impeach obama...that's ridiculus.

u must not have been paying attention

it's not because we didn't try

Bush Impeachment Hearings

We Want Bush Impeached, We Support the Kucinich Resolution

Bill Maher wants George W. Bush Impeached

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 04:44 AM

Originally posted by Erica1631
Barack Obama will bring about his own political demise.

the problem with that is
he is going to take America
down with him and we have to
stop that from happening
by impeachment NOW.

Ya know some of us still remember
when America was a great nation.
Now it's become a $10 crack wh0re.
With good people, we can make it
great again.

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 06:38 AM
reply to post by Misoir

Unfortunately none of the first three are in anyway presidential material, our only hope is that we can last through the next two and a half years and vote out all of the incompetents currently holding office and vote in right minded candidates who have the interest of the people (all of the people) in mind and not just the special interest groups that supported them during the campaign (SEIU, NEA, ACORN).

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 07:33 AM
reply to post by boondock-saint

Contact your representatives and present your data. Request he/she bring charges.

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 07:47 AM
I'm not a big fan of Obama. But, if we can't impeach Bush for War Crimes Against Humanity, then you have no chance of sticking any charges to Obama.

Just saying ... if you compared the two side by side with impeachment charges, Obama could be re-elected as Supreme Emperor when all was said and done.

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 07:51 AM
reply to post by boondock-saint

That is an entertaining video. Pretty funny too.

In that video Mr. Keyes does make a number of exaggerations, but take note of what he states between 1:48-2:02. Those are important statements that any American that loves their country should ponder.

[edit on 3/6/2010 by Dark Ghost]

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 08:04 AM
reply to post by boondock-saint're right.

there's impeachment crying every time. has there ever been a president that actually was ok for you? don't say kennedy please.

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 08:09 AM
Now think logically about this.

If someone was trying to take something away from you. like i dunno presidency. With sooo many people disrespecting Obama. Ask your self this, What do you do when people disrespect you, cut up your heritage stating basically it's not good enough?

Obama came into office with lots of respect and hope for the USA. Logically speaking to retreat after being over sea's for so long from a country you've already ticked off would then bring the war to home soil.

Now to disrespect the man that's leading the USA is disgusting because if i was Obama why would he protect the people that are trying to ruin him. Their is sooooooooo much Obama disrespect right now, do you think he now cares for you?


He cares for himself now. If I was Obama I would protect my self and only myself. With all this harassment he deals with and now impeachment charges does he now have the time do be president? my guess prob not.

My guess is he has just enough time to keep himself protected. At this moment all Obama needs to do is survive the rest of his term and he'll have over come the odds. So now, the question comes down. protect himself or protect the people that are harassing him, criticizing him, disrespecting his heritage and have been trying to charge him.

My guess is protect thy self. (survival of the fittest) now the old saying goes. Keep your friends close and your enemy's even closer. so instead of speaking about how you feel, maybe follow him encourage him and be right their beside him protecting you because you protected him.

In the end really who cares about Obama If he wasn't in office someone worse would be. We would be in this position or even worse so ask yourself this. at this moment your still alive why cry on a forum where your not going to solve any problems except feed the fire.

and no I am not American would never want their shoes because America is F'ed it's been F'ed and it will always be F'ed for the people are to EGOTISTICAL, that only think about them selfs, and think they are smarter, and feel they have a better understanding then anyone. when really ALL the American people EVER do is make things WORSE because they EXPECT everything to be GIVEN to them. When it's not they cry instead of doing something for them SELFS. American's HATE, American's are RUDE, and best yet American's just don't GET IT. I am sorry to be so blunt but the lack of understanding from the people of the USA is truly ridiculous. You the people are just as bad as Obama.

and guess what, OBAMA DID NOT SIGN THE CONTRACT TO BP OIL. So if that contract has a clause that's in BP's favor Obama CAN NOT do anything about it. If they do something about it they are now in a very bad situation on Contract Infringement, and would probably be sue'd for BILLIONS.

I am sorry for being so rude. I am disgusted in myself for saying all this, But you the American people should be disgusted with your selfs as well, With your country and what YOU'VE allowed it to become.

You don't make change by talking, you make change by walking. FILL your street's if you don't like what's going on not a forum. Walk in the thousands and when the American Army attacks you the rest of the world will be watching rather then when they grab you from your house and take you away and then your RIGHT to WALK is taken away. for when it get's that deep you'll be dead before anyone knows it. and all you'll be is another missing person.

Last but not least American's remember The Ego is NOT your Amego. The words of the greatest underground Clothing Company LRG

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 08:25 AM
IT is so sad that almost every one of your reason has little to no hard evidence and even if the evidence was there , it would not be an impeachable offense. Cmon , Obama is not even close to the worst we have had and almost all your data comes from right -wing sensationalism. The same guys that believe we need the crusades again and will be raptured off the planet in the future.

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 08:36 AM
reply to post by badfish86

for the people are to EGOTISTICAL, that only think about them selfs, and think they are smarter, and feel they have a better understanding then anyone. when really ALL the American people EVER do is make things WORSE because they EXPECT everything to be GIVEN to them. When it's not they cry instead of doing something for them SELFS. American's HATE, American's are RUDE, and best yet American's just don't GET IT. I am sorry to be so blunt but the lack of understanding from the people of the USA is truly ridiculous. You the people are just as bad as Obama.

Hate? Rude? Just don't get it? Really? How dare you paint all Americans with the same broad brush. I could say the same thing about the British, or the Australians, or the Russians, or whomever else. What country are you from? Hm? And if you think you are so wise, then you tell us how to solve this "problem" we have. You are portraying yourself as all high and mighty, so please, enlighten us "heathen" Americans.

Comments like this make me sick. This is the reason why the whole world is going to hell in a handbasket. This is no longer the USA's problem. It's the whole world's problem.

Peace be with you.


posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 08:37 AM

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher
reply to post by Lemon.Fresh

I see bribery, abuse of power, official misconduct, and breaking his oath to the Constitution . . . just to name a few impeachable offenses.

Give me the specific examples of all of those where Obama is personally doing those things.

Sources would be nice too...not a blog site or your opinion...but an actual source.


"Whoever solicits or receives … any….thing of value, in consideration of the promise of support or use of influence in obtaining for any person any appointive office or place under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both." -- 18 USC Sec. 211 -- Bribery, Graft and Conflicts of Interest: Acceptance or solicitation to obtain appointive public office

"In the face of a White House denial, U.S. Rep. Joe Sestak stuck to his story yesterday that the Obama administration offered him a "high-ranking" government post if he would not run against U.S. Sen. Arlen Specter in Pennsylvania's Democratic primary."
-- Philadelphia Inquirer
February 19, 2010

Official Misconduct:



Abuse of Power:

"[I]t is a clear abuse of power to use such [Presidential signing] statements as a license to evade laws that the president does not like or as an end-run around provisions designed to foster accountability.

I will not use signing statements to nullify or undermine congressional instructions as enacted into law."

- Senator Barack Obama, December 20, 2007 (Boston Globe)

"However, provisions of [HR 2436] ... would interfere with my constitutional authority to conduct foreign relations by directing the Executive to take certain positions in negotiations or discussions with international organizations and foreign governments, or by requiring consultation with the Congress prior to such negotiations or discussions. I will not treat these provisions as limiting my ability to engage in foreign diplomacy or negotiations."

- President Barack Obama, June 24, 2009 (Signing Statement accompanying signature of HR 2436)

In a precise example of an "end-run around provisions designed to foster accountability", the President's signing statement is, in his own words of 2007, a "clear abuse of power" that reinforces the idea that business interests can turn off the lights whenever they choose -- or get their centrist President to do it for them.


Breaking oath to Constitution:

Quite a few examples



Shall I continue?

[edit on 6/3/2010 by Lemon.Fresh]

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