To the members of ATS, and our readers, I have one word of advice; "steady."
These days, a casual glance at the topics displayed on our
recent posts page provides a
compelling snapshot of the intensely troubling times in which we find ourselves. For those of us who keep track of world and political events (of
which I assume are we all who frequent ATS), it can often seem as though the world is falling apart before our eyes.
While there will be many who experienced similar times in the past telling us our contemporary issues aren't as bad as events once where... that was
then, and this is now.
The reflexive tendencies to lay blame on religions, ideologies, politics, ethnicities, and socioeconomic groups other than our own for the multitude
of problems can, and will, be overwhelming for many of us. Indeed, we're seeing a sudden rise in contact emails and complaints that we (ATS
ownership) are favoring liberals, conservatives, Palestinians, IDL, and just about an equal distribution of every other "side" of the myriad issues
discussed here.
Over the past several months (if not years), our humble little conspiracy theory discussion board has evolved from an interesting place were a few
thousand people read about some rather interesting speculation and research, to the "Go-To" resource where millions of people come to learn more
about the highly troubling issues of contemporary times. Sometimes there is a conspiratorial slant. Other times there is a provocative issue that
"feels" like a conspiracy. But with increasing frequency, we're seeing more and more people simply doing their best to try and understand the
influences contributing to these worrisome days.
Many times, those people will express a point of view that others find disagreeable.
Sometimes, such people will even challenge our sensibilities with rhetoric that borders on hateful.
And occasionally, the hateful rhetoric becomes intolerable.
Such is the "baggage" associated with the nature of the world events vying for our limited attention.
Now, more than ever, people need to vent.
Now, more than ever, we need to accept that venting (within the ATS T&C) as an opportunity to understand how others are effected by the stress and
turmoil of these days.
Here, especially now, our goal should not be to use ATS as our own personal soap box, but as a means to find understanding, or at the very-least as a
path to learn how others are affected differently by the turmoil in the world.
People are angry. People are scared. People are confused. People are seeking answers.
Anger may not be quelled. Fear may not be alleviated. Confusion may not be solved. Answers may not be found. But seeking to understand the cause of
these feelings in others is a major step. It's what mature and civilized people do. The new breed of ATS members and users are capable of
understanding. It's what "deny ignorance" means.
Steady. Steady, my friends.