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15 dead, flotilla fired upon by Israel

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posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 05:45 AM
Here is the kill list

Israeli supporter reactions

"OMG we shot at them and they get all angry when some of them fell dead over and when we start boarding an keep up shooting they get all mad.

What could we have done?
We only know how to use bulldozer and tank to destroy civilan houses.
We only know how to drop phosphor and bombs on human and civilian targets with planes.
We only know how to biasedly present or make up "evidence" for aggression.
We only know how to use the TERRORIST, ANTISEMITE, NAZI and HOLOCAUST cards.
We only know how to snipe down unarmed civilians coming too close to somewhere we dont want.

We did our best!!!"

posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 10:03 AM

Originally posted by Elienne
reply to post by warpcrafter

Try studying some was always a coalition of Middle Eastern countries that attacked Israel.

So why did the Israeli forces cross the border first each time? If you believe someone needs to study history, why dont you come up with facts to study instead of stupid accusations.

It is not Israel who is building nuclear facilities
, because they already have a full nuclear armed submarine flotilla courtesy to German-American friendship. And the Israelis did not even sign the agreement, the US accuses the Iran of subverting.

Frankly, I see Israel as a defense against the Muslim madmen , including the fanatics who want the thirteenth, or whatver, Imam to return and end the world as we know it....

Yohay, Zionist fanatics, who want to speed up the rapture and end the world as we know it will be the answer to that problem.

Fools like yoiu make me sick.

If you really understood, how sick you already are, you would run scared from yourself.

[edit on 1-6-2010 by XenoStuffz]

posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 11:02 AM

Originally posted by Dallas1611

Originally posted by rationaluser
reply to post by SparKzzz

NO you think imma let you get away with that the Russians would have kicked Hitler back to the stone age. Or did you conveniently forget about the USSR?

hehehe..without America there would also be no Russia.
We have been taking care of you poor souls since the 80's since you can't take care of yourselfs, and half your population are starving. Must be your wonderful form of government you have over there.

But back to the main issue, muslims enjoy killing (Genesis 16:12 KJV of course: And he will be a wild man; his hand [will be] against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.)

Once again, the Bible is thousands of years ahead of the rest of the world.
And the simple facts are, Muslims hate Christians, and Jews and are commanded to kill them in over 20 places in the koran.

Christians love there enemies and pray for them.

Jews...well..jews make money, and there very good at it. Which is why a lot of white people hate them too.

Which one sounds like the peaceful and true religion to you?

Here's a hint, it isnt the one founded by a fornicating, 9 year old wife loving (of 14 others or more), foaming at the mouth, parinoid, murdering, false prophet, Bible plagiarism, liar. His name WAS (since he is stone cold dead, unlike Jesus Christ)...
mohammad. And one of his idols which he placed in Mecca was Allah.

Erm .... yeah I'm british thanks for asking BTW mind you the buy bull in your picture speaks volumes and quoting SCRIPTURE ha ha ha ARE YOU SERIOUS?? oh look guys a piece of 2000 year old text hasn't come true yet but is in some time period going to, so it must have been profit-cised yes i meant PROFIT-cised because that's all fundies care about PROFIT.

Tell me how does it feel to know that your goverment sponsered bin-laden and that the USSR was fighting them then? bet you wished they beat them huh? then there would have been no 9/11 (still in the middle east here folks bare with me) talk about irony.

posted on Jun, 2 2010 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by rationaluser
reply to post by SparKzzz

NO you think imma let you get away with that the Russians would have kicked Hitler back to the stone age. Or did you conveniently forget about the USSR?

stalin killed over 20 million of his own people so......................

posted on Jun, 2 2010 @ 06:20 PM
Hey fellas your ol'buddy Sparkey is here to save the day once again.

Anyhow, not much saving as of now, due to nobody even trying to retaliate at my undeniable proof stated each and every page throughout this thread.

Oh yeah, sorry, one attempt at this (at the top of this page), a pitiful low quality image of a supposed "kill list" obtained somehow (care to enlighten us as to how they got a hold of "it"?), and affords us to read virtually nothing. Good go!

I can very well claim this as my own evidence, here look!

Now I'd like you to even try and prove what I added to these pics are wong.
What's that? Picture too blurry and low resolution for you to make anything out of it? Guess what?


[edit on 2-6-2010 by SparKzzzz]

posted on Jun, 2 2010 @ 06:34 PM
By the way, I have managed to obtain a secret document out of the flotilla organizers personal laptop. It clearly has direct evidence to prove how wrong this journey is.

I present you the following:


due to the original image low quality I have managed to get a better quality picture! Behold:


Look! This is the document in full scale! An incredibly informative find by me!

I will not tell you how I obtained it, but I did, and you must believe me!!
Why you ask? Because justice is me!
How do I know justice is with me? Because I say so! And I can sound very dramatic!
I present you this cutting edge evidence:

... For the slow people among you, this is obviously nothing but a comparison to the "proof" (if it's even legal to call it that) presented by Crimson King of the so-called hit list.
Yet another outrageous claim that has yet to be verified by any kind of reliable source.
..Even goddamned infowars have only a low-res image.

Still, as much as you could know, this list could be existing. If so, the question is exactly what is that list, and how did they obtain it? Is it legit? Does it truly belong to the IDF unit? Is it a hit-list or could it be just a notebook made by military intelligence, listing known members inside the ship and how dangerous they might be?

This could be 101 things, and straight out claiming it is a kill-list is simply laughable, especially when bringing no sort of evidence to back these gigantic claims.

[edit on 2-6-2010 by SparKzzzz]

posted on Jun, 2 2010 @ 06:39 PM
I am sorry , that was funny, now I am going to get in trouble for admitting it made me laugh.

posted on Jun, 2 2010 @ 06:44 PM
Glad you liked it

Jokes aside for a moment, here's a real evidence of events I'd like to newly present to my colleagues on ATS.

Note the preparation of an attack even before IDF troops were spotted. Now tell me this violence was not planned from the get-go.

posted on Jun, 2 2010 @ 06:57 PM
reply to post by SparKzzzz

You need to fix that link

posted on Jun, 2 2010 @ 07:05 PM
Weird.. I don't know why it doesn't work through the youtube widget.
No worries. The video:

Anyway, another piece of interesting news.
"Hamas refusing to allow flotilla aid into Gaza"

[edit on 2-6-2010 by SparKzzzz]

posted on Jun, 2 2010 @ 07:11 PM
Yeah hi
Anyone said known terrorist organizations amidst the Navi Marmara?


..."Dutch anti-Israel activist leader of Hamas (in the Netherlands)"

The 43-year-old Amin Abou Rashed, who was arrested by Israel after the international "aid convoy to Gaza sought confrontation with the Israeli navy, is a leader of the radical Islamic terrorist movement Hamas.

Rashed was, after Anne de Jong, the Dutch only between five hundred arrested anti-Israeli activists (see box right).

He holds a Dutch passport, is of Palestinian descent and would operate from Rotterdam. Previously he lost an arm in its battle against Israel.

According to the official website of the Muslim Brotherhood, an organization that the introduction of Sharia law throughout the world seeking is Rashed one of the driving forces behind the 'aid convoy to Gaza.

An intelligence source tells the newspaper: "Rashed is the leader of Hamas in the Netherlands. He comes under an alias, because Amin Abou Ibrahim, in various intelligence reports. "

So called U.S. anti-terror Nefa Rashed several times in an investigation into the influence of the Muslim Brotherhood in Europe.

He also worked for the notorious al-Aqsa Dutch foundation, which was suspected of fundraising for Hamas. And: "He is very active in the Foundation Palestinian Platform for Human Rights and Solidarity, the PPMS."

Hamas is financed by Islamic "charities" throughout the world. Rashed is mentioned in relation to the Holy Land Foundation, a charitable organization that notorious in America was rolled to fund Hamas.

Rashed activist and the boy remained in Israel and are in good health. They will probably be released today." ...

[edit on 2-6-2010 by SparKzzzz]

posted on Jun, 2 2010 @ 10:40 PM
edited; not sure im ready to go there yet. not really pissed off enough about the situation yet.

[edit on 2-6-2010 by AndrewJay]

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 01:32 AM
reply to post by SparKzzzz

Hmmm another one day member..No probs, heres something I posted in another thread.The matter of lists, who shot first or if the protesters had hammers is irrelevant.
Care to give your unbiased opinion??

Yes they both knew what was coming to some extent as in they both expected a confontation.

Israel's response was a Night Time raid to cause panic and confussion amongst sleeping passengers with the sole purpose of causing the fracas that ensued.

The passengers expected a confrontation in daylight so were taken unawares in International waters as opposed to an assault after they had crossed into Israel's assumed territory....

Ways a normal military would have handled it, all in daylight I might add.

1) Block their passage using larger navy vessels.

2) Use sound or water cannons.

3) Dissable the ships electronically or mechanically.

I will repeat...Israel got the planned outcome they wanted, dead protesters.
In my eyes there is NO debate unless again you think the Israeli military are totally incompetent, and I dont think they are...

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 03:36 AM
This is an excellent discussion around this event from RT's crosstalk :

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 06:05 AM

Originally posted by virgom129
Hmmm another one day member..No probs

Sit your ass down, boy.
This is my other member, with a registry date of one month before you did.
One day member my ass. (btw your registration date is my birthday!)

Israel's response was a Night Time raid to cause panic and confussion amongst sleeping passengers with the sole purpose of causing the fracas that ensued.

Wrong. They were not sleeping, but actually wide awake and preparing themselves for encounter as can be seen here:

The passengers expected a confrontation in daylight so were taken unawares in International waters as opposed to an assault after they had crossed into Israel's assumed territory....

Wrong again. See above video.

Ways a normal military would have handled it, all in daylight I might add.
1) Block their passage using larger navy vessels.

Block them with larger navy vessels WTF? Are you even aware that even had the IDF ships been twice the size they are, the flotilla ships could easily manouver around them?

The wide open seas are not a street road! Things can't just be blocked by standing near them, unless we're talking about a very narrow pass, which we aren't talking about as this was in the wide open.
Attempts to block would've start a cat and mouse game that would've last for who knows when, and the IDF has more important things to do than playing 'catch' with some bored people overseas.
Get real.

2) Use sound or water cannons.

Already tried, the flotilla ignored.

3) Dissable the ships electronically or mechanically.

So how exactly are they going to do that? Lol, if that's what any normal country would have done, explain these if you will:

Clearly not the way any army would've act.

I will repeat...Israel got the planned outcome they wanted, dead protesters.

I have yet to recieve a simple answer to this simple question. If Israel planned to have dead protesters, how come it didn't do it more efficiently from afar without risking it's own men? How come they didn't launch a torpedo to kill them all?
No, Israel did not plan this, they planned to lead the ships to Ashdod port and have them unloaded peacefully in an organized matter.

What about the "aid" you say? It is being transfered to Gaza as we speak.

Yet another highly uneducated post filled with what people think is happening instead of knowledge. Opinions instead of proofs. Hate speeches instead of valid sources.

You were dead wrong on each and every of your speculations, from me being a one day member, to the claim that the IDF wanted to achieve casualties among the protesters.

Would you try to achieve casualties by first boarding the ship with a paintball gun, just to try and scare them?

Again, a whole post proven to be nothing but anger fueled blabbering with no validation what-so-ever.

[edit on 3-6-2010 by SparKzzzz]

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 11:14 AM
reply to post by SparKzzzz

Well that is proof that they were indeed using paintball guns and the terrorist were using axes and steel pipes. Who is the agressor here?

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 05:09 PM
reply to post by SparKzzzz

(btw your registration date is my birthday!)

Wow you're nearly 3 months old and it shows.....

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 05:14 PM
reply to post by SparKzzzz

Theres no changing some peoples opinions so I'm not going to try with you.

I did see an Israeli soldier who said they should have dissabled the ships and left them to flounder around until they agreed to be towed...

My other comments are just common sense to most..

[edit on 3-6-2010 by virgom129]

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by IcarusDeepSea

Yeah sure. THe 19 year old american was shot 4 times in the head and once in the chest..

Must be useing LEAD paint in them there paintguns huh...

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 06:04 PM

Originally posted by virgom129
Theres no changing some peoples opinions so I'm not going to try with you.

You don't have to try to change my opinion, all you have to do is supply MINIMAL proof to BACK UP your OUTRAGEOUS claims.
Do you do that? No, you only MOAN AND MOAN AND MOAN AND MOAN without even knowing what is it you moan and whine at so much.

Bunch of clowns, can't even set in ONE good proof for their idiotic accusations for 19 pages in a row.

Btw, if you used your brain, and I know this is a big thing to ask from you, you'd understand by reading this thread that paintball guns were used at first, and when the crowd started going ape# at the soldiers, emergency pistols were drawn to save their lives as they were lynched.
Do you know of a single soldier that will not fire his weapon in a life-threatning situation? Thought so.

Also a minimal thinking would've suffice to understand that by saying your joining date is my birthday, I meant the day and month.

Now go and get some worthy proofs to back your hysteria based claims or shut the hell up.

Better yet, lock your door and never leave your room in-case the evil jews lurk outside.

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