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David Icke's New Book

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posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 07:20 AM

Once you start to understand the language of occult and Satanic symbolism you realise how widely it is used in corporate logos and the entertainment industry. The videos and clothing range of the money-obsessed rapper, Jay-Z, and other artists, is full of Illuminati and occult symbolism.

David goes on to recommend the website The Vigilant Citizen.

I see on this website that, in addition to good info on the entertainment industry, there are free e-book downloads for Propaganda by Edward Bernays, Secret Teachings of All Ages by Manly P. Hall, and Morals and Dogma by Albert Pike.

posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 05:14 AM
In Stewart Swerdlow's Blue Blood, True Blood he details war in the solar system between reptilians and humanoids culminating in the creation of a reptilian-human race being created on earth to try to end the conflict.

What he says roughly agrees with what David says:

The imposition of a 'royal' Reptilian-human hybrid bloodline was the result of an agreement that followed humanity's defeat in a war with the serpent race, or this renegade group, at least, that could well have involved other extraterrestrial races.

posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 05:27 AM
Also in Blue Blood, True Blood, the horrifying subject of the ingestion of human blood and organs in order for the reptilians to maintain human form is presented.

In David's book, under the heading "The Serpent Covenant," David states:

It also involves an 'agreement' that the Reptilians be able to abduct human children on a massive scale, worldwide.

posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 06:08 AM
Chapter 12 of Human Race Get off Your Knees is entitled “Encoded Truth.” It is a detailed summary of the assertions presented in a book with the title The Murder of Reality by Pierre Sabak (a pen name) based on:

. . . word derivations, associations and true meanings that shows how the serpent race, and its subjugation of humanity, is encoded into ancient languages and accounts. These words and meanings have since been passed through into what we call ‘modern languages’. Sabak spent nearly seven years poring through dictionaries and documents to reveal the interconnecting words and meanings that encode all the major aspects of the conspiracy I am revealing here. These include:

David then lists thirteen bullet points of themes and symbolism and associations that are in The Murder of Reality.

Studying word derivations is a good way to uncover the truth, I think. This chapter in Human Race Get off Your Knees is difficult reading because of the exhaustive research presented. But that’s what you have to do to untie a massive knot, I guess. It’s hard work.

posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 12:44 PM
David states:

Something to emphasise most strongly here: when groups tak of being the 'Chosen People', like the Jews, that doesn't mean all of them. It means those who made the covenant with the Reptilians, that's all - the ruling bloodlines. This is why the Rothschilds couldn't care less about Jewish people as a whole. When I talk about the Sumerians, Khazars, Egyptians, and all the rest, I am only referring to the few in the bloodline and priesthoods - not to the mass of those peoples who are as much the victims of this conspiracy as everyone else, more so in some cases.

posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 01:52 PM
Under the heading "The Martians Have Landed":

Pierre Sabak says that his language derivatives suggest that 'Adam', or the genetic form this name represents, was created on Mars. . . . Mars was said to be a home of a Reptilian group and it would make sense of genetic manipulation happening there. Zulu legend also connects the Reptilians and humans to Mars. . . .

. . . There is also a common theme of the colour red. We have the red planet; red as the colour of Satanism; the red cross of the Knights Templar; the red cross flag of England; and the Illuminati-controlled organisation that we know as the 'Red Cross'. Pierre Sabak says the red cross is a symbol of Mars and the Adamic bloodline. The very name of the Rothschilds means "Redshields' or 'red sign', and this symbolism follows the bloodline through the centuries.

posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 03:30 PM

Humans are sustenance to the Reptilians - we are their food source. They are 'physical' food when the Reptilians are in Third Density, and 'energetic' food in Fourth Density, produced by low-vibration emotions and mental states like fear, hate, anger, stress, worry and depression.

So, does this mean that if we get angry, for example, or feel afraid about something, that we help a reptilian by feeding it? That we need to not get angry and not allow ourselves to feel fear?

I can see trying to not hate, get under stress, worry, or become depressed. But I can't see not getting angry or feeling fear, because I think these emotions exist to motivate us into action.

What to do?

posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 06:46 PM
I was not aware of this:

Most human abductions are not physical, as they appear to be to the victim. Their body-energy field or human awareness - the 'lower mind' - is taken, and this is why abductees have talked about being removed from their homes by passing through the walls. This energetic awareness, or 'lower mind', is not vibrating to the same frequency as the wall and so it can pass through in the same way that radio frequencies pass through walls to your transistor. There are physical abductions, but mind abduction is the primary method and it gives them access to human frequency codes and allows them to program the reality of the abductee. When the awareness returns to the body it appears in their memory as a physical experience, when it wasn't.

posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 08:24 PM

I love the quote at the beginning of the chapter "Spaceship Moon":

I don't know if there are men on the moon, but if there are they must be using the earth as their lunatic asylum - George Bernard Shaw

posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 09:26 PM

Originally posted by MKULTRA
Essentially, Icke is saying that the moon is actually a spacecraft run by the reptilians, which they have used to threaten humanity (and other planets) by bringing it into orbit, causing massive planetary changes, and then using it as a leverage point to get the people on the planet to cooperate with them. If you don't cooperate, we'll move the moon away and your planet will die.

I don't see that in the chapter.

In fact, this is stated on page 306:

The fact is that the Reptilians in the Moon and in underground bases on Mars depend on humans and the Earth for food - their very survival. This is one key reason why they re desperate not to be exposed. Water and other resources are constantly being taken from this planet to the Moon and Mars and this is not a new phenomena, either. Ancient Zulu stories say the same.

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 07:09 AM

Originally posted by MKULTRA
Essentially, Icke is saying that the moon is actually a spacecraft run by the reptilians, which they have used to threaten humanity (and other planets) by bringing it into orbit, causing massive planetary changes, and then using it as a leverage point to get the people on the planet to cooperate with them. If you don't cooperate, we'll move the moon away and your planet will die.

Originally posted by Mary Rose
I don't see that in the chapter.

I see it now:

Legends say that the Reptilians threatened to take away the Moon if humans didn't do what they were told. This, of course, would cause devastation on Earth.

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 07:29 AM

Originally posted by MKULTRA
Essentially, Icke is saying that the moon is actually a spacecraft run by the reptilians. . .

Again in Blue Blood, True Blood, Stewart agrees:

The Reptilians drove a large, hollowed out object into Earth's orbit to begin the colonization process. This object is now called the Moon.

It's interesting to me that David lists Blue Blood, True Blood in his bibliography but he doesn't cite Stewart on this.

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 07:46 AM
This is interesting concerning the biblical story of the great flood:

Credo says that the Reptilians' 'giant mothership' referred to in the Zulu legends was actually the Moon and that's where they went during the cataclysms of the 'Great Flood', which they had caused by manipulating the Moon and instigating other cosmic events. This was also where the 'Noah' figure was taken, with others who were chosen to survive and replenish a new genetically-modified species after the Earth began to recover. The 'Ark' was not a boat; it was a flying craft that took people to the Moon to sit out the catastrophe.

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 08:10 AM
Yep, and I notice as I read more, David relies heavily on Credo Mutwa for confirmation of many of these things that he is writing about. It makes me ask, who is Credo Mutwa? Is there any source other than David Icke that can provide some evidence that Mutwa is who he says he is? Mutwa seems to be playing a 'guru' type role for Icke.

I'm now over halfway through the book, and notice that aside from the 'infinite love is the ultimate truth, everything else is illusion' rhetoric, there is actually very little positive instruction provided. The B&W illustrations in the text are overwhelmingly biased toward Neil Hague's artwork, as is the middle section of the book which are full color prints of Neil Hague's artwork.

I hope to arrive at some form of positive, concrete instruction from Icke on how to unplug from the matrix that he exhaustively analyzes, but at this point I'm left with a general theme of hopelessness and powerlessness. Will continue to read on.

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 08:26 AM
The following passage includes information I have not heard of before. It is under the heading "Humans are from Orion."

Credo said Zulus believed that humans come from 'a world among the stars' which he calls 'Mpalalatsani' in the constellation of Orion. . . . I asked him what it was called by western astronomy and he said he didn't know. . . . There is, however, a 'supergiant' bright, reddish star or world in the Orion group called Betelgeuse. . . Zulu legends say that humans used to live on the 'red world' called Mpalalatsani . . . It is said there was a 'great war between human men and women on Mpalalatsani and the survivors were banished for their greed, lust and other behaviour. Humans were once androgynous and there were no men or women, but the Reptilians instigated genetic manipulation of Mpalatsani to divide the original human form into male and female, the legend goes. Credo says that Mpalalatsani is the real location of the biblical Garden of Eden, from which humans were banished, and that genetic manipulation started there and continued within the Moon and later on Earth.

My understanding from reading Swerdlow is that yes, the story of Adam and Eve is about creating male and female from an androgynous being. But this was on Earth and the androgynous being was Reptilian.

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 08:37 AM

Originally posted by MKULTRA
The B&W illustrations in the text are overwhelmingly biased toward Neil Hague's artwork. . .

Also, David Dees' artwork.

And there are many photographs.

Originally posted by MKULTRA
I hope to arrive at some form of positive, concrete instruction from Icke on how to unplug from the matrix that he exhaustively analyzes, but at this point I'm left with a general theme of hopelessness and powerlessness. Will continue to read on.

I'm with you on that!!

I feel certain that the message that David is going to have for us is that we humans have it in our power to unlearn the matrix and re-learn our own, beautiful sense of what it is to be alive and what it is that we should be doing with our time here. And that it is up to us to do this.

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 05:43 AM
A part of David's work that I've always had a problem grappling with is the assertion that the physical world is an illusion. I don't quite buy it. Seems real to me. I'm still trying to "get it," bearing in mind that he might not get it, or he might not be explaining what he really means, or I might just be misinterpreting him.

But I like this quote:

Being born is like Consciousness going online. Ask someone to describe the Internet and they will say it is websites with graphics, words, colours and pictures. Well, yes it is, but the only place the Internet exists in that form is on the computer screen. Everywhere else the Internet is electrical circuits, mathematical codes, and so on.

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 05:48 AM
reply to post by Mary Rose

I am going to start a campaign in my local area to inform people about this mind terrorist in my town. I will go to each book store and make sure they don't carry his books, I have already removed them myself from the public library. If you have a david icke book,... burn it.

This man is a fraud and a mind terrorist, he should be silenced for poisoning so many fragile minds!

This man is racist and stands for everything I stand against!


here is one of many websites dedicated to exposing this monster icke for what he really is

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 06:08 AM
reply to post by Y2Zgt

No, he's not a fraud, mind terrorist, or racist.

Book burning is a sign of narrow-mindedness in my opinion.

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 06:11 AM
Here is a link to website that is very important to you.

I suggest you make some appointments and ask some professionals of the mind what they think of his book and weather or not he is a mind terrorist.

You need to free yourself from the mental shackles of your mind and wake up to the real world.

This book is complete garbage.

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