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US Space Fleet? Have UFO's Been Used Off World?

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posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 08:04 PM

Originally posted by SaosinEngaged

I first just want to say that this is a remarkable thread in the sense that I love exploring these kinds of "what ifs" and that many things posted in the OP were not only incredibly interesting, but entirely plausible.

Thank you for reading, Im very glad that you found it interesting.

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 12:40 AM

Originally posted by GeminiSky

Dont mean to go off topic, getting back to what I was saying, some of the logistics problems such as funding would be solved by off the books revenue sources such as this one. Enabling the US to fund the deep black projects without anyone's official knowledge.

I've already read about that, and it wouldn't be surprising if it were true. I definitely do believe in high probability the U.S has either crashed vehicles in storage or intact functioning ones that we've spent the last 60 years figuring out how to use.

But imo I think a more realistic estimate of the number of actual vehicles is much lower than 47, just enough as you say for the extra funding to cover all the expense of maintaining / storage / personnel.

But either way all anyone can go on by is hearsay, it doesn't really matter whether there is 1 or a hundred UFO's in use. What really matters is getting evidence that they exist, and you only need tangible evidence of one UFO for that.

posted on Jun, 11 2010 @ 10:28 PM
Fanboy alert:

I just watched an episode of Stargate SG-1 that reminded me of this thread. It sums up the elements of the franchise that are addressed in the OP. It was from season 6 - episode 17; entitled "Disclosure"

This particular episode is actually a "clip show", the premise being a summit of the world's greatest nations for the purpose of 'disclosure' by the US of the Stargate program and any alien technology gained through it.

It is a good episode to watch even if you've never seen the show - it's basically a discussion about the topic of this thread among dignitaries from the UK, France, China, Russia and the US. The "Disclosure" in the title is that of the storyline so far as told by the US government to the leaders of the rest of the planet - for the purpose of "creating a coalition".

This reminded me of the sentiment expressed by many of our recent presidents (and other world leaders) - that the only thing that could unite the nations of the earth would be some kind of external, alien threat.

Chinese Ambassador guy: "Do you mean to tell me that the United States Air Force is currently flying a fighter/interceptor that is capable of both aerial combat AND space flight? THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!"

posted on Jun, 11 2010 @ 11:46 PM
reply to post by Teratoma

I have only seen the Stargate movie, and maybe half of one sg1 episode. This is interesting, that they may have subconsciously disclosed the topic of this thread to the public thru the tv show.

I will have to download it someday and have a watch.

posted on Jun, 12 2010 @ 12:11 AM
Nice thread! My first reaction reminded me of a book I read long ago called The Dispossessed by Ursula LeGuin. It's a great read for many reasons, but for me it describes how easily humans can be molded into docile droids quite capable and happy to do any various duties needed to be done, by being brainwashed into thinking they are doing it for the greater good.

If colonization took place, humans taking part in it is one of the least challenging aspects of such a concept to grasp. By all means we have wonderful attributes and capabilities, but we really are just clumsy toddlers in the big scheme of things.

Another possibility (which they are endless), I was reminded of a movie I watched recently called Moon. A man is stationed on the moon to harvest Helium 3 I think. Anyway he is supposedly contracted for only a few years but then can return home. Well it is a good movie and dont wish to spoil to plot for any readers so will leave it at that.

The biggest question for me is why. Why have a extrasolar space fleet? What is out there that would drive humans to go to so much trouble and secrecy? By nature humans motivation is usually focused on power and money which goes hand in hand. But I'm assuming we are no where near as advanced as other civilizations, so power is out of the question. And money is already in hand for those of this "group", so what? Immortality? Are they searching for the fabled sorcerers stone?

posted on Jun, 12 2010 @ 12:16 AM
reply to post by strangefires

I would say IMO the only plausible reasons for a vast space fleet and/or colonies on other planets would be:

1. Impending natural disaster that is unavoidable, and will wipe out life on Earth, while the elite are whisked off world to safety. AKA Alternative 3

2. Hostile alien species that are on their way here, and have given Earth leaders a deadline before the public takeover of the planet.

[edit on 12-6-2010 by GeminiSky]

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 05:13 PM
Geminisky,try both scenarios happening concurrently on for size because there is a very high chance that both are happening as we speak.

You are truly on target.

Now toss in the political state of the planet as we speak and tell me its not a good idea to be storing up nuts like a squirrel and digging a hole like a rabbit??

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 05:28 PM
GeminiSky,we were planted here and used as a resource since then,even the dedefining of the earth we call growth is really just MINING the planet.

We are and have been a continous source of literal manpower just here for the taking.

Think of it like this ,we seem to think we have a CHOICE IN EVERYTHING SURROUNDING OUR LIVES,but we simply dont.

We have just been lied to as long as was needed to accomplish a specific goal.

For goodness sakes its obvious that the superpowers were co-operating in the amassing of a nuclear arsenal the size of the one humanity now posesses.We couldnt have survived this long as a species if we werent working together.

The key here is to forget about your idea of choices,just think in terms of humanity as a whole,because thats what we are.

We are one simple step ---DISCLOSURE---away from becoming the tip of a spear that is six plus BILLION STRONG AND ARMED TO THE TEETH.

We have been created as an army of humanity,not a random hodgepodge of nations,someone encouraged competitive growth,thats about it.

The converting of planetary resources and the building of ships to move these resources is how humanity has progressed through the universe,there simply is no light speed ship,there are definable limits to the distances we can project our will and power.

We need to go in steps with a lot of planning on a lot of different fronts.

It isnt just the planetary resources that are important THE PEOPLE ARE THE PRIMARY RESOURCE.We are part of humanities journey through the universe,albeit not the role we envisioned for ourselves,still an important role.

[edit on 15-6-2010 by one4all]

[edit on 15-6-2010 by one4all]

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 05:35 PM
In simple terms ,if a signal that used all media venues was broadcast to humanity globally and it said that our human leaders and representatives of US in short OUR CREATORS,were here to assume their leadership role and they had the power to enforce their will,what could we do??

Nothing,thats what,and if they explained that they created us not god as we know him,and then told us we were part of a universal chain of humanty spanning a big part of the universe,what could you do??

Nothing ,thats what,see my point,if we forget about the choices WE THINK WE HAVE then its easy to envision this.



Because my friends,if it came to life after we created it GOD GOES OUT WITH THE BATHWATER---because we created it,and if it couldnt spontaneously come to life of its own accord then I need to find a church.

You see GeminiSky the answer is in the question,if the clone stayed inanimate WE WOULD ALREADY KNOW ABOUT IT.We have OBVIOUSLY MADE THE CLONE ALREADY ---SO WHERE ARE THE RESULTS ONE WAY OR THE OTHER???

I really wont be rushing to find a church because I already know how we got here.

Just like I already know we should have heard the results of my question already.

[edit on 15-6-2010 by one4all]

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 05:45 PM
Well, absolutely we have a space fleet, and some of them have interstellar capabilities, although not all of them, to be sure.

It's a joint Navy-Air Force project. There's more than one base of operations. Basically two types of exoatmospheric craft, the little triangles that are in-system craft and the larger ones that have Mach drives (big and bulky) for FTL travel.

No ETs needed, the project started back in the late 30s or mid 40s, depending on what event you take as the kickoff. We just didn't have the wherewithal to build half-way safe Mach drive systems (more the control system than the drive) until the 70s, and you can only call them halfway safe even now, although they're a lot better than they were.

A lot of the conspiracy classics are tied together in threads of the overall project, and there's been many a creative moment spent in making them seem unrelated and loony.

The big issue is that the physics you have to have to DO the thing lend themselves to really nasty applications, so the entire branch of physics that covers the two drive systems and the later model (2004+) power/weapon system are uber classified, and aren't the sort of thing anyone's wanted to give to Joe Public.

Think of even the Star Trek universe - if you had Starfleet technology, primitive but basically there, today, but given the current political climate, and you said "here world, here are the things we never told you - this is why you think ET has been visiting, look what we've come up with since 1938" and gave them antimatter in bulk, phasers, a transporter and whatnot, no more than five years would pass before we were antimatter bombing each other into oblivion over Allah or Jesus or saving the whales. People are lunatics, that's why we can't have nice things.

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 05:46 PM

Originally posted by Lady_Tuatha
reply to post by GeminiSky

I enjoyed reading that.

The possibilities are endless with a fleet of crafts in space. Its nice to imagine. The idea of intergalatic wars, populating planets, exploring new worlds, meeting other races etc is the stuff of science fiction.

I would love if any of it was proven to be true in my lifetime, it would be very exciting.


posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 02:38 PM
The ether is in all space and if there is an ether ship then
travel in outer space should be possible.
This is what many might have felt during the time of Tesla
before the need for the power moguls to change science
to their advantage in certain aspects.

posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 07:47 PM
reply to post by one4all

Wow that is a rather interesting take on things. So you are saying that following disclosure, humans would just willingly take orders from ETs?

Do you really think that if humans found out that ET had created us, they would not resist?

IMHO, humans would not care who created us, we would still fight for our so called freedom, even if it mean going up against our ET creators..

posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 10:49 PM
If humans discovered that there was no ET ,but that we were created by other humans ,THEY MIGHT BE WILLING TO LISTEN TO THE HUMANS WHO CREATED US.

Life all over the universe evolves towards sentience in its top species or form.

Humans can evolve into sentient beings or they can be created in test tubes.
What I mean is that we are the only ones who have questions about our destiny or our purpose ,if we all knew we were a part of a great chain of humanity spread across the universe united in cultures and civilizations even millions of years removed from each other,we would have nothing to surrender to.

Religon,and regional governments would only exist briefly before humanity on earth UNITED in a global democracy with humanitarian pursuits.

The very concept of humans killing each other is backwards and has been encouraged by religons and regional governments.

Enough humans die in the universe without us killing each other here.

Look,there is no global unity until there is a cause big enough to encompass all of humaity and terminal enough to unite us
through mutual need.

Like an army
that might be on the way here to remove us as a threat to them,WETHER WE CURRENTLY UNDERSTAND OUR HISTORY OR NOT.

I met people,military humans,on a large military ship with at least interstellar capability,but people nonetheless,the "greys"are just a race of people,the army that opposes us may be human,or it may not,I wasnt given that information.

I would assume it would be some race of humans.

When the soldiers on the ship leave home ,they know they wont be returning to their families,but they still go.I almost went,the cause is worthy.

We currently have no choice but to learn about the threat that could be coming because it will be an all out war,no one wants the leftovers they arent fighting over resources,they are fighting to annihalate each other.

We will be fighting for our survival,no surrender possible,none at all once we are engaged.

[edit on 16-6-2010 by one4all]

[edit on 16-6-2010 by one4all]

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 12:36 AM

Originally posted by one4all

I met people,military humans,on a large military ship with at least interstellar capability,but people nonetheless,the "greys"are just a race of people,the army that opposes us may be human,or it may not,I wasnt given that information.

I would assume it would be some race of humans.

When the soldiers on the ship leave home ,they know they wont be returning to their families,but they still go.I almost went,the cause is worthy.

We currently have no choice but to learn about the threat that could be coming because it will be an all out war,no one wants the leftovers they arent fighting over resources,they are fighting to annihalate each other.

We will be fighting for our survival,no surrender possible,none at all once we are engaged.

[edit on 16-6-2010 by one4all]

[edit on 16-6-2010 by one4all]

So you have been on an inter stellar craft, and met human looking ETs or humans from the future? What year did this occur, and would you be able to elaborate a little on what transpired leading up to getting on this ship?

Very interesting info, please share more

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 03:19 AM
reply to post by GeminiSky

Lets assume
lets assume we haven't NOW what do we do , I can NEVER understand the logic that that some people on here use to come up with wild ideas like this.

If the USA had such advanced tech why let hundreds of soldiers be killed in conflicts can YOU imagine what would happen IF and its a really bigIF what you said was TRUE can you imagine the backlash from families of the dead and wounded soldiers.

To many sci fi film scripts get posted on here

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 04:05 AM
Not sure if it has been mentioned as I haven't read all the posts, but Gary Mckinnon found a list of off world personel on government PC'S after hacking in to them.

I would bet my life that 'they' have already colonised mars, that 'they' have already travelled to many planets that have life on them. I know I know your all thinking "Sounds a little science fiction/star trekky to me" but, what better way to hide this crazy notion than to broadcast 'science fiction' films and tv series that completely ridicule the common hu-mans logical thinking.

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 01:20 PM

Originally posted by franspeakfree
Not sure if it has been mentioned as I haven't read all the posts, but Gary Mckinnon found a list of off world personel on government PC'S after hacking in to them.

I would bet my life that 'they' have already colonised mars, that 'they' have already travelled to many planets that have life on them. I know I know your all thinking "Sounds a little science fiction/star trekky to me" but, what better way to hide this crazy notion than to broadcast 'science fiction' films and tv series that completely ridicule the common hu-mans logical thinking.

Lets have a look at his statement shall we

From here

Last lines

The Americans have a secret spaceship?" I ask.

"That's what this trickle of evidence has led me to believe."

"Some kind of other Mir that nobody knows about?"

"I guess so," says Gary.

"What were the ship names?"

"I can't remember," says Gary. "I was smoking a lot of dope at the time. Not good for the intellect."


So thats reliable then

[edit on 17-6-2010 by wmd_2008]

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 05:14 PM
Geminysky,1975--present.They were not from the future they were from the present,there were four distinct races of humanoids I personally witnessed.Humans like us that are telepathic and dress like romans ,in robes,humans like us that are Military personell defending humanity in a universal sense,small grey humanoids as described by others they are accurate,and little wrinkly thick skinned humanoids that also wore dark\dirty little monklike robes.

I was taken onboard during an abduction during which I was awake and aware ,and was discovered to be such.

I have also been in smaller craft,much small,like the size--not shape--of a little prop plane.Transit to the moon,with small greys different from the ones on the large craft,shorter,and different.

There are bases on the moon,and Mars.

I was taught that the answer resides in the question,because without the answer the question can never be concieved.

All the questions you hear people asking are REALLY THE ANSWERS IN A LOT OF CASES.

Are there bases on the moon?--yes

Are there bases on mars--yes

Are there little grey HUMANS--yes

Are there humans not originating on earth that look like us--yes

Are humans telepathic--yes

Are flying saucers real--yes

Are people abducted for purposes of biological theft---yes

Is that theft justifiable--no

Do we know how and why we are implanted--yes

Do we know why bovines are found mutilated near abduction sites?---yes

Do we understand how to build these craft and have we done it--david hamil---yes!!!

Is there a pending natural disaster that is a cyclical part of the earths biology--yes

Will we be helped--yes

Will we all be helped--yes--disclosure

Have those who will be helped been designated already--yes--some

Can these people change--yes-you can die any time

Are some abductees given messages for humanity--YES

Was I given any messages for humanity--NO!

Has a lot of time and effort been put into a very few humans in certain geographical areas?--yes

Put it this way ,more of the crazy things people discuss on here are true than are not.

I wasnt supposed to retain my memories of my abduction,their error.I had an advocate.

All my questions were answered openly and fully,my free will was respected in every way EXCEPT ANYTHING CONCERNING THE SAFETY AND INTEGRITY OF THE SHIP I WAS ON.

Was I in danger,no,could I have been--YES-it was a military ship that followed military protocal.

The smaller craft and abduction dynamic were much much different.

Coincidently ,money can buy you a measure of safety,buy high ground,very high ground,then invest a couple of million in a group from one of these sites to maintain your shelter for you,you will need them more than the shelter in the near future.

There is no Knight in shining armor riding to humanities rescue either,we are expected to take our place as a resource center and provide whatever is needed,that simple.It will always be better to be living independantly off the grid,we all will have to contribute,but we can choose from where we do that.

[edit on 17-6-2010 by one4all]

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 06:21 PM

Originally posted by one4all
I was taught that the answer resides in the question,because without the answer the question can never be concieved.

In that case, what is the value of the final digit of pi?

(hint - there are many classes of questions for which no answer is possible)

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