posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 12:01 AM
What if I were driving the speed of light and turned on my headlights? What if I honk my horn while passing the sound barrier?
I've never been much for "what if" games. They are great tools when actually thinking about stuff that can be tested or reasonably concluded
through math and science, but in this internet age "what if" games like this usually only attract and further breed ignorance.
Why is no on addressing the fact that this "what if" scenario your discussing would take THOUSANDS of people to pull off, most of them would be in
the private sector where the best minds work (for stuff like this the government employs the private sector for many, many reasons...just think about
that and the answers will come to you, trust me). Out of the thousands and thousands of people that have to "keep quiet" about something like this,
you would imagine that we would have CONCRETE proof of such a program by now. But all we have is stories and people posting their imaginations and
desires to believe on the internet. I wonder why?
I do some work on aerospace/military projects, some of which are classified (yeah sounds fancy, but I assure you it is very boring, lol). I have a
good understanding how the system works at various levels and cant imagine how they can keep anything this important a secret. They have NOT been able
to keep anything even half as big a secret in the past. I remember having a "secret" stealth plane authenticated from several sources in the late
70's and early 80's because I spoke with a couple of vendors about some advanced components and they wanted to brag...and that was only two vendors.
The potential for leaks is UNCONTROLLABLE. You don't hear much about most "secret" stuff because it is, in reality, boring. The media doesn't care
and your average person doesn't give a hoot...thus no incentive for the glory hounds in a large population of affiliated workers to come forward. But
here we are talking about something WAY bigger than anything, something that will change humanity's outlook on the the universe forever. Think
several thousand people could sit on that?
No way, not a chance. I know you will disagree and come up with many reasons why not, most born of ignorance and too much conspiracy internet surfing,
but there is not way this would remain such a secret is is relegated to the backwaters of the internet to be discussed by a very small number of
people that are considered wackos by the mainstream. No way. no how.