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Barack Hussein Obama - First Ever!

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posted on May, 28 2010 @ 07:08 PM
[edit on 28-5-2010 by FearNoEvil]

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 07:17 PM
you know what , im sure obama didnt set the whole thing up .... he wasnt like "screw the american flag" or anything it was just simply forgotten and u know every freaking american has forgotten their roots anyways . u think bleach blond barbie in hollywood even know what A flag repesents

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 07:35 PM
reply to post by WWJFKD

As proven, the claim of this being the first time ever was false and you were obviously lying in making this claim. In any case I think it is pathetic that on in the worst oil disaster to face this country you need to focus on whether there was a flag behind the president or not. What the hell is wrong with you? Its no wonder Bush got elected, because we have people who give more credibility to whether somebody waves the american flag around 24/7.

And thank you for highlighting Obama's middle name. You know what your intentions were in doing so, his middle name is arabic, thats your personal prejudice against the man. You are an example as to how this nations gives support to such policies as the Patriot act, or the Iraq war, or the vietnam war.

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 07:36 PM
Hey guys, not having a flag there won't change anything. However, the citizens of the USA are looking for a leader in these challenging American leader. For someone that ran a great campaign and was as politically savy as Obama was, he has really blown his presidency politically.

We have the Gulf oile spill, millions will be impacted. We have N.Korea raising hell and possible war. We are already involved in 2 Mid east conflicts and could be in another anytime. The economy is shot. Yes, we need an American Leader...someone that inspires. Obama ain't doin' it.

Even if he could not plug one bolt into that broken well, he should be down there with a command post, rushing in the Army Corps of Engineers, cutting red tape and freight training aide to those folks whose lifestyles are shattered. he should have all kinds of enviromentalists and groups and volunteers down there trying to literally turn the tide...if he can't do something, at least give the impression that he is large and in-charge. On vacation, why not be an example to the USA and world and vacation at some of those beaches which are open but badly impacted never the less.

In other a damn LEADER. and fly the US is Memorial Day matter your politics...people died so you could disagree.

He tries hard to follow after Lincoln and FDR...the flew flags...boldly so, they inspired, they rolled up their sleves and got dirty.... or at least looked like it. Be a leader Mr.Obama...please, just be a true leader.

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 07:41 PM
well he still has the Presidential shield, so I'm guessing he gets to do pretty much what he wants.
I bet if you looked at every press conference in history, and every showing of a president, and somewhere, one of them had to have done the same...

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 07:42 PM

Originally posted by stars15k
Hey, I'm already steamed he's not paying tribute at Arlington on Memorial Day, especially when we are actively engaged and have soldiers getting killed.
I was appalled. It's what the holiday is for, to honor those who died for the country. As the Commander in Chief, he should make the time. I mean, he's the President, & if he tried, he could have found the time and way if it really mattered to him.

Where is the outrage? Yes there are millions of Americans outraged but

where are their voices and the news media voices about our

Commander and Chief not honoring our soldiers at Arlington on

Memorial Day that have been killed in Wars through out our history of

This United States Of America? ^Y^

[edit on 28-5-2010 by amari]

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 07:45 PM
15 pages on a completely unimportant "issue" and liberal hate. And people wonder why this country is going down the crapper. First it was funny when the retarded segment of the right would blame everything they didn't like on "DEM LIBERALZZZZ!!!" or the "LIBERALZZZ MEDIA!!!" or saying retarded things like "DEM MODZZZ ARE LIBERALSSS MAXISTSSS" ...then it was sad... it's funny again. I like how people are so quick to label people on this site as "Liberals" or "Communists" when they can't even define the words or knows what they means.

And the comedy continues.

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 07:50 PM
Greetings all,

As you can probably tell, I do not post on ATS with any regularity although I log on almost daily to read the new threads and such; however, after coming across and reading this thread, I felt the need to put in my own two cents.
An American President stood up during a press conference regarding Memorial Day and Old Glory was decidedly absent for all intents and purposes. Granted, he may have had a lapel in the shape of the flag upon his left breast; however, that does not constitute a justification. A lapel is NOT a flag the same way a picture of a pipe is NOT a pipe. The flag was amiss in a press-conference mere days before a major U.S. Holiday. That's just wrong.
Some of you have said that "it is only a piece of cloth and that is a ridiculous issue to be upset about. It doesn't matter." In a sense, those of you who support this idea are correct. There are far, far more important things to be upset about. The disaster in the Gulf is just one example that comes to mind, but having President Barack Obama stand before the nation during the time of year where we HONOR our dead without an American Flag present is, at the very least, a blatant and injurious grievance against those that have laid down their lives for THAT flag. Whether or not you agree with war (I sure as hell don't especially in this day and age), you can at least respect another person's decision to dedicate and lay down their life for what they believe in. In this case, they fought and died for an ideal. An ideal that the American Flag represents. It may just be a piece of cloth. It may not be important in and of itself, but the ideal it represents is the reason you sit here in this country in the first place moderately "free". Even if our dear President had a momentary lapse in cognitive abilities and FORGOT the flag doesn't excuse this.
Personally, I do not get involved in politics. I do not vote. I do not voice my opinion often and I do not whine about the way America is. I live my life, but I do get involved in issues of respect and honor. That, at least, is something I understand. I was brought up to Honor the dead, even if they died for asinine reasons, even if they died for a lie. Regardless of whether they were right or wrong, they believed in something so fully that they were willing to fight and die for it. Do any of you believe something that strongly? I cannot know for sure, but I have my doubts.
America has a LOT wrong with it. That is plain to see. We, the People, may not be able to do alot about that and it honestly isn't surprising that President Obama did this. Just look at his current track record. He may be screwing alot of stuff up, but he could at least have the decency to show some respect while he's doing it. I've said my piece. Now, before someone comes along and tries to reply to me about how I'm just another Obama hater and that he's just sooooo picked on *sob*; know this, I don't give a flying apricot. This isn't about his "Presidenting" skills and he may not have been the first President to do this, but THAT DOES NOT MAKE IT OK. This is about the American Ideal and his disregard for it. While reality may not and may never measure up to that Ideal, we can at least HONOR what could and should have been and the people who (at least some of them) fought and died in an attempt to make that idea real.

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 07:54 PM
reply to post by WWJFKD

Just another Neocon thread ragging on Obama. Didn't you get enough of this petty stuff about flag pins, birth certificates, racism, hands over hearts, sticking to guns & religion, his preacher, secret Muslim, etc.
What's the deal because he's a Democrate? Or is there a deep seated problem that's obvious?

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 07:55 PM
reply to post by WWJFKD

Ok not a big Obama fan right now but im calling fowl. First this was a receptions on the state floor for Asian Americans.So the reason there are no flags is simple the president normally wouldnt have a speech in this area for invited guests. But as we know he doesnt pass up a chance to get in front of a camera. Ok so i could only take so much defending him.

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 07:56 PM
I'm sorry I have to agree the lack of a flag is important. Everyone who wants to just call it a prop, or decoration, or goofy ceremony thing heres an idea for you. Why does the president live in the Whitehouse? I'm sure it's just some ceremony/ ancient tradition of little importance right. Or why does Air Force One only become Air Force One when the president is on board? Again silly tradition right? Nope you see little things all add up to one, like previous posters have stated the American flag represents freedom and all the values we hold dear to our hearts. It also represents our fallen soldiers and our wounded hero's. To some people it's the little things that count, when you start losing focus of the little things you start losing the unity that binds us all together. I'm not saying to lose sleep over it but it is something of importance to alot of people esp so close to a holiday. Can anyone even remember the pledge anymore? I suppose thats the next important thing to slip from our minds.

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 08:01 PM
He doesn't need to have a flag behind him, he carries one above his heart...well actually a little to his left of his heart.

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 08:03 PM
reply to post by AlreadyGone

That's it in a nutshell. Inspire us Mr. President. We are beaten and down trodden and we need a real leader. We need you right now to be our leader. You are our man right now. Fill those shoes. A lot of us who care are weary and wary - belay our fears. Remind us of our potential and our enduring spirit, don't give us reason to doubt your motives. the details matter Sir.

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 08:08 PM
reply to post by dragonridr

Good call, way to research what no one else would bother to notice. Petty crap that just follows him when the worst atrocities were commited by his predicessor. Dis you guys like his tie? Did he mention your favorite subjects? I'm sick of the "I'm more Patriotic than you" C*ck$&ck3%s here. Research Cheney & find what unamerican things he's doing while this President gets on with cleaning up after the last 8 years!

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 08:10 PM
I thought that the great people on ATS would seriously analyze something before making such a harsh accusation against our new pop-star president. We are here to deny ignorance, not bath in it!! If you look closely enough there IS an American flag. It's on his lapel! Come on everyone, he was planning for a full tele-conference close up. If anyone should be held accountable it should be the camera man for pulling back from that beautiful shining face (not meant racially, just making fun of the fact that he's such a star, so please don't go there). So, wonderful friends of ATS, remember to always listen and LOOK closely before attacking such a thoughtful man who obviously thinks of his suit jacket, I mean, American heroes first..

Edit for punctuation. Damn ocd!

[edit on 5/28/2010 by FoJAk]

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 08:15 PM
A #ing oil company is literally blowing holes through our earth which will destroy our oceans and conceivably killing a lot of people.

We have two illegal pointless foreign wars that have only served to kill thousands of innocent people, destroy our economy, and subvert the very fabric of our identity for our "protection"

We have a horrible domestic war that has destroyed the lives of millions while empowering the government to break into your home and take all your possessions and assets with little justification.

We just witnesses the greatest economic heist of all time where the banking segment of this country just ripped off billions of dollars from the American people without a single arrest or negative reaction from the government or the people.


Let's focus that there wasn't a #ing flag in a press conference.

You people are the reason this country will end.

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 08:16 PM
reply to post by FoJAk

And just for the record, I am not a neo-con. I claim no affiliation to any party, religion or gang. I am just a human. Just putting that out there before I'm labeled a republican for making a joke. Thank you, and now let the fun continue.

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 08:19 PM
reply to post by PatesHatriots

Hahaha. I love the way you think.
Just simply......I was going to go for something witty, but I think, "Yes you can!" works just fine. Star for you buddy.

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 08:22 PM
reply to post by FoJAk

Hey man, much love. My post wasn't directed at you but thanks for the positivitiy.

My post was directed at any retard who's taking this "issue" seriously.

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 08:26 PM

Originally posted by PatesHatriots
A #ing oil company is literally blowing holes through our earth which will destroy our oceans and conceivably killing a lot of people.

We have two illegal pointless foreign wars that have only served to kill thousands of innocent people, destroy our economy, and subvert the very fabric of our identity for our "protection"

We have a horrible domestic war that has destroyed the lives of millions while empowering the government to break into your home and take all your possessions and assets with little justification.

We just witnesses the greatest economic heist of all time where the banking segment of this country just ripped off billions of dollars from the American people without a single arrest or negative reaction from the government or the people.


Let's focus that there wasn't a #ing flag in a press conference.

You people are the reason this country will end.

Thanks for putting the future of the country on the shoulders of us ats people. So if by posting something on this board or responding to something on here the country will cease to be? Hmmm... someting tells me your wrong. Please we like facts here show us the facts that this country is going to end.

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