posted on May, 28 2010 @ 07:50 PM
Greetings all,
As you can probably tell, I do not post on ATS with any regularity although I log on almost daily to read the new threads and such; however,
after coming across and reading this thread, I felt the need to put in my own two cents.
An American President stood up during a press conference regarding Memorial Day and Old Glory was decidedly absent for all intents and purposes.
Granted, he may have had a lapel in the shape of the flag upon his left breast; however, that does not constitute a justification. A lapel is NOT a
flag the same way a picture of a pipe is NOT a pipe. The flag was amiss in a press-conference mere days before a major U.S. Holiday. That's just
Some of you have said that "it is only a piece of cloth and that is a ridiculous issue to be upset about. It doesn't matter." In a sense, those
of you who support this idea are correct. There are far, far more important things to be upset about. The disaster in the Gulf is just one example
that comes to mind, but having President Barack Obama stand before the nation during the time of year where we HONOR our dead without an American Flag
present is, at the very least, a blatant and injurious grievance against those that have laid down their lives for THAT flag. Whether or not you agree
with war (I sure as hell don't especially in this day and age), you can at least respect another person's decision to dedicate and lay down their
life for what they believe in. In this case, they fought and died for an ideal. An ideal that the American Flag represents. It may just be a piece of
cloth. It may not be important in and of itself, but the ideal it represents is the reason you sit here in this country in the first place moderately
"free". Even if our dear President had a momentary lapse in cognitive abilities and FORGOT the flag doesn't excuse this.
Personally, I do not get involved in politics. I do not vote. I do not voice my opinion often and I do not whine about the way America is. I live
my life, but I do get involved in issues of respect and honor. That, at least, is something I understand. I was brought up to Honor the dead, even if
they died for asinine reasons, even if they died for a lie. Regardless of whether they were right or wrong, they believed in something so fully that
they were willing to fight and die for it. Do any of you believe something that strongly? I cannot know for sure, but I have my doubts.
America has a LOT wrong with it. That is plain to see. We, the People, may not be able to do alot about that and it honestly isn't surprising that
President Obama did this. Just look at his current track record. He may be screwing alot of stuff up, but he could at least have the decency to show
some respect while he's doing it. I've said my piece. Now, before someone comes along and tries to reply to me about how I'm just another Obama
hater and that he's just sooooo picked on *sob*; know this, I don't give a flying apricot. This isn't about his "Presidenting" skills and he may
not have been the first President to do this, but THAT DOES NOT MAKE IT OK. This is about the American Ideal and his disregard for it. While reality
may not and may never measure up to that Ideal, we can at least HONOR what could and should have been and the people who (at least some of them)
fought and died in an attempt to make that idea real.