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We are free!! They are leaving us!

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posted on May, 26 2010 @ 11:19 PM
Beatnicks abound, I sound the alarm. Here today not tomorrow. Click click click

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 11:25 PM
your words are like music on the soul. you have said what many are thinking i use to think this was prison planet terra. but now i have hope. not from religion not from science not from govt. the freedom you seek is found. look within, and if you don't like what you see, look deeper within yourself. only you can free your mind. we are but children and the universe is our playground. this is how it was suppose to be. and i believe it will be this way again. have faith not in a corrupt system of control caused by leaders that lie to maintain the control. you only need to have faith in yourself. believe and it will be...........


posted on May, 26 2010 @ 11:28 PM
reply to post by DrJay1975

Hello there. I come in peace
I was reading your post, and thinking all the while. What some consider "nothing" others consider "everything". Yeh, it seems that it would be difficult to give up my computer, cell phone, washing machine, chocolate bars, drive throughs, car, etc etc etc - the list goes on, and on, and on, etc. Everyone thinks differently, to different degrees. Some of us have had much, with regard to material things, some have not. Now don't go thinking I'm crazy for what I'm about to say next. I fantasize about just being able to live free; in a world such as this, but with nothing to fear - where people didn't murder or rob; where people and animals (in the wild) had no need to fear (or eat) each other; where I could just live from day to day, exploring the planet - wandering forests in the night - feeling the cool breezes; swimming in the lakes; sleeping in a pile of leaves beneath a tree - just being free to come and go as I please. In this ideal (for me) world, nature would be unadulturated and all that I need would be at my disposal (and for all). I believe at some point, this will happen.

::preparing self to dodge all verbal attacks::

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 11:31 PM

Originally posted by misfitofscience
reply to post by Visitor2012

Is what you speak of part of the GFOL?

Hmm - rather interesting that you ask that. I can't spot anywhere the OP mentioned anything eluding to ET's

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 11:32 PM
Greetings Nano-Earthlings... And I mean that in a loving way.

WOW Man I feel you... so what if they can't stop the Volcano of Oil sin and the great Abyss of the bottomless pit is open, and out comes Godzilla and says to you I feel you too but I'm hungry and I'm also Satan('
')... who said you where getting out of hell on Earth silly one... some one owes me a debt of sin and the bills have piled up because there are others like you that thought the same thing and tried to escape, I think I want you to work off their debts, double time... for that I will let them free... What, being a savior is beneath you, I pull the chains around here slave... but God damn they sneaked you in some good smoke... pass it over here and get back in your cage... NOW.

May peace be with us all... the greatest treasure in the universe

Mr X ('

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 11:33 PM

This task as you know has been in plan for eons and now that the end/beginning is finally occurring there is so much excitement aboard our ships. We have planned a fly over that will astound. It will be of much greater magnitude than your world has yet seen. And yes we are picking up on your thoughts at this moment … There is no date to be given.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 11:34 PM
reply to post by Visitor2012

That is so strange, I just started realizing this this year, it is kind of like I am being pulled to that existence without even trying. The transition was, and is, scary as hell. I try to go back to the previous existence, but it makes me too nauseous. Let me make a new thread here.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 11:37 PM
When we ask ourselves, "what is the meaning of life", what is often the answer if any?
I don't find comfort in asking that question expecting to fool myself into another days pay, another hopeless endeavor, or an empty-headed social event. Life is nothing you or I can begin to explain. We've NEVER experienced life the way it can and might be experienced.

You can disagree, but I hold one simple fact over your head that you cannot argue; you and I were born into lives of servitude. Of course there are exceptions to this rule, however if one should apply to you, without a doubt you are not living the meaningful life.

If I were to attempt to categorize what life really is, I would put it as simply as this, " it is the opposite of EVERYTHING embodied by the lives we are living". Take away our money, our status, our greed, our gluttony, our sins, our goods and our bads, take it all away and see how subtly we all stand the same.

I have a very promising feeling (as do a lot of lemmings here on ATS) that rather it be a specific date or not, the time of recognition is behind us. Those who could and did see the impeding change are prepared and able to go forth. Those to blinded by systematic-mind-control will struggle or will simply 'go'.

There are some of us whose minds can easily digest and divulge information that makes little sense upon initial observation. Then there are those of us whose minds have stretched beyond the means of objective and subjective understanding; we've embodied the place where intuition and spirit become our compass and truth.

This might not be life, this might not be real, this might not be your goal, this might not be your money, your things, your anything! This might simply be an orchestrated mirage meant to cause an affect. So it has... on so many in fact that they will stand united as one fool to disband the ideals and progressive thought of the people unveiling their monstrous machine of deceit. I say hamburger it, make sure you pay your cable bill on time!

It is not a matter of seeing it or hearing it anymore, it is a matter of knowing it! I don't need news, opinions, stocks, riots, weather or technology to remind me that time is precious and equally plenty for some. Everyday I feel it. Everyday I know the hand is moving closer to revelation of selflessness, and of an unimaginable new meaning for something that's been underrated.

Life's beautiful eyes will shine brightly... but only after the dark settles.
For those of who don't think so... well, no problem. I don't feel the need to justify my approach or counter argue my opinion. Because if you choose to argue, please, just refer to about 7 lines up... you see I don't give a hamburger!


posted on May, 26 2010 @ 11:41 PM
How in the bloody hell did this make front page? That's it. I'm done with this site. F it.

2nd line

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 11:42 PM
I've been having similar revelations within the past few months, though in earnest it seems to be a culmination of events in my own life, though subsequently of history itself. Personally I have with-held blurting it from the top of the mountains, because it will not change the minds of those not ready to hear it. To truly be free doesn't mean lack of responsibility, it is simply self determination. It seems to me like reality is some type of matrix or dream of something beyond explanation, and it will not lay bear the greater foundations of experience to those not spiritually ready. Selfishness and suffering must be abandoned before it allows itself to filter itself more fully into this reality.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 11:48 PM
It's very easy to do... Just start working a 12 step program and you will beopened to what life(real life) is all about

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 11:48 PM
All i can say is if you want to ascend beyond this world you have to release your burden. If you immediately knew the candlelight was flame then the meal was cooked a long time ago..

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 11:53 PM
reply to post by GorehoundLarry

Nice approach.

"I'm quitting, F this!

2nd line"

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 11:55 PM

Originally posted by Visitor2012

Originally posted by Golithion
All I can say is you seem to be in a lot of pain, a lot of suffering. Hopefully you find what you are looking for. I know you feel in bondage right now, but one love to yah anyways.

Much pain. To the point of killing myself on numerous occasions. If you haven't gotten their yet and the system of the world is acceptable to you and is still giving you a paycheck, sex and laughter..I will pray for you when you fall. When you can't afford a pot to piss in.
You will remember this...and you will come to your cross road to decide if you believe or not.

[edit on 26-5-2010 by Visitor2012]

HOLY #. I have been experiencing SO MUCH PAIN as well, starting in August. The pain feels like I have been dying. What does dying feel like? It feels like all of my attachments, all of my dualities, are being unravelled before my eyes. When I look at people I used to know, they seem completely different, absorbed in things that do not matter. At night time I often have experiences where I feel like I am being ripped out of my body and then have realistic visions. I made a thread about it. (My 3rd Density Transcendence Experience Pt 1)

The whole time, I have been hoping that this spiritual experience is preparing me for something to come in the fall. At my college, there were others around me experiencing the same thing, numbering between one and two dozen. Whatever is happening is, from my perspective, a very real phenomenon.

If things go down hardcore in the fall, which both astrology and Terrence McKenna's TimeWave Zero software seem to suggest, I will be ready. If, however, things continue as normal in the world and I continue down this very odd course in my head, I am afraid that I will be left homeless or on the streets. Don't think it hasn't crossed my mind.

[edit on 26-5-2010 by darkbake]

[edit on 27-5-2010 by darkbake]

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 11:59 PM

Originally posted by GorehoundLarry
How in the bloody hell did this make front page? That's it. I'm done with this site. F it.

2nd line

Whoa...This is sort of rash don't you think? Is this a joke or something? You are typing letters on a page. Nothing more. Don't take it so seriously. If you are joking.... well, you got me. Some people do get this nuts over the most ridiculous things like where something is on a page.

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 12:00 AM

Originally posted by GorehoundLarry
How in the bloody hell did this make front page? That's it. I'm done with this site. F it.

2nd line

There there, I gave you a star.

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 12:00 AM
reply to post by KILL_DOGG

sted on 26-5-2010 @ 12:59 PM single this post "quote"REPLY TO: Originally posted by Visitor2012

It's sad that you are telling yourself this. What's sad is that you believe any of what you talk about. Wise up and grab a beer and live a little. Get your head out of your butt and get some sun.

No, what's sad is is when a person believes "wising up" equates with drinking beer and "getting some sun." That's great, you go right ahead. Meanwhile, the rest of us will be working to figure out how to keep America intact. Don't forget your sunscreen, and thanks for your "words of wisdom." They will surely save us.

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 12:05 AM

Originally posted by jonnydavx
I totatly agree with your post and what you say, im only 20 years old and i feel like im at the point of screaming out at humanity, my soul is burning and to be honest i think i have had enough. What things would you recommend to become more at 'one', Thanks

The loving will rise and the evil will burn.

Peace x

Be positive, and begin to try and see yourself in everyone and everything. Know that every challenge you face is merely you testing yourself. From there, you will find that you are indeed an aspect of the conscious and intelligent One Infinity, the Infinite Creator.

To the OP: I am very pleased to see that you are beginning to remember who you truly are. Know that all this pain is a challenge to be overcome -- that is why you came here. You are here, because you chose to experience this slavery to overcome it, and to find yourself all over again. You are doing a great job, and I applaud you.
Be positive, you will be glad you did so. Overcome the overt and purposely perpetrated negativity in this world. This negativity and slavery is here for you to learn. That is why you came here -- that is why everyone came here. To defeat it within yourself is to ascend and evolve to a new place of learning. Remember, see yourself in everyone, and know all this is for Love.

Peace, One Love.

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 12:07 AM
reply to post by Visitor2012

Ahh! The lifestyle of an artist! To be able to love and be capable of creating things which inspire others is awesome. An artist is the most valuable member of society if you ask me. How gifted you are to have been blessed with simplifying your life and expanding your creative interests. Art is beyond materialism and can not be measured.

I know musicians, who would be happy just to be able to feed themselves while devoting their lives to their art. It's a good thing that you do not live in a part of the world, where you are told what to do; and, you still have the choice to be free.

Hope you are right about "them" leaving us. Do you think the aliens on Pandora in the movie "Avatar" were a post-industrial society?

IMHO. The paradox of enlightenment is that it separates you from others; however, it should also bring you closer. Be a light through your creativity and teach others. You don't have to tell them you are brilliant--show them. No one has to proselytize. If you do not want contention, then do not create it.

Hope I do not sound officious in my own way. I could talk for hours on this subject.

St Vincent De Paul left a pretty fancy gig to go and live with the poor. He was much happier doing things for his fellow man, than hangin with the nobility of the day.

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 12:07 AM
Star and flag for ya!
Truly i am right there with ya too!
I am medicated however, heavily medicated.
Whatever it takes to get the job done.

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