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We are free!! They are leaving us!

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posted on May, 26 2010 @ 03:51 PM

Originally posted by WickettheRabbit
reply to post by Visitor2012

You see. Our enlightened OP has claimed that anyone who doesn't believe the same way is "foolish" as compared to their "smarter" selves.


I left beliefs at the door. Let's get serious and stop talking as if this is so mysterious.

If you opened the door and saw the ocean. Would you then need belief to tell you it's there?

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 03:57 PM
reply to post by truthseeker1984

Nobody is perfect and I am human. I expected this thread to decline very quickly.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 04:02 PM

Originally posted by Visitor2012

Originally posted by WickettheRabbit
reply to post by Visitor2012

You see. Our enlightened OP has claimed that anyone who doesn't believe the same way is "foolish" as compared to their "smarter" selves.


I left beliefs at the door. Let's get serious and stop talking as if this is so mysterious.

If you opened the door and saw the ocean. Would you then need belief to tell you it's there?

He does have a point though Visitor2012:

The same pitfall that I spoke to UE about, is the very same one that you are falling into now. I have no doubt that you had a very personal and very spiritual experience, and I can understand your anger at the disrespect that those that have responded to this thread have shown you. However, this also does not excuse the act of claiming that you know better than the next person down the line, which is also a form of disrespect. Maybe you very well do know the answers, but by trying to "force" this "knowledge" into someone else's brain is the exact same reason why I tried to help moderate in the first place. Your point becomes more invalid as you fall into the same level of discussion as other posters to this thread. The dichotomy of believer and non-believer is intense in this thread, and will be subject to more of the same unless both sides agree to disagree. Nobody can disprove that you had this experience, no more than you can prove that your experience is valid. They are points of view, my friend, they are belief systems. With as many points of view as there are in this world, who is to say that only one is right? You have to tread very carefully as you expand upon your own personal knowledge, less you fall into the same traps and pitfalls that you claim humanity has fallen into.

I wish you well on your own journey.

Peace be with you.


posted on May, 26 2010 @ 04:03 PM
reply to post by Visitor2012

Oh stop. I get that "it's not a belief. IT DA TRUTH!" to you, but to us foolish unawakened sheep that work and live and love and die without being all sorts of special, it's just your belief.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by Visitor2012

Thank you so much for this post! I have been feeling the same way for what seems like ages now. I have tried to get people to see how we are enslaved and programmed to work for food,water, and shelter. Which is rightfully already ours (every humane on earth) only to have them bring up more nonsense about how the illegals should go back to their own country,... they do not own that country, nor does anyone own the one we/you reside in.

I know that is just the tip of the iceberg, but I am sure u understand what I am saying.

Now I do not have the visions, nor am I in contact with my higherself. I believe I was a little over a year ago,but have lost touch since and have had trouble reconnecting. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

It is just so nice to finaly hear that someone else actually sees the true world we are in now. Thank you once again, and I have added u as a friend. Please accept.

And to the people who are contorting your thread to try and bring you back down by saying that "you are obviously in a lot of pain and bondage" I feel for them because "obviously they could not see the wisdom in your words. I do not. Mean that in a negative way. So bash me if you will, but I will not be sucked in.

Thanks once again!! S&F

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 04:25 PM
reply to post by Visitor2012

If you opened the door and saw the ocean. Would you then need belief to tell you it's there?

Well, it depends. Do you live in a beach house? Is it logical for the ocean to be there?
What if you opened the door and saw the ocean, then, in a desire to share your wonder, called your family, friends and neighbours over? They don't see the ocean; instead, they see what they've always seen: traffic going over a bridge. You're the only one who sees the ocean. You reason that they can't see it because they are not awake, they're still trapped in the illusion that you escaped from by awakening. You run across the beach and climb on a jutting rock to dive into the ocean. They see you run into traffic and climb over the railing only to fall down onto the hard concrete below. You pass out and regain consciousness in hospital, in a full body cast. You've broken every bone in your body.
Whose perceptions were rooted in reality in this case? The guy who saw the ocean or the people who didn't?
PS: I'm only using a hypothetical situation based on your question. The 'you' I'm referring to is also hypothetical, not personal.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 04:52 PM
It is really an abusive day waking up and realizing the abuser is full of BS, and is just a cowardly controll freak....

Because that is really what is going on, from the very bottom, all the way to the very top.....

So every wife or husband that leaves an abuser is a first step, and then all the way up the line where we have "sovernty" and go take our own land and grow our own food and walk around in our pajamas all day without caring what anyone else thinks.

that is one of the biggest keys... still caring about people, but NOT caring what they think about you, or caring about their judgemnets or what they want from you...... harm none, yet be true to yourself.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 04:54 PM
Yes we are energetic beigns that have chosen or were chosen to be here on this planet at this time. I really would prefer to be the dog in peaceful times than a human now. My peace lies in the fact that this energy, my soul, is truly part of an exhistance that knows no death or disease and remains aware throughout the entire Universe(s).

Yes you are free. Yet you have responsibility else you wouldn't be here and now. It is for you to determine what this responsibility is. I'm guessing it isn't just to say I don't need money or things to survive.

Happy searchings.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by jeanvaljean

What if in your reality you are going for a nice swim and were never IN a body cast...... what if it is in someone elses paralelle universe of a reality???

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 05:00 PM
reply to post by keeff

YES! any coorporation is just really a group of bullies in a playgound (earth)...

So because some guys write stuff on a paper together they think that only THEY are aloud to drink from a certain river etc, and everyone else has to PAY them for water that was FREE yesterday!!! :O Think again...

I am not listening to any bully.... and if you pull them aside and tell them that in person, not with some court holding your hand, they have no choice but to admit it is the truth and they cannot prevent you from drinking form that stream...

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 05:04 PM
I am a slave to money, I hate it... I cant enjoy a day without worring about bills, food, clothes for my baby, my car payment. I have to take care of my family even if it means I cant go camping like I use to, or go to the beach all weekend long... Its sad actually, im so tired all the time when I do have spare time all I want to do is Sleep

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 06:35 PM
reply to post by Visitor2012


I hope that you reach your inner light and illumination!

Wish that I could say the same, but I think my Journey will be quite long since I have to much debt to make up for until I can get there - I'm trying though!

You're a better man fighting-the-flesh than I - you're beating the animal!

I'm happy for you!
γενηθήτω φώς - יְהִי אוֹר

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 06:43 PM
reply to post by truthseeker1984

I wrote this thread in the belief that I would cross paths with people on my similar path. I knew that most of you would take it upon yourself to feel "insulted". Water off a ducks back.

Regardless, the individuals have contacted me and I am off to the next part of my journey. I shall leave you all back to your dog fight of opinions and quests of condemnation.

Enjoy for there is plenty of flesh to eat!

[edit on 26-5-2010 by Visitor2012]

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 06:58 PM

Originally posted by Chevalerous
reply to post by Visitor2012


I hope that you reach your inner light and illumination!

Wish that I could say the same, but I think my Journey will be quite long since I have to much debt to make up for until I can get there - I'm trying though!

You're a better man fighting-the-flesh than I - you're beating the animal!

I'm happy for you!
γενηθήτω φώς - יְהִי אוֹר

You can't play both games at the same time. The debt prison is very difficult to get out of. I took action and decided to call the banks and tell them to take my cars, and my home. I canceled my health insurance and my life insurance. I've also declined good job offers because I refuse to work under the kindergarten structure of the corporate joke.

Meanwhile, my family and I are temporarily living in a small 2 bedroom, paid for by our creative talents. When you're doing what you love, the money comes on it's own, without personal turmoil and disconnection. Without the need to sacrifice personal peace and joy.

So I threw away all of my plan B's and material things in preparation to what I'm about to be called to do. This is not an American Dream this is real life on planet earth. While the employed sit in air conditioned cow stalls, with wages and rules. I'm out here on the ground walking my own path and getting paid to be myself!

I'm walking the walk. But you can't juggle both worlds and expect to find your destiny. And don't expect it to be lollipops and sunshine either. It takes integrity and discipline. Above all, it takes fearlessness. If you have fear, you better stay home and be good boys and girls. Keep your job and wait for what will never arrive. You've got to shed away the jacked up, debt buried, EGO-crusted individual that is on your identification card.

It's a revolt of sorts. Except there is no fighting, only clearer thinking.

[edit on 26-5-2010 by Visitor2012]

[edit on 26-5-2010 by Visitor2012]

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by Visitor2012

NO Sir. I mostly prefer veggies and You in your testimonial state that you are free and nobody gets it.. Mabe its because You are so Heavenly concious that You are no Earthly good.

As I said in my last post ...if indeed you are gifted to awaken, then you sir have a job to do. Unpaid yes. Disrespected yes. In cognito yes. Everlasting disregard and belief ..yes. Imaginary of course...that is how the spirit speaks . Escape the areas dieing first...if you can.

But even if you are not being paid you still have a job to do. All awakened do. Believe it or not I have said it.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 07:22 PM
What a shame One persons enlightenment is 20 peoples dis-hart-meant.

Let them live in that world, they are the only ones that will see it at the end.

This world and all it's rules and money and life stile is all a big fat lie.

It's there to keep us occupied on the things not the life as we know it to be.
It's hare to be awake it take strength and understanding that the world around you are only there to serve other people and the elite.

Welcome to the world of freedom see it for what it really is, they can take it all away from me, but they can't take away my freedom of knowing what the world is really like.

Yes 2012 is for the people that can see what the real world will look like, and for others it will keep being just the same as it is now. WAR and more of it.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 07:24 PM
reply to post by awakentired

You speak the truth. I am willing to physically die to pursue this vision. We are all going to physically die sooner or later.

Welcome to the battle every human being is facing today. The battle to live and be free.

Nobody is forcing me to be free, but everyone has tried to encourage me to be a slave since the first day they took me to school.

Pride clashes against truth and looses every battle.

[edit on 26-5-2010 by Visitor2012]

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 07:33 PM
to call yourself free you must have a shemas in mind as the reference justification in truth

two perpendical axes

the abyss horizontal axe is the reference of objective always perspective
positive sense moves always realisations and absolute realities

the ascension vertical axe is the reference of subjective always perceiver freedom
present same always statically infinite ascensions subjective freedom alone

now truth is the sense of living freedom then of all what is outside void and inn

so it is the fusion of those two axes for one objective truth life source

the static same move absolutely and subjectively free always source of it, that relation between perspective and perceiver as one absolute whole alone for each thing and each aware existence is the truth life sense

so the point is some conclusions out of this

positive should never mean freedom and freedom cannot mean positive

which mean, you cannot claim being positive right in telling anyone else anything

and you cannot claim existing by creating anything in stating being a source of objective reality

the fact of existence is justified in truth exclusively from what freedom is the positive move, so the positive is the existing itself
and the free source is the positive self living

that is the bases condition for free communications life rights, that would necessarly implicate considerations to any other as a whole one too living free move always facts present objectively as else from same truth

so the roots of all truth would be fact existence living,
from ever void life is freedom through sameness
as the reference of all certainties result

you see another, before in void life, you as a point watever you would recognize the same whatever and get back to freedom nothing

now it became different, you see another you would recognize objective same reality of same while staying there free and communicating if you want to through that same objective life realities

so the free became a living static source of its own self reality life

in that way you cannot talk to another unless you would to mean same reality, consideration to himself as positive living
when you dont see the same there wont be common reality directly so you would deal with it from what you mean others realities with you that he would be related to also

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 07:36 PM

Originally posted by awakentired
Yes we are energetic beigns that have chosen or were chosen to be here on this planet at this time. I really would prefer to be the dog in peaceful times than a human now. My peace lies in the fact that this energy, my soul, is truly part of an exhistance that knows no death or disease and remains aware throughout the entire Universe(s).

Yes you are free. Yet you have responsibility else you wouldn't be here and now. It is for you to determine what this responsibility is. I'm guessing it isn't just to say I don't need money or things to survive.

Happy searchings.

But it is a start and a beginning of a life's purpose. My true purpose is for me to know alone. I shall keep that in my heart where it is needed.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 07:38 PM
reply to post by jsettica

It's always heartbreaking to see how people willingly support their own enslavement. I don't know if it's because they are afraid to start anew, or they are afraid of falling off the wagon. It's fear either way. They have to take that step on their own in their own time.

I'm taking mine now.

In regards to 2012, if you meditate to a very high frequency, you can feel the time waves compress and shrink. Compress it enough, and you will detect and feel how close they are to collapsing and inverting into negative space. It is real.
But it will be unnoticeable to anyone who is mechanically living day to day.

[edit on 26-5-2010 by Visitor2012]

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