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CBS Propaganda Placement: Conspiracy Theorists Are Anti-American, Domestic Terrorists

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posted on May, 25 2010 @ 10:08 PM
I could never stand shows like Law and Order and CSI precisely because they reinforce an unquestioning acceptance of law enforcement and the ideals of the Criminal Justice system by glamorizing the main characters and using visual cues to denigrate the rest of society.

And many people watch them...and don't question what they watch.

But the reality is that there are many instances where our very human system needs to be questioned.

And now we have such a show calling us anti-American?

Clever bastages...using one of the highest rated television shows, either intentionally or unintentionally, it is inaccurate.

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 10:11 PM

Originally posted by TarzanBeta
The universe is not conscious because we are... But it cannot be the other way around because we are made up OF it - it is not made [up] OF us.

This is just semantic folderol... Going back to the analogy of the fingertip, if a fingertip is alive and its Life seems inextricably dependent on the rest of the body, then it is not unreasonable to assume that its Life originates with the body and that the body is most probably alive, as well.

The fingertip, therefore, is an acceptable barometer of the probability of Life else where in the body.

Just so, our human consciousness, our awareness, and our intelligence are acceptable barometers of the probability of consciousness, awareness and intelligence elsewhere in Nature. Because we are conscious, it's not unreasonable to conclude that consciousness can and does exist outside of us.

The entire Universe may, indeed, be conscious, aware and intelligent.

If you doubt it, look around at the millions of species that have inhabited this planet alone — several distinctly non-human species have achieved approximately the same degree of consciousness, awareness and intelligence as Homo sapiens. But for a twist of fate and territorial conflict, Neanderthal or any of the other non-human intelligences could be sharing the planet with us to this day.

If you can't accept that as proof that human-like consciousness is recurring in Nature — that it may even be common in the Universe — then I suggest you've set your standards unreasonably high.

— Doc Velocity

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 10:35 PM

Originally posted by MemoryShock
I could never stand shows like Law and Order and CSI precisely because they reinforce an unquestioning acceptance of law enforcement and the ideals of the Criminal Justice system by glamorizing the main characters and using visual cues to denigrate the rest of society.

I agree. But it goes back a lot farther than Law & Order and CSI. We can go back and examine the full duration of the 20th Century and cite many examples of police state propaganda that passes for entertainment, from the cops & robbers films and radio serials of the 1930s and 1940s to the deluge of police-oriented TV programming of the 50s, 60s, 70s and so on, right up to the present.

Interestingly, before we became so fixated on by-the-book law enforcement as the savior of society, we were more fixated on individual intelligence — the Sherlock Holmes stories, for example, entertained us with the marvel of deductive reasoning at the expense of making Scotland Yard look like a bunch of dimwitted boobs. Which they were.

Similarly, the earliest films of the 20th Century often portrayed the police as comical numbskulls, easily outwitted and always left scratching their heads.

However, when the Federal Government went into the crime-busting business in earnest (in the 1930s), our entertainment took a seriously propagandized turn in favor of the police.

And we're still suffering under the weight of police state propaganda today.

— Doc Velocity

[edit on 5/25/2010 by Doc Velocity]

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 10:48 PM

Originally posted by TarzanBeta
reply to post by ALLis0NE

I have never been to infowars. I've never advocated infowars and I am not offended by it.

Ok, then why are you defending infowars?

Originally posted by TarzanBeta
Rocks are made up of the very same energy that existed at the beginning at the universe. Trees are. Water is.

Are these things perceivably conscious?

You keep going off topic. I will not reply to this question fully here because it is not something you can understand in one post, and it is off topic.

Originally posted by TarzanBeta
The universe is not conscious because we are.

We are the universe. Do you deny that? I hope not.

If we are the universe, than the universe is conscious.

You are fighting a losing battle.

What you are saying is, "You (as a whole) are NOT conscious just because only your brain (a part of you) is, and not all of you." That is illogical... you as a WHOLE are conscious, not just your brain.

Since your brain (a part of you) is conscious, you (as a whole) are conscious.

Since living entities (a part of the universe) are conscious, the universe (as a whole) is conscious.

And there is much more to it than that, it is a much deeper understanding than you think... I don't have to use living things to prove the universe is a giant brain and conscious. This is because the same energy, and the same actions and reactions that make your brain conscious, are found all over the universe. The universe is EXACTLY like a giant physical brain in every way. Every object, every rock, tree, all matter, etc., combines together to make a large collection of energy like a brain.

Example; The pineal gland is a part of your brain. By itself, it doesn't do much, and it is not conscious. Only when the pineal gland is combined with other parts of the brain does it work as a whole, and can be considered conscious.

A rock, water, inanimate objects, etc., are like the pineal gland. They all have a function, or reason, and they function well as a whole, but by themselves they don't appear to do much.

You could argue that the pineal gland is not conscious, just like you can argue a rock is not conscious. However, you could also argue that the pineal gland is responsible for a certain part of ones consciousness, just like you can argue that rocks, water, inanimate objects, etc. is responsible for a certain part of the universe's consciousness.

The brain as a WHOLE, including the pineal gland, is considered to be conscious.

The universe as a WHOLE, including the rocks, water, trees, matter, etc., can also be considered to be conscious. All of it has a reason for existing, and all of it helps support consciousness.

Originally posted by TarzanBeta
However, if it was possible or true that the universe is conscious, then yes we would be BECAUSE it is.

But it cannot be the other way around because we are made up OF it - it is not made uf OF us.

It is not made of us?? The universe IS us. It IS made of us, and we are made of it. We ARE IT.

We ARE the universe, we ARE conscious, this means the universe IS conscious.

Originally posted by TarzanBeta
If you can't handle having your personality attacked, then try not to do it to others who are not trying to attack your personality.

I never said anyone was attacking my personality.

All I see are lame attacks on a logical quote using illogical analogies.

Now, back on topic.


posted on May, 28 2010 @ 01:41 AM

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 02:02 AM
i guess the paradox is that , that is what many "conspiracy" theorists say about the other side of the argument , that they are Anti-American(un constitutional) and that they are Domestic Terrorist (9.11 etc etc) ,

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