reply to post by Stewie
A concerted and organized spraying campaign...I HAVE WITNESSED.
You make it sound like some sort of actually
is to some people ("chemtrails")...
....because they can only 'believe' in it by suspending all reason and rationality.
Anyway....I can respect that you
think you have 'witnessed' these things, but, once more, it is nothing other than seeing normal
occurences and taking them to be something else.
Let's consider, for a moment, the SIZE fo the sky, in a complete 'horizon-to-horizon' view.
Can anyone take a guess, or estimate, at how FAR you are seeing, in that scenario? Using only naked eye, of course....
THEN, contemplate just exactly HOW one would be able to spot an airplane the size of a commercial jetliner from way, way over at one end of your
'view', and then follow it (with your naked eyes, again) ALL the way across to the other horizon.
I can barely see a jetliner when it's almost directly overhead, at 5-7 miles --- 26,000 to 37,000 feet, or more --- UNLESS it's
making a contrail, to find it easier. OR, it glints in the sunlight just right...)
OK, whilst thinking on that task, then keep in mind the cruise speeds at altitude you can use an average of about 7 to 8 miles per minute
for a groundspeed.
Someone please show, here, that you can track a jetliner, at altitude, witht he naked eye, for the many miles and minutes involved, as suggested by
A little common sense, reason and a load of actual experience in aviation gives me a persective that many others might lack, due to different paths in
BUT, it is rapidly almost seemingly pointless, in this convey via typed words. The only way, for some people, to comprehend more fully
would have to be a one-on-one interaction, looking at the SAME events at the same time. Then the proper interpretation and explanations could be
offered, and better understood.