This is CLEARLY a HOAX. I can't believe the OP even tried to fool people with this horrible image.
If you all can't already tell, the object is NOT "in" the picture/environment, it is "on top of" the image.
There is no depth.. I know
some of you can see that...
Also, that "blur" that the OP claims was "eating" the UFO.....
.... those are "Smudge" marks! You can see they are common mouse strokes
with the "Smudge" tool available in Photoshop. You can see he clicked on a section of sky then "smudged" it from the center out.
The second image he provides, that is more blurry, is actually another
"attempt" entirely. You can see the "smudge" marks have changed. The object changed too.. it's shape. But only around the edges...
It appears to me that he was having trouble blending the object into the picture. He also used a "blur" tool on top of the "smudge" tool.
It seems he wanted to use a blurry background picture to make it easier to blend the object in the picture with digital editing software.
Also, the difference between the first picture and second picture should be noted. The trees on the horizon move in relation to the closer trees on
the right. This means the camera position changed drastically forward or backwards, or the zoom changed. However, the object stays in the same exact
spot, almost the same exact size. This is sometimes known as "spatial inconsistency" when compositing images into a 3D environment. It is the number
one error of amateurs.
To me it is an obvious CGI composite attempt.
It also seems like he blatantly posted the object he composited into the image...
Look at the image on the right. The OP claims he cut it out from one of his images..
Do you see the dark edge on the right* side of the object? Where did that come from?
As a graphic artist, I know its difficult to get rid of those edges in order to blend an object into another image. It appears he just cut them out,
and used a "smudge" and "blur" tool to get rid of them.
The "blur" algorithms that take pixel matrices and blend their values together by pixel neighbor relationships are very obvious to spot on images.
You can see these algorithms at work in the images.. he definitely used a "blur" tool around the edge of the object.
Now, ADDING those dark edges to the object on the right would be a little more difficult. Unless you darkened the background, but not the object, and
then cut it out. Or...
.... it doesn't matter. It just means somewhere along the way he DID digitally edit these images. Those two objects he
posted above are different..
they are not from the same images we are seeing.
This means he is editing them... and he is hiding things from us (other images, truth). I can see this just from the images! Then when I started
reading his posts, and his backpedaling, and avoiding sending the raw images, and his phone type, it became obvious.
Combined with the fact the images have Photoshop tags in their EXIF data.
Horrible presentation, horrible photoshop job, horrible HOAX.
[edit on 25-5-2010 by ALLis0NE]
-fixed horrible typo-
[edit on 25-5-2010 by ALLis0NE]